Raw File
opam-version: "2.0"
name: "binsec"
synopsis: "Semantic analysis of binary executables"
version: "0.3"
description: "
BINSEC aims at developing an open-source platform filling the gap between formal
methods over executable code and binary-level security analyses currently used
in the security industry.

The project targets the following applicative domains:

    vulnerability analyses
    malware comprehension
    code protection
    binary-level verification

BINSEC is developed at CEA List in scientfic collaboration with Verimag and LORIA.

An overview of some BINSEC features can be found in our SSPREW'17 tutorial."
maintainer: "BINSEC <>"
authors: [
"Adel Djoudi"
"Benjamin Farinier"
"Frédéric Recoules"
"Josselin Feist"
"Lesly-Ann Daniel"
"Manh-Dung Nguyen"
"Mathilde Ollivier"
"Matthieu Lemerre"
"Olivier Nicole"
"Richard Bonichon"
"Robin David"
"Ta Thanh Dinh"
"Yaëlle Vinçont"
homepage: ""
license: "GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1"
doc: [""]
bug-reports: ""
tags: [
  "binary code analysis"
  "symbolic execution"
  "program verification"
  "formal specification"
  "automated theorem prover"
  "abstract interpretation"
  "dataflow analysis"

build: [
 ["autoconf"] {pinned}
  ["./configure" "--prefix" prefix]
  [make "-C" "src" "depend"]
  [make "-C" "src" "-j%{jobs}%"]

install: [
  [make "-C" "src" "install"]

depends: [
  "ocaml" { >= "4.04.2" & <= "4.07.1" }
  "ocamlfind" {build}
  "ocamlgraph" { >= "1.8.5" & < "1.9~" }

depexts: [
  [ "z3" "protobuf-compiler" ] { os-family = "debian" }
  [ "z3" "protobuf-compiler" ] { os-family = "fedora" }
  [ "z3" "protobuf" ] { os-family = "archlinux" }
  [ "z3" "protobuf" ] { os-family = "openbsd" }

messages: [
  "BINSEC uses external automatic solvers, like boolector, z3, cvc4, or yices
  for some functionalities. Only Z3 is listed in depexts.
  install the others through your package manager."
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