Revision f1b94134a4b879bc55c3dacdb496690c8ebdc03f authored by Vikram Fugro on 11 March 2016, 12:16:11 UTC, committed by Jean-Baptiste Kempf on 11 March 2016, 14:57:34 UTC
Allocate the output vlc pictures with dimensions padded,
as requested by the decoder (for alignments). This further
increases the chances of direct rendering.

Signed-off-by: Jean-Baptiste Kempf <>
1 parent 6c813cb
Raw File
 * vlc_http.h: Shared code for HTTP clients
 * Copyright (C) 2001-2008 VLC authors and VideoLAN
 * $Id$
 * Authors: Laurent Aimar <>
 *          Christophe Massiot <>
 *          RĂ©mi Denis-Courmont <rem #>
 *          Antoine Cellerier <dionoea at videolan dot org>
 * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
 * under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
 * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or
 * (at your option) any later version.
 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
 * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
 * Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston MA 02110-1301, USA.

#ifndef VLC_HTTP_H
#define VLC_HTTP_H 1

 * \file
 * This file defines functions, structures, enums and macros shared between
 * HTTP clients.

#include <vlc_url.h>
#include <vlc_arrays.h>

/* RFC 2617: Basic and Digest Access Authentication */
typedef struct vlc_http_auth_t
    char *psz_realm;
    char *psz_domain;
    char *psz_nonce;
    char *psz_opaque;
    char *psz_stale;
    char *psz_algorithm;
    char *psz_qop;
    int i_nonce;
    char *psz_cnonce;
    char *psz_HA1; /* stored H(A1) value if algorithm = "MD5-sess" */
} vlc_http_auth_t;

VLC_API void vlc_http_auth_Init( vlc_http_auth_t * );
VLC_API void vlc_http_auth_Deinit( vlc_http_auth_t * );
VLC_API void vlc_http_auth_ParseWwwAuthenticateHeader
            ( vlc_object_t *, vlc_http_auth_t * , const char * );
VLC_API int vlc_http_auth_ParseAuthenticationInfoHeader
            ( vlc_object_t *, vlc_http_auth_t *,
              const char *, const char *,
              const char *, const char *,
              const char * );
VLC_API char *vlc_http_auth_FormatAuthorizationHeader
            ( vlc_object_t *, vlc_http_auth_t *,
              const char *, const char *,
              const char *, const char * ) VLC_USED;

/* RFC 6265: cookies */

typedef struct vlc_http_cookie_jar_t vlc_http_cookie_jar_t;

VLC_API vlc_http_cookie_jar_t * vlc_http_cookies_new( void ) VLC_USED;
VLC_API void vlc_http_cookies_destroy( vlc_http_cookie_jar_t * p_jar );

 * Parse a value of an incoming Set-Cookie header and append the
 * cookie to the cookie jar if appropriate.
 * @param jar cookie jar object
 * @param cookie header field value of Set-Cookie
 * @return true, if the cookie was added, false otherwise
VLC_API bool vlc_http_cookies_store( vlc_http_cookie_jar_t *jar,
    const char *cookie, bool secure, const char *host, const char *path );

VLC_API bool vlc_http_cookies_append( vlc_http_cookie_jar_t * p_jar, const char * psz_cookie_header, const vlc_url_t * p_url );

 * Returns a cookie value that match the given URL.
 * @param p_jar a cookie jar
 * @param p_url the URL for which the cookies are returned
 * @return A string consisting of semicolon-separated cookie NAME=VALUE pairs.
VLC_API char *vlc_http_cookies_fetch( vlc_http_cookie_jar_t *jar, bool secure,
                                      const char *host, const char *path );

VLC_API char *vlc_http_cookies_for_url( vlc_http_cookie_jar_t * p_jar, const vlc_url_t * p_url );

#endif /* VLC_HTTP_H */
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