Revision dae5d728bc3f1d4039b64e4ec3a9036fd5d19587 authored by Miss Islington (bot) on 10 November 2020, 19:58:27 UTC, committed by GitHub on 10 November 2020, 19:58:27 UTC
Fix an assertion error in format() in debug build for floating point
formatting with "n" format, zero padding and small width. Release build is
not impacted. Patch by Karthikeyan Singaravelan.
(cherry picked from commit 3f7983a25a3d19779283c707fbdd5bc91b1587ef)

Co-authored-by: Xtreak <>
1 parent a63234c
Raw File
/* Return the initial module search path. */

#include "Python.h"
#include "osdefs.h"

#include <sys/types.h>
#include <string.h>

#ifdef __APPLE__
#include <mach-o/dyld.h>

/* Search in some common locations for the associated Python libraries.
 * Two directories must be found, the platform independent directory
 * (prefix), containing the common .py and .pyc files, and the platform
 * dependent directory (exec_prefix), containing the shared library
 * modules.  Note that prefix and exec_prefix can be the same directory,
 * but for some installations, they are different.
 * Py_GetPath() carries out separate searches for prefix and exec_prefix.
 * Each search tries a number of different locations until a ``landmark''
 * file or directory is found.  If no prefix or exec_prefix is found, a
 * warning message is issued and the preprocessor defined PREFIX and
 * EXEC_PREFIX are used (even though they will not work); python carries on
 * as best as is possible, but most imports will fail.
 * Before any searches are done, the location of the executable is
 * determined.  If argv[0] has one or more slashes in it, it is used
 * unchanged.  Otherwise, it must have been invoked from the shell's path,
 * so we search $PATH for the named executable and use that.  If the
 * executable was not found on $PATH (or there was no $PATH environment
 * variable), the original argv[0] string is used.
 * Next, the executable location is examined to see if it is a symbolic
 * link.  If so, the link is chased (correctly interpreting a relative
 * pathname if one is found) and the directory of the link target is used.
 * Finally, argv0_path is set to the directory containing the executable
 * (i.e. the last component is stripped).
 * With argv0_path in hand, we perform a number of steps.  The same steps
 * are performed for prefix and for exec_prefix, but with a different
 * landmark.
 * Step 1. Are we running python out of the build directory?  This is
 * checked by looking for a different kind of landmark relative to
 * argv0_path.  For prefix, the landmark's path is derived from the VPATH
 * preprocessor variable (taking into account that its value is almost, but
 * not quite, what we need).  For exec_prefix, the landmark is
 * pybuilddir.txt.  If the landmark is found, we're done.
 * For the remaining steps, the prefix landmark will always be
 * lib/python$VERSION/ and the exec_prefix will always be
 * lib/python$VERSION/lib-dynload, where $VERSION is Python's version
 * number as supplied by the Makefile.  Note that this means that no more
 * build directory checking is performed; if the first step did not find
 * the landmarks, the assumption is that python is running from an
 * installed setup.
 * Step 2. See if the $PYTHONHOME environment variable points to the
 * installed location of the Python libraries.  If $PYTHONHOME is set, then
 * it points to prefix and exec_prefix.  $PYTHONHOME can be a single
 * directory, which is used for both, or the prefix and exec_prefix
 * directories separated by a colon.
 * Step 3. Try to find prefix and exec_prefix relative to argv0_path,
 * backtracking up the path until it is exhausted.  This is the most common
 * step to succeed.  Note that if prefix and exec_prefix are different,
 * exec_prefix is more likely to be found; however if exec_prefix is a
 * subdirectory of prefix, both will be found.
 * Step 4. Search the directories pointed to by the preprocessor variables
 * PREFIX and EXEC_PREFIX.  These are supplied by the Makefile but can be
 * passed in as options to the configure script.
 * That's it!
 * Well, almost.  Once we have determined prefix and exec_prefix, the
 * preprocessor variable PYTHONPATH is used to construct a path.  Each
 * relative path on PYTHONPATH is prefixed with prefix.  Then the directory
 * containing the shared library modules is appended.  The environment
 * variable $PYTHONPATH is inserted in front of it all.  Finally, the
 * prefix and exec_prefix globals are tweaked so they reflect the values
 * expected by other code, by stripping the "lib/python$VERSION/..." stuff
 * off.  If either points to the build directory, the globals are reset to
 * the corresponding preprocessor variables (so sys.prefix will reflect the
 * installation location, even though sys.path points into the build
 * directory).  This seems to make more sense given that currently the only
 * known use of sys.prefix and sys.exec_prefix is for the ILU installation
 * process to find the installed Python tree.
 * An embedding application can use Py_SetPath() to override all of
 * these authomatic path computations.
 * NOTE: Windows MSVC builds use PC/getpathp.c instead!

#ifdef __cplusplus
 extern "C" {

#if !defined(PREFIX) || !defined(EXEC_PREFIX) || !defined(VERSION) || !defined(VPATH)
#error "PREFIX, EXEC_PREFIX, VERSION, and VPATH must be constant defined"

#ifndef LANDMARK
#define LANDMARK L""

static wchar_t prefix[MAXPATHLEN+1];
static wchar_t exec_prefix[MAXPATHLEN+1];
static wchar_t progpath[MAXPATHLEN+1];
static wchar_t *module_search_path = NULL;

/* Get file status. Encode the path to the locale encoding. */

static int
_Py_wstat(const wchar_t* path, struct stat *buf)
    int err;
    char *fname;
    fname = Py_EncodeLocale(path, NULL);
    if (fname == NULL) {
        errno = EINVAL;
        return -1;
    err = stat(fname, buf);
    return err;

static void
reduce(wchar_t *dir)
    size_t i = wcslen(dir);
    while (i > 0 && dir[i] != SEP)
    dir[i] = '\0';

static int
isfile(wchar_t *filename)          /* Is file, not directory */
    struct stat buf;
    if (_Py_wstat(filename, &buf) != 0)
        return 0;
    if (!S_ISREG(buf.st_mode))
        return 0;
    return 1;

static int
ismodule(wchar_t *filename)        /* Is module -- check for .pyc too */
    if (isfile(filename))
        return 1;

    /* Check for the compiled version of prefix. */
    if (wcslen(filename) < MAXPATHLEN) {
        wcscat(filename, L"c");
        if (isfile(filename))
            return 1;
    return 0;

static int
isxfile(wchar_t *filename)         /* Is executable file */
    struct stat buf;
    if (_Py_wstat(filename, &buf) != 0)
        return 0;
    if (!S_ISREG(buf.st_mode))
        return 0;
    if ((buf.st_mode & 0111) == 0)
        return 0;
    return 1;

static int
isdir(wchar_t *filename)                   /* Is directory */
    struct stat buf;
    if (_Py_wstat(filename, &buf) != 0)
        return 0;
    if (!S_ISDIR(buf.st_mode))
        return 0;
    return 1;

/* Add a path component, by appending stuff to buffer.
   buffer must have at least MAXPATHLEN + 1 bytes allocated, and contain a
   NUL-terminated string with no more than MAXPATHLEN characters (not counting
   the trailing NUL).  It's a fatal error if it contains a string longer than
   that (callers must be careful!).  If these requirements are met, it's
   guaranteed that buffer will still be a NUL-terminated string with no more
   than MAXPATHLEN characters at exit.  If stuff is too long, only as much of
   stuff as fits will be appended.
static void
joinpath(wchar_t *buffer, wchar_t *stuff)
    size_t n, k;
    if (stuff[0] == SEP)
        n = 0;
    else {
        n = wcslen(buffer);
        if (n > 0 && buffer[n-1] != SEP && n < MAXPATHLEN)
            buffer[n++] = SEP;
    if (n > MAXPATHLEN)
        Py_FatalError("buffer overflow in getpath.c's joinpath()");
    k = wcslen(stuff);
    if (n + k > MAXPATHLEN)
        k = MAXPATHLEN - n;
    wcsncpy(buffer+n, stuff, k);
    buffer[n+k] = '\0';

/* copy_absolute requires that path be allocated at least
   MAXPATHLEN + 1 bytes and that p be no more than MAXPATHLEN bytes. */
static void
copy_absolute(wchar_t *path, wchar_t *p, size_t pathlen)
    if (p[0] == SEP)
        wcscpy(path, p);
    else {
        if (!_Py_wgetcwd(path, pathlen)) {
            /* unable to get the current directory */
            wcscpy(path, p);
        if (p[0] == '.' && p[1] == SEP)
            p += 2;
        joinpath(path, p);

/* absolutize() requires that path be allocated at least MAXPATHLEN+1 bytes. */
static void
absolutize(wchar_t *path)
    wchar_t buffer[MAXPATHLEN+1];

    if (path[0] == SEP)
    copy_absolute(buffer, path, MAXPATHLEN+1);
    wcscpy(path, buffer);

/* search for a prefix value in an environment file. If found, copy it
   to the provided buffer, which is expected to be no more than MAXPATHLEN
   bytes long.

static int
find_env_config_value(FILE * env_file, const wchar_t * key, wchar_t * value)
    int result = 0; /* meaning not found */
    char buffer[MAXPATHLEN*2+1];  /* allow extra for key, '=', etc. */

    fseek(env_file, 0, SEEK_SET);
    while (!feof(env_file)) {
        char * p = fgets(buffer, MAXPATHLEN*2, env_file);
        wchar_t tmpbuffer[MAXPATHLEN*2+1];
        PyObject * decoded;
        int n;

        if (p == NULL)
        n = strlen(p);
        if (p[n - 1] != '\n') {
            /* line has overflowed - bail */
        if (p[0] == '#')    /* Comment - skip */
        decoded = PyUnicode_DecodeUTF8(buffer, n, "surrogateescape");
        if (decoded != NULL) {
            Py_ssize_t k;
            wchar_t * state;
            k = PyUnicode_AsWideChar(decoded,
                                     tmpbuffer, MAXPATHLEN * 2);
            if (k >= 0) {
                wchar_t * tok = wcstok(tmpbuffer, L" \t\r\n", &state);
                if ((tok != NULL) && !wcscmp(tok, key)) {
                    tok = wcstok(NULL, L" \t", &state);
                    if ((tok != NULL) && !wcscmp(tok, L"=")) {
                        tok = wcstok(NULL, L"\r\n", &state);
                        if (tok != NULL) {
                            wcsncpy(value, tok, MAXPATHLEN);
                            result = 1;
    return result;

/* search_for_prefix requires that argv0_path be no more than MAXPATHLEN
   bytes long.
static int
search_for_prefix(wchar_t *argv0_path, wchar_t *home, wchar_t *_prefix,
                  wchar_t *lib_python)
    size_t n;
    wchar_t *vpath;

    /* If PYTHONHOME is set, we believe it unconditionally */
    if (home) {
        wchar_t *delim;
        wcsncpy(prefix, home, MAXPATHLEN);
        prefix[MAXPATHLEN] = L'\0';
        delim = wcschr(prefix, DELIM);
        if (delim)
            *delim = L'\0';
        joinpath(prefix, lib_python);
        joinpath(prefix, LANDMARK);
        return 1;

    /* Check to see if argv[0] is in the build directory */
    wcsncpy(prefix, argv0_path, MAXPATHLEN);
    prefix[MAXPATHLEN] = L'\0';
    joinpath(prefix, L"Modules/Setup");
    if (isfile(prefix)) {
        /* Check VPATH to see if argv0_path is in the build directory. */
        vpath = Py_DecodeLocale(VPATH, NULL);
        if (vpath != NULL) {
            wcsncpy(prefix, argv0_path, MAXPATHLEN);
            prefix[MAXPATHLEN] = L'\0';
            joinpath(prefix, vpath);
            joinpath(prefix, L"Lib");
            joinpath(prefix, LANDMARK);
            if (ismodule(prefix))
                return -1;

    /* Search from argv0_path, until root is found */
    copy_absolute(prefix, argv0_path, MAXPATHLEN+1);
    do {
        n = wcslen(prefix);
        joinpath(prefix, lib_python);
        joinpath(prefix, LANDMARK);
        if (ismodule(prefix))
            return 1;
        prefix[n] = L'\0';
    } while (prefix[0]);

    /* Look at configure's PREFIX */
    wcsncpy(prefix, _prefix, MAXPATHLEN);
    prefix[MAXPATHLEN] = L'\0';
    joinpath(prefix, lib_python);
    joinpath(prefix, LANDMARK);
    if (ismodule(prefix))
        return 1;

    /* Fail */
    return 0;

/* search_for_exec_prefix requires that argv0_path be no more than
   MAXPATHLEN bytes long.
static int
search_for_exec_prefix(wchar_t *argv0_path, wchar_t *home,
                       wchar_t *_exec_prefix, wchar_t *lib_python)
    size_t n;

    /* If PYTHONHOME is set, we believe it unconditionally */
    if (home) {
        wchar_t *delim;
        delim = wcschr(home, DELIM);
        if (delim)
            wcsncpy(exec_prefix, delim+1, MAXPATHLEN);
            wcsncpy(exec_prefix, home, MAXPATHLEN);
        exec_prefix[MAXPATHLEN] = L'\0';
        joinpath(exec_prefix, lib_python);
        joinpath(exec_prefix, L"lib-dynload");
        return 1;

    /* Check to see if argv[0] is in the build directory. "pybuilddir.txt"
       is written by and contains the relative path to the location
       of shared library modules. */
    wcsncpy(exec_prefix, argv0_path, MAXPATHLEN);
    exec_prefix[MAXPATHLEN] = L'\0';
    joinpath(exec_prefix, L"pybuilddir.txt");
    if (isfile(exec_prefix)) {
        FILE *f = _Py_wfopen(exec_prefix, L"rb");
        if (f == NULL)
            errno = 0;
        else {
            char buf[MAXPATHLEN+1];
            PyObject *decoded;
            wchar_t rel_builddir_path[MAXPATHLEN+1];
            n = fread(buf, 1, MAXPATHLEN, f);
            buf[n] = '\0';
            decoded = PyUnicode_DecodeUTF8(buf, n, "surrogateescape");
            if (decoded != NULL) {
                Py_ssize_t k;
                k = PyUnicode_AsWideChar(decoded,
                                         rel_builddir_path, MAXPATHLEN);
                if (k >= 0) {
                    rel_builddir_path[k] = L'\0';
                    wcsncpy(exec_prefix, argv0_path, MAXPATHLEN);
                    exec_prefix[MAXPATHLEN] = L'\0';
                    joinpath(exec_prefix, rel_builddir_path);
                    return -1;

    /* Search from argv0_path, until root is found */
    copy_absolute(exec_prefix, argv0_path, MAXPATHLEN+1);
    do {
        n = wcslen(exec_prefix);
        joinpath(exec_prefix, lib_python);
        joinpath(exec_prefix, L"lib-dynload");
        if (isdir(exec_prefix))
            return 1;
        exec_prefix[n] = L'\0';
    } while (exec_prefix[0]);

    /* Look at configure's EXEC_PREFIX */
    wcsncpy(exec_prefix, _exec_prefix, MAXPATHLEN);
    exec_prefix[MAXPATHLEN] = L'\0';
    joinpath(exec_prefix, lib_python);
    joinpath(exec_prefix, L"lib-dynload");
    if (isdir(exec_prefix))
        return 1;

    /* Fail */
    return 0;

static void
    extern wchar_t *Py_GetProgramName(void);

    static const wchar_t delimiter[2] = {DELIM, '\0'};
    static const wchar_t separator[2] = {SEP, '\0'};
    char *_rtpypath = Py_GETENV("PYTHONPATH"); /* XXX use wide version on Windows */
    wchar_t *rtpypath = NULL;
    wchar_t *home = Py_GetPythonHome();
    char *_path = getenv("PATH");
    wchar_t *path_buffer = NULL;
    wchar_t *path = NULL;
    wchar_t *prog = Py_GetProgramName();
    wchar_t argv0_path[MAXPATHLEN+1];
    wchar_t zip_path[MAXPATHLEN+1];
    int pfound, efound; /* 1 if found; -1 if found build directory */
    wchar_t *buf;
    size_t bufsz;
    size_t prefixsz;
    wchar_t *defpath;
    NSModule pythonModule;
    const char*    modPath;
#ifdef __APPLE__
    uint32_t nsexeclength = MAXPATHLEN;
    unsigned long nsexeclength = MAXPATHLEN;
    char execpath[MAXPATHLEN+1];
    wchar_t *_pythonpath, *_prefix, *_exec_prefix;
    wchar_t *lib_python;

    _pythonpath = Py_DecodeLocale(PYTHONPATH, NULL);
    _prefix = Py_DecodeLocale(PREFIX, NULL);
    _exec_prefix = Py_DecodeLocale(EXEC_PREFIX, NULL);
    lib_python = Py_DecodeLocale("lib/python" VERSION, NULL);

    if (!_pythonpath || !_prefix || !_exec_prefix || !lib_python) {
            "Unable to decode path variables in getpath.c: "
            "memory error");

    if (_path) {
        path_buffer = Py_DecodeLocale(_path, NULL);
        path = path_buffer;

    /* If there is no slash in the argv0 path, then we have to
     * assume python is on the user's $PATH, since there's no
     * other way to find a directory to start the search from.  If
     * $PATH isn't exported, you lose.
    if (wcschr(prog, SEP))
        wcsncpy(progpath, prog, MAXPATHLEN);
#ifdef __APPLE__
     /* On Mac OS X, if a script uses an interpreter of the form
      * "#!/opt/python2.3/bin/python", the kernel only passes "python"
      * as argv[0], which falls through to the $PATH search below.
      * If /opt/python2.3/bin isn't in your path, or is near the end,
      * this algorithm may incorrectly find /usr/bin/python. To work
      * around this, we can use _NSGetExecutablePath to get a better
      * hint of what the intended interpreter was, although this
      * will fail if a relative path was used. but in that case,
      * absolutize() should help us out below
    else if(0 == _NSGetExecutablePath(execpath, &nsexeclength) && execpath[0] == SEP) {
        size_t r = mbstowcs(progpath, execpath, MAXPATHLEN+1);
        if (r == (size_t)-1 || r > MAXPATHLEN) {
            /* Could not convert execpath, or it's too long. */
            progpath[0] = '\0';
#endif /* __APPLE__ */
    else if (path) {
        while (1) {
            wchar_t *delim = wcschr(path, DELIM);

            if (delim) {
                size_t len = delim - path;
                if (len > MAXPATHLEN)
                    len = MAXPATHLEN;
                wcsncpy(progpath, path, len);
                *(progpath + len) = '\0';
                wcsncpy(progpath, path, MAXPATHLEN);

            joinpath(progpath, prog);
            if (isxfile(progpath))

            if (!delim) {
                progpath[0] = L'\0';
            path = delim + 1;
        progpath[0] = '\0';
    if (progpath[0] != SEP && progpath[0] != '\0')
    wcsncpy(argv0_path, progpath, MAXPATHLEN);
    argv0_path[MAXPATHLEN] = '\0';

    /* On Mac OS X we have a special case if we're running from a framework.
    ** This is because the python home should be set relative to the library,
    ** which is in the framework, not relative to the executable, which may
    ** be outside of the framework. Except when we're in the build directory...
    pythonModule = NSModuleForSymbol(NSLookupAndBindSymbol("_Py_Initialize"));
    /* Use dylib functions to find out where the framework was loaded from */
    modPath = NSLibraryNameForModule(pythonModule);
    if (modPath != NULL) {
        /* We're in a framework. */
        /* See if we might be in the build directory. The framework in the
        ** build directory is incomplete, it only has the .dylib and a few
        ** needed symlinks, it doesn't have the Lib directories and such.
        ** If we're running with the framework from the build directory we must
        ** be running the interpreter in the build directory, so we use the
        ** build-directory-specific logic to find Lib and such.
        wchar_t* wbuf = Py_DecodeLocale(modPath, NULL);
        if (wbuf == NULL) {
            Py_FatalError("Cannot decode framework location");

        wcsncpy(argv0_path, wbuf, MAXPATHLEN);
        joinpath(argv0_path, lib_python);
        joinpath(argv0_path, LANDMARK);
        if (!ismodule(argv0_path)) {
            /* We are in the build directory so use the name of the
               executable - we know that the absolute path is passed */
            wcsncpy(argv0_path, progpath, MAXPATHLEN);
        else {
            /* Use the location of the library as the progpath */
            wcsncpy(argv0_path, wbuf, MAXPATHLEN);

        wchar_t tmpbuffer[MAXPATHLEN+1];
        int linklen = _Py_wreadlink(progpath, tmpbuffer, MAXPATHLEN);
        while (linklen != -1) {
            if (tmpbuffer[0] == SEP)
                /* tmpbuffer should never be longer than MAXPATHLEN,
                   but extra check does not hurt */
                wcsncpy(argv0_path, tmpbuffer, MAXPATHLEN);
            else {
                /* Interpret relative to progpath */
                joinpath(argv0_path, tmpbuffer);
            linklen = _Py_wreadlink(argv0_path, tmpbuffer, MAXPATHLEN);
#endif /* HAVE_READLINK */

    /* At this point, argv0_path is guaranteed to be less than
       MAXPATHLEN bytes long.

    /* Search for an environment configuration file, first in the
       executable's directory and then in the parent directory.
       If found, open it for use when searching for prefixes.

        wchar_t tmpbuffer[MAXPATHLEN+1];
        wchar_t *env_cfg = L"pyvenv.cfg";
        FILE * env_file = NULL;

        wcscpy(tmpbuffer, argv0_path);

        joinpath(tmpbuffer, env_cfg);
        env_file = _Py_wfopen(tmpbuffer, L"r");
        if (env_file == NULL) {
            errno = 0;
            joinpath(tmpbuffer, env_cfg);
            env_file = _Py_wfopen(tmpbuffer, L"r");
            if (env_file == NULL) {
                errno = 0;
        if (env_file != NULL) {
            /* Look for a 'home' variable and set argv0_path to it, if found */
            if (find_env_config_value(env_file, L"home", tmpbuffer)) {
                wcscpy(argv0_path, tmpbuffer);
            env_file = NULL;

    pfound = search_for_prefix(argv0_path, home, _prefix, lib_python);
    if (!pfound) {
        if (!Py_FrozenFlag)
                "Could not find platform independent libraries <prefix>\n");
        wcsncpy(prefix, _prefix, MAXPATHLEN);
        joinpath(prefix, lib_python);

    wcsncpy(zip_path, prefix, MAXPATHLEN);
    zip_path[MAXPATHLEN] = L'\0';
    if (pfound > 0) { /* Use the reduced prefix returned by Py_GetPrefix() */
        wcsncpy(zip_path, _prefix, MAXPATHLEN);
    joinpath(zip_path, L"lib/");
    bufsz = wcslen(zip_path);   /* Replace "00" with version */
    zip_path[bufsz - 6] = VERSION[0];
    zip_path[bufsz - 5] = VERSION[2];

    efound = search_for_exec_prefix(argv0_path, home,
                                    _exec_prefix, lib_python);
    if (!efound) {
        if (!Py_FrozenFlag)
                "Could not find platform dependent libraries <exec_prefix>\n");
        wcsncpy(exec_prefix, _exec_prefix, MAXPATHLEN);
        joinpath(exec_prefix, L"lib/lib-dynload");
    /* If we found EXEC_PREFIX do *not* reduce it!  (Yet.) */

    if ((!pfound || !efound) && !Py_FrozenFlag)
                "Consider setting $PYTHONHOME to <prefix>[:<exec_prefix>]\n");

    /* Calculate size of return buffer.
    bufsz = 0;

    if (_rtpypath && _rtpypath[0] != '\0') {
        size_t rtpypath_len;
        rtpypath = Py_DecodeLocale(_rtpypath, &rtpypath_len);
        if (rtpypath != NULL)
            bufsz += rtpypath_len + 1;

    defpath = _pythonpath;
    prefixsz = wcslen(prefix) + 1;
    while (1) {
        wchar_t *delim = wcschr(defpath, DELIM);

        if (defpath[0] != SEP)
            /* Paths are relative to prefix */
            bufsz += prefixsz;

        if (delim)
            bufsz += delim - defpath + 1;
        else {
            bufsz += wcslen(defpath) + 1;
        defpath = delim + 1;

    bufsz += wcslen(zip_path) + 1;
    bufsz += wcslen(exec_prefix) + 1;

    buf = PyMem_RawMalloc(bufsz * sizeof(wchar_t));
    if (buf == NULL) {
            "Not enough memory for dynamic PYTHONPATH");

    /* Run-time value of $PYTHONPATH goes first */
    if (rtpypath) {
        wcscpy(buf, rtpypath);
        wcscat(buf, delimiter);
        buf[0] = '\0';

    /* Next is the default zip path */
    wcscat(buf, zip_path);
    wcscat(buf, delimiter);

    /* Next goes merge of compile-time $PYTHONPATH with
     * dynamically located prefix.
    defpath = _pythonpath;
    while (1) {
        wchar_t *delim = wcschr(defpath, DELIM);

        if (defpath[0] != SEP) {
            wcscat(buf, prefix);
            if (prefixsz >= 2 && prefix[prefixsz - 2] != SEP &&
                defpath[0] != (delim ? DELIM : L'\0')) {  /* not empty */
                wcscat(buf, separator);

        if (delim) {
            size_t len = delim - defpath + 1;
            size_t end = wcslen(buf) + len;
            wcsncat(buf, defpath, len);
            *(buf + end) = '\0';
        else {
            wcscat(buf, defpath);
        defpath = delim + 1;
    wcscat(buf, delimiter);

    /* Finally, on goes the directory for dynamic-load modules */
    wcscat(buf, exec_prefix);

    /* And publish the results */
    module_search_path = buf;

    /* Reduce prefix and exec_prefix to their essence,
     * e.g. /usr/local/lib/python1.5 is reduced to /usr/local.
     * If we're loading relative to the build directory,
     * return the compiled-in defaults instead.
    if (pfound > 0) {
        /* The prefix is the root directory, but reduce() chopped
         * off the "/". */
        if (!prefix[0])
                wcscpy(prefix, separator);
        wcsncpy(prefix, _prefix, MAXPATHLEN);

    if (efound > 0) {
        if (!exec_prefix[0])
                wcscpy(exec_prefix, separator);
        wcsncpy(exec_prefix, _exec_prefix, MAXPATHLEN);


/* External interface */
Py_SetPath(const wchar_t *path)
    if (module_search_path != NULL) {
        module_search_path = NULL;
    if (path != NULL) {
        extern wchar_t *Py_GetProgramName(void);
        wchar_t *prog = Py_GetProgramName();
        wcsncpy(progpath, prog, MAXPATHLEN);
        exec_prefix[0] = prefix[0] = L'\0';
        module_search_path = PyMem_RawMalloc((wcslen(path) + 1) * sizeof(wchar_t));
        if (module_search_path != NULL)
            wcscpy(module_search_path, path);

wchar_t *
    if (!module_search_path)
    return module_search_path;

wchar_t *
    if (!module_search_path)
    return prefix;

wchar_t *
    if (!module_search_path)
    return exec_prefix;

wchar_t *
    if (!module_search_path)
    return progpath;

#ifdef __cplusplus
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