Revision 420d0f775cd49ab2b8475df623120ab0aaa0c429 authored by Barry Warsaw on 11 April 2001, 20:23:24 UTC, committed by Barry Warsaw on 11 April 2001, 20:23:24 UTC
20.7, although not all of the compatibility code for older Emacsen has
been removed.  Specifically, the old "make sure we have a current
custom.el library" stuff is removed, as is the hack-around for an
NTEmacs 19.34.6 make-temp-name bug.

Updated much of the Commentary section in the initial comments.

Much more importantly, I've integrated Ken Manheimer's pdbtrack stuff,
which is way cool.  When enabled (as by default), this turns on the
overlay arrow when pdb is entered, either in the shell buffer or in
the *Python* buffer.  Specifically:

(py-mode-map): Added C-c C-d to toggle pdb tracking.

(py-pdbtrack-do-tracking-p): New user customizable variable to control
whether overlay arrow tracking is enabled or not.  This variable is
buffer local and is turned on by default.

(py-pdbtrack-minor-mode-string): The string that's added to the minor
mode alist when actually doing pdb overlay arrow tracking.  User

(py-pdbtrack-toggle-stack-tracking, turn-on-pdbtrack,
turn-off-pdbtrack): New commands to control pdb tracking.

(py-pdbtrack-is-tracking-p): Helper variable used to control the
display of py-pdbtrack-minor-mode-string.  Set to true when the
overlay arrow is enabled, and false when it's disabled.

(py-pdbtrack-stack-entry-regexp, py-pdbtrack-input-prompt,
py-pdbtrack-track-range): Inherited from pdbtrack.el and renamed.

(py-pdbtrack-overlay-arrow, py-pdbtrack-track-stack-file): New
functions which actually do the tracking.

(py-shell): Add py-pdbtrack-track-stack-file to

Finally, add py-pdbtrack-track-stack-file to
comint-output-filter-functions at the file level.  This and the
py-shell addition should ensure that pdb tracking is installed
regardless of the order of operation.

Also, add py-pdbtrack-minor-mode-string to minor-mode-alist.
1 parent 4f577d2
Raw File
# Microsoft Developer Studio Project File - Name="select" - Package Owner=<4>
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!MESSAGE You can specify a configuration when running NMAKE
!MESSAGE by defining the macro CFG on the command line. For example:
!MESSAGE NMAKE /f "select.mak" CFG="select - Win32 Debug"
!MESSAGE Possible choices for configuration are:
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!MESSAGE "select - Win32 Debug" (based on "Win32 (x86) Dynamic-Link Library")

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