Raw File
package prefuse.util.force;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.Random;

 * <p>Force function which computes an n-body force such as gravity,
 * anti-gravity, or the results of electric charges. This function implements
 * the the Barnes-Hut algorithm for efficient n-body force simulations,
 * using a quad-tree with aggregated mass values to compute the n-body
 * force in O(N log N) time, where N is the number of ForceItems.</p>
 * <p>The algorithm used is that of J. Barnes and P. Hut, in their research
 * paper <i>A Hierarchical  O(n log n) force calculation algorithm</i>, Nature, 
 *  v.324, December 1986. For more details on the algorithm, see one of
 *  the following links --
 * <ul>
 *   <li><a href="">James Demmel's UC Berkeley lecture notes</a>
 *   <li><a href="">Description of the Barnes-Hut algorithm</a>
 *   <li><a href="">Joshua Barnes' recent implementation</a>
 * </ul></p>
 * @author <a href="">jeffrey heer</a>
public class NBodyForce extends AbstractForce {

     * The indexing scheme for quadtree child nodes goes row by row.
     *   0 | 1    0 -> top left,    1 -> top right
     *  -------
     *   2 | 3    2 -> bottom left, 3 -> bottom right

    private static String[] pnames = new String[] { "GravitationalConstant", 
            "Distance", "BarnesHutTheta"  };
    public static final float DEFAULT_GRAV_CONSTANT = -1.0f;
    public static final float DEFAULT_MIN_GRAV_CONSTANT = -10f;
    public static final float DEFAULT_MAX_GRAV_CONSTANT = 10f;
    public static final float DEFAULT_DISTANCE = -1f;
    public static final float DEFAULT_MIN_DISTANCE = -1f;
    public static final float DEFAULT_MAX_DISTANCE = 500f;
    public static final float DEFAULT_THETA = 0.9f;
    public static final float DEFAULT_MIN_THETA = 0.0f;
    public static final float DEFAULT_MAX_THETA = 1.0f;
    public static final int GRAVITATIONAL_CONST = 0;
    public static final int MIN_DISTANCE = 1;
    public static final int BARNES_HUT_THETA = 2;
    private float xMin, xMax, yMin, yMax;
    private QuadTreeNodeFactory factory = new QuadTreeNodeFactory();
    private QuadTreeNode root;
    private Random rand = new Random(12345678L); // deterministic randomness

     * Create a new NBodyForce with default parameters.
    public NBodyForce() {
     * Create a new NBodyForce.
     * @param gravConstant the gravitational constant to use. Nodes will
     * attract each other if this value is positive, and will repel each
     * other if it is negative.
     * @param minDistance the distance within which two particles will
     * interact. If -1, the value is treated as infinite.
     * @param theta the Barnes-Hut parameter theta, which controls when
     * an aggregated mass is used rather than drilling down to individual
     * item mass values.
    public NBodyForce(float gravConstant, float minDistance, float theta) {
        params = new float[] { gravConstant, minDistance, theta };
        minValues = new float[] { DEFAULT_MIN_GRAV_CONSTANT,
        maxValues = new float[] { DEFAULT_MAX_GRAV_CONSTANT,
        root = factory.getQuadTreeNode();

     * Returns true.
     * @see prefuse.util.force.Force#isItemForce()
    public boolean isItemForce() {
        return true;
     * @see prefuse.util.force.AbstractForce#getParameterNames()
    protected String[] getParameterNames() {
        return pnames;
     * Set the bounds of the region for which to compute the n-body simulation
     * @param xMin the minimum x-coordinate
     * @param yMin the minimum y-coordinate
     * @param xMax the maximum x-coordinate
     * @param yMax the maximum y-coordinate
    private void setBounds(float xMin, float yMin, float xMax, float yMax) {
        this.xMin = xMin;
        this.yMin = yMin;
        this.xMax = xMax;
        this.yMax = yMax;

     * Clears the quadtree of all entries.
    public void clear() {
        root = factory.getQuadTreeNode();
    private void clearHelper(QuadTreeNode n) {
        for ( int i = 0; i < n.children.length; i++ ) {
            if ( n.children[i] != null )

     * Initialize the simulation with the provided enclosing simulation. After
     * this call has been made, the simulation can be queried for the 
     * n-body force acting on a given item.
     * @param fsim the enclosing ForceSimulator
    public void init(ForceSimulator fsim) {
        clear(); // clear internal state
        // compute and squarify bounds of quadtree
        float x1 = Float.MAX_VALUE, y1 = Float.MAX_VALUE;
        float x2 = Float.MIN_VALUE, y2 = Float.MIN_VALUE;
        Iterator itemIter = fsim.getItems();
        while ( itemIter.hasNext() ) {
            ForceItem item = (ForceItem);
            float x = item.location[0];
            float y = item.location[1];
            if ( x < x1 ) x1 = x;
            if ( y < y1 ) y1 = y;
            if ( x > x2 ) x2 = x;
            if ( y > y2 ) y2 = y;
        float dx = x2-x1, dy = y2-y1;
        if ( dx > dy ) { y2 = y1 + dx; } else { x2 = x1 + dy; }
        // insert items into quadtree
        itemIter = fsim.getItems();
        while ( itemIter.hasNext() ) {
            ForceItem item = (ForceItem);
        // calculate magnitudes and centers of mass

     * Inserts an item into the quadtree.
     * @param item the ForceItem to add.
     * @throws IllegalStateException if the current location of the item is
     *  outside the bounds of the quadtree
    public void insert(ForceItem item) {
        // insert item into the quadtrees
        try {
            insert(item, root, xMin, yMin, xMax, yMax);
        } catch ( StackOverflowError e ) {
            // TODO: safe to remove?

    private void insert(ForceItem p, QuadTreeNode n, 
                        float x1, float y1, float x2, float y2)
        // try to insert particle p at node n in the quadtree
        // by construction, each leaf will contain either 1 or 0 particles
        if ( n.hasChildren ) {
            // n contains more than 1 particle
        } else if ( n.value != null ) {
            // n contains 1 particle
            if ( isSameLocation(n.value, p) ) {
            } else {
                ForceItem v = n.value; n.value = null;
        } else { 
            // n is empty, so is a leaf
            n.value = p;
    private static boolean isSameLocation(ForceItem f1, ForceItem f2) {
        float dx = Math.abs(f1.location[0]-f2.location[0]);
        float dy = Math.abs(f1.location[1]-f2.location[1]);
        return ( dx < 0.01 && dy < 0.01 );
    private void insertHelper(ForceItem p, QuadTreeNode n, 
                              float x1, float y1, float x2, float y2)
        float x = p.location[0], y = p.location[1];
        float splitx = (x1+x2)/2;
        float splity = (y1+y2)/2;
        int i = (x>=splitx ? 1 : 0) + (y>=splity ? 2 : 0);
        // create new child node, if necessary
        if ( n.children[i] == null ) {
            n.children[i] = factory.getQuadTreeNode();
            n.hasChildren = true;
        // update bounds
        if ( i==1 || i==3 ) x1 = splitx; else x2 = splitx;
        if ( i > 1 )        y1 = splity; else y2 = splity;
        // recurse 

    private void calcMass(QuadTreeNode n) {
        float xcom = 0, ycom = 0;
        n.mass = 0;
        if ( n.hasChildren ) {
            for ( int i=0; i < n.children.length; i++ ) {
                if ( n.children[i] != null ) {
                    n.mass += n.children[i].mass;
                    xcom += n.children[i].mass * n.children[i].com[0];
                    ycom += n.children[i].mass * n.children[i].com[1];
        if ( n.value != null ) {
            n.mass += n.value.mass;
            xcom += n.value.mass * n.value.location[0];
            ycom += n.value.mass * n.value.location[1];
        }[0] = xcom / n.mass;[1] = ycom / n.mass;

     * Calculates the force vector acting on the given item.
     * @param item the ForceItem for which to compute the force
    public void getForce(ForceItem item) {
        try {
        } catch ( StackOverflowError e ) {
            // TODO: safe to remove?
    private void forceHelper(ForceItem item, QuadTreeNode n, 
                             float x1, float y1, float x2, float y2)
        float dx =[0] - item.location[0];
        float dy =[1] - item.location[1];
        float r  = (float)Math.sqrt(dx*dx+dy*dy);
        boolean same = false;
        if ( r == 0.0f ) {
            // if items are in the exact same place, add some noise
            dx = (rand.nextFloat()-0.5f) / 50.0f;
            dy = (rand.nextFloat()-0.5f) / 50.0f;
            r  = (float)Math.sqrt(dx*dx+dy*dy);
            same = true;
        boolean minDist = params[MIN_DISTANCE]>0f && r>params[MIN_DISTANCE];
        // the Barnes-Hut approximation criteria is if the ratio of the
        // size of the quadtree box to the distance between the point and
        // the box's center of mass is beneath some threshold theta.
        if ( (!n.hasChildren && n.value != item) || 
             (!same && (x2-x1)/r < params[BARNES_HUT_THETA]) ) 
            if ( minDist ) return;
            // either only 1 particle or we meet criteria
            // for Barnes-Hut approximation, so calc force
            float v = params[GRAVITATIONAL_CONST]*item.mass*n.mass 
                        / (r*r*r);
            item.force[0] += v*dx;
            item.force[1] += v*dy;
        } else if ( n.hasChildren ) {
            // recurse for more accurate calculation
            float splitx = (x1+x2)/2;
            float splity = (y1+y2)/2;
            for ( int i=0; i<n.children.length; i++ ) {
                if ( n.children[i] != null ) {
                    forceHelper(item, n.children[i],
                        (i==1||i==3?splitx:x1), (i>1?splity:y1),
                        (i==1||i==3?x2:splitx), (i>1?y2:splity));
            if ( minDist ) return;
            if ( n.value != null && n.value != item ) {
                float v = params[GRAVITATIONAL_CONST]*item.mass*n.value.mass
                            / (r*r*r);
                item.force[0] += v*dx;
                item.force[1] += v*dy;

     * Represents a node in the quadtree.
    public static final class QuadTreeNode {
        public QuadTreeNode() {
            com = new float[] {0.0f, 0.0f};
            children = new QuadTreeNode[4];
        } //
        boolean hasChildren = false;
        float mass; // total mass held by this node
        float[] com; // center of mass of this node 
        ForceItem value; // ForceItem in this node, null if node has children
        QuadTreeNode[] children; // children nodes
    } // end of inner class QuadTreeNode

     * Helper class to minimize number of object creations across multiple
     * uses of the quadtree.
    public static final class QuadTreeNodeFactory {
        private int maxNodes = 50000;
        private ArrayList nodes = new ArrayList();
        public QuadTreeNode getQuadTreeNode() {
            if ( nodes.size() > 0 ) {
                return (QuadTreeNode)nodes.remove(nodes.size()-1);
            } else {
                return new QuadTreeNode();
        public void reclaim(QuadTreeNode n) {
            n.mass = 0;
  [0] = 0.0f;[1] = 0.0f;
            n.value = null;
            n.hasChildren = false;
            Arrays.fill(n.children, null);          
            if ( nodes.size() < maxNodes )
    } // end of inner class QuadTreeNodeFactory

} // end of class NBodyForce
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