Raw File
Snowdrop Installer


To enable ease of installation of the snowdrop module into the standalone version of EAP.


It copies the necessary snowdrop and spring jars in their proper location within ${JBOSS_HOME}/modules.

It also creates a standalone-snowdrop.xml that registers the snowdrop extension and subsystem, removing the need for manual 
installation. It adds the following lines into `extensions` and `profile`:

        <extension module="org.jboss.snowdrop"/>
        <subsystem xmlns="urn:jboss:domain:snowdrop:1.0"/>


*NOTE: Make sure to pass in `-DJBOSS_HOME=/path/to/JBoss`.*

*NOTE: If you are installing a non released version, be sure to `mvn clean install` on the top level.*

*NOTE: If you are installing on Windows you may need to reverse the slashes.*

Install with defaults. By default Snowdrop version 3.1.2.Final and spring 4.1.4.RELEASE will be installed.

        mvn package -DJBOSS_HOME=/path/to/jboss_home


Install and set Spring and Snowdrop versions:

        mvn package -DJBOSS_HOME=/path/to/jboss_home -P${desired-spring-version} -Dversion.snowdrop=${desired-snowdrop-version}

There are four possible spring version profiles: **spring-2.5**, **spring-3**, **spring-3.1**, **spring-3.2**, **spring-4.0**, 
and **spring-4.1**(*the default*).
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