Raw File
= Release Procedures for Snowdrop
Joshua Wilson <>
v4.0.0, 2015-02-19
:page-layout: base
:description: This guide explains how to Release & Publish Snowdrop.
:keywords: Snowdrop, JBoss, Spring, Release, Publish
:imagesdir: ./images
:includedir: ./_includes
:toc: left
:toclevels: 5
:sectnumlevels: 5
:icons: font

// URLs

This book is a guide to Releasing & Publishing Snowdrop.



== Intro

The following steps walk you through releasing and publishing a build. When you have merged all the changes that want in 
this build move on to the next step. 

== Tag it.
. Change the pom version (i.e. `4.0.0.SNAPSHOT` -> `4.0.0.Final`).
. `git commit -am "Update version from 4.0.0-SNAPSHOT to 4.0.0.Final."`
. `git push upstream master`
. `git tag -a 4.0.0.Final -m "[maven-scm] copy for tag 4.0.0.Final"`
. `git push upstream --tags`

== Edit pom.xml and set the development version
. Change the pom version (i.e. `4.0.0.Final` -> `4.0.1-SNAPSHOT`).
. Commit and push
. `git checkout [tag i.e. 4.0.0.Final]` (once you done don’t forget to checkout master)

== Configure Maven settings.xml for Publishing to the JBoss Maven Repo.
NOTE: This step should only need to be done once.

. Perform the following steps descriped in the[Maven Getting Started] guide.
.. Configure Maven settings.xml to use the JBoss Repository 
.. Configure Maven settings.xml to deploy to the JBoss Repository
... You will need to request login rights from 
.. Configure Maven settings.xml to use Deprecated Artifacts

. Configure Signing for Publishing to the JBoss Maven Repo.
.. You must have GPG set up and your key registered, as described at
.. You must provide a property `gpg.passphrase` in your `settings.xml` in the `release` profile e.g.


.. You must have a JBoss Nexus account, configured with the server id in `settings.xml` with the id jboss-releases-repository e.g.


.. Add `org.sonatype.plugins` plugin group to your `settings.xml` so the nexus plugin can be available for publishing scripts.


. Add the following is in your `pom.xml`


. Create a public key to use and submit it for access.
..[Access Instructions for and]
..[Uploading files to and]
..[Setup RPM Build Environment and GPG Key]

== Release/Publish
. If you set up everything in the pom and settings.xml then all you need at this point is *‘mvn deploy’*.

== Closing the Staging Respository
. When you deploy/upload your release build, Nexus will automatically create a temporary staging repository for testing. 
After all the uploads are complete, you will need to log into[Nexus] using your credentials and *close the staging repository*. "Closing" the repository does not mean that the artifacts are 
promoted, it only means that no additional artifacts can be added.
. Click on the link *"Staging Repositories"* on the left side under the section called "Build Promotion". Next, *select 
the checkbox* next to the staging repository which contains your userid. Then click on the *"Close"* button at 
the top of the repository list.
. When the staging repository is closed, Nexus performs several steps to validate the release. If you receive a 
validation error when closing the repository, check that you have supplied all of the relevant information and content 
in your release.
. At this point, the contents of the *repository need to be verified*. Depending on the needs of your project, this can be 
a quick visual verification by browsing the repository, or a more formal testing process using the staging repository. 
If there is a problem with the release, simply click the repository check box in Nexus and then click the "Drop" button. 
.. Using Staging Repository
... The staging repository is a repository group in Nexus which contains the temporary staging repositories and all JBoss 
and thirdparty release repositories. The staging repository URL can be configured as a Maven repository via the `settings.xml`.
... Set up to use the Staging Repo: 
... Staging repos:

== Releasing the Staging Repository
. If the release has been verified successfully, *select the checkbox* for the repository and click the *"Release"* button. 
The artifacts will be moved to the releases repository, and the staging repository will be deleted. Please be patient 
as it may take several minutes for Nexus to move the artifacts from the staging repository to the release repository. 

NOTE: If you need to configure the repo to Publish to the Maven Repo, ask Pete Muir to email his contact at Maven central 
and ‘pull’ the jar from the jboss nexus.

== Deploy code to the website

. Prepare files for upload (this is after running `mvn clean package`).
.. Collect all the files in one directory for easier uploading. 
... Name that directory after the tag (i.e. `4.0.0.Final`). 
... Standalone libs = `snowdrop\build\target\`
... Deployer JBoss AS 7
.... Without Spring = `snowdrop\subsystem-as7\aggregator\target\`
.... With Spring = `snowdrop\subsystem-as7\aggregator\target\`
.. _NOTE: If you have previous versions posted make sure you use the same naming pattern or you will need to change more on the website._

. Upload the files to jboss
.. Use either `rsync` or `sftp`
... Go to the directory that has `4.0.0.Final` in it. 
... `rsync -rv --protocol=28 4.0.0.Final`
... enter your pass phrase
... *_OR_*
... `sftp`
... enter your pass phrase
... `cd /downloads_htdocs/snowdrop/`
... `put /[PATH TO LOCAL FILES]/4.0.0.Final` (this will copy from local to remote location) 
.. Change the permissions on the sent files. 
... `sftp`
... enter your pass phrase
... `cd /downloads_htdocs/snowdrop/`
... `chmod 664 ./4.0.0.Final/*`

. Update the website at
.. Copy the old download section and move to the legacy area.
.. Edit the links and version number of the current download to point to the files that were uploaded.
.. Go to AdminCentral and accept the changes 
... Scroll down to ‘snowdrop’, expand it, and select it all the yellow items.
... Click the ‘Activate changes’ button
... Add a comment and dates if you want, then submit it.

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