Raw File
\section{\module{grp} ---
         The group database}

\modulesynopsis{The group database (\function{getgrnam()} and friends).}

This module provides access to the \UNIX{} group database.
It is available on all \UNIX{} versions.

Group database entries are reported as 4-tuples containing the
following items from the group database (see \code{<grp.h>}), in order:

  \lineiii{0}{gr_name}{the name of the group}
  \lineiii{1}{gr_passwd}{the (encrypted) group password; often empty}
  \lineiii{2}{gr_gid}{the numerical group ID}
  \lineiii{3}{gr_mem}{all the group member's  user  names}

The gid is an integer, name and password are strings, and the member
list is a list of strings.
(Note that most users are not explicitly listed as members of the
group they are in according to the password database.)
\exception{KeyError} is raised if the entry asked for cannot be found.

It defines the following items:

Return the group database entry for the given numeric group ID.

Return the group database entry for the given group name.

Return a list of all available group entries, in arbitrary order.

  \seemodule{pwd}{An interface to the user database, similar to this.}
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