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Tip revision: 080daa04f1636224f2b0aeb34de80482a6d2496b authored by cvs2svn on 11 April 2000, 17:11:09 UTC
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Tip revision: 080daa0
""" Test script for the Unicode implementation.

Written by Marc-Andre Lemburg (

(c) Copyright CNRI, All Rights Reserved. NO WARRANTY.

from test_support import verbose
import sys

def test(method, input, output, *args):
    if verbose:
        print '%s.%s%s =? %s... ' % (repr(input), method, args, output),
        f = getattr(input, method)
        value = apply(f, args)
        value = sys.exc_type
        exc = sys.exc_info()
        exc = None
    if value != output:
        if verbose:
            print 'no'
        print '*',f, `input`, `output`, `value`
        if exc:
            print '  value == %s: %s' % (exc[:2])
        if verbose:
            print 'yes'

test('capitalize', u' hello ', u' hello ')
test('capitalize', u'hello ', u'Hello ')

test('title', u' hello ', u' Hello ')
test('title', u'hello ', u'Hello ')
test('title', u"fOrMaT thIs aS titLe String", u'Format This As Title String')
test('title', u"fOrMaT,thIs-aS*titLe;String", u'Format,This-As*Title;String')
test('title', u"getInt", u'Getint')

test('find', u'abcdefghiabc', 0, u'abc')
test('find', u'abcdefghiabc', 9, u'abc', 1)
test('find', u'abcdefghiabc', -1, u'def', 4)

test('rfind', u'abcdefghiabc', 9, u'abc')

test('lower', u'HeLLo', u'hello')
test('lower', u'hello', u'hello')

test('upper', u'HeLLo', u'HELLO')
test('upper', u'HELLO', u'HELLO')

if 0:
    transtable = '\000\001\002\003\004\005\006\007\010\011\012\013\014\015\016\017\020\021\022\023\024\025\026\027\030\031\032\033\034\035\036\037 !"#$%&\'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\\]^_`xyzdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz{|}~\177\200\201\202\203\204\205\206\207\210\211\212\213\214\215\216\217\220\221\222\223\224\225\226\227\230\231\232\233\234\235\236\237\240\241\242\243\244\245\246\247\250\251\252\253\254\255\256\257\260\261\262\263\264\265\266\267\270\271\272\273\274\275\276\277\300\301\302\303\304\305\306\307\310\311\312\313\314\315\316\317\320\321\322\323\324\325\326\327\330\331\332\333\334\335\336\337\340\341\342\343\344\345\346\347\350\351\352\353\354\355\356\357\360\361\362\363\364\365\366\367\370\371\372\373\374\375\376\377'

    test('maketrans', u'abc', transtable, u'xyz')
    test('maketrans', u'abc', ValueError, u'xyzq')

test('split', u'this is the split function',
     [u'this', u'is', u'the', u'split', u'function'])
test('split', u'a|b|c|d', [u'a', u'b', u'c', u'd'], u'|')
test('split', u'a|b|c|d', [u'a', u'b', u'c|d'], u'|', 2)
test('split', u'a b c d', [u'a', u'b c d'], None, 1)
test('split', u'a b c d', [u'a', u'b', u'c d'], None, 2)
test('split', u'a b c d', [u'a', u'b', u'c', u'd'], None, 3)
test('split', u'a b c d', [u'a', u'b', u'c', u'd'], None, 4)
test('split', u'a b c d', [u'a b c d'], None, 0)
test('split', u'a  b  c  d', [u'a', u'b', u'c  d'], None, 2)
test('split', u'a b c d ', [u'a', u'b', u'c', u'd'])

# join now works with any sequence type
class Sequence:
    def __init__(self): self.seq = 'wxyz'
    def __len__(self): return len(self.seq)
    def __getitem__(self, i): return self.seq[i]

test('join', u' ', u'a b c d', [u'a', u'b', u'c', u'd'])
test('join', u'', u'abcd', (u'a', u'b', u'c', u'd'))
test('join', u' ', u'w x y z', Sequence())
test('join', u' ', TypeError, 7)

class BadSeq(Sequence):
    def __init__(self): self.seq = [7, u'hello', 123L]

test('join', u' ', TypeError, BadSeq())

result = u''
for i in range(10):
    if i > 0:
        result = result + u':'
    result = result + u'x'*10
test('join', u':', result, [u'x' * 10] * 10)
test('join', u':', result, (u'x' * 10,) * 10)

test('strip', u'   hello   ', u'hello')
test('lstrip', u'   hello   ', u'hello   ')
test('rstrip', u'   hello   ', u'   hello')
test('strip', u'hello', u'hello')

test('swapcase', u'HeLLo cOmpUteRs', u'hEllO CoMPuTErS')

if 0:
    test('translate', u'xyzabcdef', u'xyzxyz', transtable, u'def')

    table = string.maketrans('a', u'A')
    test('translate', u'abc', u'Abc', table)
    test('translate', u'xyz', u'xyz', table)

test('replace', u'one!two!three!', u'one@two!three!', u'!', u'@', 1)
test('replace', u'one!two!three!', u'onetwothree', '!', '')
test('replace', u'one!two!three!', u'one@two@three!', u'!', u'@', 2)
test('replace', u'one!two!three!', u'one@two@three@', u'!', u'@', 3)
test('replace', u'one!two!three!', u'one@two@three@', u'!', u'@', 4)
test('replace', u'one!two!three!', u'one!two!three!', u'!', u'@', 0)
test('replace', u'one!two!three!', u'one@two@three@', u'!', u'@')
test('replace', u'one!two!three!', u'one!two!three!', u'x', u'@')
test('replace', u'one!two!three!', u'one!two!three!', u'x', u'@', 2)

test('startswith', u'hello', 1, u'he')
test('startswith', u'hello', 1, u'hello')
test('startswith', u'hello', 0, u'hello world')
test('startswith', u'hello', 1, u'')
test('startswith', u'hello', 0, u'ello')
test('startswith', u'hello', 1, u'ello', 1)
test('startswith', u'hello', 1, u'o', 4)
test('startswith', u'hello', 0, u'o', 5)
test('startswith', u'hello', 1, u'', 5)
test('startswith', u'hello', 0, u'lo', 6)
test('startswith', u'helloworld', 1, u'lowo', 3)
test('startswith', u'helloworld', 1, u'lowo', 3, 7)
test('startswith', u'helloworld', 0, u'lowo', 3, 6)

test('endswith', u'hello', 1, u'lo')
test('endswith', u'hello', 0, u'he')
test('endswith', u'hello', 1, u'')
test('endswith', u'hello', 0, u'hello world')
test('endswith', u'helloworld', 0, u'worl')
test('endswith', u'helloworld', 1, u'worl', 3, 9)
test('endswith', u'helloworld', 1, u'world', 3, 12)
test('endswith', u'helloworld', 1, u'lowo', 1, 7)
test('endswith', u'helloworld', 1, u'lowo', 2, 7)
test('endswith', u'helloworld', 1, u'lowo', 3, 7)
test('endswith', u'helloworld', 0, u'lowo', 4, 7)
test('endswith', u'helloworld', 0, u'lowo', 3, 8)
test('endswith', u'ab', 0, u'ab', 0, 1)
test('endswith', u'ab', 0, u'ab', 0, 0)

test('expandtabs', u'abc\rab\tdef\ng\thi', u'abc\rab      def\ng       hi')
test('expandtabs', u'abc\rab\tdef\ng\thi', u'abc\rab      def\ng       hi', 8)
test('expandtabs', u'abc\rab\tdef\ng\thi', u'abc\rab  def\ng   hi', 4)
test('expandtabs', u'abc\r\nab\tdef\ng\thi', u'abc\r\nab  def\ng   hi', 4)

if 0:
    test('capwords', u'abc def ghi', u'Abc Def Ghi')
    test('capwords', u'abc\tdef\nghi', u'Abc Def Ghi')
    test('capwords', u'abc\t   def  \nghi', u'Abc Def Ghi')

# Comparisons:
print 'Testing Unicode comparisons...',
assert u'abc' == 'abc'
assert 'abc' == u'abc'
assert u'abc' == u'abc'
assert u'abcd' > 'abc'
assert 'abcd' > u'abc'
assert u'abcd' > u'abc'
assert u'abc' < 'abcd'
assert 'abc' < u'abcd'
assert u'abc' < u'abcd'
print 'done.'

test('ljust', u'abc',  u'abc       ', 10)
test('rjust', u'abc',  u'       abc', 10)
test('center', u'abc', u'   abc    ', 10)
test('ljust', u'abc',  u'abc   ', 6)
test('rjust', u'abc',  u'   abc', 6)
test('center', u'abc', u' abc  ', 6)
test('ljust', u'abc', u'abc', 2)
test('rjust', u'abc', u'abc', 2)
test('center', u'abc', u'abc', 2)

test('islower', u'a', 1)
test('islower', u'A', 0)
test('islower', u'\n', 0)
test('islower', u'\u1FFc', 0)
test('islower', u'abc', 1)
test('islower', u'aBc', 0)
test('islower', u'abc\n', 1)

test('isupper', u'a', 0)
test('isupper', u'A', 1)
test('isupper', u'\n', 0)
test('isupper', u'\u1FFc', 0)
test('isupper', u'ABC', 1)
test('isupper', u'AbC', 0)
test('isupper', u'ABC\n', 1)

test('istitle', u'a', 0)
test('istitle', u'A', 1)
test('istitle', u'\n', 0)
test('istitle', u'\u1FFc', 1)
test('istitle', u'A Titlecased Line', 1)
test('istitle', u'A\nTitlecased Line', 1)
test('istitle', u'A Titlecased, Line', 1)
test('istitle', u'Greek \u1FFcitlecases ...', 1)
test('istitle', u'Not a capitalized String', 0)
test('istitle', u'Not\ta Titlecase String', 0)
test('istitle', u'Not--a Titlecase String', 0)

test('splitlines', u"abc\ndef\n\rghi", [u'abc', u'def', u'', u'ghi'])
test('splitlines', u"abc\ndef\n\r\nghi", [u'abc', u'def', u'', u'ghi'])
test('splitlines', u"abc\ndef\r\nghi", [u'abc', u'def', u'ghi'])
test('splitlines', u"abc\ndef\r\nghi\n", [u'abc', u'def', u'ghi'])
test('splitlines', u"abc\ndef\r\nghi\n\r", [u'abc', u'def', u'ghi', u''])
test('splitlines', u"\nabc\ndef\r\nghi\n\r", [u'', u'abc', u'def', u'ghi', u''])
test('splitlines', u"\nabc\ndef\r\nghi\n\r", [u'\n', u'abc\n', u'def\r\n', u'ghi\n', u'\r'], 1)

test('translate', u"abababc", u'bbbc', {ord('a'):None})
test('translate', u"abababc", u'iiic', {ord('a'):None, ord('b'):ord('i')})
test('translate', u"abababc", u'iiix', {ord('a'):None, ord('b'):ord('i'), ord('c'):u'x'})

# Contains:
print 'Testing Unicode contains method...',
assert ('a' in u'abdb') == 1
assert ('a' in u'bdab') == 1
assert ('a' in u'bdaba') == 1
assert ('a' in u'bdba') == 1
assert ('a' in u'bdba') == 1
assert (u'a' in u'bdba') == 1
assert (u'a' in u'bdb') == 0
assert (u'a' in 'bdb') == 0
assert (u'a' in 'bdba') == 1
assert (u'a' in ('a',1,None)) == 1
assert (u'a' in (1,None,'a')) == 1
assert (u'a' in (1,None,u'a')) == 1
assert ('a' in ('a',1,None)) == 1
assert ('a' in (1,None,'a')) == 1
assert ('a' in (1,None,u'a')) == 1
assert ('a' in ('x',1,u'y')) == 0
assert ('a' in ('x',1,None)) == 0
print 'done.'

# Formatting:
print 'Testing Unicode formatting strings...',
assert u"%s, %s" % (u"abc", "abc") == u'abc, abc'
assert u"%s, %s, %i, %f, %5.2f" % (u"abc", "abc", 1, 2, 3) == u'abc, abc, 1, 2.000000,  3.00'
assert u"%s, %s, %i, %f, %5.2f" % (u"abc", "abc", 1, -2, 3) == u'abc, abc, 1, -2.000000,  3.00'
assert u"%s, %s, %i, %f, %5.2f" % (u"abc", "abc", -1, -2, 3.5) == u'abc, abc, -1, -2.000000,  3.50'
assert u"%s, %s, %i, %f, %5.2f" % (u"abc", "abc", -1, -2, 3.57) == u'abc, abc, -1, -2.000000,  3.57'
assert u"%s, %s, %i, %f, %5.2f" % (u"abc", "abc", -1, -2, 1003.57) == u'abc, abc, -1, -2.000000, 1003.57'
assert u"%c" % (u"abc",) == u'a'
assert u"%c" % ("abc",) == u'a'
assert u"%c" % (34,) == u'"'
assert u"%c" % (36,) == u'$'
assert u"%r, %r" % (u"abc", "abc") == u"u'abc', 'abc'"
assert u"%(x)s, %(y)s" % {'x':u"abc", 'y':"def"} == u'abc, def'
assert u"%(x)s, %(ä)s" % {'x':u"abc", u'ä'.encode('utf-8'):"def"} == u'abc, def'
# formatting jobs delegated from the string implementation:
assert '...%(foo)s...' % {'foo':u"abc"} == u''
assert '...%(foo)s...' % {'foo':"abc"} == ''
assert '...%(foo)s...' % {u'foo':"abc"} == ''
assert '...%(foo)s...' % {u'foo':u"abc"} == u''
assert '...%(foo)s...' % {u'foo':u"abc",'def':123} ==  u''
assert '...%(foo)s...' % {u'foo':u"abc",u'def':123} == u''
assert '...%s...%s...%s...%s...' % (1,2,3,u"abc") == u''
assert '...%s...' % u"abc" == u''
print 'done.'

# Test builtin codecs
print 'Testing builtin codecs...',

assert unicode('hello','ascii') == u'hello'
assert unicode('hello','utf-8') == u'hello'
assert unicode('hello','utf8') == u'hello'
assert unicode('hello','latin-1') == u'hello'

    u'Andr\202 x'.encode('ascii')
    u'Andr\202 x'.encode('ascii','strict')
except ValueError:
    raise AssertionError, "u'Andr\202'.encode('ascii') failed to raise an exception"
assert u'Andr\202 x'.encode('ascii','ignore') == "Andr x"
assert u'Andr\202 x'.encode('ascii','replace') == "Andr? x"

    unicode('Andr\202 x','ascii')
    unicode('Andr\202 x','ascii','strict')
except ValueError:
    raise AssertionError, "unicode('Andr\202') failed to raise an exception"
assert unicode('Andr\202 x','ascii','ignore') == u"Andr x"
assert unicode('Andr\202 x','ascii','replace') == u'Andr\uFFFD x'

assert u'hello'.encode('ascii') == 'hello'
assert u'hello'.encode('utf-8') == 'hello'
assert u'hello'.encode('utf8') == 'hello'
assert u'hello'.encode('utf-16-le') == 'h\000e\000l\000l\000o\000'
assert u'hello'.encode('utf-16-be') == '\000h\000e\000l\000l\000o'
assert u'hello'.encode('latin-1') == 'hello'

u = u''.join(map(unichr, range(1024)))
for encoding in ('utf-8', 'utf-16', 'utf-16-le', 'utf-16-be',
                 'raw_unicode_escape', 'unicode_escape', 'unicode_internal'):
    assert unicode(u.encode(encoding),encoding) == u

u = u''.join(map(unichr, range(256)))
for encoding in (
        assert unicode(u.encode(encoding),encoding) == u
    except AssertionError:
        print '*** codec "%s" failed round-trip' % encoding
    except ValueError,why:
        print '*** codec for "%s" failed: %s' % (encoding, why)

u = u''.join(map(unichr, range(128)))
for encoding in (
        assert unicode(u.encode(encoding),encoding) == u
    except AssertionError:
        print '*** codec "%s" failed round-trip' % encoding
    except ValueError,why:
        print '*** codec for "%s" failed: %s' % (encoding, why)

print 'done.'

print 'Testing standard mapping codecs...',

print '0-127...',
s = ''.join(map(chr, range(128)))
for encoding in (
    'cp037', 'cp1026',
    'cp437', 'cp500', 'cp737', 'cp775', 'cp850',
    'cp852', 'cp855', 'cp860', 'cp861', 'cp862',
    'cp863', 'cp865', 'cp866', 
    'iso8859_10', 'iso8859_13', 'iso8859_14', 'iso8859_15',
    'iso8859_2', 'iso8859_3', 'iso8859_4', 'iso8859_5', 'iso8859_6',
    'iso8859_7', 'iso8859_9', 'koi8_r', 'latin_1',
    'mac_cyrillic', 'mac_latin2',

    'cp1250', 'cp1251', 'cp1252', 'cp1253', 'cp1254', 'cp1255',
    'cp1256', 'cp1257', 'cp1258',
    'cp856', 'cp857', 'cp864', 'cp869', 'cp874',

    'mac_greek', 'mac_iceland','mac_roman', 'mac_turkish',
    'cp1006', 'cp875', 'iso8859_8',
    ### These have undefined mappings:
        assert unicode(s,encoding).encode(encoding) == s
    except AssertionError:
        print '*** codec "%s" failed round-trip' % encoding
    except ValueError,why:
        print '*** codec for "%s" failed: %s' % (encoding, why)

print '128-255...',
s = ''.join(map(chr, range(128,256)))
for encoding in (
    'cp037', 'cp1026',
    'cp437', 'cp500', 'cp737', 'cp775', 'cp850',
    'cp852', 'cp855', 'cp860', 'cp861', 'cp862',
    'cp863', 'cp865', 'cp866', 
    'iso8859_10', 'iso8859_13', 'iso8859_14', 'iso8859_15',
    'iso8859_2', 'iso8859_3', 'iso8859_4', 'iso8859_5', 'iso8859_6',
    'iso8859_7', 'iso8859_9', 'koi8_r', 'latin_1',
    'mac_cyrillic', 'mac_latin2',
    ### These have undefined mappings:
    #'cp1250', 'cp1251', 'cp1252', 'cp1253', 'cp1254', 'cp1255',
    #'cp1256', 'cp1257', 'cp1258',
    #'cp424', 'cp856', 'cp857', 'cp864', 'cp869', 'cp874',
    #'mac_greek', 'mac_iceland','mac_roman', 'mac_turkish',
    ### These fail the round-trip:
    #'cp1006', 'cp875', 'iso8859_8',
        assert unicode(s,encoding).encode(encoding) == s
    except AssertionError:
        print '*** codec "%s" failed round-trip' % encoding
    except ValueError,why:
        print '*** codec for "%s" failed: %s' % (encoding, why)

print 'done.'
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