Revision 63a976e114f4c20656ca211b7f545b329d1b6675 authored by Barry Warsaw on 14 April 2009, 13:16:19 UTC, committed by Barry Warsaw on 14 April 2009, 13:16:19 UTC
1 parent c3e0d04
Raw File
Tip revision: 63a976e114f4c20656ca211b7f545b329d1b6675 authored by Barry Warsaw on 14 April 2009, 13:16:19 UTC
Bumping to 2.6.2 (final).
Tip revision: 63a976e
@@echo off

if "%PYTHON%" EQU "" set PYTHON=..\pcbuild\python
if "%HTMLHELP%" EQU "" set HTMLHELP=%ProgramFiles%\HTML Help Workshop\hhc.exe
if "%DISTVERSION%" EQU "" for /f "usebackq" %%v in (`%PYTHON% tools/sphinxext/`) do set DISTVERSION=%%v

if "%1" EQU "" goto help
if "%1" EQU "html" goto build
if "%1" EQU "htmlhelp" goto build
if "%1" EQU "latex" goto build
if "%1" EQU "text" goto build
if "%1" EQU "suspicious" goto build
if "%1" EQU "linkcheck" goto build
if "%1" EQU "changes" goto build
if "%1" EQU "checkout" goto checkout
if "%1" EQU "update" goto update

set this=%~n0
echo HELP
echo %this% checkout
echo %this% update
echo %this% html
echo %this% htmlhelp
echo %this% latex
echo %this% text
echo %this% suspicious
echo %this% linkcheck
echo %this% changes
goto end

svn co %SVNROOT%/doctools/trunk/sphinx tools/sphinx
svn co %SVNROOT%/external/docutils-0.5/docutils tools/docutils
svn co %SVNROOT%/external/Jinja-2.1.1/jinja2 tools/jinja2
svn co %SVNROOT%/external/Pygments-0.11.1/pygments tools/pygments
goto end

svn update tools/sphinx
svn update tools/docutils
svn update tools/jinja2
svn update tools/pygments
goto end

if not exist build mkdir build
if not exist build\%1 mkdir build\%1
if not exist build\doctrees mkdir build\doctrees
cmd /C %PYTHON% tools\ -b%1 -dbuild\doctrees . build\%*
if "%1" EQU "htmlhelp" "%HTMLHELP%" build\htmlhelp\python%DISTVERSION:.=%.hhp
goto end

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