Revision be670f46836846f4010b82ca4c2ad3e217ad24cf authored by Alain Leufroy on 11 June 2013, 16:58:04 UTC, committed by Alain Leufroy on 11 June 2013, 16:58:04 UTC
On some repo the tree graph was not full filled.

The problem comes from the selection of the working directory parent.

To select the wd parent we ensure it has already been built.
This action encreases the number of built nodes in revision tree
(see ``hggraph.Graph.build_nodes``: requested revision + nnodes)

But we ensure the wd parent is built the first time the model is
filled. It is performed after the first graph rendering but before the
timer event that refreshes the tree graph.

In some case the first rendering displays only a partial revisions
tree graph. Once displayed the wd parent selection complete the
revision tree in cache but not yet on the screen.

If the revision tree is full filled, the table row count is not
updated (see the diff) while a part of the revision tree graph is
still missing.

Introduced by `always select the working directory at startup <fb5ee4cf21dd>`_
due to `New implementation of the background graph building mecanism <e28a5e3dc5c4>`_.

.. note:: I will factorize code in the next commit.
1 parent 60548a5
Raw File
Tip revision: be670f46836846f4010b82ca4c2ad3e217ad24cf authored by Alain Leufroy on 11 June 2013, 16:58:04 UTC
[qt4] Fix partial tree graph filling
Tip revision: be670f4
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright (c) 2003-2012 LOGILAB S.A. (Paris, FRANCE).
# --
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
# the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software
# Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later
# version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
# ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
# FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
# this program.  If not, see <>.
# pylint: disable=C0103

Module for managing configuration parameters of hgview using Hg's
configuration system
from functools import partial
import os
import re
import shlex

def cached(meth):
    decorator to cache config values once they are read
    name = meth.func_name
    def wrapper(self, *args, **kw):
        if name in self._cache:
            return self._cache[name]
        res = meth(self, *args, **kw)
        self._cache[name] = res
        return res
    wrapper.__doc__ = meth.__doc__
    return wrapper

class HgConfig(object):
    Class managing user configuration from hg standard configuration system (.hgrc)
    def __init__(self, ui, section="hgview"):
        self.ui = ui
        self.section = section
        self._cache = {}

    def _fromconfig(self, name, default):
        '''allow per-interface configuration.
        look for ``interface.config`` then for ``config`` if the first were not
        out = self.ui.config(self.section,
                             '.'.join((self.ui.opts.interface, name)),
        if out is not None:
            return out
        return self.ui.config(self.section, name, default)

    def getFancyReplace(self):
        fancyreplace: ``"patt" "repl"`` used to modify description by replacing
            ``patt`` by ``repl`` using regular expression (``re.sub`` for instance).
            Ex: "#(\d+)":"`#\\1 <\\1>`_"
        data = self._fromconfig('fancyreplace', None)
        if data is None:
            return data
        data = shlex.split(data)
        assert len(data) == 2
        patt, repl = data
        return partial(re.compile(patt).sub, repl)

    def getFont(self, default='Monospace'):
        font: default font used to display diffs and files. Use Qt4 format.
        return self._fromconfig('font', default)

    def getFontSize(self, default=9):
        fontsize: text size in file content viewer
        return int(self._fromconfig('fontsize', default))

    def getDotRadius(self, default=8):
        dotradius: radius (in pixels) of the dot in the revision graph
        return int(self._fromconfig('dotradius', default))

    def getUsers(self):
        users: path of the file holding users configurations
        users = {}
        aliases = {}
        usersfile = self._fromconfig('users', os.path.join('~', ".hgusers"))
        cfgfile = None
        if usersfile:
                cfgfile = open(os.path.expanduser(usersfile))
            except IOError:
                cfgfile = None

        if cfgfile:
            currid = None
            for line in cfgfile:
                line = line.strip()
                if not line or line.startswith('#'):
                cmd, val = line.split('=', 1)
                if cmd == 'id':
                    currid = val
                    if currid in users:
                        print "W: user %s is defined several times" % currid
                    users[currid] = {'aliases': set()}
                elif cmd == "alias":
                    if val in aliases:
                        print ("W: alias %s is used in several "
                               "user definitions" % val)
                    aliases[val] = currid
                    users[currid][cmd] = val
        return users, aliases

    def getFileDescriptionView(self, default='persistent'):

          :asfile: compact view with changeset description in the file list
          :persistent: persistent view with changeset description always visible (default)
        return self._fromconfig('descriptionview', default).lower()

    def getFileDescriptionColor(self, default='magenta'):
        filedescriptioncolor: display color of the "description" entry
        return self._fromconfig('filedescriptioncolor', default)
    def getFileModifiedColor(self, default='blue'):
        filemodifiedcolor: display color of a modified file
        return self._fromconfig('filemodifiedcolor', default)
    def getFileRemovedColor(self, default='red'):
        fileremovedcolor: display color of a removed file
        return self._fromconfig('fileremovededcolor', default)
    def getFileDeletedColor(self, default='darkred'):
        filedeletedcolor: display color of a deleted file
        return self._fromconfig('filedeletedcolor', default)
    def getFileAddedColor(self, default='green'):
        fileaddedcolor: display color of an added file
        return self._fromconfig('fileaddedcolor', default)

    def getRowHeight(self, default=20):
        rowheight: height (in pixels) on a row of the revision table
        return int(self._fromconfig('rowheight', default))

    def getHideFindDelay(self, default=10000):
        hidefinddelay: delay (in ms) after which the find bar will disappear
        return int(self._fromconfig('hidefindddelay', default))

    def getFillingStep(self, default=300):
        fillingstep: number of nodes 'loaded' at a time when updating repo graph log
        return int(self._fromconfig('fillingstep', default))

    def getChangelogColumns(self, default=None):
        changelogcolumns: ordered list of displayed columns in changelog views;
                    defaults to ID, Branch, Log, Author, Date, Tags
        cols = self._fromconfig('changelogcolumns', default)
        if cols is None:
            return None
        return [col.strip() for col in cols.split(',') if col.strip()]

    def getFilelogColumns(self, default=None):
        filelogcolumns: ordered list of displayed columns in filelog views;
                  defaults to ID, Log, Author, Date
        cols = self._fromconfig('filelogcolumns', default)
        if cols is None:
            return None
        return [col.strip() for col in cols.split(',') if col.strip()]

    def getDisplayDiffStats(self, default="yes"):
        displaydiffstats: flag controlling the appearance of the
                    'Diff' column in a revision's file list
        val = str(self._fromconfig('displaydiffstats', default))
        return val.lower() in ['true', 'yes', '1', 'on']

    def getMaxFileSize(self, default=100000):
        maxfilesize: max size of a file for diff computations, display content, etc.
                     (-1 means no max size)
        return int(self._fromconfig('maxfilesize', default))

    def getDiffBGColor(self, default='black'):
        diffbgcolor: background color of diffs
        return self._fromconfig('diffbgcolor', default)

    def getDiffFGColor(self, default='white'):
        difffgcolor: text color of diffs
        return self._fromconfig('difffgcolor', default)

    def getDiffPlusColor(self, default='green'):
        diffpluscolor: text color of added lines in diffs
        return self._fromconfig('diffpluscolor', default)

    def getDiffMinusColor(self, default='red'):
        diffminuscolor: text color of removed lines in diffs
        return self._fromconfig('diffminuscolor', default)

    def getDiffSectionColor(self, default='magenta'):
        diffsectioncolor: text color of new section in diffs
        return self._fromconfig('diffsectioncolor', default)

    def getMQFGColor(self, default='#ff8183'):
        mqfgcolor: bg color to highlight mq patches
        return self._fromconfig('mqfgcolor', default)

    def getMQHideTags(self, default=False):
        mqhidetags: hide mq tags
        return self._fromconfig('mqhidetags', default)

    def getToolBarRevAtStartup(self, default=True):
        toolbarrev: show hidden changeset at startup
        return bool(self._fromconfig('toolbarrev', default))

    def getToolBarDiffAtStartup(self, default=True):
        toolbardiff: show hidden changeset at startup
        return bool(self._fromconfig('toolbardiff', default))

    def getContentAtStartUp(self, default=True):
        contentatstartup: show the content of changeset at startup (bottom part)
        return bool(self._fromconfig('contentatstartup', default))

    def getShowHidden(self, default=False):
        showhidden: show hidden changeset at startup
        return bool(self._fromconfig('showhidden', default))

    def getInterface(self, default=None):
        interface: which GUI interface to use (among "qt", "raw" and "curses")
        return self.ui.config(self.section, 'interface', default)

    def getNonPublicOnTop(self, default=False):
        nonpublicontop: display non public changesets on top of the graph log
                        (disabled with *show hidden*)
        return bool(self._fromconfig('nonpublicontop', default))

    def getShowObsolete(self, default=True):
        showobsolete: display obsolete relations
        return bool(self._fromconfig('showobsolete', default))

    def getExportTemplate(self):
        exporttemplate: template used to serialize changeset metadata
                        while exporting into the window manager clipboard.
                        (default to `ui.logtemplate`)
        return self._fromconfig('exporttemplate', None) or \
               self.ui.config('ui', 'logtemplate')

_HgConfig = HgConfig
# HgConfig is instantiated only once (singleton)
# this 'factory' is used to manage this (not using heavy guns of
# metaclass or so)
_hgconfig = None
def HgConfig(ui):
    """Factory to instantiate HgConfig class as a singleton
    # pylint: disable=E0102
    global _hgconfig
    if _hgconfig is None:
        _hgconfig = _HgConfig(ui)
    return _hgconfig

def get_option_descriptions(rest=False):
    Extract options descriptions (docstrings of HgConfig methods)
    options = []
    for attr in dir(_HgConfig):
        if attr.startswith('get'):
            meth = getattr(_HgConfig, attr)
            if callable(meth):
                doc = meth.__doc__
                if doc and doc.strip():
                    doc = doc.strip()
                    if rest:
                        doc = re.sub(r' *(?P<arg>.*) *: *(?P<desc>.*)', r'``\1`` \2', doc.strip())
                        doc = ' '.join(doc.split()) # remove \n and other multiple whitespaces
    return options

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