Revision f381cfe07d15d52f27de771a62a8167668f0dd51 authored by Steve Dower on 14 May 2018, 18:03:17 UTC, committed by larryhastings on 14 May 2018, 18:03:17 UTC
* bpo-33001: Minimal fix to prevent buffer overrun in os.symlink

* Remove invalid test
1 parent 937ac1f
Raw File
# Binary data types
*.aif binary
*.aifc binary
*.aiff binary
*.au binary
*.bmp binary
*.exe binary
*.icns binary
*.gif binary
*.ico binary
*.jpg binary
*.pck binary
*.png binary
*.psd binary
*.tar binary
*.wav binary
*.whl binary
*.zip binary

# Specific binary files
Lib/test/sndhdrdata/sndhdr.* binary

# Text files that should not be subject to eol conversion
Lib/test/cjkencodings/* -text
Lib/test/decimaltestdata/*.decTest -text
Lib/test/test_email/data/*.txt -text
Lib/test/xmltestdata/* -text
Lib/test/ -text

# Special files in third party code
Modules/zlib/ -text

# CRLF files
*.bat text eol=crlf
*.ps1 text eol=crlf
*.sln text eol=crlf
*.vcxproj* text eol=crlf
*.props text eol=crlf
*.proj text eol=crlf
PCbuild/readme.txt text eol=crlf
PC/readme.txt text eol=crlf
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