Revision 8ae56530fd7dccaf1992024f8e5185737239e42e authored by Jack Jansen on 25 March 2002, 12:24:50 UTC, committed by Jack Jansen on 25 March 2002, 12:24:50 UTC
Weaklink most toolbox modules, improving backward compatibility. Modules will no longer fail to load if a single routine is missing on the curent OS version, in stead calling the missing routine will raise an exception.

Should finally fix 531398. 2.2.1 candidate.

Also blacklisted some constants with definitions that were not Python-compatible.
1 parent 4b9fa73
Raw File
Tip revision: 8ae56530fd7dccaf1992024f8e5185737239e42e authored by Jack Jansen on 25 March 2002, 12:24:50 UTC
Backport of _Cmmodule.c 1.8 and 1.6:
Tip revision: 8ae5653

/* This code implemented by */
/* Fast NonRecursiveMutex support by Yakov Markovitch, */
/* Eliminated some memory leaks, */

#include <windows.h>
#include <limits.h>
#include <process.h>

typedef struct NRMUTEX {
	LONG   owned ;
	DWORD  thread_id ;
	HANDLE hevent ;

typedef PVOID WINAPI interlocked_cmp_xchg_t(PVOID *dest, PVOID exc, PVOID comperand) ;

/* Sorry mate, but we haven't got InterlockedCompareExchange in Win95! */
static PVOID WINAPI interlocked_cmp_xchg(PVOID *dest, PVOID exc, PVOID comperand)
	static LONG spinlock = 0 ;
	PVOID result ;
	DWORD dwSleep = 0;

	/* Acqire spinlock (yielding control to other threads if cant aquire for the moment) */
	while(InterlockedExchange(&spinlock, 1))
		// Using Sleep(0) can cause a priority inversion.
		// Sleep(0) only yields the processor if there's
		// another thread of the same priority that's
		// ready to run.  If a high-priority thread is
		// trying to acquire the lock, which is held by
		// a low-priority thread, then the low-priority
		// thread may never get scheduled and hence never
		// free the lock.  NT attempts to avoid priority
		// inversions by temporarily boosting the priority
		// of low-priority runnable threads, but the problem
		// can still occur if there's a medium-priority
		// thread that's always runnable.  If Sleep(1) is used,
		// then the thread unconditionally yields the CPU.  We
		// only do this for the second and subsequent even
		// iterations, since a millisecond is a long time to wait
		// if the thread can be scheduled in again sooner
		// (~100,000 instructions).
		// Avoid priority inversion: 0, 1, 0, 1,...
		dwSleep = !dwSleep;
	result = *dest ;
	if (result == comperand)
		*dest = exc ;
	/* Release spinlock */
	spinlock = 0 ;
	return result ;
} ;

static interlocked_cmp_xchg_t *ixchg ;
BOOL InitializeNonRecursiveMutex(PNRMUTEX mutex)
	if (!ixchg)
		/* Sorely, Win95 has no InterlockedCompareExchange API (Win98 has), so we have to use emulation */
		HANDLE kernel = GetModuleHandle("kernel32.dll") ;
		if (!kernel || (ixchg = (interlocked_cmp_xchg_t *)GetProcAddress(kernel, "InterlockedCompareExchange")) == NULL)
			ixchg = interlocked_cmp_xchg ;

	mutex->owned = -1 ;  /* No threads have entered NonRecursiveMutex */
	mutex->thread_id = 0 ;
	mutex->hevent = CreateEvent(NULL, FALSE, FALSE, NULL) ;
	return mutex->hevent != NULL ;	/* TRUE if the mutex is created */

#ifdef InterlockedCompareExchange
#undef InterlockedCompareExchange
#define InterlockedCompareExchange(dest,exchange,comperand) (ixchg((dest), (exchange), (comperand)))

VOID DeleteNonRecursiveMutex(PNRMUTEX mutex)
	/* No in-use check */
	CloseHandle(mutex->hevent) ;
	mutex->hevent = NULL ; /* Just in case */

DWORD EnterNonRecursiveMutex(PNRMUTEX mutex, BOOL wait)
	/* Assume that the thread waits successfully */
	DWORD ret ;

	/* InterlockedIncrement(&mutex->owned) == 0 means that no thread currently owns the mutex */
	if (!wait)
		if (InterlockedCompareExchange((PVOID *)&mutex->owned, (PVOID)0, (PVOID)-1) != (PVOID)-1)
			return WAIT_TIMEOUT ;
		ret = WAIT_OBJECT_0 ;
		ret = InterlockedIncrement(&mutex->owned) ?
			/* Some thread owns the mutex, let's wait... */
			WaitForSingleObject(mutex->hevent, INFINITE) : WAIT_OBJECT_0 ;

	mutex->thread_id = GetCurrentThreadId() ; /* We own it */
	return ret ;

BOOL LeaveNonRecursiveMutex(PNRMUTEX mutex)
	/* We don't own the mutex */
	mutex->thread_id = 0 ;
		InterlockedDecrement(&mutex->owned) < 0 ||
		SetEvent(mutex->hevent) ; /* Other threads are waiting, wake one on them up */

PNRMUTEX AllocNonRecursiveMutex(void)
	PNRMUTEX mutex = (PNRMUTEX)malloc(sizeof(NRMUTEX)) ;
	if (mutex && !InitializeNonRecursiveMutex(mutex))
		free(mutex) ;
		mutex = NULL ;
	return mutex ;

void FreeNonRecursiveMutex(PNRMUTEX mutex)
	if (mutex)
		DeleteNonRecursiveMutex(mutex) ;
		free(mutex) ;

long PyThread_get_thread_ident(void);

 * Initialization of the C package, should not be needed.
static void PyThread__init_thread(void)

 * Thread support.

typedef struct {
	void (*func)(void*);
	void *arg;			
	long id;
	HANDLE done;
} callobj;

static int
bootstrap(void *call)
	callobj *obj = (callobj*)call;
	/* copy callobj since other thread might free it before we're done */
	void (*func)(void*) = obj->func;
	void *arg = obj->arg;

	obj->id = PyThread_get_thread_ident();
	ReleaseSemaphore(obj->done, 1, NULL);
	return 0;

long PyThread_start_new_thread(void (*func)(void *), void *arg)
	unsigned long rv;
	int success = 0;
	callobj *obj;
	int id;

	dprintf(("%ld: PyThread_start_new_thread called\n", PyThread_get_thread_ident()));
	if (!initialized)

	obj = malloc(sizeof(callobj)); 
	obj->func = func;
	obj->arg = arg;
	obj->done = CreateSemaphore(NULL, 0, 1, NULL);

	rv = _beginthread(bootstrap, 0, obj); /* use default stack size */
	if (rv != (unsigned long)-1) {
		success = 1;
		dprintf(("%ld: PyThread_start_new_thread succeeded: %p\n", PyThread_get_thread_ident(), rv));

	/* wait for thread to initialize and retrieve id */
	WaitForSingleObject(obj->done, 5000);  /* maybe INFINITE instead of 5000? */
	id = obj->id;
	return id;

 * Return the thread Id instead of an handle. The Id is said to uniquely identify the
 * thread in the system
long PyThread_get_thread_ident(void)
	if (!initialized)

	return GetCurrentThreadId();

static void do_PyThread_exit_thread(int no_cleanup)
	dprintf(("%ld: PyThread_exit_thread called\n", PyThread_get_thread_ident()));
	if (!initialized)
		if (no_cleanup)

void PyThread_exit_thread(void)

void PyThread__exit_thread(void)

#ifndef NO_EXIT_PROG
static void do_PyThread_exit_prog(int status, int no_cleanup)
	dprintf(("PyThread_exit_prog(%d) called\n", status));
	if (!initialized)
		if (no_cleanup)

void PyThread_exit_prog(int status)
	do_PyThread_exit_prog(status, 0);

void PyThread__exit_prog(int status)
	do_PyThread_exit_prog(status, 1);
#endif /* NO_EXIT_PROG */

 * Lock support. It has too be implemented as semaphores.
 * I [Dag] tried to implement it with mutex but I could find a way to
 * tell whether a thread already own the lock or not.
PyThread_type_lock PyThread_allocate_lock(void)

	dprintf(("PyThread_allocate_lock called\n"));
	if (!initialized)

	aLock = AllocNonRecursiveMutex() ;

	dprintf(("%ld: PyThread_allocate_lock() -> %p\n", PyThread_get_thread_ident(), aLock));

	return (PyThread_type_lock) aLock;

void PyThread_free_lock(PyThread_type_lock aLock)
	dprintf(("%ld: PyThread_free_lock(%p) called\n", PyThread_get_thread_ident(),aLock));

	FreeNonRecursiveMutex(aLock) ;

 * Return 1 on success if the lock was acquired
 * and 0 if the lock was not acquired. This means a 0 is returned
 * if the lock has already been acquired by this thread!
int PyThread_acquire_lock(PyThread_type_lock aLock, int waitflag)
	int success ;

	dprintf(("%ld: PyThread_acquire_lock(%p, %d) called\n", PyThread_get_thread_ident(),aLock, waitflag));

	success = aLock && EnterNonRecursiveMutex((PNRMUTEX) aLock, (waitflag == 1 ? INFINITE : 0)) == WAIT_OBJECT_0 ;

	dprintf(("%ld: PyThread_acquire_lock(%p, %d) -> %d\n", PyThread_get_thread_ident(),aLock, waitflag, success));

	return success;

void PyThread_release_lock(PyThread_type_lock aLock)
	dprintf(("%ld: PyThread_release_lock(%p) called\n", PyThread_get_thread_ident(),aLock));

	if (!(aLock && LeaveNonRecursiveMutex((PNRMUTEX) aLock)))
		dprintf(("%ld: Could not PyThread_release_lock(%p) error: %l\n", PyThread_get_thread_ident(), aLock, GetLastError()));

 * Semaphore support.
PyThread_type_sema PyThread_allocate_sema(int value)
	HANDLE aSemaphore;

	dprintf(("%ld: PyThread_allocate_sema called\n", PyThread_get_thread_ident()));
	if (!initialized)

	aSemaphore = CreateSemaphore( NULL,           /* Security attributes          */
	                              value,          /* Initial value                */
	                              INT_MAX,        /* Maximum value                */
	                              NULL);          /* Name of semaphore            */

	dprintf(("%ld: PyThread_allocate_sema() -> %p\n", PyThread_get_thread_ident(), aSemaphore));

	return (PyThread_type_sema) aSemaphore;

void PyThread_free_sema(PyThread_type_sema aSemaphore)
	dprintf(("%ld: PyThread_free_sema(%p) called\n", PyThread_get_thread_ident(), aSemaphore));

	CloseHandle((HANDLE) aSemaphore);

  XXX must do something about waitflag
int PyThread_down_sema(PyThread_type_sema aSemaphore, int waitflag)
	DWORD waitResult;

	dprintf(("%ld: PyThread_down_sema(%p) called\n", PyThread_get_thread_ident(), aSemaphore));

	waitResult = WaitForSingleObject( (HANDLE) aSemaphore, INFINITE);

	dprintf(("%ld: PyThread_down_sema(%p) return: %l\n", PyThread_get_thread_ident(), aSemaphore, waitResult));
	return 0;

void PyThread_up_sema(PyThread_type_sema aSemaphore)
                (HANDLE) aSemaphore,            /* Handle of semaphore                          */
                1,                              /* increment count by one                       */
                NULL);                          /* not interested in previous count             */
	dprintf(("%ld: PyThread_up_sema(%p)\n", PyThread_get_thread_ident(), aSemaphore));
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