Revision e41bfd15dd148627b4f39c2a5837bddd8894d345 authored by Terry Jan Reedy on 30 November 2020, 17:09:43 UTC, committed by GitHub on 30 November 2020, 17:09:43 UTC
restart_subprocess is a method of self, the pyshell.InteractiveInterpreter instance. The latter does not have an interp attribute redundantly referring to itself. (The PyShell instance does have an interp attribute, referring to the InteractiveInterpreter instance.)
1 parent 0be9ce3
Raw File
Tip revision: e41bfd15dd148627b4f39c2a5837bddd8894d345 authored by Terry Jan Reedy on 30 November 2020, 17:09:43 UTC
bpo-42508: Remove bogus idlelib.pyshell.ModifiedInterpreter attribute (GH-23570)
Tip revision: e41bfd1
# Binary data types
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*.aifc binary
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*.psd binary
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*.wav binary
*.whl binary
*.zip binary

# Specific binary files
Lib/test/sndhdrdata/sndhdr.* binary
PC/classicAppCompat.* binary

# Text files that should not be subject to eol conversion
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Lib/test/decimaltestdata/*.decTest -text
Lib/test/test_email/data/*.txt -text
Lib/test/xmltestdata/* -text
Lib/test/ -text
Lib/test/test_importlib/data01/* -text

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*.vcxproj* text eol=crlf
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PCbuild/readme.txt text eol=crlf
PC/readme.txt text eol=crlf

# Generated files
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Objects/clinic/*.h          linguist-generated=true
PC/clinic/*.h               linguist-generated=true
Python/clinic/*.h           linguist-generated=true
Python/importlib.h          linguist-generated=true
Python/importlib_external.h linguist-generated=true
Include/Python-ast.h        linguist-generated=true
Python/Python-ast.c         linguist-generated=true
Include/opcode.h            linguist-generated=true
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*_db.h                      linguist-generated=true
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# Language aware diff headers
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*.h     diff=cpp
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*.py    diff=python
*.md    diff=markdown
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