Revision aa241e014979612e2c8851bf9b12c16bcc07b161 authored by Raymond Hettinger on 26 September 2004, 19:24:20 UTC, committed by Raymond Hettinger on 26 September 2004, 19:24:20 UTC
Also, add a testcase.

Formerly, the list_extend() code used several local variables to remember
its state across iterations.  Since an iteration could call arbitrary
Python code, it was possible for the list state to be changed.  The new
code uses dynamic structure references instead of C locals.  So, they
are always up-to-date.

After list_resize() is called, its size has been updated but the new
cells are filled with NULLs.  These needed to be filled before arbitrary
iteration code was called; otherwise, that code could attempt to modify
a list that was in a semi-invalid state.  The solution was to change
the ob->size field back to a value reflecting the actual number of valid
1 parent 55593c3
Raw File
Tip revision: aa241e014979612e2c8851bf9b12c16bcc07b161 authored by Raymond Hettinger on 26 September 2004, 19:24:20 UTC
Checkin Tim's fix to an error discussed on python-dev.
Tip revision: aa241e0
# Copyright (c) 2000,
# Copyright (c) 1995-2000, Corporation for National Research Initiatives.
# Copyright (c) 1990-1995, Stichting Mathematisch Centrum.
# All rights reserved.
# See the file "Misc/COPYRIGHT" for information on usage and
# redistribution of this file, and for a DISCLAIMER OF ALL WARRANTIES.

# Python script to parse cstubs file for gl and generate C stubs.
# usage: python <cstubs >glmodule.c
# NOTE: You  must first make a python binary without the "GL" option
#       before you can run this, when building Python for the first time.
#       See comments in the Makefile.
# XXX BUG return arrays generate wrong code
# XXX need to change error returns into gotos to free mallocked arrays

import string
import sys

# Function to print to stderr
def err(*args):
    savestdout = sys.stdout
        sys.stdout = sys.stderr
        for i in args:
            print i,
        sys.stdout = savestdout

# The set of digits that form a number
digits = '0123456789'

# Function to extract a string of digits from the front of the string.
# Returns the leading string of digits and the remaining string.
# If no number is found, returns '' and the original string.
def getnum(s):
    n = ''
    while s and s[0] in digits:
        n = n + s[0]
        s = s[1:]
    return n, s

# Function to check if a string is a number
def isnum(s):
    if not s: return False
    for c in s:
        if not c in digits: return False
    return True

# Allowed function return types
return_types = ['void', 'short', 'long']

# Allowed function argument types
arg_types = ['char', 'string', 'short', 'u_short', 'float', 'long', 'double']

# Need to classify arguments as follows
#       simple input variable
#       simple output variable
#       input array
#       output array
#       input giving size of some array
# Array dimensions can be specified as follows
#       constant
#       argN
#       constant * argN
#       retval
#       constant * retval
# The dimensions given as constants * something are really
# arrays of points where points are 2- 3- or 4-tuples
# We have to consider three lists:
#       python input arguments
#       C stub arguments (in & out)
#       python output arguments (really return values)
# There is a mapping from python input arguments to the input arguments
# of the C stub, and a further mapping from C stub arguments to the
# python return values

# Exception raised by checkarg() and generate()
arg_error = 'bad arg'

# Function to check one argument.
# Arguments: the type and the arg "name" (really mode plus subscript).
# Raises arg_error if something's wrong.
# Return type, mode, factor, rest of subscript; factor and rest may be empty.
def checkarg(type, arg):
    # Turn "char *x" into "string x".
    if type == 'char' and arg[0] == '*':
        type = 'string'
        arg = arg[1:]
    # Check that the type is supported.
    if type not in arg_types:
        raise arg_error, ('bad type', type)
    if type[:2] == 'u_':
        type = 'unsigned ' + type[2:]
    # Split it in the mode (first character) and the rest.
    mode, rest = arg[:1], arg[1:]
    # The mode must be 's' for send (= input) or 'r' for return argument.
    if mode not in ('r', 's'):
        raise arg_error, ('bad arg mode', mode)
    # Is it a simple argument: if so, we are done.
    if not rest:
        return type, mode, '', ''
    # Not a simple argument; must be an array.
    # The 'rest' must be a subscript enclosed in [ and ].
    # The subscript must be one of the following forms,
    # otherwise we don't handle it (where N is a number):
    #       N
    #       argN
    #       retval
    #       N*argN
    #       N*retval
    if rest[:1] <> '[' or rest[-1:] <> ']':
        raise arg_error, ('subscript expected', rest)
    sub = rest[1:-1]
    # Is there a leading number?
    num, sub = getnum(sub)
    if num:
        # There is a leading number
        if not sub:
            # The subscript is just a number
            return type, mode, num, ''
        if sub[:1] == '*':
            # There is a factor prefix
            sub = sub[1:]
            raise arg_error, ('\'*\' expected', sub)
    if sub == 'retval':
        # size is retval -- must be a reply argument
        if mode <> 'r':
            raise arg_error, ('non-r mode with [retval]', mode)
    elif not isnum(sub) and (sub[:3] <> 'arg' or not isnum(sub[3:])):
        raise arg_error, ('bad subscript', sub)
    return type, mode, num, sub

# List of functions for which we have generated stubs
functions = []

# Generate the stub for the given function, using the database of argument
# information build by successive calls to checkarg()
def generate(type, func, database):
    # Check that we can handle this case:
    # no variable size reply arrays yet
    n_in_args = 0
    n_out_args = 0
    for a_type, a_mode, a_factor, a_sub in database:
        if a_mode == 's':
            n_in_args = n_in_args + 1
        elif a_mode == 'r':
            n_out_args = n_out_args + 1
            # Can't happen
            raise arg_error, ('bad a_mode', a_mode)
        if (a_mode == 'r' and a_sub) or a_sub == 'retval':
            err('Function', func, 'too complicated:',
                a_type, a_mode, a_factor, a_sub)
            print '/* XXX Too complicated to generate code for */'
    # Stub header
    print 'static PyObject *'
    print 'gl_' + func + '(self, args)'
    print '\tPyObject *self;'
    print '\tPyObject *args;'
    print '{'
    # Declare return value if any
    if type <> 'void':
        print '\t' + type, 'retval;'
    # Declare arguments
    for i in range(len(database)):
        a_type, a_mode, a_factor, a_sub = database[i]
        print '\t' + a_type,
        brac = ket = ''
        if a_sub and not isnum(a_sub):
            if a_factor:
                brac = '('
                ket = ')'
            print brac + '*',
        print 'arg' + repr(i+1) + ket,
        if a_sub and isnum(a_sub):
            print '[', a_sub, ']',
        if a_factor:
            print '[', a_factor, ']',
        print ';'
    # Find input arguments derived from array sizes
    for i in range(len(database)):
        a_type, a_mode, a_factor, a_sub = database[i]
        if a_mode == 's' and a_sub[:3] == 'arg' and isnum(a_sub[3:]):
            # Sending a variable-length array
            n = eval(a_sub[3:])
            if 1 <= n <= len(database):
                b_type, b_mode, b_factor, b_sub = database[n-1]
                if b_mode == 's':
                    database[n-1] = b_type, 'i', a_factor, repr(i)
                    n_in_args = n_in_args - 1
    # Assign argument positions in the Python argument list
    in_pos = []
    i_in = 0
    for i in range(len(database)):
        a_type, a_mode, a_factor, a_sub = database[i]
        if a_mode == 's':
            i_in = i_in + 1
    # Get input arguments
    for i in range(len(database)):
        a_type, a_mode, a_factor, a_sub = database[i]
        if a_type[:9] == 'unsigned ':
            xtype = a_type[9:]
            xtype = a_type
        if a_mode == 'i':
            # Implicit argument;
            # a_factor is divisor if present,
            # a_sub indicates which arg (`database index`)
            j = eval(a_sub)
            print '\tif',
            print '(!geti' + xtype + 'arraysize(args,',
            print repr(n_in_args) + ',',
            print repr(in_pos[j]) + ',',
            if xtype <> a_type:
                print '('+xtype+' *)',
            print '&arg' + repr(i+1) + '))'
            print '\t\treturn NULL;'
            if a_factor:
                print '\targ' + repr(i+1),
                print '= arg' + repr(i+1),
                print '/', a_factor + ';'
        elif a_mode == 's':
            if a_sub and not isnum(a_sub):
                # Allocate memory for varsize array
                print '\tif ((arg' + repr(i+1), '=',
                if a_factor:
                    print '('+a_type+'(*)['+a_factor+'])',
                print 'PyMem_NEW(' + a_type, ',',
                if a_factor:
                    print a_factor, '*',
                print a_sub, ')) == NULL)'
                print '\t\treturn PyErr_NoMemory();'
            print '\tif',
            if a_factor or a_sub: # Get a fixed-size array array
                print '(!geti' + xtype + 'array(args,',
                print repr(n_in_args) + ',',
                print repr(in_pos[i]) + ',',
                if a_factor: print a_factor,
                if a_factor and a_sub: print '*',
                if a_sub: print a_sub,
                print ',',
                if (a_sub and a_factor) or xtype <> a_type:
                    print '('+xtype+' *)',
                print 'arg' + repr(i+1) + '))'
            else: # Get a simple variable
                print '(!geti' + xtype + 'arg(args,',
                print repr(n_in_args) + ',',
                print repr(in_pos[i]) + ',',
                if xtype <> a_type:
                    print '('+xtype+' *)',
                print '&arg' + repr(i+1) + '))'
            print '\t\treturn NULL;'
    # Begin of function call
    if type <> 'void':
        print '\tretval =', func + '(',
        print '\t' + func + '(',
    # Argument list
    for i in range(len(database)):
        if i > 0: print ',',
        a_type, a_mode, a_factor, a_sub = database[i]
        if a_mode == 'r' and not a_factor:
            print '&',
        print 'arg' + repr(i+1),
    # End of function call
    print ');'
    # Free varsize arrays
    for i in range(len(database)):
        a_type, a_mode, a_factor, a_sub = database[i]
        if a_mode == 's' and a_sub and not isnum(a_sub):
            print '\tPyMem_DEL(arg' + repr(i+1) + ');'
    # Return
    if n_out_args:
        # Multiple return values -- construct a tuple
        if type <> 'void':
            n_out_args = n_out_args + 1
        if n_out_args == 1:
            for i in range(len(database)):
                a_type, a_mode, a_factor, a_sub = database[i]
                if a_mode == 'r':
                raise arg_error, 'expected r arg not found'
            print '\treturn',
            print mkobject(a_type, 'arg' + repr(i+1)) + ';'
            print '\t{ PyObject *v = PyTuple_New(',
            print n_out_args, ');'
            print '\t  if (v == NULL) return NULL;'
            i_out = 0
            if type <> 'void':
                print '\t  PyTuple_SetItem(v,',
                print repr(i_out) + ',',
                print mkobject(type, 'retval') + ');'
                i_out = i_out + 1
            for i in range(len(database)):
                a_type, a_mode, a_factor, a_sub = database[i]
                if a_mode == 'r':
                    print '\t  PyTuple_SetItem(v,',
                    print repr(i_out) + ',',
                    s = mkobject(a_type, 'arg' + repr(i+1))
                    print s + ');'
                    i_out = i_out + 1
            print '\t  return v;'
            print '\t}'
        # Simple function return
        # Return None or return value
        if type == 'void':
            print '\tPy_INCREF(Py_None);'
            print '\treturn Py_None;'
            print '\treturn', mkobject(type, 'retval') + ';'
    # Stub body closing brace
    print '}'

# Subroutine to return a function call to mknew<type>object(<arg>)
def mkobject(type, arg):
    if type[:9] == 'unsigned ':
        type = type[9:]
        return 'mknew' + type + 'object((' + type + ') ' + arg + ')'
    return 'mknew' + type + 'object(' + arg + ')'

defined_archs = []

# usage: cgen [ -Dmach ... ] [ file ]
for arg in sys.argv[1:]:
    if arg[:2] == '-D':
        # Open optional file argument
        sys.stdin = open(arg, 'r')

# Input line number
lno = 0

# Input is divided in two parts, separated by a line containing '%%'.
#       <part1>         -- literally copied to stdout
#       <part2>         -- stub definitions

# Variable indicating the current input part.
part = 1

# Main loop over the input
while 1:
        line = raw_input()
    except EOFError:
    lno = lno+1
    words = string.split(line)
    if part == 1:
        # In part 1, copy everything literally
        # except look for a line of just '%%'
        if words == ['%%']:
            part = part + 1
            # Look for names of manually written
            # stubs: a single percent followed by the name
            # of the function in Python.
            # The stub name is derived by prefixing 'gl_'.
            if words and words[0][0] == '%':
                func = words[0][1:]
                if (not func) and words[1:]:
                    func = words[1]
                if func:
                print line
    if not words:
        continue                # skip empty line
    elif words[0] == 'if':
        # if XXX rest
        # if !XXX rest
        if words[1][0] == '!':
            if words[1][1:] in defined_archs:
        elif words[1] not in defined_archs:
        words = words[2:]
    if words[0] == '#include':
        print line
    elif words[0][:1] == '#':
        pass                    # ignore comment
    elif words[0] not in return_types:
        err('Line', lno, ': bad return type :', words[0])
    elif len(words) < 2:
        err('Line', lno, ': no funcname :', line)
        if len(words) % 2 <> 0:
            err('Line', lno, ': odd argument list :', words[2:])
            database = []
                for i in range(2, len(words), 2):
                    x = checkarg(words[i], words[i+1])
                print '/*',
                for w in words: print w,
                print '*/'
                generate(words[0], words[1], database)
            except arg_error, msg:
                err('Line', lno, ':', msg)

print 'static struct PyMethodDef gl_methods[] = {'
for func in functions:
    print '\t{"' + func + '", gl_' + func + '},'
print '\t{NULL, NULL} /* Sentinel */'
print '};'
print 'void'
print 'initgl()'
print '{'
print '\t(void) Py_InitModule("gl", gl_methods);'
print '}'
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