Revision cbf3b5cb76906fba15dbf59a1e83c540a447b907 authored by Christian Heimes on 03 December 2007, 21:02:03 UTC, committed by Christian Heimes on 03 December 2007, 21:02:03 UTC

NOTE: The merge does NOT contain the modified file Python/import.c from
      r59288. I can't get it running. Nick, please check in the PEP 366

  r59279 | georg.brandl | 2007-12-02 19:17:50 +0100 (Sun, 02 Dec 2007) | 2 lines

  Fix a sentence I missed before. Do not merge to 3k.
  r59281 | georg.brandl | 2007-12-02 22:58:54 +0100 (Sun, 02 Dec 2007) | 3 lines

  Add documentation for PySys_* functions.
  Written by Charlie Shepherd for GHOP. Also fixes #1245.
  r59288 | nick.coghlan | 2007-12-03 13:55:17 +0100 (Mon, 03 Dec 2007) | 1 line

  Implement PEP 366
  r59290 | christian.heimes | 2007-12-03 14:47:29 +0100 (Mon, 03 Dec 2007) | 3 lines

  Applied my patch #1455 with some extra fixes for VS 2005
  The new msvc9compiler module supports VS 2005 and VS 2008. I've also fixed build_ext to support PCbuild8 and PCbuild9 and backported my fix for xxmodule.c from py3k. The old code msvccompiler is still in place in case somebody likes to build an extension with VS 2003 or earlier.
  I've also updated the cygwin compiler module for VS 2005 and VS 2008. It works with VS 2005 but I'm unable to test it with VS 2008. We have to wait for a new version of cygwin.
  r59291 | christian.heimes | 2007-12-03 14:55:16 +0100 (Mon, 03 Dec 2007) | 1 line

  Added comment to Misc/NEWS for r59290
  r59292 | christian.heimes | 2007-12-03 15:28:04 +0100 (Mon, 03 Dec 2007) | 1 line

  I followed MA Lemberg's suggestion and added comments to the late initialization of the type slots.
  r59293 | facundo.batista | 2007-12-03 17:29:52 +0100 (Mon, 03 Dec 2007) | 3 lines

  Speedup and cleaning of __str__.  Thanks Mark Dickinson.
  r59294 | facundo.batista | 2007-12-03 18:55:00 +0100 (Mon, 03 Dec 2007) | 4 lines

  Faster _fix function, and some reordering for a more elegant
  coding. Thanks Mark Dickinson.
  r59295 | martin.v.loewis | 2007-12-03 20:20:02 +0100 (Mon, 03 Dec 2007) | 5 lines

  Issue #1727780: Support loading pickles of random.Random objects created
  on 32-bit systems on 64-bit systems, and vice versa. As a consequence
  of the change, Random pickles created by Python 2.6 cannot be loaded
  in Python 2.5.
  r59297 | facundo.batista | 2007-12-03 20:49:54 +0100 (Mon, 03 Dec 2007) | 3 lines

  Two small fixes. Issue 1547.
  r59299 | georg.brandl | 2007-12-03 20:57:02 +0100 (Mon, 03 Dec 2007) | 2 lines

  #1548: fix apostroph placement.
  r59300 | christian.heimes | 2007-12-03 21:01:02 +0100 (Mon, 03 Dec 2007) | 3 lines

  Patch #1537 from Chad Austin
  Change GeneratorExit's base class from Exception to BaseException
  (This time I'm applying the patch to the correct sandbox.)
  r59302 | georg.brandl | 2007-12-03 21:03:46 +0100 (Mon, 03 Dec 2007) | 3 lines

  Add examples to the xmlrpclib docs.
  Written for GHOP by Josip Dzolonga.
1 parent f929077
Raw File
Tip revision: cbf3b5cb76906fba15dbf59a1e83c540a447b907 authored by Christian Heimes on 03 December 2007, 21:02:03 UTC
Merged revisions 59275-59303 via svnmerge from
Tip revision: cbf3b5c
"""Conversion pipeline templates.

The problem:

Suppose you have some data that you want to convert to another format,
such as from GIF image format to PPM image format.  Maybe the
conversion involves several steps (e.g. piping it through compress or
uuencode).  Some of the conversion steps may require that their input
is a disk file, others may be able to read standard input; similar for
their output.  The input to the entire conversion may also be read
from a disk file or from an open file, and similar for its output.

The module lets you construct a pipeline template by sticking one or
more conversion steps together.  It will take care of creating and
removing temporary files if they are necessary to hold intermediate
data.  You can then use the template to do conversions from many
different sources to many different destinations.  The temporary
file names used are different each time the template is used.

The templates are objects so you can create templates for many
different conversion steps and store them in a dictionary, for


To create a template:
    t = Template()

To add a conversion step to a template:
   t.append(command, kind)
where kind is a string of two characters: the first is '-' if the
command reads its standard input or 'f' if it requires a file; the
second likewise for the output. The command must be valid /bin/sh
syntax.  If input or output files are required, they are passed as
$IN and $OUT; otherwise, it must be  possible to use the command in
a pipeline.

To add a conversion step at the beginning:
   t.prepend(command, kind)

To convert a file to another file using a template:
  sts = t.copy(infile, outfile)
If infile or outfile are the empty string, standard input is read or
standard output is written, respectively.  The return value is the
exit status of the conversion pipeline.

To open a file for reading or writing through a conversion pipeline:
   fp =, mode)
where mode is 'r' to read the file, or 'w' to write it -- just like
for the built-in function open() or for os.popen().

To create a new template object initialized to a given one:
   t2 = t.clone()

For an example, see the function test() at the end of the file.
"""                                     # '

import re
import os
import tempfile
import string

__all__ = ["Template"]

# Conversion step kinds

FILEIN_FILEOUT = 'ff'                   # Must read & write real files
STDIN_FILEOUT  = '-f'                   # Must write a real file
FILEIN_STDOUT  = 'f-'                   # Must read a real file
STDIN_STDOUT   = '--'                   # Normal pipeline element
SOURCE         = '.-'                   # Must be first, writes stdout
SINK           = '-.'                   # Must be last, reads stdin

             SOURCE, SINK]

class Template:
    """Class representing a pipeline template."""

    def __init__(self):
        """Template() returns a fresh pipeline template."""
        self.debugging = 0

    def __repr__(self):
        """t.__repr__() implements repr(t)."""
        return '<Template instance, steps=%r>' % (self.steps,)

    def reset(self):
        """t.reset() restores a pipeline template to its initial state."""
        self.steps = []

    def clone(self):
        """t.clone() returns a new pipeline template with identical
        initial state as the current one."""
        t = Template()
        t.steps = self.steps[:]
        t.debugging = self.debugging
        return t

    def debug(self, flag):
        """t.debug(flag) turns debugging on or off."""
        self.debugging = flag

    def append(self, cmd, kind):
        """t.append(cmd, kind) adds a new step at the end."""
        if type(cmd) is not type(''):
            raise TypeError('Template.append: cmd must be a string')
        if kind not in stepkinds:
            raise ValueError('Template.append: bad kind %r' % (kind,))
        if kind == SOURCE:
            raise ValueError('Template.append: SOURCE can only be prepended')
        if self.steps and self.steps[-1][1] == SINK:
            raise ValueError('Template.append: already ends with SINK')
        if kind[0] == 'f' and not'\$IN\b', cmd):
            raise ValueError('Template.append: missing $IN in cmd')
        if kind[1] == 'f' and not'\$OUT\b', cmd):
            raise ValueError('Template.append: missing $OUT in cmd')
        self.steps.append((cmd, kind))

    def prepend(self, cmd, kind):
        """t.prepend(cmd, kind) adds a new step at the front."""
        if type(cmd) is not type(''):
            raise TypeError('Template.prepend: cmd must be a string')
        if kind not in stepkinds:
            raise ValueError('Template.prepend: bad kind %r' % (kind,))
        if kind == SINK:
            raise ValueError('Template.prepend: SINK can only be appended')
        if self.steps and self.steps[0][1] == SOURCE:
            raise ValueError('Template.prepend: already begins with SOURCE')
        if kind[0] == 'f' and not'\$IN\b', cmd):
            raise ValueError('Template.prepend: missing $IN in cmd')
        if kind[1] == 'f' and not'\$OUT\b', cmd):
            raise ValueError('Template.prepend: missing $OUT in cmd')
        self.steps.insert(0, (cmd, kind))

    def open(self, file, rw):
        """, rw) returns a pipe or file object open for
        reading or writing; the file is the other end of the pipeline."""
        if rw == 'r':
            return self.open_r(file)
        if rw == 'w':
            return self.open_w(file)
        raise ValueError(' rw must be \'r\' or \'w\', not %r'
                         % (rw,))

    def open_r(self, file):
        """t.open_r(file) and t.open_w(file) implement, 'r') and, 'w') respectively."""
        if not self.steps:
            return open(file, 'r')
        if self.steps[-1][1] == SINK:
            raise ValueError('Template.open_r: pipeline ends width SINK')
        cmd = self.makepipeline(file, '')
        return os.popen(cmd, 'r')

    def open_w(self, file):
        if not self.steps:
            return open(file, 'w')
        if self.steps[0][1] == SOURCE:
            raise ValueError('Template.open_w: pipeline begins with SOURCE')
        cmd = self.makepipeline('', file)
        return os.popen(cmd, 'w')

    def copy(self, infile, outfile):
        return os.system(self.makepipeline(infile, outfile))

    def makepipeline(self, infile, outfile):
        cmd = makepipeline(infile, self.steps, outfile)
        if self.debugging:
            cmd = 'set -x; ' + cmd
        return cmd

def makepipeline(infile, steps, outfile):
    # Build a list with for each command:
    # [input filename or '', command string, kind, output filename or '']

    list = []
    for cmd, kind in steps:
        list.append(['', cmd, kind, ''])
    # Make sure there is at least one step
    if not list:
        list.append(['', 'cat', '--', ''])
    # Take care of the input and output ends
    [cmd, kind] = list[0][1:3]
    if kind[0] == 'f' and not infile:
        list.insert(0, ['', 'cat', '--', ''])
    list[0][0] = infile
    [cmd, kind] = list[-1][1:3]
    if kind[1] == 'f' and not outfile:
        list.append(['', 'cat', '--', ''])
    list[-1][-1] = outfile
    # Invent temporary files to connect stages that need files
    garbage = []
    for i in range(1, len(list)):
        lkind = list[i-1][2]
        rkind = list[i][2]
        if lkind[1] == 'f' or rkind[0] == 'f':
            (fd, temp) = tempfile.mkstemp()
            list[i-1][-1] = list[i][0] = temp
    for item in list:
        [inf, cmd, kind, outf] = item
        if kind[1] == 'f':
            cmd = 'OUT=' + quote(outf) + '; ' + cmd
        if kind[0] == 'f':
            cmd = 'IN=' + quote(inf) + '; ' + cmd
        if kind[0] == '-' and inf:
            cmd = cmd + ' <' + quote(inf)
        if kind[1] == '-' and outf:
            cmd = cmd + ' >' + quote(outf)
        item[1] = cmd
    cmdlist = list[0][1]
    for item in list[1:]:
        [cmd, kind] = item[1:3]
        if item[0] == '':
            if 'f' in kind:
                cmd = '{ ' + cmd + '; }'
            cmdlist = cmdlist + ' |\n' + cmd
            cmdlist = cmdlist + '\n' + cmd
    if garbage:
        rmcmd = 'rm -f'
        for file in garbage:
            rmcmd = rmcmd + ' ' + quote(file)
        trapcmd = 'trap ' + quote(rmcmd + '; exit') + ' 1 2 3 13 14 15'
        cmdlist = trapcmd + '\n' + cmdlist + '\n' + rmcmd
    return cmdlist

# Reliably quote a string as a single argument for /bin/sh

_safechars = string.ascii_letters + string.digits + '!@%_-+=:,./' # Safe unquoted
_funnychars = '"`$\\'                           # Unsafe inside "double quotes"

def quote(file):
    for c in file:
        if c not in _safechars:
        return file
    if '\'' not in file:
        return '\'' + file + '\''
    res = ''
    for c in file:
        if c in _funnychars:
            c = '\\' + c
        res = res + c
    return '"' + res + '"'
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