Raw File
# 0.4.0

- fix!: activation of package on self-hosted url ([#46](
- chore(deps): bump process from 4.2.4 to 5.0.0 ([#52](

# [0.3.1]( (2023-06-19)

# [0.3.0]( (2023-04-11)

### Bug Fixes

- avoid false negatives when the current version is a pre-release and there is a prior stable release on pub ([#41]( ([0a14ccd](

# [0.2.4]( (2023-01-23)

### Features

- add version constraints to update method ([#37]( ([ec14539](

## [0.2.3]( (2022-11-17)

### Features

- add dependabot ([#26]( ([3dca646](
- support custom base urls ([#33]( ([682c6dd](

## [0.2.2]( (2021-11-16)

### Bug Fixes

- widen dart compatibility ([#20]( ([20358a3](

## [0.2.1]( (2021-10-13)

### Bug Fixes

- use /api/packages to fetch latest version ([#17]( ([23dc699](

# [0.2.0]( (2021-10-12)

### Features

- add getLatestVersion ([#14]( ([b092f77](

## [0.1.1]( (2021-09-13)

# [0.1.0]( (2021-09-13)

### Bug Fixes

- use http.get when client is not provided ([#7]( ([67ec60c](

### Features

- implement isUpToDate and update APIs ([#1]( ([adc1312](
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