Raw File
Tip revision: 2f4ba45a75d6383b4a1201169a808ffea416ffa0 authored by Linus Torvalds on 13 September 2005, 03:12:09 UTC
Linux 2.6.14-rc1
Tip revision: 2f4ba45
 *	(C)Copyright 1998,1999 SysKonnect,
 *	a business unit of Schneider & Koch & Co. Datensysteme GmbH.
 *	This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
 *	it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
 *	the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
 *	(at your option) any later version.
 *	The information in this file is provided "AS IS" without warranty.

#ifndef	_SKFBI_H_
#define	_SKFBI_H_

#ifdef SYNC
#define exist_board_far			exist_board
#define get_board_para_far		get_board_para

 * physical address offset + IO-Port base address
#ifndef	PCI
#define	ADDR(a)	((a)+smc->hw.iop)
#define	ADDRS(smc,a) ((a)+(smc)->hw.iop)

 * FDDI-Fx (x := {I(SA), E(ISA), M(CA), P(CI)})
 *	address calculation & function defines

#ifdef	EISA

 * Configuration PROM:	 !! all 8-Bit IO's !!
 *					    |<-	  MAC-Address	 ->|
 *	/-+--+--+--+--+-//-+--+--+--+--+-//-+--+--+--+--+-//-+--+--+--+--+-/
 * val:	  |PROD_ID0..3|	   | free      |    |00|00|5A|40|    |nn|mm|00|00|
 *	/-+--+--+--+--+-//-+--+--+--+--+-//-+--+--+--+--+-//-+--+--+--+--+-/
 * IO-	  ^	      ^	   ^		    ^		     ^
 * port	0C80	    0C83  0C88		   0C90		    0C98
 *	  |	       \
 *	  |		\
 *	  |		 \______________________________________________
 * EISA Expansion Board Product ID:					\
 * BIT:	  |7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0|						 \
 *	  | PROD_ID0	  | PROD_ID1	  | PROD_ID2	  | PROD_ID3	  |
 *	  +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+
 *	  |0| MAN_C0  | MAN_C1	| MAN_C2  | PROD1 | PROD0 | REV1  | REV0  |
 *	  +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+
 *	   ^=reserved			  | product numb. | revision numb |
 * MAN_Cx = compressed manufacterer code (x:=0..2)
 *	ASCII : 'A'..'Z' : 0x41..0x5A -> compr.(c-0x40) : 0x01..0x1A (5Bits!)

#ifndef	MULT_OEM
#define	MAN_C0		('S'-0x40)
#define	MAN_C1		('K'-0x40)
#define	MAN_C2		('D'-0x40)
#define	PROD_ID0	(u_char)((MAN_C0<<2) | (MAN_C1>>3))
#define	PROD_ID1	(u_char)(((MAN_C1<<5) & 0xff) | MAN_C2)
#define	PROD_ID2	(u_char)(1)	/* prod. nr. */
#define	PROD_ID3	(u_char)(0)	/* rev. nr. */

#define	OEM_USER_DATA	"SK-NET FDDI V2.0 Userdata"
#else	/*  OEM_CONCEPT */

/* MAN_C(0|1|2) no longer present (ra). */
#define	PROD_ID0	(u_char)OEM_PROD_ID0
#define	PROD_ID1	(u_char)OEM_PROD_ID1
#define	PROD_ID2	(u_char)OEM_PROD_ID2
#define	PROD_ID3	(u_char)OEM_PROD_ID3
#endif	/* OEM_CONCEPT */

#endif	/* MULT_OEM */

#define	SADDRL	(0)		/* start address SKLOGO */
#define	SA_MAC	(0x10)		/* start addr. MAC_AD within the PROM */
#define	PRA_OFF	(4)
#define SA_PMD_TYPE	(8)	/* start addr. PMD-Type */

#define	SKFDDI_PSZ	32		/* address PROM size */

 * address transmission from logical to physical offset address on board
#define FMA(a)	(0x0400|((a)<<1))	/* FORMAC+ (r/w) */
#define P1A(a)	(0x0800|((a)<<1))	/* PLC1 (r/w) */
#define P2A(a)	(0x0840|((a)<<1))	/* PLC2 (r/w) */
#define TIA(a)	(0x0880|((a)<<1))	/* Timer (r/w) */
#define PRA(a)	(0x0c80| (a))		/* configuration PROM */
#define	C0A(a)	(0x0c84| (a))		/* config. RAM */
#define	C1A(a)	(0x0ca0| (a))		/* IRQ-, DMA-nr., EPROM type */
#define	C2A(a)	(0x0ca4| (a))		/* EPROM and PAGE selector */

#define	CONF	C0A(0)			/* config RAM (card enable bit port) */
#define PGRA	C2A(0)			/* Flash page register */
#define	CDID	PRA(0)			/* Card ID I/O port addr. offset */

 * physical address offset + slot specific IO-Port base address
#define FM_A(a)	(FMA(a)+smc->hw.iop)	/* FORMAC Plus physical addr */
#define P1_A(a)	(P1A(a)+smc->hw.iop)	/* PLC1 (r/w) */
#define P2_A(a)	(P2A(a)+smc->hw.iop)	/* PLC2 (r/w) */
#define TI_A(a)	(TIA(a)+smc->hw.iop)	/* Timer (r/w) */
#define PR_A(a)	(PRA(a)+smc->hw.iop)	/* config. PROM */
#define C0_A(a)	(C0A(a)+smc->hw.iop)	/* config. RAM */
#define C1_A(a)	(C1A(a)+smc->hw.iop)	/* config. RAM */
#define C2_A(a)	(C2A(a)+smc->hw.iop)	/* config. RAM */

#define	CSRA	0x0008		/* control/status register address (r/w) */
#define	ISRA	0x0008		/* int. source register address (upper 8Bits) */
#define PLC1I	0x001a		/* clear PLC1 interrupt (write only) */
#define PLC2I	0x0020		/* clear PLC2 interrupt (write only) */
#define CSFA	0x001c		/* control/status FIFO BUSY flags (read only) */
#define RQAA	0x001c		/* Request reg. (write only) */
#define WCTA	0x001e		/* word counter (r/w) */
#define	FFLAG	0x005e		/* FLAG/V_FULL (FIFO almost full, write only)*/

#define	CSR_A	(CSRA+smc->hw.iop)	/* control/status register address (r/w) */
#ifdef UNIX
#define	CSR_AS(smc)	(CSRA+(smc)->hw.iop)	/* control/status register address (r/w) */
#define	ISR_A	(ISRA+smc->hw.iop)	/* int. source register address (upper 8Bits) */
#define PLC1_I	(PLC1I+smc->hw.iop)	/* clear PLC1 internupt (write only) */
#define PLC2_I	(PLC2I+smc->hw.iop)	/* clear PLC2 interrupt (write only) */
#define CSF_A	(CSFA+smc->hw.iop)	/* control/status FIFO BUSY flags (r/w) */
#define RQA_A	(RQAA+smc->hw.iop)	/* Request reg. (write only) */
#define WCT_A	(WCTA+smc->hw.iop)	/* word counter (r/w) */
#define	FFLAG_A	(FFLAG+smc->hw.iop)	/* FLAG/V_FULL (FIFO almost full, write only)*/

 * control/status register CSRA	bits
/* write */
#define CS_CRESET	0x01		/* Card reset (0=reset) */
#define	CS_RESET_FIFO	0x02		/* FIFO reset (0=reset) */
#define	CS_IMSK		0x04		/* enable IRQ (1=enable, 0=disable) */
#define	CS_EN_IRQ_TC	0x08		/* enable IRQ from transfer counter */
#define CS_BYPASS	0x20		/* bypass switch (0=remove, 1=insert)*/
#define CS_LED_0	0x40		/* switch LED 0 */
#define	CS_LED_1	0x80		/* switch LED 1 */
/* read */
#define	CS_BYSTAT	0x40		/* 0=Bypass exist, 1= ..not */
#define	CS_SAS		0x80		/* single attachement station (=1) */

 * control/status register CSFA bits (FIFO)
#define	CSF_MUX0	0x01
#define	CSF_MUX1	0x02
#define	CSF_HSREQ0	0x04
#define	CSF_HSREQ1	0x08
#define	CSF_HSREQ2	0x10
#define	CSF_BUSY_DMA	0x40
#define	CSF_BUSY_FIFO	0x80

 * Interrupt source register ISRA (upper 8 data bits) read only & low activ.
#define IS_MINTR1	0x0100		/* FORMAC ST1U/L & ~IMSK1U/L*/
#define IS_MINTR2	0x0200		/* FORMAC ST2U/L & ~IMSK2U/L*/
#define IS_PLINT1	0x0400		/* PLC1 */
#define IS_PLINT2	0x0800		/* PLC2 */
#define IS_TIMINT	0x1000		/* Timer 82C54-2 */
#define	IS_TC		0x2000		/* transf. counter */


 * CONFIG<0> RAM (C0_A())
#define	CFG_CARD_EN	0x01		/* card enable */

 * CONFIG<1> RAM (C1_A())
#define	CFG_IRQ_SEL	0x03		/* IRQ select (4 nr.) */
#define	CFG_IRQ_TT	0x04		/* IRQ trigger type (LEVEL/EDGE) */
#define	CFG_DRQ_SEL	0x18		/* DMA requ. (4 nr.) */
#define	CFG_BOOT_EN	0x20		/* 0=BOOT-, 1=Application Software */
#define	CFG_PROG_EN	0x40		/* V_Prog for FLASH_PROM (1=on) */

 * CONFIG<2> RAM (C2_A())
#define	CFG_EPROM_SEL	0x0f		/* FPROM start address selection */
#define	CFG_PAGE	0xf0		/* FPROM page selection */

#define	READ_PROM(a)	((u_char)inp(a))
#define	GET_PAGE(i)	outp(C2_A(0),((int)(i)<<4) | (inp(C2_A(0)) & ~CFG_PAGE))
#define	FPROM_SW()	(inp(C1_A(0)) & CFG_BOOT_EN)

#define	MAX_PAGES	16		/* 16 pages */
#define	MAX_FADDR	0x2000		/* 8K per page */
#define	VPP_ON()	outp(C1_A(0),inp(C1_A(0)) |  CFG_PROG_EN)
#define	VPP_OFF()	outp(C1_A(0),inp(C1_A(0)) & ~CFG_PROG_EN)

#define	DMA_BUSY()	(inpw(CSF_A) & CSF_BUSY_DMA)
#define FIFO_BUSY()	(inpw(CSF_A) & CSF_BUSY_FIFO)
#define	BUS_CHECK()

#ifdef UNISYS
/* For UNISYS use another macro with drv_usecewait function */
#define CHECK_DMA() {u_long k = 1000000; \
		while (k && (DMA_BUSY())) { k--; drv_usecwait(20); } \
		if (!k) SMT_PANIC(smc,HWM_E0003,HWM_E0003_MSG) ; }
#define CHECK_DMA() {u_long k = 1000000 ;\
		while (k && (DMA_BUSY())) k-- ;\
		if (!k) SMT_PANIC(smc,HWM_E0003,HWM_E0003_MSG) ; }

#define CHECK_FIFO() {u_long k = 1000000 ;\
		while (k && (FIFO_BUSY())) k-- ;\
		if (!k) SMT_PANIC(smc,HWM_E0019,HWM_E0019_MSG) ; }

#define CHECK_DMA_FIFO() {u_long k = 1000000 ;\
		while (k && (DMA_FIFO_BUSY())) k-- ;\
		if (!k) SMT_PANIC(smc,HWM_E0004,HWM_E0004_MSG) ; }

#define	GET_ISR()	~inpw(ISR_A)
#define CHECK_ISR()	~inpw(ISR_A)

#ifndef UNIX
#ifndef	WINNT
#define	CLI_FBI()	outpw(CSR_A,(inpw(CSR_A)&\
#else	/* WINNT */
#define CLI_FBI()	outpw(CSR_A,(l_inpw(CSR_A)&\
#endif	/* WINNT */
#else	/* UNIX */
#define	CLI_FBI(smc)	outpw(CSR_AS(smc),(inpw(CSR_AS(smc))&\

#ifndef UNIX
#define	STI_FBI()	outpw(CSR_A,(inpw(CSR_A)&\
#define	STI_FBI(smc)	outpw(CSR_AS(smc),(inpw(CSR_AS(smc))&\

/* EISA DMA Controller */
#define DMA_WRITE_SINGLE_MASK_BIT_M	0x0a	/* Master DMA Controller */
#define DMA_WRITE_SINGLE_MASK_BIT_S	0xd4	/* Slave DMA Controller */

#endif	/* EISA */

#ifdef	MCA

 * POS Register:	 !! all I/O's are 8-Bit !!
#define	POS_SYS_SETUP	0x94	/* system setup register */
#define	POS_SYSTEM	0xff	/* system mode */

#define	POS_CHANNEL_POS	0x96	/* register slot ID */
#define	POS_CHANNEL_BIT	0x08	/* mask for -"- */

#define	POS_BASE	0x100	/* POS base address */
#define	POS_ID_LOW	POS_BASE	/* card ID low */
#define	POS_ID_HIGH	(POS_BASE+1)	/* card ID high */
#define	POS_102		(POS_BASE+2)	/* card en., arbitration level .. */
#define	POS_103		(POS_BASE+3)	/* FPROM addr, page */
#define	POS_104		(POS_BASE+4)	/* I/O, IRQ */
#define	POS_105		(POS_BASE+5)	/* POS_CHCK */
#define	POS_106		(POS_BASE+6)	/* to read VPD */
#define	POS_107		(POS_BASE+7)	/* added without function */

/* FM1 card IDs */
#define	FM1_CARD_ID0	0x83
#define	FM1_CARD_ID1	0

#define	FM1_IBM_ID0	0x9c
#define	FM1_IBM_ID1	0x8f

/* FM2 card IDs */
#define	FM2_CARD_ID0	0xab
#define	FM2_CARD_ID1	0

#define	FM2_IBM_ID0	0x7e
#define	FM2_IBM_ID1	0x8f

/* Board revision. */
#define FM1_REV		0
#define FM2_REV		1

#define	MAX_SLOT	8

 * POS_102
#define	POS_CARD_EN	0x01	/* card enable =1 */
#define	POS_SDAT_EN	0x02	/* enable 32-bit streaming data mode */
#define	POS_EN_CHKINT	0x04	/* enable int. from check line asserted */
#define	POS_EN_BUS_ERR	0x08	/* enable int. on invalid busmaster transf. */
#define	POS_FAIRNESS	0x10	/* fairnes on =1 */
/* attention: arbitration level used with bit 0 POS 105 */
#define	POS_LARBIT	0xe0	/* arbitration level	(0,0,0)->level = 0x8
							(1,1,1)->level = 0xf */
 * POS_103
#define	POS_PAGE	0x07	/* FPROM page selection */
#define	POS_BOOT_EN	0x08	/* boot PROM enable =1 */
#define	POS_MSEL	0x70	/* memory start address for FPROM mapping */
#define	PROG_EN		0x80	/* FM1: Vpp prog on/off */
#define	POS_SDR		0x80	/* FM2: Streaming data bit */

 * POS_104
#define	POS_IOSEL	0x3f	/* selected I/O base address */
#define	POS_IRQSEL	0xc0	/* selected interrupt */

 * POS_105
#define	POS_CHCK	0x80
#define POS_SYNC_ERR	0x20	/* FM2: synchronous error reporting	*/
#define POS_PAR_DATA	0x10	/* FM2: data parity enable bit	*/
#define POS_PAR_ADDR	0x08	/* FM2: address parity enable bit	*/
#define	POS_IRQHSEL	0x02	/* FM2: Highest bit for IRQ_selection	*/
#define POS_HARBIT	0x01	/* Highest bit in Bus arbitration selection */

#define	SA_MAC	(0)		/* start addr. MAC_AD within the PROM	*/
#define	PRA_OFF	(0)
#define SA_PMD_TYPE	(8)	/* start addr. PMD-Type	*/

 * address transmission from logical to physical offset address on board
#define	FMA(a)	(0x0100|((a)<<1))	/* FORMAC+ (r/w) */
#define	P2(a)	(0x00c0|((a)<<1))	/* PLC2 (r/w) (DAS) */
#define	P1(a)	(0x0080|((a)<<1))	/* PLC1 (r/w) */
#define	TI(a)	(0x0060|((a)<<1))	/* Timer (r/w) */
#define	PR(a)	(0x0040|((a)<<1))	/* configuration PROM */
#define	CS(a)	(0x0020| (a))		/* control/status */
#define	FF(a)	(0x0010|((a)<<1))	/* FIFO ASIC */
#define	CT(a)	(0x0000|((a)<<1))	/* counter */

 * counter
#define	ACLA	CT(0)		/* address counter low */
#define	ACHA	CT(1)		/* address counter high */
#define	BCN	CT(2)		/* byte counter */
#define	MUX	CT(3)		/* MUX-register */
#define	WCN	CT(0x08)	/* word counter */
#define	FFLG	CT(0x09)	/* FIFO Flags */

 * test/control register (FM2 only)
#define CNT_TST	0x018		/* Counter test control register */
#define CNT_STP 0x01a		/* Counter test step reg. (8 Bit) */

 * CS register (read only)
#define	CSRA	CS(0)		/* control/status register address */
#define	CSFA	CS(2)		/* control/status FIFO BUSY ...	 */
#define	ISRA	CS(4)		/* first int. source register address */
#define	ISR2	CS(6)		/* second int. source register address */
#define	LEDR	CS(0x0c)	/* LED register r/w */
#define	CSIL	CS(0x10)	/* I/O mapped POS_ID_low (100) */
#define	CSIH	CS(0x12)	/*	- " - POS_ID_HIGH (101) */
#define	CSA	CS(0x14)	/*	- " - POS_102 */
#define	CSM	CS(0x0e)	/*	- " - POS_103 */
#define	CSM_FM1	CS(0x16)	/*	- " - POS_103 (copy in FM1) */
#define	CSI	CS(0x18)	/*	- " - POS_104 */
#define	CSS	CS(0x1a)	/*	- " - POS_105 */
#define	CSP_06	CS(0x1c)	/*	- " - POS_106 */
#define	WDOG_ST		0x1c	/* Watchdog status (FM2 only)	*/
#define	WDOG_EN		0x1c	/* Watchdog enabling (FM2 only, 8Bit)	*/
#define	WDOG_DIS	0x1e	/* Watchdog disabling (FM2 only, 8Bit)	*/

#define PGRA	CSM		/* Flash page register */

#define	WCTA	FF(0)		/* word counter */
#define	FFLAG	FF(1)		/* FLAG/V_FULL (FIFO almost full, write only)*/

 * Timer register (FM2 only)
#define RTM_CNT		0x28		/* RTM Counter */
#define TI_DIV		0x60		/* Timer Prescaler */
#define TI_CH1		0x62		/* Timer channel 1 counter */
#define TI_STOP		0x64		/* Stop timer on channel 1 */
#define TI_STRT		0x66		/* Start timer on channel 1 */
#define TI_INI2		0x68		/* Timer: Bus master preemption */
#define TI_CNT2		0x6a		/* Timer */
#define TI_INI3		0x6c		/* Timer: Streaming data */
#define TI_CNT3		0x6e		/* Timer */
#define WDOG_LO		0x70		/* Watchdog counter low */
#define WDOG_HI		0x72		/* Watchdog counter high */
#define RTM_PRE		0x74		/* restr. token prescaler */
#define RTM_TIM		0x76		/* restr. token timer */

 * Recommended Timeout values (for FM2 timer only)
#define TOUT_BM_PRE	188		/* 3.76 usec	*/
#define TOUT_S_DAT	374		/* 7.48 usec	*/

 * CS register (write only)
#define	HSR(p)	CS(0x18|(p))	/* Host request register */

#define	RTM_PUT		0x36		/* restr. token counter write */
#define	RTM_GET		0x28		/*	- " -	clear */
#define	RTM_CLEAR	0x34		/*	- " -	read */

 * BCN	Bit definitions
#define BCN_BUSY	0x8000		/* DMA Busy flag */
#define BCN_AZERO	0x4000		/* Almost zero flag (BCN < 4) */
#define BCN_STREAM	0x2000		/* Allow streaming data (BCN >= 8) */

 * WCN	Bit definitions
#define WCN_ZERO	0x2000		/* Zero flag (counted to zero) */
#define WCN_AZERO	0x1000		/* Almost zero flag (BCN < 4) */

 * CNT_TST	Bit definitions
#define CNT_MODE	0x01		/* Go into test mode */
#define	CNT_D32		0x02		/* 16/32 BIT test mode */

 * FIFO Flag		FIFO Flags/Vfull register
#define FF_VFULL	0x003f		/* V_full value mask */
#define FFLG_FULL	0x2000		/* FULL flag */
#define FFLG_A_FULL	0x1000		/* Almost full flag */
#define FFLG_VFULL	0x0800		/* V_full Flag */
#define FFLG_A_EMP	0x0400		/* almost empty flag */
#define FFLG_EMP	0x0200		/* empty flag */
#define FFLG_T_EMP	0x0100		/* totally empty flag */

 * WDOG		Watchdog status register
#define WDOG_ALM	0x01		/* Watchdog alarm Bit */
#define WDOG_ACT	0x02		/* Watchdog active Bit */

#define	CS_CRESET	0x0001
#define	FIFO_RST	0x0002
#define	CS_IMSK		0x0004
#define	EN_IRQ_CHCK	0x0008
#define	EN_IRQ_TOKEN	0x0010
#define	EN_IRQ_TC	0x0020
#define	TOKEN_STATUS	0x0040
#define	RTM_CHANGE	0x0080

#define	CS_SAS		0x0100
#define	CS_BYSTAT	0x0200	/* bypass connected (0=conn.) */
#define	CS_BYPASS	0x0400	/* bypass on/off indication */

#define	HSREQ		0x0007
#define	BIGDIR		0x0008
#define	CSF_BUSY_FIFO	0x0010
#define	CSF_BUSY_DMA	0x0020
#define	SLOT_32		0x0040

#define	LED_0		0x0001
#define	LED_1		0x0002
#define	LED_2		0x0100

#define	MAX_PAGES	8		/* pages */
#define	MAX_FADDR	0x4000		/* 16K per page */

 *	IRQ = ISRA || ISR2 ;
 *	ISR2 = IRQ_TC_EN && IS_TC ;
 *	ISRA	!!! activ high !!!
#define	IS_MINTR1	0x0001		/* FORMAC ST1U/L & ~IMSK1U/L*/
#define	IS_MINTR2	0x0002		/* FORMAC ST2U/L & ~IMSK2U/L*/
#define	IS_PLINT1	0x0004		/* PLC1 */
#define	IS_PLINT2	0x0008		/* PLC2 */
#define	IS_TIMINT	0x0010		/* Timer 82C54-2 */
#define	IS_TOKEN	0x0020		/* restrictet token monitoring */
#define	IS_CHCK_L	0x0040		/* check line asserted */
#define	IS_BUSERR	0x0080		/* bus error */
 *	ISR2
#define	IS_TC		0x0001		/* terminal count irq */
#define IS_SFDBKRTN	0x0002		/* selected feedback return */
#define IS_D16		0x0004		/* DS16 */
#define	IS_D32		0x0008		/* DS32 */
#define IS_DPEI		0x0010		/* Data Parity Indication */

#define	ALL_IRSR	0x00ff

#define	FM_A(a)	ADDR(FMA(a))	/* FORMAC Plus physical addr */
#define	P1_A(a)	ADDR(P1(a))	/* PLC1 (r/w) */
#define	P2_A(a)	ADDR(P2(a))	/* PLC2 (r/w) (DAS) */
#define	TI_A(a)	ADDR(TI(a))	/* Timer (r/w) FM1 only! */
#define	PR_A(a)	ADDR(PR(a))	/* config. PROM */
#define	CS_A(a)	ADDR(CS(a))	/* control/status */

#define	ISR1_A	ADDR(ISRA)	/* first int. source register address */
#define	ISR2_A	ADDR(ISR2)	/* second	-"-	 */
#define	CSR_A	ADDR(CSRA)	/* control/status register address */
#define	CSF_A	ADDR(CSFA)	/* control/status FIFO BUSY flags (r/w) */

#define	CSIL_A	ADDR(CSIL)	/* I/O mapped POS_ID_low (102) */
#define	CSIH_A	ADDR(CSIH)	/*	- " - POS_ID_HIGH (101) */
#define	CSA_A	ADDR(CSA)	/*	- " - POS_102 */
#define	CSI_A	ADDR(CSI)	/*	- " - POS_104 */
#define	CSM_A	ADDR(CSM)	/*	- " - POS_103 */
#define	CSM_FM1_A	ADDR(CSM_FM1)	/*	- " - POS_103 (2nd copy, FM1) */
#define	CSP_06_A	ADDR(CSP_06)	/*	- " - POS_106 */

#define	WCT_A	ADDR(WCTA)	/* word counter (r/w) */
#define	FFLAG_A	ADDR(FFLAG)	/* FLAG/V_FULL (FIFO almost full, write only)*/

#define	ACL_A	ADDR(ACLA)	/* address counter low */
#define	ACH_A	ADDR(ACHA)	/* address counter high */
#define	BCN_A	ADDR(BCN)	/* byte counter */
#define	MUX_A	ADDR(MUX)	/* MUX-register */

#define	ISR_A	ADDR(ISRA)	/* Interrupt Source Register */
#define	FIFO_RESET_A	ADDR(FIFO_RESET)	/* reset the FIFO */
#define	FIFO_EN_A	ADDR(FIFO_EN)		/* enable the FIFO */

#define WDOG_EN_A	ADDR(WDOG_EN)		/* reset and start the WDOG */
#define WDOG_DIS_A	ADDR(WDOG_DIS)		/* disable the WDOG */
 * all control reg. (read!) are 8 bit (except PAGE_RG_A and LEDR_A)
#define	HSR_A(p)	ADDR(HSR(p))	/* Host request register */

#define	STAT_BYP	0		/* bypass station */
#define	STAT_INS	2		/* insert station */
#define	BYPASS(o)	CS(0x10|(o))	/* o=STAT_BYP || STAT_INS */

#define	IRQ_TC_EN	CS(0x0b)	/* enable/disable IRQ on TC */
#define	IRQ_TC_DIS	CS(0x0a)
#define	IRQ_TOKEN_EN	CS(9)		/* enable/disable IRQ on restr. Token */
#define	IRQ_TOKEN_DIS	CS(8)
#define	IRQ_CHCK_EN	CS(7)		/*	-"-	IRQ after CHCK line */
#define	IRQ_CHCK_DIS	CS(6)
#define	IRQ_OTH_EN	CS(5)		/*	-"-	other IRQ's */
#define	IRQ_OTH_DIS	CS(4)
#define	FIFO_EN		CS(3)		/* disable (reset), enable FIFO */
#define	FIFO_RESET	CS(2)
#define	CARD_EN		CS(1)		/* disable (reset), enable card */
#define	CARD_DIS	CS(0)

#define	LEDR_A		ADDR(LEDR)	/* D0=green, D1=yellow, D8=L2 */
#define	PAGE_RG_A	ADDR(CSM)	/* D<2..0> */

#define	GET_PAGE(bank)	outpw(PAGE_RG_A,(inpw(PAGE_RG_A) &\
				(~POS_PAGE)) |(int) (bank))
#define	VPP_ON()	if (smc->hw.rev == FM1_REV) {	\
				outpw(PAGE_RG_A,	\
				(inpw(PAGE_RG_A) & POS_PAGE) | PROG_EN); \
#define	VPP_OFF()	if (smc->hw.rev == FM1_REV) {	\
				outpw(PAGE_RG_A,(inpw(PAGE_RG_A) & POS_PAGE)); \

#define	SKFDDI_PSZ	16		/* address PROM size */

#define	READ_PROM(a)	((u_char)inp(a))

#define	GET_ISR()	~inpw(ISR1_A)
#ifndef	TCI
#define	CHECK_ISR()	~inpw(ISR1_A)
#define	CHECK_ISR_SMP(iop)	~inpw((iop)+ISRA)
#define	CHECK_ISR()		(~inpw(ISR1_A) | ~inpw(ISR2_A))
#define	CHECK_ISR_SMP(iop)	(~inpw((iop)+ISRA) | ~inpw((iop)+ISR2))

#define	DMA_BUSY()	(inpw(CSF_A) & CSF_BUSY_DMA)
#define	FIFO_BUSY()	(inpw(CSF_A) & CSF_BUSY_FIFO)
#define	BUS_CHECK() {	int i ; \
			if ((i = GET_ISR()) & IS_BUSERR) \
				SMT_PANIC(smc,HWM_E0020,HWM_E0020_MSG) ; \
			if (i & IS_CHCK_L) \
				SMT_PANIC(smc,HWM_E0014,HWM_E0014_MSG) ; \

#define	CHECK_DMA() {	u_long k = 10000 ; \
		 while (k && (DMA_BUSY())) { \
			k-- ; \
			BUS_CHECK() ; \
		 } \
		 if (!k) SMT_PANIC(smc,HWM_E0003,HWM_E0003_MSG) ; }

#define	CHECK_FIFO() {u_long k = 1000000 ;\
		 while (k && (FIFO_BUSY())) k-- ;\
		 if (!k) SMT_PANIC(smc,HWM_E0019,HWM_E0019_MSG) ; }

#define	CHECK_DMA_FIFO() {u_long k = 1000000 ;\
		 while (k && (DMA_FIFO_BUSY())) { \
			k-- ;\
			BUS_CHECK() ; \
		 } \
		 if (!k) SMT_PANIC(smc,HWM_E0004,HWM_E0004_MSG) ; }

#ifndef UNIX
#define	CLI_FBI()	outp(ADDR(IRQ_OTH_DIS),0)
#define	CLI_FBI(smc)	outp(ADDRS((smc),IRQ_OTH_DIS),0)

#ifndef	TCI
#define	CLI_FBI_SMP(iop)	outp((iop)+IRQ_OTH_DIS,0)
#define	CLI_FBI_SMP(iop)	outp((iop)+IRQ_OTH_DIS,0) ;\

#ifndef UNIX
#define	STI_FBI()	outp(ADDR(IRQ_OTH_EN),0)
#define	STI_FBI(smc)	outp(ADDRS((smc),IRQ_OTH_EN),0)

 * Terminal count primitives
#define CLI_TCI(smc)	outp(ADDRS((smc),IRQ_TC_DIS),0)
#define STI_TCI(smc)	outp(ADDRS((smc),IRQ_TC_EN),0)
#define CHECK_TC(smc,k)	{(k) = 10000 ;\
	while ((k) && (~inpw(ISR2_A) & IS_TC)) (k)-- ;\
	if (!k) SMT_PANIC(smc,HWM_E0018,HWM_E0018_MSG) ; }

#endif	/* MCA */

#ifdef	ISA

 * address transmission from logic NPADDR6-0 to physical offset address on board
#define FMA(a)	(0x8000|(((a)&0x07)<<1)|(((a)&0x78)<<7))  /* FORMAC+ (r/w) */
#define PRA(a)	(0x1000|(((a)&0x07)<<1)|(((a)&0x18)<<7))  /* PROM (read only)*/
#define P1A(a)	(0x4000|(((a)&0x07)<<1)|(((a)&0x18)<<7))  /* PLC1 (r/w) */
#define P2A(a)	(0x5000|(((a)&0x07)<<1)|(((a)&0x18)<<7))  /* PLC2 (r/w) */
#define TIA(a)	(0x6000|(((a)&0x03)<<1))		  /* Timer (r/w) */

#define	ISRA	0x0000		/* int. source register address (read only) */
#define	ACLA	0x0000		/* address counter low address (write only) */
#define	ACHA	0x0002		/* address counter high address (write only) */
#define	TRCA	0x0004		/* transfer counter address (write only) */
#define	PGRA	0x0006		/* page register address (write only) */
#define RQAA	0x2000		/* Request reg. (write only) */
#define	CSRA	0x3000		/* control/status register address (r/w) */

 * physical address offset + IO-Port base address
#define FM_A(a)	(FMA(a)+smc->hw.iop)	/* FORMAC Plus physical addr */
#define PR_A(a)	(PRA(a)+smc->hw.iop)	/* PROM (read only)*/
#define P1_A(a)	(P1A(a)+smc->hw.iop)	/* PLC1 (r/w) */
#define P2_A(a)	(P2A(a)+smc->hw.iop)	/* PLC2 (r/w) */
#define TI_A(a)	(TIA(a)+smc->hw.iop)	/* Timer (r/w) */

#define	ISR_A	(0x0000+smc->hw.iop) /* int. source register address (read only) */
#define	ACL_A	(0x0000+smc->hw.iop) /* address counter low address (write only) */
#define	ACH_A	(0x0002+smc->hw.iop) /* address counter high address (write only)*/
#define	TRC_A	(0x0004+smc->hw.iop) /* transfer counter address (write only) */
#define	PGR_A	(0x0006+smc->hw.iop) /* page register address (write only) */
#define RQA_A	(0x2000+smc->hw.iop) /* Request reg. (write only) */
#define	CSR_A	(0x3000+smc->hw.iop) /* control/status register address (r/w) */
#ifdef UNIX
#define	CSR_AS(smc) (0x3000+(smc)->hw.iop) /* control/status register address */
#define	PLC1_I	(0x3400+smc->hw.iop) /* clear PLC1 interrupt bit */
#define	PLC2_I	(0x3800+smc->hw.iop) /* clear PLC2 interrupt bit */

#ifndef	MULT_OEM
#else	/* OEM_CONCEPT */
#endif	/* OEM_CONCEPT */
#endif  /* MULT_OEM */
#define	SADDRL	(24)		/* start address SKLOGO */
#define	SA_MAC	(0)		/* start addr. MAC_AD within the PROM */
#define	PRA_OFF	(0)
#define SA_PMD_TYPE	(8)	/* start addr. PMD-Type */

#define	CDID	(PRA(SADDRL))	/* Card ID int/O port addr. offset */
#define	NEXT_CDID	((PRA(SADDRL+1)) - CDID)

#define	SKFDDI_PSZ	32		/* address PROM size */

#define	READ_PROM(a)	((u_char)inpw(a))
#define	GET_PAGE(i)	outpw(PGR_A,(int)(i))

#define	MAX_PAGES	16		/* 16 pages */
#define	MAX_FADDR	0x2000		/* 8K per page */
#define	VPP_OFF()	outpw(CSR_A,(inpw(CSR_A) & (CS_CRESET|CS_BYPASS)))
#define	VPP_ON()	outpw(CSR_A,(inpw(CSR_A) & (CS_CRESET|CS_BYPASS)) | \

 * control/status register CSRA	bits (log. addr: 0x3000)
/* write */
#define CS_CRESET	0x01		/* Card reset (0=reset) */
#define	CS_IMSK		0x02		/* enable IRQ (1=enable, 0=disable) */
#define CS_RESINT1	0x04		/* PLINT1 reset */
#define	CS_VPPSW	0x10		/* 12V power switch (0=off, 1=on) */
#define CS_BYPASS	0x20		/* bypass switch (0=remove, 1=insert)*/
#define CS_RESINT2	0x40		/* PLINT2 reset */
/* read */
#define	CS_BUSY		0x04		/* master transfer activ (=1) */
#define	CS_SW_EPROM	0x08		/* 0=Application Soft. 1=BOOT-EPROM */
#define	CS_BYSTAT	0x40		/* 0=Bypass exist, 1= ..not */
#define	CS_SAS		0x80		/* single attachement station (=1) */

 * Interrupt source register ISRA (log. addr: 0x0000) read only & low activ.
#define IS_MINTR1	0x01		/* FORMAC ST1U/L && ~IMSK1U/L*/
#define IS_MINTR2	0x02		/* FORMAC ST2U/L && ~IMSK2U/L*/
#define IS_PLINT1	0x04		/* PLC1 */
#define IS_PLINT2	0x08		/* PLC2 */
#define IS_TIMINT	0x10		/* Timer 82C54-2 */


#define	FPROM_SW()	(inpw(CSR_A)&CS_SW_EPROM)
#define	DMA_BUSY()	(inpw(CSR_A)&CS_BUSY)
#define CHECK_FIFO()
#define	BUS_CHECK()

 * set Host Request register (wr.)
#define SET_HRQ(qup)	outpw(RQA_A+((qup)<<1),0)

#ifndef UNIX
#ifndef WINNT
#define	CLI_FBI()	outpw(CSR_A,(inpw(CSR_A)&(CS_CRESET|CS_BYPASS|CS_VPPSW)))
#define	CLI_FBI()	outpw(CSR_A,(l_inpw(CSR_A) & \
#define	CLI_FBI(smc)	outpw(CSR_AS(smc),(inpw(CSR_AS(smc))& \

#ifndef UNIX
#define	STI_FBI()	outpw(CSR_A,(inpw(CSR_A) & \
#define	STI_FBI(smc)	outpw(CSR_AS(smc),(inpw(CSR_AS(smc)) & \

#define CHECK_DMA()	{unsigned k = 10000 ;\
			while (k && (DMA_BUSY())) k-- ;\
			if (!k) SMT_PANIC(smc,HWM_E0003,HWM_E0003_MSG) ; }

#define	GET_ISR()	~inpw(ISR_A)

#endif	/* ISA */

#ifdef	PCI

 *	(DV)	= only defined for Da Vinci
 *	(ML)	= only defined for Monalisa

 * Configuration Space header
#define	PCI_VENDOR_ID	0x00	/* 16 bit	Vendor ID */
#define	PCI_DEVICE_ID	0x02	/* 16 bit	Device ID */
#define	PCI_COMMAND	0x04	/* 16 bit	Command */
#define	PCI_STATUS	0x06	/* 16 bit	Status */
#define	PCI_REV_ID	0x08	/*  8 bit	Revision ID */
#define	PCI_CLASS_CODE	0x09	/* 24 bit	Class Code */
#define	PCI_CACHE_LSZ	0x0c	/*  8 bit	Cache Line Size */
#define	PCI_LAT_TIM	0x0d	/*  8 bit	Latency Timer */
#define	PCI_HEADER_T	0x0e	/*  8 bit	Header Type */
#define	PCI_BIST	0x0f	/*  8 bit	Built-in selftest */
#define	PCI_BASE_1ST	0x10	/* 32 bit	1st Base address */
#define	PCI_BASE_2ND	0x14	/* 32 bit	2nd Base address */
/* Byte 18..2b:	Reserved */
#define	PCI_SUB_VID	0x2c	/* 16 bit	Subsystem Vendor ID */
#define	PCI_SUB_ID	0x2e	/* 16 bit	Subsystem ID */
#define	PCI_BASE_ROM	0x30	/* 32 bit	Expansion ROM Base Address */
/* Byte 34..33:	Reserved */
#define PCI_CAP_PTR	0x34	/*  8 bit (ML)	Capabilities Ptr */
/* Byte 35..3b:	Reserved */
#define	PCI_IRQ_LINE	0x3c	/*  8 bit	Interrupt Line */
#define	PCI_IRQ_PIN	0x3d	/*  8 bit	Interrupt Pin */
#define	PCI_MIN_GNT	0x3e	/*  8 bit	Min_Gnt */
#define	PCI_MAX_LAT	0x3f	/*  8 bit	Max_Lat */
/* Device Dependent Region */
#define	PCI_OUR_REG	0x40	/* 32 bit (DV)	Our Register */
#define	PCI_OUR_REG_1	0x40	/* 32 bit (ML)	Our Register 1 */
#define	PCI_OUR_REG_2	0x44	/* 32 bit (ML)	Our Register 2 */
/* Power Management Region */
#define PCI_PM_CAP_ID	0x48	/*  8 bit (ML)	Power Management Cap. ID */
#define PCI_PM_NITEM	0x49	/*  8 bit (ML)	Next Item Ptr */
#define PCI_PM_CAP_REG	0x4a	/* 16 bit (ML)	Power Management Capabilities */
#define PCI_PM_CTL_STS	0x4c	/* 16 bit (ML)	Power Manag. Control/Status */
/* Byte 0x4e:	Reserved */
#define PCI_PM_DAT_REG	0x4f	/*  8 bit (ML)	Power Manag. Data Register */
/* VPD Region */
#define	PCI_VPD_CAP_ID	0x50	/*  8 bit (ML)	VPD Cap. ID */
#define PCI_VPD_NITEM	0x51	/*  8 bit (ML)	Next Item Ptr */
#define PCI_VPD_ADR_REG	0x52	/* 16 bit (ML)	VPD Address Register */
#define PCI_VPD_DAT_REG	0x54	/* 32 bit (ML)	VPD Data Register */
/* Byte 58..ff:	Reserved */

 * I2C Address (PCI Config)
 * Note: The temperature and voltage sensors are relocated on a different
 *	 I2C bus.
#define I2C_ADDR_VPD	0xA0	/* I2C address for the VPD EEPROM */ 

 * Define Bits and Values of the registers
/*	PCI_VENDOR_ID	16 bit	Vendor ID */
/*	PCI_DEVICE_ID	16 bit	Device ID */
/* Values for Vendor ID and Device ID shall be patched into the code */
/*	PCI_COMMAND	16 bit	Command */
#define	PCI_FBTEN	0x0200	/* Bit 9:	Fast Back-To-Back enable */
#define	PCI_SERREN	0x0100	/* Bit 8:	SERR enable */
#define	PCI_ADSTEP	0x0080	/* Bit 7:	Address Stepping */
#define	PCI_PERREN	0x0040	/* Bit 6:	Parity Report Response enable */
#define	PCI_VGA_SNOOP	0x0020	/* Bit 5:	VGA palette snoop */
#define	PCI_MWIEN	0x0010	/* Bit 4:	Memory write an inv cycl ena */
#define	PCI_SCYCEN	0x0008	/* Bit 3:	Special Cycle enable */
#define	PCI_BMEN	0x0004	/* Bit 2:	Bus Master enable */
#define	PCI_MEMEN	0x0002	/* Bit 1:	Memory Space Access enable */
#define	PCI_IOEN	0x0001	/* Bit 0:	IO Space Access enable */

/*	PCI_STATUS	16 bit	Status */
#define	PCI_PERR	0x8000	/* Bit 15:	Parity Error */
#define	PCI_SERR	0x4000	/* Bit 14:	Signaled SERR */
#define	PCI_RMABORT	0x2000	/* Bit 13:	Received Master Abort */
#define	PCI_RTABORT	0x1000	/* Bit 12:	Received Target Abort */
#define	PCI_STABORT	0x0800	/* Bit 11:	Sent Target Abort */
#define	PCI_DEVSEL	0x0600	/* Bit 10..9:	DEVSEL Timing */
#define	PCI_DEV_FAST	(0<<9)	/*		fast */
#define	PCI_DEV_MEDIUM	(1<<9)	/*		medium */
#define	PCI_DEV_SLOW	(2<<9)	/*		slow */
#define	PCI_DATAPERR	0x0100	/* Bit 8:	DATA Parity error detected */
#define	PCI_FB2BCAP	0x0080	/* Bit 7:	Fast Back-to-Back Capability */
#define	PCI_UDF		0x0040	/* Bit 6:	User Defined Features */
#define PCI_66MHZCAP	0x0020	/* Bit 5:	66 MHz PCI bus clock capable */
#define PCI_NEWCAP	0x0010	/* Bit 4:	New cap. list implemented */


/*	PCI_REV_ID	8 bit	Revision ID */
/*	PCI_CLASS_CODE	24 bit	Class Code */
/*	Byte 2:		Base Class		(02) */
/*	Byte 1:		SubClass		(02) */
/*	Byte 0:		Programming Interface	(00) */

/*	PCI_CACHE_LSZ	8 bit	Cache Line Size */
/*	Possible values: 0,2,4,8,16	*/

/*	PCI_LAT_TIM	8 bit	Latency Timer */

/*	PCI_HEADER_T	8 bit	Header Type */
#define	PCI_HD_MF_DEV	0x80	/* Bit 7:	0= single, 1= multi-func dev */
#define	PCI_HD_TYPE	0x7f	/* Bit 6..0:	Header Layout 0= normal */

/*	PCI_BIST	8 bit	Built-in selftest */
#define	PCI_BIST_CAP	0x80	/* Bit 7:	BIST Capable */
#define	PCI_BIST_ST	0x40	/* Bit 6:	Start BIST */
#define	PCI_BIST_RET	0x0f	/* Bit 3..0:	Completion Code */

/*	PCI_BASE_1ST	32 bit	1st Base address */
#define	PCI_MEMSIZE	0x800L       /* use 2 kB Memory Base */
#define	PCI_MEMBASE_BITS 0xfffff800L /* Bit 31..11:	Memory Base Address */
#define	PCI_MEMSIZE_BIIS 0x000007f0L /* Bit 10..4:	Memory Size Req. */
#define	PCI_PREFEN	0x00000008L  /* Bit 3:		Prefetchable */
#define	PCI_MEM_TYP	0x00000006L  /* Bit 2..1:	Memory Type */
#define	PCI_MEM32BIT	(0<<1)	     /* Base addr anywhere in 32 Bit range */
#define	PCI_MEM1M	(1<<1)	     /* Base addr below 1 MegaByte */
#define	PCI_MEM64BIT	(2<<1)	     /* Base addr anywhere in 64 Bit range */
#define	PCI_MEMSPACE	0x00000001L  /* Bit 0:	Memory Space Indic. */

/*	PCI_BASE_2ND	32 bit	2nd Base address */
#define	PCI_IOBASE	0xffffff00L  /* Bit 31..8:  I/O Base address */
#define	PCI_IOSIZE	0x000000fcL  /* Bit 7..2:   I/O Size Requirements */
#define	PCI_IOSPACE	0x00000001L  /* Bit 0:	    I/O Space Indicator */

/*	PCI_SUB_VID	16 bit	Subsystem Vendor ID */
/*	PCI_SUB_ID	16 bit	Subsystem ID */

/*	PCI_BASE_ROM	32 bit	Expansion ROM Base Address */
#define	PCI_ROMBASE	0xfffe0000L  /* Bit 31..17: ROM BASE address (1st) */
#define	PCI_ROMBASZ	0x0001c000L  /* Bit 16..14: Treat as BASE or SIZE */
#define	PCI_ROMSIZE	0x00003800L  /* Bit 13..11: ROM Size Requirements */
#define	PCI_ROMEN	0x00000001L  /* Bit 0:	    Address Decode enable */

/*	PCI_CAP_PTR	8 bit	New Capabilities Pointers */
/*	PCI_IRQ_LINE	8 bit	Interrupt Line */
/*	PCI_IRQ_PIN	8 bit	Interrupt Pin */
/*	PCI_MIN_GNT	8 bit	Min_Gnt */
/*	PCI_MAX_LAT	8 bit	Max_Lat */
/* Device Dependent Region */
/*	PCI_OUR_REG	(DV)	32 bit	Our Register */
/*	PCI_OUR_REG_1	(ML)	32 bit	Our Register 1 */
				  /*	 Bit 31..29:	reserved */
#define	PCI_PATCH_DIR	(3L<<27)  /*(DV) Bit 28..27:	Ext Patchs direction */
#define PCI_PATCH_DIR_0	(1L<<27)  /*(DV) Type of the pins EXT_PATCHS<1..0>   */
#define PCI_PATCH_DIR_1 (1L<<28)  /*	   0 = input			     */
				  /*	   1 = output			     */
#define	PCI_EXT_PATCHS	(3L<<25)  /*(DV) Bit 26..25:	Extended Patches     */
#define PCI_EXT_PATCH_0 (1L<<25)  /*(DV)				     */
#define PCI_EXT_PATCH_1 (1L<<26)  /*	 CLK for MicroWire (ML)		     */
#define PCI_VIO		(1L<<25)  /*(ML)				     */
#define	PCI_EN_BOOT	(1L<<24)  /*	 Bit 24:	Enable BOOT via ROM  */
				  /*	   1 = Don't boot with ROM	     */
				  /*	   0 = Boot with ROM		     */
#define	PCI_EN_IO	(1L<<23)  /*	 Bit 23:	Mapping to IO space  */
#define	PCI_EN_FPROM	(1L<<22)  /*	 Bit 22:	FLASH mapped to mem? */
				  /*	   1 = Map Flash to Memory	     */
			  	  /*	   0 = Disable all addr. decoding    */
#define	PCI_PAGESIZE	(3L<<20)  /*	 Bit 21..20:	FLASH Page Size	     */
#define	PCI_PAGE_16	(0L<<20)  /*		16 k pages		     */
#define	PCI_PAGE_32K	(1L<<20)  /*		32 k pages		     */
#define	PCI_PAGE_64K	(2L<<20)  /*		64 k pages		     */
#define	PCI_PAGE_128K	(3L<<20)  /*		128 k pages		     */
				  /*	 Bit 19: reserved (ML) and (DV)	     */
#define	PCI_PAGEREG	(7L<<16)  /*	 Bit 18..16:	Page Register	     */
				  /*	 Bit 15:	reserved	     */
#define	PCI_FORCE_BE	(1L<<14)  /*	 Bit 14:	Assert all BEs on MR */
#define	PCI_DIS_MRL	(1L<<13)  /*	 Bit 13:	Disable Mem R Line   */
#define	PCI_DIS_MRM	(1L<<12)  /*	 Bit 12:	Disable Mem R multip */
#define	PCI_DIS_MWI	(1L<<11)  /*	 Bit 11:	Disable Mem W & inv  */
#define	PCI_DISC_CLS	(1L<<10)  /*	 Bit 10:	Disc: cacheLsz bound */
#define	PCI_BURST_DIS	(1L<<9)	  /*	 Bit  9:	Burst Disable	     */
#define	PCI_BYTE_SWAP	(1L<<8)	  /*(DV) Bit  8:	Byte Swap in DATA    */
#define	PCI_SKEW_DAS	(0xfL<<4) /*	 Bit 7..4:	Skew Ctrl, DAS Ext   */
#define	PCI_SKEW_BASE	(0xfL<<0) /*	 Bit 3..0:	Skew Ctrl, Base	     */

/*	PCI_OUR_REG_2	(ML)	32 bit	Our Register 2 (Monalisa only) */
#define PCI_VPD_WR_TH	(0xffL<<24)	/* Bit 24..31	VPD Write Threshold  */
#define	PCI_DEV_SEL	(0x7fL<<17)	/* Bit 17..23	EEPROM Device Select */
#define	PCI_VPD_ROM_SZ	(7L<<14)	/* Bit 14..16	VPD ROM Size	     */
					/* Bit 12..13	reserved	     */
#define	PCI_PATCH_DIR2	(0xfL<<8)	/* Bit  8..11	Ext Patchs dir 2..5  */
#define	PCI_PATCH_DIR_2	(1L<<8)		/* Bit  8	CS for MicroWire     */
#define	PCI_PATCH_DIR_3	(1L<<9)
#define	PCI_PATCH_DIR_4	(1L<<10)
#define	PCI_PATCH_DIR_5	(1L<<11)
#define PCI_EXT_PATCHS2 (0xfL<<4)	/* Bit  4..7	Extended Patches     */
#define	PCI_EXT_PATCH_2	(1L<<4)		/* Bit  4	CS for MicroWire     */
#define	PCI_EXT_PATCH_3	(1L<<5)
#define	PCI_EXT_PATCH_4	(1L<<6)
#define	PCI_EXT_PATCH_5	(1L<<7)
#define	PCI_EN_DUMMY_RD	(1L<<3)		/* Bit  3	Enable Dummy Read    */
#define PCI_REV_DESC	(1L<<2)		/* Bit  2	Reverse Desc. Bytes  */
#define PCI_USEADDR64	(1L<<1)		/* Bit  1	Use 64 Bit Addresse  */
#define PCI_USEDATA64	(1L<<0)		/* Bit  0	Use 64 Bit Data bus ext*/

/* Power Management Region */
/*	PCI_PM_CAP_ID		 8 bit (ML)	Power Management Cap. ID */
/*	PCI_PM_NITEM		 8 bit (ML)	Next Item Ptr */
/*	PCI_PM_CAP_REG		16 bit (ML)	Power Management Capabilities*/
#define	PCI_PME_SUP	(0x1f<<11)	/* Bit 11..15	PM Manag. Event Support*/
#define PCI_PM_D2_SUB	(1<<10)		/* Bit 10	D2 Support Bit	     */
#define PCI_PM_D1_SUB	(1<<9)		/* Bit 9	D1 Support Bit       */
					/* Bit 6..8 reserved		     */
#define PCI_PM_DSI	(1<<5)		/* Bit 5	Device Specific Init.*/
#define PCI_PM_APS	(1<<4)		/* Bit 4	Auxialiary Power Src */
#define PCI_PME_CLOCK	(1<<3)		/* Bit 3	PM Event Clock       */
#define PCI_PM_VER	(7<<0)		/* Bit 0..2	PM PCI Spec. version */

/*	PCI_PM_CTL_STS		16 bit (ML)	Power Manag. Control/Status  */
#define	PCI_PME_STATUS	(1<<15)		/* Bit 15 	PFA doesn't sup. PME#*/
#define PCI_PM_DAT_SCL	(3<<13)		/* Bit 13..14	dat reg Scaling factor */
#define PCI_PM_DAT_SEL	(0xf<<9)	/* Bit  9..12	PM data selector field */
					/* Bit  7.. 2	reserved	     */
#define PCI_PM_STATE	(3<<0)		/* Bit  0.. 1	Power Management State */
#define PCI_PM_STATE_D0	(0<<0)		/* D0:	Operational (default) */
#define	PCI_PM_STATE_D1	(1<<0)		/* D1:	not supported */
#define PCI_PM_STATE_D2	(2<<0)		/* D2:	not supported */
#define PCI_PM_STATE_D3 (3<<0)		/* D3:	HOT, Power Down and Reset */

/*	PCI_PM_DAT_REG		 8 bit (ML)	Power Manag. Data Register */
/* VPD Region */
/*	PCI_VPD_CAP_ID		 8 bit (ML)	VPD Cap. ID */
/*	PCI_VPD_NITEM		 8 bit (ML)	Next Item Ptr */
/*	PCI_VPD_ADR_REG		16 bit (ML)	VPD Address Register */
#define	PCI_VPD_FLAG	(1<<15)		/* Bit 15	starts VPD rd/wd cycle*/

/*	PCI_VPD_DAT_REG		32 bit (ML)	VPD Data Register */

 *	Control Register File:
 *	Bank 0
#define	B0_RAP		0x0000	/*  8 bit register address port */
	/* 0x0001 - 0x0003:	reserved */
#define	B0_CTRL		0x0004	/*  8 bit control register */
#define	B0_DAS		0x0005	/*  8 Bit control register (DAS) */
#define	B0_LED		0x0006	/*  8 Bit LED register */
#define	B0_TST_CTRL	0x0007	/*  8 bit test control register */
#define	B0_ISRC		0x0008	/* 32 bit Interrupt source register */
#define	B0_IMSK		0x000c	/* 32 bit Interrupt mask register */

/* 0x0010 - 0x006b:	formac+ (supernet_3) fequently used registers */
#define B0_CMDREG1	0x0010	/* write command reg 1 instruction */
#define B0_CMDREG2	0x0014	/* write command reg 2 instruction */
#define B0_ST1U		0x0010	/* read upper 16-bit of status reg 1 */
#define B0_ST1L		0x0014	/* read lower 16-bit of status reg 1 */
#define B0_ST2U		0x0018	/* read upper 16-bit of status reg 2 */
#define B0_ST2L		0x001c	/* read lower 16-bit of status reg 2 */

#define B0_MARR		0x0020	/* r/w the memory read addr register */
#define B0_MARW		0x0024	/* r/w the memory write addr register*/
#define B0_MDRU		0x0028	/* r/w upper 16-bit of mem. data reg */
#define B0_MDRL		0x002c	/* r/w lower 16-bit of mem. data reg */

#define	B0_MDREG3	0x0030	/* r/w Mode Register 3 */
#define	B0_ST3U		0x0034	/* read upper 16-bit of status reg 3 */
#define	B0_ST3L		0x0038	/* read lower 16-bit of status reg 3 */
#define	B0_IMSK3U	0x003c	/* r/w upper 16-bit of IMSK reg 3 */
#define	B0_IMSK3L	0x0040	/* r/w lower 16-bit of IMSK reg 3 */
#define	B0_IVR		0x0044	/* read Interrupt Vector register */
#define	B0_IMR		0x0048	/* r/w Interrupt mask register */
/* 0x4c	Hidden */

#define B0_CNTRL_A	0x0050	/* control register A (r/w) */
#define B0_CNTRL_B	0x0054	/* control register B (r/w) */
#define B0_INTR_MASK	0x0058	/* interrupt mask (r/w) */
#define B0_XMIT_VECTOR	0x005c	/* transmit vector register (r/w) */

#define B0_STATUS_A	0x0060	/* status register A (read only) */
#define B0_STATUS_B	0x0064	/* status register B (read only) */
#define B0_CNTRL_C	0x0068	/* control register C (r/w) */
#define	B0_MDREG1	0x006c	/* r/w Mode Register 1 */

#define	B0_R1_CSR	0x0070	/* 32 bit BMU control/status reg (rec q 1) */
#define	B0_R2_CSR	0x0074	/* 32 bit BMU control/status reg (rec q 2)(DV)*/
#define	B0_XA_CSR	0x0078	/* 32 bit BMU control/status reg (a xmit q) */
#define	B0_XS_CSR	0x007c	/* 32 bit BMU control/status reg (s xmit q) */

 *	Bank 1
 *	- completely empty (this is the RAP Block window)
 *	Note: if RAP = 1 this page is reserved

 *	Bank 2
#define	B2_MAC_0	0x0100	/*  8 bit MAC address Byte 0 */
#define	B2_MAC_1	0x0101	/*  8 bit MAC address Byte 1 */
#define	B2_MAC_2	0x0102	/*  8 bit MAC address Byte 2 */
#define	B2_MAC_3	0x0103	/*  8 bit MAC address Byte 3 */
#define	B2_MAC_4	0x0104	/*  8 bit MAC address Byte 4 */
#define	B2_MAC_5	0x0105	/*  8 bit MAC address Byte 5 */
#define	B2_MAC_6	0x0106	/*  8 bit MAC address Byte 6 (== 0) (DV) */
#define	B2_MAC_7	0x0107	/*  8 bit MAC address Byte 7 (== 0) (DV) */

#define B2_CONN_TYP	0x0108	/*  8 bit Connector type */
#define B2_PMD_TYP	0x0109	/*  8 bit PMD type */
				/* 0x010a - 0x010b:	reserved */
	/* Eprom registers are currently of no use */
#define B2_E_0		0x010c	/*  8 bit EPROM Byte 0 */
#define B2_E_1		0x010d	/*  8 bit EPROM Byte 1 */
#define B2_E_2		0x010e	/*  8 bit EPROM Byte 2 */
#define B2_E_3		0x010f	/*  8 bit EPROM Byte 3 */
#define B2_FAR		0x0110	/* 32 bit Flash-Prom Address Register/Counter */
#define B2_FDP		0x0114	/*  8 bit Flash-Prom Data Port */
				/* 0x0115 - 0x0117:	reserved */
#define B2_LD_CRTL	0x0118	/*  8 bit loader control */
#define B2_LD_TEST	0x0119	/*  8 bit loader test */
				/* 0x011a - 0x011f:	reserved */
#define B2_TI_INI	0x0120	/* 32 bit Timer init value */
#define B2_TI_VAL	0x0124	/* 32 bit Timer value */
#define B2_TI_CRTL	0x0128	/*  8 bit Timer control */
#define B2_TI_TEST	0x0129	/*  8 Bit Timer Test */
				/* 0x012a - 0x012f:	reserved */
#define B2_WDOG_INI	0x0130	/* 32 bit Watchdog init value */
#define B2_WDOG_VAL	0x0134	/* 32 bit Watchdog value */
#define B2_WDOG_CRTL	0x0138	/*  8 bit Watchdog control */
#define B2_WDOG_TEST	0x0139	/*  8 Bit Watchdog Test */
				/* 0x013a - 0x013f:	reserved */
#define B2_RTM_INI	0x0140	/* 32 bit RTM init value */
#define B2_RTM_VAL	0x0144	/* 32 bit RTM value */
#define B2_RTM_CRTL	0x0148	/*  8 bit RTM control */
#define B2_RTM_TEST	0x0149	/*  8 Bit RTM Test */

#define B2_TOK_COUNT	0x014c	/* (ML)	32 bit	Token Counter */
#define B2_DESC_ADDR_H	0x0150	/* (ML) 32 bit	Desciptor Base Addr Reg High */
#define B2_CTRL_2	0x0154	/* (ML)	 8 bit	Control Register 2 */
#define B2_IFACE_REG	0x0155	/* (ML)	 8 bit	Interface Register */
				/* 0x0156:		reserved */
#define B2_TST_CTRL_2	0x0157	/* (ML)  8 bit	Test Control Register 2 */
#define B2_I2C_CTRL	0x0158	/* (ML)	32 bit	I2C Control Register */
#define B2_I2C_DATA	0x015c	/* (ML) 32 bit	I2C Data Register */

#define B2_IRQ_MOD_INI	0x0160	/* (ML) 32 bit	IRQ Moderation Timer Init Reg. */
#define B2_IRQ_MOD_VAL	0x0164	/* (ML)	32 bit	IRQ Moderation Timer Value */
#define B2_IRQ_MOD_CTRL	0x0168	/* (ML)  8 bit	IRQ Moderation Timer Control */
#define B2_IRQ_MOD_TEST	0x0169	/* (ML)	 8 bit	IRQ Moderation Timer Test */
				/* 0x016a - 0x017f:	reserved */

 *	Bank 3
 * This is a copy of the Configuration register file (lower half)
#define B3_CFG_SPC	0x180

 *	Bank 4
#define B4_R1_D		0x0200	/* 	4*32 bit current receive Descriptor  */
#define B4_R1_DA	0x0210	/* 	32 bit current rec desc address	     */
#define B4_R1_AC	0x0214	/* 	32 bit current receive Address Count */
#define B4_R1_BC	0x0218	/*	32 bit current receive Byte Counter  */
#define B4_R1_CSR	0x021c	/* 	32 bit BMU Control/Status Register   */
#define B4_R1_F		0x0220	/* 	32 bit flag register		     */
#define B4_R1_T1	0x0224	/* 	32 bit Test Register 1		     */
#define B4_R1_T1_TR	0x0224	/* 	8 bit Test Register 1 TR	     */
#define B4_R1_T1_WR	0x0225	/* 	8 bit Test Register 1 WR	     */
#define B4_R1_T1_RD	0x0226	/* 	8 bit Test Register 1 RD	     */
#define B4_R1_T1_SV	0x0227	/* 	8 bit Test Register 1 SV	     */
#define B4_R1_T2	0x0228	/* 	32 bit Test Register 2		     */
#define B4_R1_T3	0x022c	/* 	32 bit Test Register 3		     */
#define B4_R1_DA_H	0x0230	/* (ML)	32 bit Curr Rx Desc Address High     */
#define B4_R1_AC_H	0x0234	/* (ML)	32 bit Curr Addr Counter High dword  */
				/* 0x0238 - 0x023f:	reserved	  */
				/* Receive queue 2 is removed on Monalisa */
#define B4_R2_D		0x0240	/* 4*32 bit current receive Descriptor	(q2) */
#define B4_R2_DA	0x0250	/* 32 bit current rec desc address	(q2) */
#define B4_R2_AC	0x0254	/* 32 bit current receive Address Count	(q2) */
#define B4_R2_BC	0x0258	/* 32 bit current receive Byte Counter	(q2) */
#define B4_R2_CSR	0x025c	/* 32 bit BMU Control/Status Register	(q2) */
#define B4_R2_F		0x0260	/* 32 bit flag register			(q2) */
#define B4_R2_T1	0x0264	/* 32 bit Test Register 1		(q2) */
#define B4_R2_T1_TR	0x0264	/* 8 bit Test Register 1 TR		(q2) */
#define B4_R2_T1_WR	0x0265	/* 8 bit Test Register 1 WR		(q2) */
#define B4_R2_T1_RD	0x0266	/* 8 bit Test Register 1 RD		(q2) */
#define B4_R2_T1_SV	0x0267	/* 8 bit Test Register 1 SV		(q2) */
#define B4_R2_T2	0x0268	/* 32 bit Test Register 2		(q2) */
#define B4_R2_T3	0x026c	/* 32 bit Test Register 3		(q2) */
				/* 0x0270 - 0x027c:	reserved */

 *	Bank 5
#define B5_XA_D		0x0280	/* 4*32 bit current transmit Descriptor	(xa) */
#define B5_XA_DA	0x0290	/* 32 bit current tx desc address	(xa) */
#define B5_XA_AC	0x0294	/* 32 bit current tx Address Count	(xa) */
#define B5_XA_BC	0x0298	/* 32 bit current tx Byte Counter	(xa) */
#define B5_XA_CSR	0x029c	/* 32 bit BMU Control/Status Register	(xa) */
#define B5_XA_F		0x02a0	/* 32 bit flag register			(xa) */
#define B5_XA_T1	0x02a4	/* 32 bit Test Register 1		(xa) */
#define B5_XA_T1_TR	0x02a4	/* 8 bit Test Register 1 TR		(xa) */
#define B5_XA_T1_WR	0x02a5	/* 8 bit Test Register 1 WR		(xa) */
#define B5_XA_T1_RD	0x02a6	/* 8 bit Test Register 1 RD		(xa) */
#define B5_XA_T1_SV	0x02a7	/* 8 bit Test Register 1 SV		(xa) */
#define B5_XA_T2	0x02a8	/* 32 bit Test Register 2		(xa) */
#define B5_XA_T3	0x02ac	/* 32 bit Test Register 3		(xa) */
#define B5_XA_DA_H	0x02b0	/* (ML)	32 bit Curr Tx Desc Address High     */
#define B5_XA_AC_H	0x02b4	/* (ML)	32 bit Curr Addr Counter High dword  */
				/* 0x02b8 - 0x02bc:	reserved */
#define B5_XS_D		0x02c0	/* 4*32 bit current transmit Descriptor	(xs) */
#define B5_XS_DA	0x02d0	/* 32 bit current tx desc address	(xs) */
#define B5_XS_AC	0x02d4	/* 32 bit current transmit Address Count(xs) */
#define B5_XS_BC	0x02d8	/* 32 bit current transmit Byte Counter	(xs) */
#define B5_XS_CSR	0x02dc	/* 32 bit BMU Control/Status Register	(xs) */
#define B5_XS_F		0x02e0	/* 32 bit flag register			(xs) */
#define B5_XS_T1	0x02e4	/* 32 bit Test Register 1		(xs) */
#define B5_XS_T1_TR	0x02e4	/* 8 bit Test Register 1 TR		(xs) */
#define B5_XS_T1_WR	0x02e5	/* 8 bit Test Register 1 WR		(xs) */
#define B5_XS_T1_RD	0x02e6	/* 8 bit Test Register 1 RD		(xs) */
#define B5_XS_T1_SV	0x02e7	/* 8 bit Test Register 1 SV		(xs) */
#define B5_XS_T2	0x02e8	/* 32 bit Test Register 2		(xs) */
#define B5_XS_T3	0x02ec	/* 32 bit Test Register 3		(xs) */
#define B5_XS_DA_H	0x02f0	/* (ML)	32 bit Curr Tx Desc Address High     */
#define B5_XS_AC_H	0x02f4	/* (ML)	32 bit Curr Addr Counter High dword  */
				/* 0x02f8 - 0x02fc:	reserved */

 *	Bank 6
/* External PLC-S registers (SN2 compatibility for DV) */
/* External registers (ML) */
#define B6_EXT_REG	0x300

 *	Bank 7
/* DAS PLC-S Registers */

 *	Bank 8 - 15
/* IFCP registers */

/* Definitions of the Bits in the registers */

/*	B0_RAP		16 bit register address port */
#define	RAP_RAP		0x0f	/* Bit 3..0:	0 = block0, .., f = block15 */

/*	B0_CTRL		8 bit control register */
#define CTRL_FDDI_CLR	(1<<7)	/* Bit 7: (ML)	Clear FDDI Reset */
#define CTRL_FDDI_SET	(1<<6)	/* Bit 6: (ML)	Set FDDI Reset */
#define	CTRL_HPI_CLR	(1<<5)	/* Bit 5:	Clear HPI SM reset */
#define	CTRL_HPI_SET	(1<<4)	/* Bit 4:	Set HPI SM reset */
#define	CTRL_MRST_CLR	(1<<3)	/* Bit 3:	Clear Master reset */
#define	CTRL_MRST_SET	(1<<2)	/* Bit 2:	Set Master reset */
#define	CTRL_RST_CLR	(1<<1)	/* Bit 1:	Clear Software reset */
#define	CTRL_RST_SET	(1<<0)	/* Bit 0:	Set Software reset */

/*	B0_DAS		8 Bit control register (DAS) */
#define BUS_CLOCK	(1<<7)	/* Bit 7: (ML)	Bus Clock 0/1 = 33/66MHz */
#define BUS_SLOT_SZ	(1<<6)	/* Bit 6: (ML)	Slot Size 0/1 = 32/64 bit slot*/
				/* Bit 5..4:	reserved */
#define	DAS_AVAIL	(1<<3)	/* Bit 3:	1 = DAS, 0 = SAS */
#define DAS_BYP_ST	(1<<2)	/* Bit 2:	1 = avail,SAS, 0 = not avail */
#define DAS_BYP_INS	(1<<1)	/* Bit 1:	1 = insert Bypass */
#define DAS_BYP_RMV	(1<<0)	/* Bit 0:	1 = remove Bypass */

/*	B0_LED		8 Bit LED register */
				/* Bit 7..6:	reserved */
#define LED_2_ON	(1<<5)	/* Bit 5:	1 = switch LED_2 on (left,gn)*/
#define LED_2_OFF	(1<<4)	/* Bit 4:	1 = switch LED_2 off */
#define LED_1_ON	(1<<3)	/* Bit 3:	1 = switch LED_1 on (mid,yel)*/
#define LED_1_OFF	(1<<2)	/* Bit 2:	1 = switch LED_1 off */
#define LED_0_ON	(1<<1)	/* Bit 1:	1 = switch LED_0 on (rght,gn)*/
#define LED_0_OFF	(1<<0)	/* Bit 0:	1 = switch LED_0 off */
/* This hardware defines are very ugly therefore we define some others */

#define LED_GA_ON	LED_2_ON	/* S port = A port */
#define LED_GA_OFF	LED_2_OFF	/* S port = A port */
#define LED_MY_ON	LED_1_ON
#define LED_MY_OFF	LED_1_OFF
#define LED_GB_ON	LED_0_ON
#define LED_GB_OFF	LED_0_OFF

/*	B0_TST_CTRL	8 bit test control register */
#define	TST_FRC_DPERR_MR	(1<<7)	/* Bit 7:  force DATAPERR on MST RE. */
#define	TST_FRC_DPERR_MW	(1<<6)	/* Bit 6:  force DATAPERR on MST WR. */
#define	TST_FRC_DPERR_TR	(1<<5)	/* Bit 5:  force DATAPERR on TRG RE. */
#define	TST_FRC_DPERR_TW	(1<<4)	/* Bit 4:  force DATAPERR on TRG WR. */
#define	TST_FRC_APERR_M		(1<<3)	/* Bit 3:  force ADDRPERR on MST     */
#define	TST_FRC_APERR_T		(1<<2)	/* Bit 2:  force ADDRPERR on TRG     */
#define	TST_CFG_WRITE_ON	(1<<1)	/* Bit 1:  ena configuration reg. WR */
#define	TST_CFG_WRITE_OFF	(1<<0)	/* Bit 0:  dis configuration reg. WR */

/*	B0_ISRC		32 bit Interrupt source register */
					/* Bit 31..28:	reserved	     */
#define IS_I2C_READY	(1L<<27)	/* Bit 27: (ML)	IRQ on end of I2C tx */
#define IS_IRQ_SW	(1L<<26)	/* Bit 26: (ML)	SW forced IRQ	     */
#define IS_EXT_REG	(1L<<25)	/* Bit 25: (ML) IRQ from external reg*/
#define	IS_IRQ_STAT	(1L<<24)	/* Bit 24:	IRQ status exception */
#define	IS_IRQ_MST_ERR	(1L<<23)	/* Bit 23:	IRQ master error     */
					/*   RMABORT, RTABORT, DATAPERR	     */
#define	IS_TIMINT	(1L<<22)	/* Bit 22:	IRQ_TIMER	*/
#define	IS_TOKEN	(1L<<21)	/* Bit 21:	IRQ_RTM		*/
 * Note: The DAS is our First Port (!=PA)
#define	IS_PLINT1	(1L<<20)	/* Bit 20:	IRQ_PHY_DAS	*/
#define	IS_PLINT2	(1L<<19)	/* Bit 19:	IRQ_IFCP_4	*/
#define	IS_MINTR3	(1L<<18)	/* Bit 18:	IRQ_IFCP_3/IRQ_PHY */
#define	IS_MINTR2	(1L<<17)	/* Bit 17:	IRQ_IFCP_2/IRQ_MAC_2 */
#define	IS_MINTR1	(1L<<16)	/* Bit 16:	IRQ_IFCP_1/IRQ_MAC_1 */
/* Receive Queue 1 */
#define	IS_R1_P		(1L<<15)	/* Bit 15:	Parity Error (q1) */
#define	IS_R1_B		(1L<<14)	/* Bit 14:	End of Buffer (q1) */
#define	IS_R1_F		(1L<<13)	/* Bit 13:	End of Frame (q1) */
#define	IS_R1_C		(1L<<12)	/* Bit 12:	Encoding Error (q1) */
/* Receive Queue 2 */
#define	IS_R2_P		(1L<<11)	/* Bit 11: (DV)	Parity Error (q2) */
#define	IS_R2_B		(1L<<10)	/* Bit 10: (DV)	End of Buffer (q2) */
#define	IS_R2_F		(1L<<9)		/* Bit	9: (DV)	End of Frame (q2) */
#define	IS_R2_C		(1L<<8)		/* Bit	8: (DV)	Encoding Error (q2) */
/* Asynchronous Transmit queue */
					/* Bit  7:	reserved */
#define	IS_XA_B		(1L<<6)		/* Bit	6:	End of Buffer (xa) */
#define	IS_XA_F		(1L<<5)		/* Bit	5:	End of Frame (xa) */
#define	IS_XA_C		(1L<<4)		/* Bit	4:	Encoding Error (xa) */
/* Synchronous Transmit queue */
					/* Bit  3:	reserved */
#define	IS_XS_B		(1L<<2)		/* Bit	2:	End of Buffer (xs) */
#define	IS_XS_F		(1L<<1)		/* Bit	1:	End of Frame (xs) */
#define	IS_XS_C		(1L<<0)		/* Bit	0:	Encoding Error (xs) */

 * Define all valid interrupt source Bits from GET_ISR ()
#define	ALL_IRSR	0x01ffff77L	/* (DV) */
#define	ALL_IRSR_ML	0x0ffff077L	/* (ML) */

/*	B0_IMSK		32 bit Interrupt mask register */
 * The Bit definnition of this register are the same as of the interrupt
 * source register. These definition are directly derived from the Hardware
 * spec.
					/* Bit 31..28:	reserved	     */
#define IRQ_I2C_READY	(1L<<27)	/* Bit 27: (ML)	IRQ on end of I2C tx */
#define IRQ_SW		(1L<<26)	/* Bit 26: (ML)	SW forced IRQ	     */
#define IRQ_EXT_REG	(1L<<25)	/* Bit 25: (ML) IRQ from external reg*/
#define	IRQ_STAT	(1L<<24)	/* Bit 24:	IRQ status exception */
#define	IRQ_MST_ERR	(1L<<23)	/* Bit 23:	IRQ master error     */
					/*   RMABORT, RTABORT, DATAPERR	     */
#define	IRQ_TIMER	(1L<<22)	/* Bit 22:	IRQ_TIMER	*/
#define	IRQ_RTM		(1L<<21)	/* Bit 21:	IRQ_RTM		*/
#define	IRQ_DAS		(1L<<20)	/* Bit 20:	IRQ_PHY_DAS	*/
#define	IRQ_IFCP_4	(1L<<19)	/* Bit 19:	IRQ_IFCP_4	*/
#define	IRQ_IFCP_3	(1L<<18)	/* Bit 18:	IRQ_IFCP_3/IRQ_PHY */
#define	IRQ_IFCP_2	(1L<<17)	/* Bit 17:	IRQ_IFCP_2/IRQ_MAC_2 */
#define	IRQ_IFCP_1	(1L<<16)	/* Bit 16:	IRQ_IFCP_1/IRQ_MAC_1 */
/* Receive Queue 1 */
#define	IRQ_R1_P	(1L<<15)	/* Bit 15:	Parity Error (q1) */
#define	IRQ_R1_B	(1L<<14)	/* Bit 14:	End of Buffer (q1) */
#define	IRQ_R1_F	(1L<<13)	/* Bit 13:	End of Frame (q1) */
#define	IRQ_R1_C	(1L<<12)	/* Bit 12:	Encoding Error (q1) */
/* Receive Queue 2 */
#define	IRQ_R2_P	(1L<<11)	/* Bit 11: (DV)	Parity Error (q2) */
#define	IRQ_R2_B	(1L<<10)	/* Bit 10: (DV)	End of Buffer (q2) */
#define	IRQ_R2_F	(1L<<9)		/* Bit	9: (DV)	End of Frame (q2) */
#define	IRQ_R2_C	(1L<<8)		/* Bit	8: (DV)	Encoding Error (q2) */
/* Asynchronous Transmit queue */
					/* Bit  7:	reserved */
#define	IRQ_XA_B	(1L<<6)		/* Bit	6:	End of Buffer (xa) */
#define	IRQ_XA_F	(1L<<5)		/* Bit	5:	End of Frame (xa) */
#define	IRQ_XA_C	(1L<<4)		/* Bit	4:	Encoding Error (xa) */
/* Synchronous Transmit queue */
					/* Bit  3:	reserved */
#define	IRQ_XS_B	(1L<<2)		/* Bit	2:	End of Buffer (xs) */
#define	IRQ_XS_F	(1L<<1)		/* Bit	1:	End of Frame (xs) */
#define	IRQ_XS_C	(1L<<0)		/* Bit	0:	Encoding Error (xs) */

/* 0x0010 - 0x006b:	formac+ (supernet_3) fequently used registers */
/*	B0_R1_CSR	32 bit BMU control/status reg (rec q 1 ) */
/*	B0_R2_CSR	32 bit BMU control/status reg (rec q 2 ) */
/*	B0_XA_CSR	32 bit BMU control/status reg (a xmit q ) */
/*	B0_XS_CSR	32 bit BMU control/status reg (s xmit q ) */
/* The registers are the same as B4_R1_CSR, B4_R2_CSR, B5_Xa_CSR, B5_XS_CSR */

/*	B2_MAC_0	8 bit MAC address Byte 0 */
/*	B2_MAC_1	8 bit MAC address Byte 1 */
/*	B2_MAC_2	8 bit MAC address Byte 2 */
/*	B2_MAC_3	8 bit MAC address Byte 3 */
/*	B2_MAC_4	8 bit MAC address Byte 4 */
/*	B2_MAC_5	8 bit MAC address Byte 5 */
/*	B2_MAC_6	8 bit MAC address Byte 6 (== 0) (DV) */
/*	B2_MAC_7	8 bit MAC address Byte 7 (== 0) (DV) */

/*	B2_CONN_TYP	8 bit Connector type */
/*	B2_PMD_TYP	8 bit PMD type */
/*	Values of connector and PMD type comply to SysKonnect internal std */

/*	The EPROM register are currently of no use */
/*	B2_E_0		8 bit EPROM Byte 0 */
/*	B2_E_1		8 bit EPROM Byte 1 */
/*	B2_E_2		8 bit EPROM Byte 2 */
/*	B2_E_3		8 bit EPROM Byte 3 */

/*	B2_FAR		32 bit Flash-Prom Address Register/Counter */
#define	FAR_ADDR	0x1ffffL	/* Bit 16..0:	FPROM Address mask */

/*	B2_FDP		8 bit Flash-Prom Data Port */

/*	B2_LD_CRTL	8 bit loader control */
/*	Bits are currently reserved */

/*	B2_LD_TEST	8 bit loader test */
#define	LD_T_ON		(1<<3)	/* Bit 3:    Loader Testmode on */
#define	LD_T_OFF	(1<<2)	/* Bit 2:    Loader Testmode off */
#define	LD_T_STEP	(1<<1)	/* Bit 1:    Decrement FPROM addr. Counter */
#define	LD_START	(1<<0)	/* Bit 0:    Start loading FPROM */

/*	B2_TI_INI	32 bit Timer init value */
/*	B2_TI_VAL	32 bit Timer value */
/*	B2_TI_CRTL	8 bit Timer control */
/*	B2_TI_TEST	8 Bit Timer Test */
/*	B2_WDOG_INI	32 bit Watchdog init value */
/*	B2_WDOG_VAL	32 bit Watchdog value */
/*	B2_WDOG_CRTL	8 bit Watchdog control */
/*	B2_WDOG_TEST	8 Bit Watchdog Test */
/*	B2_RTM_INI	32 bit RTM init value */
/*	B2_RTM_VAL	32 bit RTM value */
/*	B2_RTM_CRTL	8 bit RTM control */
/*	B2_RTM_TEST	8 Bit RTM Test */
/*	B2_<TIM>_CRTL	8 bit <TIM> control */
/*	B2_IRQ_MOD_INI	32 bit IRQ Moderation Timer Init Reg.	(ML) */
/*	B2_IRQ_MOD_VAL	32 bit IRQ Moderation Timer Value	(ML) */
/*	B2_IRQ_MOD_CTRL	8 bit IRQ Moderation Timer Control	(ML) */
/*	B2_IRQ_MOD_TEST	8 bit IRQ Moderation Timer Test		(ML) */
#define GET_TOK_CT	(1<<4)	/* Bit 4: Get the Token Counter (RTM) */
#define TIM_RES_TOK	(1<<3)	/* Bit 3: RTM Status: 1 == restricted */
#define TIM_ALARM	(1<<3)	/* Bit 3: Timer Alarm (WDOG) */
#define TIM_START	(1<<2)	/* Bit 2: Start Timer (TI,WDOG,RTM,IRQ_MOD)*/
#define TIM_STOP	(1<<1)	/* Bit 1: Stop Timer (TI,WDOG,RTM,IRQ_MOD) */
#define TIM_CL_IRQ	(1<<0)	/* Bit 0: Clear Timer IRQ (TI,WDOG,RTM) */
/*	B2_<TIM>_TEST	8 Bit <TIM> Test */
#define	TIM_T_ON	(1<<2)	/* Bit 2: Test mode on (TI,WDOG,RTM,IRQ_MOD) */
#define	TIM_T_OFF	(1<<1)	/* Bit 1: Test mode off (TI,WDOG,RTM,IRQ_MOD) */
#define	TIM_T_STEP	(1<<0)	/* Bit 0: Test step (TI,WDOG,RTM,IRQ_MOD) */

/*	B2_TOK_COUNT	0x014c	(ML)	32 bit	Token Counter */
/*	B2_DESC_ADDR_H	0x0150	(ML)	32 bit	Desciptor Base Addr Reg High */
/*	B2_CTRL_2	0x0154	(ML)	 8 bit	Control Register 2 */
				/* Bit 7..5:	reserved		*/
#define CTRL_CL_I2C_IRQ (1<<4)	/* Bit 4:	Clear I2C IRQ		*/
#define CTRL_ST_SW_IRQ	(1<<3)	/* Bit 3:	Set IRQ SW Request	*/
#define CTRL_CL_SW_IRQ	(1<<2)	/* Bit 2:	Clear IRQ SW Request	*/
#define CTRL_STOP_DONE	(1<<1)	/* Bit 1:	Stop Master is finished */
#define	CTRL_STOP_MAST	(1<<0)	/* Bit 0:	Command Bit to stop the master*/

/*	B2_IFACE_REG	0x0155	(ML)	 8 bit	Interface Register */
				/* Bit 7..3:	reserved		*/
#define	IF_I2C_DATA_DIR	(1<<2)	/* Bit 2:	direction of IF_I2C_DATA*/
#define IF_I2C_DATA	(1<<1)	/* Bit 1:	I2C Data Port		*/
#define	IF_I2C_CLK	(1<<0)	/* Bit 0:	I2C Clock Port		*/

				/* 0x0156:		reserved */
/*	B2_TST_CTRL_2	0x0157	(ML)	 8 bit	Test Control Register 2 */
					/* Bit 7..4:	reserved */
					/* force the following error on */
					/* the next master read/write	*/
#define TST_FRC_DPERR_MR64	(1<<3)	/* Bit 3:	DataPERR RD 64	*/
#define TST_FRC_DPERR_MW64	(1<<2)	/* Bit 2:	DataPERR WR 64	*/
#define TST_FRC_APERR_1M64	(1<<1)	/* Bit 1:	AddrPERR on 1. phase */
#define TST_FRC_APERR_2M64	(1<<0)	/* Bit 0:	AddrPERR on 2. phase */

/*	B2_I2C_CTRL	0x0158	(ML)	32 bit	I2C Control Register	       */
#define	I2C_FLAG	(1L<<31)	/* Bit 31:	Start read/write if WR */
#define I2C_ADDR	(0x7fffL<<16)	/* Bit 30..16:	Addr to be read/written*/
#define	I2C_DEV_SEL	(0x7fL<<9)	/* Bit  9..15:	I2C Device Select      */
					/* Bit  5.. 8:	reserved	       */
#define I2C_BURST_LEN	(1L<<4)		/* Bit  4	Burst Len, 1/4 bytes   */
#define I2C_DEV_SIZE	(7L<<1)		/* Bit	1.. 3:	I2C Device Size	       */
#define I2C_025K_DEV	(0L<<1)		/*		0: 256 Bytes or smaller*/
#define I2C_05K_DEV	(1L<<1)		/* 		1: 512	Bytes	       */
#define	I2C_1K_DEV	(2L<<1)		/*		2: 1024 Bytes	       */
#define I2C_2K_DEV	(3L<<1)		/*		3: 2048	Bytes	       */
#define	I2C_4K_DEV	(4L<<1)		/*		4: 4096 Bytes	       */
#define	I2C_8K_DEV	(5L<<1)		/*		5: 8192 Bytes	       */
#define	I2C_16K_DEV	(6L<<1)		/*		6: 16384 Bytes	       */
#define	I2C_32K_DEV	(7L<<1)		/*		7: 32768 Bytes	       */
#define I2C_STOP_BIT	(1<<0)		/* Bit  0:	Interrupt I2C transfer */

 * I2C Addresses
 * The temperature sensor and the voltage sensor are on the same I2C bus.
 * Note: The voltage sensor (Micorwire) will be selected by PCI_EXT_PATCH_1
 *	 in PCI_OUR_REG 1.
#define	I2C_ADDR_TEMP	0x90	/* I2C Address Temperature Sensor */

/*	B2_I2C_DATA	0x015c	(ML)	32 bit	I2C Data Register */

/*	B4_R1_D		4*32 bit current receive Descriptor	(q1) */
/*	B4_R1_DA	32 bit current rec desc address		(q1) */
/*	B4_R1_AC	32 bit current receive Address Count	(q1) */
/*	B4_R1_BC	32 bit current receive Byte Counter	(q1) */
/*	B4_R1_CSR	32 bit BMU Control/Status Register	(q1) */
/*	B4_R1_F		32 bit flag register			(q1) */
/*	B4_R1_T1	32 bit Test Register 1		 	(q1) */
/*	B4_R1_T2	32 bit Test Register 2		 	(q1) */
/*	B4_R1_T3	32 bit Test Register 3		 	(q1) */
/*	B4_R2_D		4*32 bit current receive Descriptor	(q2) */
/*	B4_R2_DA	32 bit current rec desc address		(q2) */
/*	B4_R2_AC	32 bit current receive Address Count	(q2) */
/*	B4_R2_BC	32 bit current receive Byte Counter	(q2) */
/*	B4_R2_CSR	32 bit BMU Control/Status Register	(q2) */
/*	B4_R2_F		32 bit flag register			(q2) */
/*	B4_R2_T1	32 bit Test Register 1			(q2) */
/*	B4_R2_T2	32 bit Test Register 2			(q2) */
/*	B4_R2_T3	32 bit Test Register 3			(q2) */
/*	B5_XA_D		4*32 bit current receive Descriptor	(xa) */
/*	B5_XA_DA	32 bit current rec desc address		(xa) */
/*	B5_XA_AC	32 bit current receive Address Count	(xa) */
/*	B5_XA_BC	32 bit current receive Byte Counter	(xa) */
/*	B5_XA_CSR	32 bit BMU Control/Status Register	(xa) */
/*	B5_XA_F		32 bit flag register			(xa) */
/*	B5_XA_T1	32 bit Test Register 1			(xa) */
/*	B5_XA_T2	32 bit Test Register 2			(xa) */
/*	B5_XA_T3	32 bit Test Register 3			(xa) */
/*	B5_XS_D		4*32 bit current receive Descriptor	(xs) */
/*	B5_XS_DA	32 bit current rec desc address		(xs) */
/*	B5_XS_AC	32 bit current receive Address Count	(xs) */
/*	B5_XS_BC	32 bit current receive Byte Counter	(xs) */
/*	B5_XS_CSR	32 bit BMU Control/Status Register	(xs) */
/*	B5_XS_F		32 bit flag register			(xs) */
/*	B5_XS_T1	32 bit Test Register 1			(xs) */
/*	B5_XS_T2	32 bit Test Register 2			(xs) */
/*	B5_XS_T3	32 bit Test Register 3			(xs) */
/*	B5_<xx>_CSR	32 bit BMU Control/Status Register	(xx) */
#define	CSR_DESC_CLEAR	(1L<<21)    /* Bit 21:	Clear Reset for Descr */
#define	CSR_DESC_SET	(1L<<20)    /* Bit 20:	Set Reset for Descr */
#define	CSR_FIFO_CLEAR	(1L<<19)    /* Bit 19:	Clear Reset for FIFO */
#define	CSR_FIFO_SET	(1L<<18)    /* Bit 18:	Set Reset for FIFO */
#define	CSR_HPI_RUN	(1L<<17)    /* Bit 17:	Release HPI SM */
#define	CSR_HPI_RST	(1L<<16)    /* Bit 16:	Reset HPI SM to Idle */
#define	CSR_SV_RUN	(1L<<15)    /* Bit 15:	Release Supervisor SM */
#define	CSR_SV_RST	(1L<<14)    /* Bit 14:	Reset Supervisor SM */
#define	CSR_DREAD_RUN	(1L<<13)    /* Bit 13:	Release Descr Read SM */
#define	CSR_DREAD_RST	(1L<<12)    /* Bit 12:	Reset Descr Read SM */
#define	CSR_DWRITE_RUN	(1L<<11)    /* Bit 11:	Rel. Descr Write SM */
#define	CSR_DWRITE_RST	(1L<<10)    /* Bit 10:	Reset Descr Write SM */
#define	CSR_TRANS_RUN	(1L<<9)     /* Bit 9:	Release Transfer SM */
#define	CSR_TRANS_RST	(1L<<8)     /* Bit 8:	Reset Transfer SM */
				    /* Bit 7..5: reserved */
#define	CSR_START	(1L<<4)     /* Bit 4:	Start Rec/Xmit Queue */
#define	CSR_IRQ_CL_P	(1L<<3)     /* Bit 3:	Clear Parity IRQ, Rcv */
#define	CSR_IRQ_CL_B	(1L<<2)     /* Bit 2:	Clear EOB IRQ */
#define	CSR_IRQ_CL_F	(1L<<1)     /* Bit 1:	Clear EOF IRQ */
#define	CSR_IRQ_CL_C	(1L<<0)     /* Bit 0:	Clear ERR IRQ */


/*	B5_<xx>_F	32 bit flag register		 (xx) */
					/* Bit 28..31:	reserved	      */
#define F_ALM_FULL	(1L<<27)	/* Bit 27: (ML)	FIFO almost full      */
#define F_FIFO_EOF	(1L<<26)	/* Bit 26: (ML)	Fag bit in FIFO       */
#define F_WM_REACHED	(1L<<25)	/* Bit 25: (ML)	Watermark reached     */
#define F_UP_DW_USED	(1L<<24)	/* Bit 24: (ML) Upper Dword used (bug)*/
					/* Bit 23: 	reserved	      */
#define F_FIFO_LEVEL	(0x1fL<<16)	/* Bit 16..22:(ML) # of Qwords in FIFO*/
					/* Bit  8..15: 	reserved	      */
#define F_ML_WATER_M	0x0000ffL	/* Bit  0.. 7:(ML) Watermark	      */
#define	FLAG_WATER	0x00001fL	/* Bit 4..0:(DV) Level of req data tr.*/

/*	B5_<xx>_T1	32 bit Test Register 1		 (xx) */
/*		Holds four State Machine control Bytes */
#define	SM_CRTL_SV	(0xffL<<24) /* Bit 31..24:  Control Supervisor SM */
#define	SM_CRTL_RD	(0xffL<<16) /* Bit 23..16:  Control Read Desc SM */
#define	SM_CRTL_WR	(0xffL<<8)  /* Bit 15..8:   Control Write Desc SM */
#define	SM_CRTL_TR	(0xffL<<0)  /* Bit 7..0:    Control Transfer SM */

/*	B4_<xx>_T1_TR	8 bit Test Register 1 TR		(xx) */
/*	B4_<xx>_T1_WR	8 bit Test Register 1 WR		(xx) */
/*	B4_<xx>_T1_RD	8 bit Test Register 1 RD		(xx) */
/*	B4_<xx>_T1_SV	8 bit Test Register 1 SV		(xx) */
/* The control status byte of each machine looks like ... */
#define	SM_STATE	0xf0	/* Bit 7..4:	State which shall be loaded */
#define	SM_LOAD		0x08	/* Bit 3:	Load the SM with SM_STATE */
#define	SM_TEST_ON	0x04	/* Bit 2:	Switch on SM Test Mode */
#define	SM_TEST_OFF	0x02	/* Bit 1:	Go off the Test Mode */
#define	SM_STEP		0x01	/* Bit 0:	Step the State Machine */

/* The coding of the states */
#define	SM_SV_IDLE	0x0	/* Supervisor	Idle		Tr/Re	     */
#define	SM_SV_RES_START	0x1	/* Supervisor	Res_Start	Tr/Re	     */
#define	SM_SV_GET_DESC	0x3	/* Supervisor	Get_Desc	Tr/Re	     */
#define	SM_SV_CHECK	0x2	/* Supervisor	Check		Tr/Re	     */
#define	SM_SV_MOV_DATA	0x6	/* Supervisor	Move_Data	Tr/Re	     */
#define	SM_SV_PUT_DESC	0x7	/* Supervisor	Put_Desc	Tr/Re	     */
#define	SM_SV_SET_IRQ	0x5	/* Supervisor	Set_Irq		Tr/Re	     */

#define	SM_RD_IDLE	0x0	/* Read Desc.	Idle		Tr/Re	     */
#define	SM_RD_LOAD	0x1	/* Read Desc.	Load		Tr/Re	     */
#define	SM_RD_WAIT_TC	0x3	/* Read Desc.	Wait_TC		Tr/Re	     */
#define	SM_RD_RST_EOF	0x6	/* Read Desc.	Reset_EOF	   Re	     */
#define	SM_RD_WDONE_R	0x2	/* Read Desc.	Wait_Done	   Re	     */
#define	SM_RD_WDONE_T	0x4	/* Read Desc.	Wait_Done	Tr   	     */

#define	SM_TR_IDLE	0x0	/* Trans. Data	Idle		Tr/Re	     */
#define	SM_TR_LOAD	0x3	/* Trans. Data	Load		Tr/Re	     */
#define	SM_TR_LOAD_R_ML	0x1	/* Trans. Data	Load		  /Re	(ML) */
#define	SM_TR_WAIT_TC	0x2	/* Trans. Data	Wait_TC		Tr/Re	     */
#define	SM_TR_WDONE	0x4	/* Trans. Data	Wait_Done	Tr/Re	     */

#define	SM_WR_IDLE	0x0	/* Write Desc.	Idle		Tr/Re	     */
#define	SM_WR_ABLEN	0x1	/* Write Desc.	Act_Buf_Length	Tr/Re	     */
#define	SM_WR_LD_A4	0x2	/* Write Desc.	Load_A4		   Re	     */
#define	SM_WR_RES_OWN	0x2	/* Write Desc.	Res_OWN		Tr   	     */
#define	SM_WR_WAIT_EOF	0x3	/* Write Desc.	Wait_EOF	   Re	     */
#define	SM_WR_LD_N2C_R	0x4	/* Write Desc.	Load_N2C	   Re	     */
#define	SM_WR_WAIT_TC_R	0x5	/* Write Desc.	Wait_TC		   Re	     */
#define	SM_WR_WAIT_TC4	0x6	/* Write Desc.	Wait_TC4	   Re	     */
#define	SM_WR_LD_A_T	0x6	/* Write Desc.	Load_A		Tr   	     */
#define	SM_WR_LD_A_R	0x7	/* Write Desc.	Load_A		   Re	     */
#define	SM_WR_WAIT_TC_T	0x7	/* Write Desc.	Wait_TC		Tr   	     */
#define	SM_WR_LD_N2C_T	0xc	/* Write Desc.	Load_N2C	Tr   	     */
#define	SM_WR_WDONE_T	0x9	/* Write Desc.	Wait_Done	Tr   	     */
#define	SM_WR_WDONE_R	0xc	/* Write Desc.	Wait_Done	   Re	     */
#define SM_WR_LD_D_AD	0xe	/* Write Desc.  Load_Dumr_A	   Re	(ML) */
#define SM_WR_WAIT_D_TC	0xf	/* Write Desc.	Wait_Dumr_TC	   Re	(ML) */

/*	B5_<xx>_T2	32 bit Test Register 2		 (xx) */
/* Note: This register is only defined for the transmit queues */
				/* Bit 31..8:	reserved */
#define	AC_TEST_ON	(1<<7)	/* Bit 7:	Address Counter Test Mode on */
#define	AC_TEST_OFF	(1<<6)	/* Bit 6:	Address Counter Test Mode off*/
#define	BC_TEST_ON	(1<<5)	/* Bit 5:	Byte Counter Test Mode on */
#define	BC_TEST_OFF	(1<<4)	/* Bit 4:	Byte Counter Test Mode off */
#define	TEST_STEP04	(1<<3)	/* Bit 3:	Inc AC/Dec BC by 4 */
#define	TEST_STEP03	(1<<2)	/* Bit 2:	Inc AC/Dec BC by 3 */
#define	TEST_STEP02	(1<<1)	/* Bit 1:	Inc AC/Dec BC by 2 */
#define	TEST_STEP01	(1<<0)	/* Bit 0:	Inc AC/Dec BC by 1 */

/*	B5_<xx>_T3	32 bit Test Register 3		 (xx) */
/* Note: This register is only defined for the transmit queues */
				/* Bit 31..8:	reserved */
#define T3_MUX_2	(1<<7)	/* Bit 7: (ML)	Mux position MSB */
#define T3_VRAM_2	(1<<6)	/* Bit 6: (ML)	Virtual RAM buffer addr MSB */
#define	T3_LOOP		(1<<5)	/* Bit 5: 	Set Loopback (Xmit) */
#define	T3_UNLOOP	(1<<4)	/* Bit 4: 	Unset Loopback (Xmit) */
#define	T3_MUX		(3<<2)	/* Bit 3..2:	Mux position */
#define	T3_VRAM		(3<<0)	/* Bit 1..0:	Virtual RAM buffer Address */

/* PCI card IDs */
 * Note: The following 4 byte definitions shall not be used! Use OEM Concept!
#define	PCI_VEND_ID0	0x48		/* PCI vendor ID (SysKonnect) */
#define	PCI_VEND_ID1	0x11		/* PCI vendor ID (SysKonnect) */
					/*		 (High byte) */
#define	PCI_DEV_ID0	0x00		/* PCI device ID */
#define	PCI_DEV_ID1	0x40		/* PCI device ID (High byte) */

/*#define PCI_CLASS	0x02*/		/* PCI class code: network device */
#define PCI_NW_CLASS	0x02		/* PCI class code: network device */
#define PCI_SUB_CLASS	0x02		/* PCI subclass ID: FDDI device */
#define PCI_PROG_INTFC	0x00		/* PCI programming Interface (=0) */

 * address transmission from logical to physical offset address on board
#define	FMA(a)	(0x0400|((a)<<2))	/* FORMAC+ (r/w) (SN3) */
#define	P1(a)	(0x0380|((a)<<2))	/* PLC1 (r/w) (DAS) */
#define	P2(a)	(0x0600|((a)<<2))	/* PLC2 (r/w) (covered by the SN3) */
#define PRA(a)	(B2_MAC_0 + (a))	/* configuration PROM (MAC address) */

 * FlashProm specification
#define	MAX_PAGES	0x20000L	/* Every byte has a single page */
#define	MAX_FADDR	1		/* 1 byte per page */

 * Receive / Transmit Buffer Control word
#define	BMU_OWN		(1UL<<31)	/* OWN bit: 0 == host, 1 == adapter */
#define	BMU_STF		(1L<<30)	/* Start of Frame ?		*/
#define	BMU_EOF		(1L<<29)	/* End of Frame ?		*/
#define	BMU_EN_IRQ_EOB	(1L<<28)	/* Enable "End of Buffer" IRQ	*/
#define	BMU_EN_IRQ_EOF	(1L<<27)	/* Enable "End of Frame" IRQ	*/
#define	BMU_DEV_0	(1L<<26)	/* RX: don't transfer to system mem */
#define BMU_SMT_TX	(1L<<25)	/* TX: if set, buffer type SMT_MBuf */
#define BMU_ST_BUF	(1L<<25)	/* RX: copy of start of frame */
#define BMU_UNUSED	(1L<<24)	/* Set if the Descr is curr unused */
#define BMU_SW		(3L<<24)	/* 2 Bits reserved for SW usage */
#define	BMU_CHECK	0x00550000L	/* To identify the control word */
#define	BMU_BBC		0x0000FFFFL	/* R/T Buffer Byte Count        */

 * physical address offset + IO-Port base address
#define	ADDR(a)		(char far *) smc->hw.iop+(a)
#define	ADDRS(smc,a)	(char far *) (smc)->hw.iop+(a)
#define	ADDR(a)	(((a)>>7) ? (outp(smc->hw.iop+B0_RAP,(a)>>7), \
	(smc->hw.iop+(((a)&0x7F)|((a)>>7 ? 0x80:0)))) : \
	(smc->hw.iop+(((a)&0x7F)|((a)>>7 ? 0x80:0))))
#define	ADDRS(smc,a) (((a)>>7) ? (outp((smc)->hw.iop+B0_RAP,(a)>>7), \
	((smc)->hw.iop+(((a)&0x7F)|((a)>>7 ? 0x80:0)))) : \
	((smc)->hw.iop+(((a)&0x7F)|((a)>>7 ? 0x80:0))))

 * Define a macro to access the configuration space
#define PCI_C(a)	ADDR(B3_CFG_SPC + (a))	/* PCI Config Space */

#define EXT_R(a)	ADDR(B6_EXT_REG + (a))	/* External Registers */

 * Define some values needed for the MAC address (PROM)
#define	SA_MAC		(0)	/* start addr. MAC_AD within the PROM */
#define	PRA_OFF		(0)	/* offset correction when 4th byte reading */

#define	SKFDDI_PSZ	8	/* address PROM size */

#define	FM_A(a)	ADDR(FMA(a))	/* FORMAC Plus physical addr */
#define	P1_A(a)	ADDR(P1(a))	/* PLC1 (r/w) */
#define	P2_A(a)	ADDR(P2(a))	/* PLC2 (r/w) (DAS) */
#define PR_A(a)	ADDR(PRA(a))	/* config. PROM (MAC address) */

 * Macro to read the PROM
#define	READ_PROM(a)	((u_char)inp(a))

#define	GET_PAGE(bank)	outpd(ADDR(B2_FAR),bank)
#define	VPP_ON()
#define	VPP_OFF()

 * Note: Values of the Interrupt Source Register are defined above
#define ISR_A		ADDR(B0_ISRC)
#define	GET_ISR()		inpd(ISR_A)
#define GET_ISR_SMP(iop)	inpd((iop)+B0_ISRC)
#define	CHECK_ISR()		(inpd(ISR_A) & inpd(ADDR(B0_IMSK)))
#define CHECK_ISR_SMP(iop)	(inpd((iop)+B0_ISRC) & inpd((iop)+B0_IMSK))

#define	BUS_CHECK()

 * CLI_FBI:	Disable Board Interrupts
 * STI_FBI:	Enable Board Interrupts
#ifndef UNIX
#define	CLI_FBI()	outpd(ADDR(B0_IMSK),0)
#define	CLI_FBI(smc)	outpd(ADDRS((smc),B0_IMSK),0)

#ifndef UNIX
#define	STI_FBI()	outpd(ADDR(B0_IMSK),smc->hw.is_imask)
#define	STI_FBI(smc)	outpd(ADDRS((smc),B0_IMSK),(smc)->hw.is_imask)

#define CLI_FBI_SMP(iop)	outpd((iop)+B0_IMSK,0)
#define	STI_FBI_SMP(smc,iop)	outpd((iop)+B0_IMSK,(smc)->hw.is_imask)

#endif	/* PCI */

 * 12 bit transfer (dword) counter:
 *	(ISA:	2*trc = number of byte)
 *	(EISA:	4*trc = number of byte)
 *	(MCA:	4*trc = number of byte)
#define	MAX_TRANS	(0x0fff)

#define	MST_8259 (0x20)
#define	SLV_8259 (0xA0)

#define TPS		(18)		/* ticks per second */

 * error timer defs
#define	TN		(4)	/* number of supported timer = TN+1 */
#define	SNPPND_TIME	(5)	/* buffer memory access over mem. data reg. */

#define	MAC_AD	0x405a0000

#define MODR1	FM_A(FM_MDREG1)	/* mode register 1 */
#define MODR2	FM_A(FM_MDREG2)	/* mode register 2 */

#define CMDR1	FM_A(FM_CMDREG1)	/* command register 1 */
#define CMDR2	FM_A(FM_CMDREG2)	/* command register 2 */

 * function defines
#define	CLEAR(io,mask)		outpw((io),inpw(io)&(~(mask)))
#define	SET(io,mask)		outpw((io),inpw(io)|(mask))
#define	GET(io,mask)		(inpw(io)&(mask))
#define	SETMASK(io,val,mask)	outpw((io),(inpw(io) & ~(mask)) | (val))

 * PHY Port A (PA) = PLC 1
 * With SuperNet 3 PHY-A and PHY S are identical.
#define	PLC(np,reg)	(((np) == PA) ? P2_A(reg) : P1_A(reg))

 * set memory address register for write and read
#define	MARW(ma)	outpw(FM_A(FM_MARW),(unsigned int)(ma))
#define	MARR(ma)	outpw(FM_A(FM_MARR),(unsigned int)(ma))

 * read/write from/to memory data register
/* write double word */
#define	MDRW(dd)	outpw(FM_A(FM_MDRU),(unsigned int)((dd)>>16)) ;\
			outpw(FM_A(FM_MDRL),(unsigned int)(dd))

#ifndef WINNT
/* read double word */
#define	MDRR()		(((long)inpw(FM_A(FM_MDRU))<<16) + inpw(FM_A(FM_MDRL)))

/* read FORMAC+ 32-bit status register */
#define	GET_ST1()	(((long)inpw(FM_A(FM_ST1U))<<16) + inpw(FM_A(FM_ST1L)))
#define	GET_ST2()	(((long)inpw(FM_A(FM_ST2U))<<16) + inpw(FM_A(FM_ST2L)))
#ifdef	SUPERNET_3
#define	GET_ST3()	(((long)inpw(FM_A(FM_ST3U))<<16) + inpw(FM_A(FM_ST3L)))
/* read double word */
#define MDRR()		inp2w((FM_A(FM_MDRU)),(FM_A(FM_MDRL)))

/* read FORMAC+ 32-bit status register */
#define GET_ST1()	inp2w((FM_A(FM_ST1U)),(FM_A(FM_ST1L)))
#define GET_ST2()	inp2w((FM_A(FM_ST2U)),(FM_A(FM_ST2L)))
#ifdef	SUPERNET_3
#define GET_ST3()	inp2w((FM_A(FM_ST3U)),(FM_A(FM_ST3L)))

/* Special timer macro for 82c54 */
				/* timer access over data bus bit 8..15 */
#define	OUT_82c54_TIMER(port,val)	outpw(TI_A(port),(val)<<8)
#define	IN_82c54_TIMER(port)		((inpw(TI_A(port))>>8) & 0xff)

#ifdef	DEBUG
#define	DB_MAC(mac,st) {if (debug_mac & 0x1)\
				printf("M") ;\
			if (debug_mac & 0x2)\
				printf("\tMAC %d status 0x%08lx\n",mac,st) ;\
			if (debug_mac & 0x4)\
				dp_mac(mac,st) ;\

#define	DB_PLC(p,iev) {	if (debug_plc & 0x1)\
				printf("P") ;\
			if (debug_plc & 0x2)\
				printf("\tPLC %s Int 0x%04x\n", \
					(p == PA) ? "A" : "B", iev) ;\
			if (debug_plc & 0x4)\
				dp_plc(p,iev) ;\

#define	DB_TIMER() {	if (debug_timer & 0x1)\
				printf("T") ;\
			if (debug_timer & 0x2)\
				printf("\tTimer ISR\n") ;\

#else	/* no DEBUG */

#define	DB_MAC(mac,st)
#define	DB_PLC(p,iev)
#define	DB_TIMER()

#endif	/* no DEBUG */

#define	INC_PTR(sp,cp,ep)	if (++cp == ep) cp = sp
 * timer defs
#define	COUNT(t)	((t)<<6)	/* counter */
#define	RW_OP(o)	((o)<<4)	/* read/write operation */
#define	TMODE(m)	((m)<<1)	/* timer mode */

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