Revision be670f46836846f4010b82ca4c2ad3e217ad24cf authored by Alain Leufroy on 11 June 2013, 16:58:04 UTC, committed by Alain Leufroy on 11 June 2013, 16:58:04 UTC
On some repo the tree graph was not full filled.

The problem comes from the selection of the working directory parent.

To select the wd parent we ensure it has already been built.
This action encreases the number of built nodes in revision tree
(see ``hggraph.Graph.build_nodes``: requested revision + nnodes)

But we ensure the wd parent is built the first time the model is
filled. It is performed after the first graph rendering but before the
timer event that refreshes the tree graph.

In some case the first rendering displays only a partial revisions
tree graph. Once displayed the wd parent selection complete the
revision tree in cache but not yet on the screen.

If the revision tree is full filled, the table row count is not
updated (see the diff) while a part of the revision tree graph is
still missing.

Introduced by `always select the working directory at startup <fb5ee4cf21dd>`_
due to `New implementation of the background graph building mecanism <e28a5e3dc5c4>`_.

.. note:: I will factorize code in the next commit.
1 parent 60548a5
Raw File
Tip revision: be670f46836846f4010b82ca4c2ad3e217ad24cf authored by Alain Leufroy on 11 June 2013, 16:58:04 UTC
[qt4] Fix partial tree graph filling
Tip revision: be670f4
#!/usr/bin/env python
# pylint: disable=W0142,W0403,W0404,E0611,W0613,W0622,W0622,W0704
# pylint: disable=R0904,C0103
# Copyright (c) 2003 LOGILAB S.A. (Paris, FRANCE).
# --
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
# the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software
# Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later
# version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
# ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
# FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
# this program.  If not, see <>.

""" Generic Setup script, takes package info from file """

from __future__ import nested_scopes, with_statement

import os
import sys
import shutil
from os.path import isdir, exists, join, walk, splitext, basename, dirname
from subprocess import check_call, call as sub_call

from distutils.core import setup
from import build as _build
from distutils.command.build_py import build_py as _build_py
from distutils.command.install import install as _install
from distutils.command.install_lib import install_lib
from distutils.command.install_data import install_data as _install_data

py2exe, innosetup = None, None
    import py2exe
    import innosetup
except ImportError:

# import required features
from hgviewlib.__pkginfo__ import modname, version, license, description, \
     web, author, author_email
# import optional features
    from hgviewlib.__pkginfo__ import distname
except ImportError:
    distname = modname
    from hgviewlib.__pkginfo__ import scripts
except ImportError:
    scripts = []
    from hgviewlib.__pkginfo__ import data_files
except ImportError:
    data_files = []
    from hgviewlib.__pkginfo__ import subpackage_of
except ImportError:
    subpackage_of = None
    from hgviewlib.__pkginfo__ import include_dirs
except ImportError:
    include_dirs = []
    from hgviewlib.__pkginfo__ import ext_modules
except ImportError:
    ext_modules = None

long_description = file('README').read()

def setdefaultattr(obj, attrname, value=None):
    if getattr(obj, attrname, None) is not None:
        return getattr(obj, attrname)
    setattr(obj, attrname, value)
    return value

def ensure_scripts(linux_scripts):
    Creates the proper script names required for each platform
    (taken from 4Suite)
    from distutils import util
    if util.get_platform()[:3] == 'win':
        scripts_ = [script + '.bat' for script in linux_scripts]
        scripts_ = linux_scripts
    return scripts_

class build_qt(_build_py):

    description = "build every qt related resources (.uic and .qrc and .pyc)"

    PACKAGE = 'hgviewlib.qt4'

    def finalize_options(self):
        self.packages = ['hgviewlib.qt4']

    def compile_src(self, src, dest):
        compiler = self.get_compiler(src)
        if not compiler:
        dir = os.path.dirname(dest)
        sys.stdout.write("compiling %s -> %s\n" % (src, dest))
            compiler(src, dest)
        except Exception, e:
            sys.stderr.write('[Error] %r\n' % str(e))

    def run(self):
        for dirpath, _, filenames in os.walk(self.get_package_dir(self.PACKAGE)):
            package = dirpath.split(os.sep)
            for filename in filenames:
                module = self.get_module_name(filename)
                module_file = self.get_module_outfile(self.build_lib, package, module)
                src_file = os.path.join(dirpath, filename)
                self.compile_src(src_file, module_file)

    def compile_ui(ui_file, py_file):
        from PyQt4 import uic
        with open(py_file, 'w') as fp:
            uic.compileUi(ui_file, fp)

    def compile_qrc(qrc_file, py_file):
        check_call(['pyrcc4', qrc_file, '-o', py_file])

    def get_compiler(self, source_file):
        name = 'compile_' + source_file.rsplit(os.extsep, 1)[-1]
        return getattr(self, name, None)

    def get_module_name(src_filename):
        name, ext = os.path.splitext(src_filename)
        return {'.qrc': '%s_rc', '.ui': '%s_ui'}.get(ext, '%s') % name

class build_curses(_build_py):

    description = "build every curses related resource"

    def finalize_options(self):
        self.packages = ['hgviewlib.curses']

class build_doc(_build):

    description = "build the documentation"

    def initialize_options (self):
        self.build_dir = None

    def finalize_options (self):
        self.set_undefined_options('build', ('build_doc', 'build_dir'))

    def run(self):
        # be sure to compile man page
        if sys.platform.startswith('freebsd'):
            make_cmd = 'gmake'
            make_cmd = 'make'
            check_call([make_cmd, '-C', self.build_dir,
                        '-f', '../../doc/Makefile', 'VPATH=../../doc'])
            if not py2exe:
                # does not make sense (either because of windows vs toolchain
                # or we don't need the doc in the installer)
                print ('we cannot build the doc,'
                       ' you may want to use --no-doc')

class build_fullhgext(_build):
    """XXX ugly hack to include hgext in standalone hgview.exe"""

    description = "[DO NOT USE] install full mercurial's hgext package (for internal hgview purpose)"

    def run(self):
        import hgext
        shutil.copytree(dirname(hgext.__file__), join(self.build_lib, 'hgext'))

class build(_build):

    user_options =  [
        ('build-doc=', None, "build directory for documentation"),
        ('no-qt', None, 'do not build qt resources'),
        ('no-curses', None, 'do not build curses resources'),
        ('no-doc', None, 'do not build the documentation'),
        ] + _build.user_options

    boolean_options = [
        'no-qt', 'no-curses', 'no-doc'
        ] + _build.boolean_options

    def initialize_options (self):
        self.build_doc = None
        self.no_qt = False
        self.no_curses = False
        self.no_doc = False

    def finalize_options(self):
        for attr in ('with_qt', 'with_curses', 'with_doc'):
            setdefaultattr(self.distribution, attr, True)
        if self.build_doc is None:
            self.build_doc = os.path.join(self.build_base, 'doc')
        self.distribution.with_qt &= not self.no_qt
        self.distribution.with_curses &= not self.no_curses
        self.distribution.with_doc &= not self.no_doc

    def has_qt(self):
        return self.distribution.with_qt

    def has_curses(self):
        return self.distribution.with_curses

    def has_doc(self):
        return self.distribution.with_doc

    def has_fullhgext(self):
        """XXX ugly hack to include hgext in standalone hgview.exe"""
        return py2exe is not None # ugly hack to include every hgext modules

    # 'sub_commands': a list of commands this command might have to run to
    # get its work done.  See for more info.
    sub_commands = [
        ('build_qt', has_qt),
        ('build_curses', has_curses),
        ('build_doc', has_doc),
        ('build_fullhgext', has_fullhgext),
        ] + _build.sub_commands

class install_qt(install_lib):

    description = "install the qt interface resources"

    def run(self):
        if not self.skip_build:

class install_curses(install_lib):

    description = "install the curses interface resources"

    def run(self):

class install_doc(_install_data):

    description = "install the documentation"

    def initialize_options (self):
        self.install_dir = None
        self.build_dir = None

    def finalize_options (self):
        self.set_undefined_options('build', ('build_doc', 'build_dir'))
        self.set_undefined_options('install', ('install_base', 'install_dir'))

    def run(self):
        check_call(['make', '-C', self.build_dir, '-f',
                    'PREFIX=%s' % self.install_dir])

class install(_install):
    user_options = [
            ('no-qt', None, "do not install qt library part"),
            ('no-curses', None, "do not install curses library part"),
            ('no-doc', None, "do not install the documentation"),
            ] + _install.user_options

    boolean_options = [
            'no-qt', 'no-curses', 'no-doc'
            ] + _install.boolean_options

    def initialize_options(self):
        self.install_doc = None
        self.no_qt = False
        self.no_curses = False
        self.no_doc = False

    def finalize_options(self):
        for attr in ('with_qt', 'with_curses', 'with_doc'):
            setdefaultattr(self.distribution, attr, True)
        self.distribution.with_qt &= not self.no_qt
        self.distribution.with_curses &= not self.no_curses
        self.distribution.with_doc &= not self.no_doc

    def has_qt(self):
        return self.distribution.with_qt

    def has_curses(self):
        return self.distribution.with_curses

    def has_doc(self):
        return self.distribution.with_doc

    # 'sub_commands': a list of commands this command might have to run to
    # get its work done.  See for more info.
    sub_commands = [
        ('install_qt', has_qt),
        ('install_curses', has_curses),
        ('install_doc', has_doc),
        ] + _install.sub_commands

# innosetup monkeypatching
if innosetup:
    # let's help a bit ....
    long_description = description # innosetup fails with generated multiline long description
    import codecs
    codecs.BOM_UTF8 = '' # Ugly hack to correct the BOM erroneously inserted by
                         # innosetup in the generated .iss file

def main():
    """setup entry point"""
    # to generate qct MSI installer, you run python bdist_msi
    #from setuptools import setup
    extrargs = {}
    if py2exe and innosetup:
        import PyQt4
        extra_include = [
        # XXX ugly hack to include hgext in standalone hgview.exe
        import hgext
        hgextpath = dirname(hgext.__file__)
        import glob
        for f in glob.glob(join(hgextpath, '*.py*')) +  glob.glob(join(hgextpath, '*/*.py*')):
            tmp_f = os.path.splitext(os.path.relpath(f, hgextpath))[0]
            parts = [i for i in tmp_f.split(os.sep) if i.strip() and i != '__init__' ]
            m = '.'.join(['hgext']+parts)
        # end of ugly hack
        fmtpath = join(dirname(PyQt4.__file__), 'plugins', 'imageformats')
        global data_files
        data_files += [('imageformats', [join(fmtpath, 'qsvg4.dll')])]
        extrargs = dict(windows=[dict(script='bin/', 
                               packages=['hgext', 'email'],
                               # force MinVersion to a valid value ...
                               inno_script= innosetup.DEFAULT_ISS + '[Setup]\nMinVersion=5.0\n',

    return setup(name=distname,
                 package_dir={modname : modname},
                 packages=['hgviewlib', 'hgext', 'hgviewlib.hgpatches'],
                 cmdclass={'build_qt': build_qt,
                           'build_curses': build_curses,
                           'build_doc': build_doc,
                           'build_fullhgext' : build_fullhgext,
                           'build' : build,
                           'install_qt': install_qt,
                           'install_curses': install_curses,
                           'install_doc': install_doc,

if __name__ == '__main__' :
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