Revision 799699d82ac339e8d65ca9a4cfcf20f40e13082a authored by Jack Jansen on 25 March 2002, 12:20:43 UTC, committed by Jack Jansen on 25 March 2002, 12:20:43 UTC
Weaklink most toolbox modules, improving backward compatibility. Modules will no longer fail to load if a single routine is missing on the curent OS version, in stead calling the missing routine will raise an exception.

Should finally fix 531398. 2.2.1 candidate.

Also blacklisted some constants with definitions that were not Python-compatible.
1 parent d612a81
Raw File
Tip revision: 799699d82ac339e8d65ca9a4cfcf20f40e13082a authored by Jack Jansen on 25 March 2002, 12:20:43 UTC
Backport of _Qdmodule.c 1.8, 1.38:
Tip revision: 799699d
"""Implements (a subset of) Sun XDR -- eXternal Data Representation.

See: RFC 1014


import struct
    from cStringIO import StringIO as _StringIO
except ImportError:
    from StringIO import StringIO as _StringIO

__all__ = ["Error", "Packer", "Unpacker", "ConversionError"]

# exceptions
class Error:
    """Exception class for this module. Use:

    except xdrlib.Error, var:
        # var has the Error instance for the exception

    Public ivars:
        msg -- contains the message

    def __init__(self, msg):
        self.msg = msg
    def __repr__(self):
        return repr(self.msg)
    def __str__(self):
        return str(self.msg)

class ConversionError(Error):

class Packer:
    """Pack various data representations into a buffer."""

    def __init__(self):

    def reset(self):
        self.__buf = _StringIO()

    def get_buffer(self):
        return self.__buf.getvalue()
    # backwards compatibility
    get_buf = get_buffer

    def pack_uint(self, x):
        self.__buf.write(struct.pack('>L', x))

    pack_int = pack_uint
    pack_enum = pack_int

    def pack_bool(self, x):
        if x: self.__buf.write('\0\0\0\1')
        else: self.__buf.write('\0\0\0\0')

    def pack_uhyper(self, x):
        self.pack_uint(x>>32 & 0xffffffffL)
        self.pack_uint(x & 0xffffffffL)

    pack_hyper = pack_uhyper

    def pack_float(self, x):
        try: self.__buf.write(struct.pack('>f', x))
        except struct.error, msg:
            raise ConversionError, msg

    def pack_double(self, x):
        try: self.__buf.write(struct.pack('>d', x))
        except struct.error, msg:
            raise ConversionError, msg

    def pack_fstring(self, n, s):
        if n < 0:
            raise ValueError, 'fstring size must be nonnegative'
        n = ((n+3)/4)*4
        data = s[:n]
        data = data + (n - len(data)) * '\0'

    pack_fopaque = pack_fstring

    def pack_string(self, s):
        n = len(s)
        self.pack_fstring(n, s)

    pack_opaque = pack_string
    pack_bytes = pack_string

    def pack_list(self, list, pack_item):
        for item in list:

    def pack_farray(self, n, list, pack_item):
        if len(list) != n:
            raise ValueError, 'wrong array size'
        for item in list:

    def pack_array(self, list, pack_item):
        n = len(list)
        self.pack_farray(n, list, pack_item)

class Unpacker:
    """Unpacks various data representations from the given buffer."""

    def __init__(self, data):

    def reset(self, data):
        self.__buf = data
        self.__pos = 0

    def get_position(self):
        return self.__pos

    def set_position(self, position):
        self.__pos = position

    def get_buffer(self):
        return self.__buf

    def done(self):
        if self.__pos < len(self.__buf):
            raise Error('unextracted data remains')

    def unpack_uint(self):
        i = self.__pos
        self.__pos = j = i+4
        data = self.__buf[i:j]
        if len(data) < 4:
            raise EOFError
        x = struct.unpack('>L', data)[0]
            return int(x)
        except OverflowError:
            return x

    def unpack_int(self):
        i = self.__pos
        self.__pos = j = i+4
        data = self.__buf[i:j]
        if len(data) < 4:
            raise EOFError
        return struct.unpack('>l', data)[0]

    unpack_enum = unpack_int
    unpack_bool = unpack_int

    def unpack_uhyper(self):
        hi = self.unpack_uint()
        lo = self.unpack_uint()
        return long(hi)<<32 | lo

    def unpack_hyper(self):
        x = self.unpack_uhyper()
        if x >= 0x8000000000000000L:
            x = x - 0x10000000000000000L
        return x

    def unpack_float(self):
        i = self.__pos
        self.__pos = j = i+4
        data = self.__buf[i:j]
        if len(data) < 4:
            raise EOFError
        return struct.unpack('>f', data)[0]

    def unpack_double(self):
        i = self.__pos
        self.__pos = j = i+8
        data = self.__buf[i:j]
        if len(data) < 8:
            raise EOFError
        return struct.unpack('>d', data)[0]

    def unpack_fstring(self, n):
        if n < 0:
            raise ValueError, 'fstring size must be nonnegative'
        i = self.__pos
        j = i + (n+3)/4*4
        if j > len(self.__buf):
            raise EOFError
        self.__pos = j
        return self.__buf[i:i+n]

    unpack_fopaque = unpack_fstring

    def unpack_string(self):
        n = self.unpack_uint()
        return self.unpack_fstring(n)

    unpack_opaque = unpack_string
    unpack_bytes = unpack_string

    def unpack_list(self, unpack_item):
        list = []
        while 1:
            x = self.unpack_uint()
            if x == 0: break
            if x != 1:
                raise ConversionError, '0 or 1 expected, got ' + `x`
            item = unpack_item()
        return list

    def unpack_farray(self, n, unpack_item):
        list = []
        for i in range(n):
        return list

    def unpack_array(self, unpack_item):
        n = self.unpack_uint()
        return self.unpack_farray(n, unpack_item)

# test suite
def _test():
    p = Packer()
    packtest = [
        (p.pack_uint,    (9,)),
        (p.pack_bool,    (None,)),
        (p.pack_bool,    ('hello',)),
        (p.pack_uhyper,  (45L,)),
        (p.pack_float,   (1.9,)),
        (p.pack_double,  (1.9,)),
        (p.pack_string,  ('hello world',)),
        (p.pack_list,    (range(5), p.pack_uint)),
        (p.pack_array,   (['what', 'is', 'hapnin', 'doctor'], p.pack_string)),
    succeedlist = [1] * len(packtest)
    count = 0
    for method, args in packtest:
        print 'pack test', count,
            apply(method, args)
            print 'succeeded'
        except ConversionError, var:
            print 'ConversionError:', var.msg
            succeedlist[count] = 0
        count = count + 1
    data = p.get_buffer()
    # now verify
    up = Unpacker(data)
    unpacktest = [
        (up.unpack_uint,   (), lambda x: x == 9),
        (up.unpack_bool,   (), lambda x: not x),
        (up.unpack_bool,   (), lambda x: x),
        (up.unpack_uhyper, (), lambda x: x == 45L),
        (up.unpack_float,  (), lambda x: 1.89 < x < 1.91),
        (up.unpack_double, (), lambda x: 1.89 < x < 1.91),
        (up.unpack_string, (), lambda x: x == 'hello world'),
        (up.unpack_list,   (up.unpack_uint,), lambda x: x == range(5)),
        (up.unpack_array,  (up.unpack_string,),
         lambda x: x == ['what', 'is', 'hapnin', 'doctor']),
    count = 0
    for method, args, pred in unpacktest:
        print 'unpack test', count,
            if succeedlist[count]:
                x = apply(method, args)
                print pred(x) and 'succeeded' or 'failed', ':', x
                print 'skipping'
        except ConversionError, var:
            print 'ConversionError:', var.msg
        count = count + 1

if __name__ == '__main__':
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