Revision e89f95bfd0881a9b80c3b1430d154a77bdf5a824 authored by Yury Selivanov on 09 June 2017, 21:06:39 UTC, committed by GitHub on 09 June 2017, 21:06:39 UTC
If we have a chain of generators/coroutines that are 'yield from'ing
each other, then resuming the stack works like:

- call send() on the outermost generator
- this enters _PyEval_EvalFrameDefault, which re-executes the
  YIELD_FROM opcode
- which calls send() on the next generator
- which enters _PyEval_EvalFrameDefault, which re-executes the
  YIELD_FROM opcode
- ...etc.

However, every time we enter _PyEval_EvalFrameDefault, the first thing
we do is to check for pending signals, and if there are any then we
run the signal handler. And if it raises an exception, then we
immediately propagate that exception *instead* of starting to execute
bytecode. This means that e.g. a SIGINT at the wrong moment can "break
the chain" – it can be raised in the middle of our yield from chain,
with the bottom part of the stack abandoned for the garbage collector.

The fix is pretty simple: there's already a special case in
_PyEval_EvalFrameEx where it skips running signal handlers if the next
opcode is SETUP_FINALLY. (I don't see how this accomplishes anything
useful, but that's another story.) If we extend this check to also
skip running signal handlers when the next opcode is YIELD_FROM, then
that closes the hole – now the exception can only be raised at the
innermost stack frame.

This shouldn't have any performance implications, because the opcode
check happens inside the "slow path" after we've already determined
that there's a pending signal or something similar for us to process;
the vast majority of the time this isn't true and the new check
doesn't run at all..
(cherry picked from commit ab4413a7e9bda95b6fcd517073e2a51dafaa1624)
1 parent b757745
Raw File
Tip revision: e89f95bfd0881a9b80c3b1430d154a77bdf5a824 authored by Yury Selivanov on 09 June 2017, 21:06:39 UTC
[3.6] bpo-30039: Don't run signal handlers while resuming a yield from stack (GH-1081) (#1640)
Tip revision: e89f95b
language: c
dist: trusty
sudo: false
group: beta

# To cache doc-building dependencies.
cache: pip

    - master
    - /^\d\.\d$/

  fast_finish: true
    - env: OPTIONAL=true
    - os: linux
      language: c
      compiler: clang
      # gcc also works, but to keep the # of concurrent builds down, we use one C
      # compiler here and the other to run the coverage build. Clang is preferred
      # in this instance for its better error messages.
      env: TESTING=cpython
    - os: osx
      language: c
      compiler: clang
      # Testing under macOS is optional until testing stability has been demonstrated.
      env: OPTIONAL=true
        - brew install openssl xz
        - export CPPFLAGS="-I$(brew --prefix openssl)/include"
        - export LDFLAGS="-L$(brew --prefix openssl)/lib"
    - os: linux
      language: python
      python: 3.6
      env: TESTING=docs
        - cd Doc
        # Sphinx is pinned so that new versions that introduce new warnings won't suddenly cause build failures.
        # (Updating the version is fine as long as no warnings are raised by doing so.)
        - python -m pip install sphinx~=1.6.1
        - make check suspicious html SPHINXOPTS="-q -W -j4"
    - os: linux
      language: c
      compiler: gcc
      env: OPTIONAL=true
        - |
            if ! git diff --name-only $TRAVIS_COMMIT_RANGE | grep -qvE '(\.rst$)|(^Doc)|(^Misc)'
              echo "Only docs were updated, stopping build process."
            make -s -j4
            # Need a venv that can parse covered code.
            ./python -m venv venv
            ./venv/bin/python -m pip install -U coverage
        # Skip tests that re-run the entire test suite.
        - ./venv/bin/python -m coverage run --pylib -m test -uall,-cpu,-tzdata -x test_multiprocessing_fork -x test_multiprocessing_forkserver -x test_multiprocessing_spawn
      after_script:  # Probably should be after_success once test suite updated to run under
        # Make the `coverage` command available to Codecov w/ a version of Python that can parse all source files.
        - source ./venv/bin/activate
        - bash <(curl -s

# Travis provides only 2 cores, so don't overdo the parallelism and waste memory.
  - |
      if ! git diff --name-only $TRAVIS_COMMIT_RANGE | grep -qvE '(\.rst$)|(^Doc)|(^Misc)'
        echo "Only docs were updated, stopping build process."
      ./configure --with-pydebug
      make -j4

  # `-r -w` implicitly provided through `make buildbottest`.
  - make buildbottest TESTOPTS="-j4 -uall,-cpu,-tzdata"

  email: false
      # This is set to a secure variable to prevent forks from notifying the
      # IRC channel whenever they fail a build. This can be removed when travis
      # implements
      # The actual value here is:
      - secure: "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"
    on_success: change
    on_failure: always
    skip_join: true
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