Revision 9b6fec46513006d7b06fcb645cca6e4f5bf7c7b8 authored by Dino Viehland on 23 January 2020, 00:42:38 UTC, committed by GitHub on 23 January 2020, 00:42:38 UTC
* bpo-39336: Allow setattr to fail on modules which aren't assignable

When attaching a child module to a package if the object in sys.modules raises an AttributeError (e.g. because it is immutable) it causes the whole import to fail.  This now allows immutable packages to exist and an ImportWarning is reported and the AttributeError exception is ignored.
1 parent d3ae95e
Raw File
.. currentmodule:: asyncio

High-level API Index

This page lists all high-level async/await enabled asyncio APIs.


Utilities to run asyncio programs, create Tasks, and
await on multiple things with timeouts.

.. list-table::
    :widths: 50 50
    :class: full-width-table

    * - :func:`run`
      - Create event loop, run a coroutine, close the loop.

    * - :func:`create_task`
      - Start an asyncio Task.

    * - ``await`` :func:`sleep`
      - Sleep for a number of seconds.

    * - ``await`` :func:`gather`
      - Schedule and wait for things concurrently.

    * - ``await`` :func:`wait_for`
      - Run with a timeout.

    * - ``await`` :func:`shield`
      - Shield from cancellation.

    * - ``await`` :func:`wait`
      - Monitor for completion.

    * - :func:`current_task`
      - Return the current Task.

    * - :func:`all_tasks`
      - Return all tasks for an event loop.

    * - :class:`Task`
      - Task object.

    * - :func:`run_coroutine_threadsafe`
      - Schedule a coroutine from another OS thread.

    * - ``for in`` :func:`as_completed`
      - Monitor for completion with a ``for`` loop.

.. rubric:: Examples

* :ref:`Using asyncio.gather() to run things in parallel

* :ref:`Using asyncio.wait_for() to enforce a timeout

* :ref:`Cancellation <asyncio_example_task_cancel>`.

* :ref:`Using asyncio.sleep() <asyncio_example_sleep>`.

* See also the main :ref:`Tasks documentation page <coroutine>`.


Queues should be used to distribute work amongst multiple asyncio Tasks,
implement connection pools, and pub/sub patterns.

.. list-table::
    :widths: 50 50
    :class: full-width-table

    * - :class:`Queue`
      - A FIFO queue.

    * - :class:`PriorityQueue`
      - A priority queue.

    * - :class:`LifoQueue`
      - A LIFO queue.

.. rubric:: Examples

* :ref:`Using asyncio.Queue to distribute workload between several
  Tasks <asyncio_example_queue_dist>`.

* See also the :ref:`Queues documentation page <asyncio-queues>`.


Utilities to spawn subprocesses and run shell commands.

.. list-table::
    :widths: 50 50
    :class: full-width-table

    * - ``await`` :func:`create_subprocess_exec`
      - Create a subprocess.

    * - ``await`` :func:`create_subprocess_shell`
      - Run a shell command.

.. rubric:: Examples

* :ref:`Executing a shell command <asyncio_example_subprocess_shell>`.

* See also the :ref:`subprocess APIs <asyncio-subprocess>`


High-level APIs to work with network IO.

.. list-table::
    :widths: 50 50
    :class: full-width-table

    * - ``await`` :func:`open_connection`
      -  Establish a TCP connection.

    * - ``await`` :func:`open_unix_connection`
      -  Establish a Unix socket connection.

    * - ``await`` :func:`start_server`
      - Start a TCP server.

    * - ``await`` :func:`start_unix_server`
      - Start a Unix socket server.

    * - :class:`StreamReader`
      - High-level async/await object to receive network data.

    * - :class:`StreamWriter`
      - High-level async/await object to send network data.

.. rubric:: Examples

* :ref:`Example TCP client <asyncio_example_stream>`.

* See also the :ref:`streams APIs <asyncio-streams>`


Threading-like synchronization primitives that can be used in Tasks.

.. list-table::
    :widths: 50 50
    :class: full-width-table

    * - :class:`Lock`
      - A mutex lock.

    * - :class:`Event`
      - An event object.

    * - :class:`Condition`
      - A condition object.

    * - :class:`Semaphore`
      - A semaphore.

    * - :class:`BoundedSemaphore`
      - A bounded semaphore.

.. rubric:: Examples

* :ref:`Using asyncio.Event <asyncio_example_sync_event>`.

* See also the documentation of asyncio
  :ref:`synchronization primitives <asyncio-sync>`.


.. list-table::
    :widths: 50 50
    :class: full-width-table

    * - :exc:`asyncio.TimeoutError`
      - Raised on timeout by functions like :func:`wait_for`.
        Keep in mind that ``asyncio.TimeoutError`` is **unrelated**
        to the built-in :exc:`TimeoutError` exception.

    * - :exc:`asyncio.CancelledError`
      - Raised when a Task is cancelled. See also :meth:`Task.cancel`.

.. rubric:: Examples

* :ref:`Handling CancelledError to run code on cancellation request

* See also the full list of
  :ref:`asyncio-specific exceptions <asyncio-exceptions>`.
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