Revision 911c35d5d334b8c148202f2a7a32b511958032fc authored by Miss Islington (bot) on 03 June 2020, 13:01:23 UTC, committed by GitHub on 03 June 2020, 13:01:23 UTC

Would be nice to backport to python 3.7+. I don't think it's worth the hassle to backport this all the way down to 3.10. But I'll let the maintainers decide.

This is hard to test because the test setup already includes this [environment variable](

Let me know if something doesn't match the PR guidelines. This is my first PR in the python source code.
(cherry picked from commit c822efeda9a0afe87cf3429724732fc8e19a01fb)

Co-authored-by: Jeremy Attali <>
1 parent b640ca1
Raw File
Tip revision: 911c35d5d334b8c148202f2a7a32b511958032fc authored by Miss Islington (bot) on 03 June 2020, 13:01:23 UTC
bpo-40767: Allow pure Wayland to get default XDG web browser (GH-20382)
Tip revision: 911c35d
"""Find modules used by a script, using introspection."""

import dis
import importlib._bootstrap_external
import importlib.machinery
import marshal
import os
import sys
import types
import warnings
with warnings.catch_warnings():
    warnings.simplefilter('ignore', DeprecationWarning)
    import imp

LOAD_CONST = dis.opmap['LOAD_CONST']
STORE_NAME = dis.opmap['STORE_NAME']

# Modulefinder does a good job at simulating Python's, but it can not
# handle __path__ modifications packages make at runtime.  Therefore there
# is a mechanism whereby you can register extra paths in this map for a
# package, and it will be honored.

# Note this is a mapping is lists of paths.
packagePathMap = {}

# A Public interface
def AddPackagePath(packagename, path):
    packagePathMap.setdefault(packagename, []).append(path)

replacePackageMap = {}

# This ReplacePackage mechanism allows modulefinder to work around
# situations in which a package injects itself under the name
# of another package into sys.modules at runtime by calling
# ReplacePackage("real_package_name", "faked_package_name")
# before running ModuleFinder.

def ReplacePackage(oldname, newname):
    replacePackageMap[oldname] = newname

class Module:

    def __init__(self, name, file=None, path=None):
        self.__name__ = name
        self.__file__ = file
        self.__path__ = path
        self.__code__ = None
        # The set of global names that are assigned to in the module.
        # This includes those names imported through starimports of
        # Python modules.
        self.globalnames = {}
        # The set of starimports this module did that could not be
        # resolved, ie. a starimport from a non-Python module.
        self.starimports = {}

    def __repr__(self):
        s = "Module(%r" % (self.__name__,)
        if self.__file__ is not None:
            s = s + ", %r" % (self.__file__,)
        if self.__path__ is not None:
            s = s + ", %r" % (self.__path__,)
        s = s + ")"
        return s

class ModuleFinder:

    def __init__(self, path=None, debug=0, excludes=[], replace_paths=[]):
        if path is None:
            path = sys.path
        self.path = path
        self.modules = {}
        self.badmodules = {}
        self.debug = debug
        self.indent = 0
        self.excludes = excludes
        self.replace_paths = replace_paths
        self.processed_paths = []   # Used in debugging only

    def msg(self, level, str, *args):
        if level <= self.debug:
            for i in range(self.indent):
                print("   ", end=' ')
            print(str, end=' ')
            for arg in args:
                print(repr(arg), end=' ')

    def msgin(self, *args):
        level = args[0]
        if level <= self.debug:
            self.indent = self.indent + 1

    def msgout(self, *args):
        level = args[0]
        if level <= self.debug:
            self.indent = self.indent - 1

    def run_script(self, pathname):
        self.msg(2, "run_script", pathname)
        with open(pathname) as fp:
            stuff = ("", "r", imp.PY_SOURCE)
            self.load_module('__main__', fp, pathname, stuff)

    def load_file(self, pathname):
        dir, name = os.path.split(pathname)
        name, ext = os.path.splitext(name)
        with open(pathname) as fp:
            stuff = (ext, "r", imp.PY_SOURCE)
            self.load_module(name, fp, pathname, stuff)

    def import_hook(self, name, caller=None, fromlist=None, level=-1):
        self.msg(3, "import_hook", name, caller, fromlist, level)
        parent = self.determine_parent(caller, level=level)
        q, tail = self.find_head_package(parent, name)
        m = self.load_tail(q, tail)
        if not fromlist:
            return q
        if m.__path__:
            self.ensure_fromlist(m, fromlist)
        return None

    def determine_parent(self, caller, level=-1):
        self.msgin(4, "determine_parent", caller, level)
        if not caller or level == 0:
            self.msgout(4, "determine_parent -> None")
            return None
        pname = caller.__name__
        if level >= 1: # relative import
            if caller.__path__:
                level -= 1
            if level == 0:
                parent = self.modules[pname]
                assert parent is caller
                self.msgout(4, "determine_parent ->", parent)
                return parent
            if pname.count(".") < level:
                raise ImportError("relative importpath too deep")
            pname = ".".join(pname.split(".")[:-level])
            parent = self.modules[pname]
            self.msgout(4, "determine_parent ->", parent)
            return parent
        if caller.__path__:
            parent = self.modules[pname]
            assert caller is parent
            self.msgout(4, "determine_parent ->", parent)
            return parent
        if '.' in pname:
            i = pname.rfind('.')
            pname = pname[:i]
            parent = self.modules[pname]
            assert parent.__name__ == pname
            self.msgout(4, "determine_parent ->", parent)
            return parent
        self.msgout(4, "determine_parent -> None")
        return None

    def find_head_package(self, parent, name):
        self.msgin(4, "find_head_package", parent, name)
        if '.' in name:
            i = name.find('.')
            head = name[:i]
            tail = name[i+1:]
            head = name
            tail = ""
        if parent:
            qname = "%s.%s" % (parent.__name__, head)
            qname = head
        q = self.import_module(head, qname, parent)
        if q:
            self.msgout(4, "find_head_package ->", (q, tail))
            return q, tail
        if parent:
            qname = head
            parent = None
            q = self.import_module(head, qname, parent)
            if q:
                self.msgout(4, "find_head_package ->", (q, tail))
                return q, tail
        self.msgout(4, "raise ImportError: No module named", qname)
        raise ImportError("No module named " + qname)

    def load_tail(self, q, tail):
        self.msgin(4, "load_tail", q, tail)
        m = q
        while tail:
            i = tail.find('.')
            if i < 0: i = len(tail)
            head, tail = tail[:i], tail[i+1:]
            mname = "%s.%s" % (m.__name__, head)
            m = self.import_module(head, mname, m)
            if not m:
                self.msgout(4, "raise ImportError: No module named", mname)
                raise ImportError("No module named " + mname)
        self.msgout(4, "load_tail ->", m)
        return m

    def ensure_fromlist(self, m, fromlist, recursive=0):
        self.msg(4, "ensure_fromlist", m, fromlist, recursive)
        for sub in fromlist:
            if sub == "*":
                if not recursive:
                    all = self.find_all_submodules(m)
                    if all:
                        self.ensure_fromlist(m, all, 1)
            elif not hasattr(m, sub):
                subname = "%s.%s" % (m.__name__, sub)
                submod = self.import_module(sub, subname, m)
                if not submod:
                    raise ImportError("No module named " + subname)

    def find_all_submodules(self, m):
        if not m.__path__:
        modules = {}
        # 'suffixes' used to be a list hardcoded to [".py", ".pyc"].
        # But we must also collect Python extension modules - although
        # we cannot separate normal dlls from Python extensions.
        suffixes = []
        suffixes += importlib.machinery.EXTENSION_SUFFIXES[:]
        suffixes += importlib.machinery.SOURCE_SUFFIXES[:]
        suffixes += importlib.machinery.BYTECODE_SUFFIXES[:]
        for dir in m.__path__:
                names = os.listdir(dir)
            except OSError:
                self.msg(2, "can't list directory", dir)
            for name in names:
                mod = None
                for suff in suffixes:
                    n = len(suff)
                    if name[-n:] == suff:
                        mod = name[:-n]
                if mod and mod != "__init__":
                    modules[mod] = mod
        return modules.keys()

    def import_module(self, partname, fqname, parent):
        self.msgin(3, "import_module", partname, fqname, parent)
            m = self.modules[fqname]
        except KeyError:
            self.msgout(3, "import_module ->", m)
            return m
        if fqname in self.badmodules:
            self.msgout(3, "import_module -> None")
            return None
        if parent and parent.__path__ is None:
            self.msgout(3, "import_module -> None")
            return None
            fp, pathname, stuff = self.find_module(partname,
                                                   parent and parent.__path__, parent)
        except ImportError:
            self.msgout(3, "import_module ->", None)
            return None
            m = self.load_module(fqname, fp, pathname, stuff)
            if fp:
        if parent:
            setattr(parent, partname, m)
        self.msgout(3, "import_module ->", m)
        return m

    def load_module(self, fqname, fp, pathname, file_info):
        suffix, mode, type = file_info
        self.msgin(2, "load_module", fqname, fp and "fp", pathname)
        if type == imp.PKG_DIRECTORY:
            m = self.load_package(fqname, pathname)
            self.msgout(2, "load_module ->", m)
            return m
        if type == imp.PY_SOURCE:
            co = compile('\n', pathname, 'exec')
        elif type == imp.PY_COMPILED:
                data =
                importlib._bootstrap_external._classify_pyc(data, fqname, {})
            except ImportError as exc:
                self.msgout(2, "raise ImportError: " + str(exc), pathname)
            co = marshal.loads(memoryview(data)[16:])
            co = None
        m = self.add_module(fqname)
        m.__file__ = pathname
        if co:
            if self.replace_paths:
                co = self.replace_paths_in_code(co)
            m.__code__ = co
            self.scan_code(co, m)
        self.msgout(2, "load_module ->", m)
        return m

    def _add_badmodule(self, name, caller):
        if name not in self.badmodules:
            self.badmodules[name] = {}
        if caller:
            self.badmodules[name][caller.__name__] = 1
            self.badmodules[name]["-"] = 1

    def _safe_import_hook(self, name, caller, fromlist, level=-1):
        # wrapper for self.import_hook() that won't raise ImportError
        if name in self.badmodules:
            self._add_badmodule(name, caller)
            self.import_hook(name, caller, level=level)
        except ImportError as msg:
            self.msg(2, "ImportError:", str(msg))
            self._add_badmodule(name, caller)
            if fromlist:
                for sub in fromlist:
                    if sub in self.badmodules:
                        self._add_badmodule(sub, caller)
                        self.import_hook(name, caller, [sub], level=level)
                    except ImportError as msg:
                        self.msg(2, "ImportError:", str(msg))
                        fullname = name + "." + sub
                        self._add_badmodule(fullname, caller)

    def scan_opcodes(self, co):
        # Scan the code, and yield 'interesting' opcode combinations
        code = co.co_code
        names = co.co_names
        consts = co.co_consts
        opargs = [(op, arg) for _, op, arg in dis._unpack_opargs(code)
                  if op != EXTENDED_ARG]
        for i, (op, oparg) in enumerate(opargs):
            if op in STORE_OPS:
                yield "store", (names[oparg],)
            if (op == IMPORT_NAME and i >= 2
                    and opargs[i-1][0] == opargs[i-2][0] == LOAD_CONST):
                level = consts[opargs[i-2][1]]
                fromlist = consts[opargs[i-1][1]]
                if level == 0: # absolute import
                    yield "absolute_import", (fromlist, names[oparg])
                else: # relative import
                    yield "relative_import", (level, fromlist, names[oparg])

    def scan_code(self, co, m):
        code = co.co_code
        scanner = self.scan_opcodes
        for what, args in scanner(co):
            if what == "store":
                name, = args
                m.globalnames[name] = 1
            elif what == "absolute_import":
                fromlist, name = args
                have_star = 0
                if fromlist is not None:
                    if "*" in fromlist:
                        have_star = 1
                    fromlist = [f for f in fromlist if f != "*"]
                self._safe_import_hook(name, m, fromlist, level=0)
                if have_star:
                    # We've encountered an "import *". If it is a Python module,
                    # the code has already been parsed and we can suck out the
                    # global names.
                    mm = None
                    if m.__path__:
                        # At this point we don't know whether 'name' is a
                        # submodule of 'm' or a global module. Let's just try
                        # the full name first.
                        mm = self.modules.get(m.__name__ + "." + name)
                    if mm is None:
                        mm = self.modules.get(name)
                    if mm is not None:
                        if mm.__code__ is None:
                            m.starimports[name] = 1
                        m.starimports[name] = 1
            elif what == "relative_import":
                level, fromlist, name = args
                if name:
                    self._safe_import_hook(name, m, fromlist, level=level)
                    parent = self.determine_parent(m, level=level)
                    self._safe_import_hook(parent.__name__, None, fromlist, level=0)
                # We don't expect anything else from the generator.
                raise RuntimeError(what)

        for c in co.co_consts:
            if isinstance(c, type(co)):
                self.scan_code(c, m)

    def load_package(self, fqname, pathname):
        self.msgin(2, "load_package", fqname, pathname)
        newname = replacePackageMap.get(fqname)
        if newname:
            fqname = newname
        m = self.add_module(fqname)
        m.__file__ = pathname
        m.__path__ = [pathname]

        # As per comment at top of file, simulate runtime __path__ additions.
        m.__path__ = m.__path__ + packagePathMap.get(fqname, [])

        fp, buf, stuff = self.find_module("__init__", m.__path__)
            self.load_module(fqname, fp, buf, stuff)
            self.msgout(2, "load_package ->", m)
            return m
            if fp:

    def add_module(self, fqname):
        if fqname in self.modules:
            return self.modules[fqname]
        self.modules[fqname] = m = Module(fqname)
        return m

    def find_module(self, name, path, parent=None):
        if parent is not None:
            # assert path is not None
            fullname = parent.__name__+'.'+name
            fullname = name
        if fullname in self.excludes:
            self.msgout(3, "find_module -> Excluded", fullname)
            raise ImportError(name)

        if path is None:
            if name in sys.builtin_module_names:
                return (None, None, ("", "", imp.C_BUILTIN))

            path = self.path
        return imp.find_module(name, path)

    def report(self):
        """Print a report to stdout, listing the found modules with their
        paths, as well as modules that are missing, or seem to be missing.
        print("  %-25s %s" % ("Name", "File"))
        print("  %-25s %s" % ("----", "----"))
        # Print modules found
        keys = sorted(self.modules.keys())
        for key in keys:
            m = self.modules[key]
            if m.__path__:
                print("P", end=' ')
                print("m", end=' ')
            print("%-25s" % key, m.__file__ or "")

        # Print missing modules
        missing, maybe = self.any_missing_maybe()
        if missing:
            print("Missing modules:")
            for name in missing:
                mods = sorted(self.badmodules[name].keys())
                print("?", name, "imported from", ', '.join(mods))
        # Print modules that may be missing, but then again, maybe not...
        if maybe:
            print("Submodules that appear to be missing, but could also be", end=' ')
            print("global names in the parent package:")
            for name in maybe:
                mods = sorted(self.badmodules[name].keys())
                print("?", name, "imported from", ', '.join(mods))

    def any_missing(self):
        """Return a list of modules that appear to be missing. Use
        any_missing_maybe() if you want to know which modules are
        certain to be missing, and which *may* be missing.
        missing, maybe = self.any_missing_maybe()
        return missing + maybe

    def any_missing_maybe(self):
        """Return two lists, one with modules that are certainly missing
        and one with modules that *may* be missing. The latter names could
        either be submodules *or* just global names in the package.

        The reason it can't always be determined is that it's impossible to
        tell which names are imported when "from module import *" is done
        with an extension module, short of actually importing it.
        missing = []
        maybe = []
        for name in self.badmodules:
            if name in self.excludes:
            i = name.rfind(".")
            if i < 0:
            subname = name[i+1:]
            pkgname = name[:i]
            pkg = self.modules.get(pkgname)
            if pkg is not None:
                if pkgname in self.badmodules[name]:
                    # The package tried to import this module itself and
                    # failed. It's definitely missing.
                elif subname in pkg.globalnames:
                    # It's a global in the package: definitely not missing.
                elif pkg.starimports:
                    # It could be missing, but the package did an "import *"
                    # from a non-Python module, so we simply can't be sure.
                    # It's not a global in the package, the package didn't
                    # do funny star imports, it's very likely to be missing.
                    # The symbol could be inserted into the package from the
                    # outside, but since that's not good style we simply list
                    # it missing.
        return missing, maybe

    def replace_paths_in_code(self, co):
        new_filename = original_filename = os.path.normpath(co.co_filename)
        for f, r in self.replace_paths:
            if original_filename.startswith(f):
                new_filename = r + original_filename[len(f):]

        if self.debug and original_filename not in self.processed_paths:
            if new_filename != original_filename:
                self.msgout(2, "co_filename %r changed to %r" \
                                    % (original_filename,new_filename,))
                self.msgout(2, "co_filename %r remains unchanged" \
                                    % (original_filename,))

        consts = list(co.co_consts)
        for i in range(len(consts)):
            if isinstance(consts[i], type(co)):
                consts[i] = self.replace_paths_in_code(consts[i])

        return types.CodeType(co.co_argcount, co.co_kwonlyargcount,
                              co.co_nlocals, co.co_stacksize, co.co_flags,
                              co.co_code, tuple(consts), co.co_names,
                              co.co_varnames, new_filename, co.co_name,
                              co.co_firstlineno, co.co_lnotab, co.co_freevars,

def test():
    # Parse command line
    import getopt
        opts, args = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:], "dmp:qx:")
    except getopt.error as msg:

    # Process options
    debug = 1
    domods = 0
    addpath = []
    exclude = []
    for o, a in opts:
        if o == '-d':
            debug = debug + 1
        if o == '-m':
            domods = 1
        if o == '-p':
            addpath = addpath + a.split(os.pathsep)
        if o == '-q':
            debug = 0
        if o == '-x':

    # Provide default arguments
    if not args:
        script = ""
        script = args[0]

    # Set the path based on sys.path and the script directory
    path = sys.path[:]
    path[0] = os.path.dirname(script)
    path = addpath + path
    if debug > 1:
        for item in path:
            print("   ", repr(item))

    # Create the module finder and turn its crank
    mf = ModuleFinder(path, debug, exclude)
    for arg in args[1:]:
        if arg == '-m':
            domods = 1
        if domods:
            if arg[-2:] == '.*':
                mf.import_hook(arg[:-2], None, ["*"])
    return mf  # for -i debugging

if __name__ == '__main__':
        mf = test()
    except KeyboardInterrupt:
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