Raw File
Tip revision: 8cee0cc3fea74f9abcb0ce343a86fa4c71673ead authored by Ned Deily on 06 September 2017, 07:23:33 UTC
Bump to 3.3.7rc1
Tip revision: 8cee0cc
.. bpo: 17237
.. date: 9562
.. nonce: cF-0Zw
.. release date: 13-May-2013
.. section: Core and Builtins

Fix crash in the ASCII decoder on m68k.


.. bpo: 17408
.. date: 9561
.. nonce: mfHmrB
.. section: Core and Builtins

Avoid using an obsolete instance of the copyreg module when the interpreter
is shutdown and then started again.


.. bpo: 17863
.. date: 9560
.. nonce: 3PTJAD
.. section: Core and Builtins

In the interactive console, don't loop forever if the encoding can't be
fetched from stdin.


.. bpo: 17867
.. date: 9559
.. nonce: DrmXe2
.. section: Core and Builtins

Raise an ImportError if __import__ is not found in __builtins__.


.. bpo: 17857
.. date: 9558
.. nonce: 7cCKDk
.. section: Core and Builtins

Prevent build failures with pre-3.5.0 versions of sqlite3, such as was
shipped with Centos 5 and Mac OS X 10.4.


.. bpo: 17413
.. date: 9557
.. nonce: Nt_U0G
.. section: Core and Builtins

sys.settrace callbacks were being passed a string instead of an exception
instance for the 'value' element of the arg tuple if the exception
originated from C code; now an exception instance is always provided.


.. bpo: 17782
.. date: 9556
.. nonce: HwEf1N
.. section: Core and Builtins

Fix undefined behaviour on platforms where ``struct timespec``'s "tv_nsec"
member is not a C long.


.. bpo: 17715
.. date: 9555
.. nonce: gZ33Sm
.. section: Core and Builtins

Fix segmentation fault from raising an exception in a __trunc__ method.


.. bpo: 16447
.. date: 9554
.. nonce: Nqypja
.. section: Core and Builtins

Fixed potential segmentation fault when setting __name__ on a class.


.. bpo: 17669
.. date: 9553
.. nonce: TkSpEF
.. section: Core and Builtins

Fix crash involving finalization of generators using yield from.


.. bpo: 17619
.. date: 9552
.. nonce: nQqD2x
.. section: Core and Builtins

Make input() check for Ctrl-C correctly on Windows.


.. bpo: 17610
.. date: 9551
.. nonce: QpIzEB
.. section: Core and Builtins

Don't rely on non-standard behavior of the C qsort() function.


.. bpo: 17357
.. date: 9550
.. nonce: E6yP5h
.. section: Core and Builtins

Add missing verbosity output when using -v/-vv.


.. bpo: 17606
.. date: 9549
.. nonce: KiLlUm
.. section: Library

Fixed support of encoded byte strings in the XMLGenerator characters() and
ignorableWhitespace() methods.  Original patch by Sebastian Ortiz Vasquez.


.. bpo: 17732
.. date: 9548
.. nonce: nVRMov
.. section: Library

Ignore distutils.cfg options pertaining to install paths if a virtual
environment is active.


.. bpo: 1159051
.. date: 9547
.. nonce: bpQMXP
.. section: Library

Back out a fix for handling corrupted gzip files that broke backwards


.. bpo: 17915
.. date: 9546
.. nonce: ugMGeG
.. section: Library

Fix interoperability of xml.sax with file objects returned by


.. bpo: 16601
.. date: 9545
.. nonce: _FiBrB
.. section: Library

Restarting iteration over tarfile no more continues from where it left off.
Patch by Michael Birtwell.


.. bpo: 17289
.. date: 9544
.. nonce: NPHOks
.. section: Library

The readline module now plays nicer with external modules or applications
changing the rl_completer_word_break_characters global variable.  Initial
patch by Bradley Froehle.


.. bpo: 12181
.. date: 9543
.. nonce: Dq2moC
.. section: Library

select module: Fix struct kevent definition on OpenBSD 64-bit platforms.
Patch by Federico Schwindt.


.. bpo: 14173
.. date: 9542
.. nonce: mZM9Pr
.. section: Library

Avoid crashing when reading a signal handler during interpreter shutdown.


.. bpo: 16316
.. date: 9541
.. nonce: AOkxPd
.. section: Library

mimetypes now recognizes the .xz and .txz (.tar.xz) extensions.


.. bpo: 15902
.. date: 9540
.. nonce: 3XIl24
.. section: Library

Fix imp.load_module() accepting None as a file when loading an extension


.. bpo: 17802
.. date: 9539
.. nonce: ztoqWb
.. section: Library

Fix an UnboundLocalError in html.parser.  Initial tests by Thomas Barlow.


.. bpo: 15535
.. date: 9538
.. nonce: hc30Tv
.. section: Library

Fix namedtuple pickles which were picking up the OrderedDict instead of just
the underlying tuple.


.. bpo: 17192
.. date: 9537
.. nonce: 9NzXC9
.. section: Library

Restore the patch for Issue #11729 which was ommitted in 3.3.1 when updating
the bundled version of libffi used by ctypes.  Update many libffi files that
were missed in 3.3.1's update to libffi-3.0.13.


.. bpo: 17358
.. date: 9536
.. nonce: kyf-Ix
.. section: Library

Modules loaded by imp.load_source() and load_compiled() (and by extention
load_module()) now have a better chance of working when reloaded.


.. bpo: 17353
.. date: 9535
.. nonce: 6Wiqfl
.. section: Library

Plistlib emitted empty data tags with deeply nested datastructures


.. bpo: 11714
.. date: 9534
.. nonce: EZxzYl
.. section: Library

Use 'with' statements to assure a Semaphore releases a condition variable.
Original patch by Thomas Rachel.


.. bpo: 17795
.. date: 9533
.. nonce: IgVwMv
.. section: Library

Reverted backwards-incompatible change in SysLogHandler with Unix domain


.. bpo: 17555
.. date: 9532
.. nonce: 9klJCB
.. section: Library

Fix ForkAwareThreadLock so that size of after fork registry does not grow
exponentially with generation of process.


.. bpo: 17707
.. date: 9531
.. nonce: 54fwPS
.. section: Library

multiprocessing.Queue's get() method does not block for short timeouts.


.. bpo: 0
.. date: 9530
.. nonce: hO2HQT
.. section: Library

Isuse #17720: Fix the Python implementation of pickle.Unpickler to correctly
process the APPENDS opcode when it is used on non-list objects.


.. bpo: 17012
.. date: 9529
.. nonce: gzoKo4
.. section: Library

shutil.which() no longer fallbacks to the PATH environment variable if empty
path argument is specified.  Patch by Serhiy Storchaka.


.. bpo: 17710
.. date: 9528
.. nonce: OCzZ2n
.. section: Library

Fix pickle raising a SystemError on bogus input.


.. bpo: 17341
.. date: 9527
.. nonce: DI-1AO
.. section: Library

Include the invalid name in the error messages from re about invalid group


.. bpo: 17702
.. date: 9526
.. nonce: ySqg1b
.. section: Library

os.environ now raises KeyError with the original environment variable name
(str on UNIX), instead of using the encoded name (bytes on UNIX).


.. bpo: 16163
.. date: 9525
.. nonce: 3aay4D
.. section: Library

Make the importlib based version of pkgutil.iter_importers work for
submodules. Initial patch by Berker Peksag.


.. bpo: 16804
.. date: 9524
.. nonce: vK8Q1B
.. section: Library

Fix a bug in the 'site' module that caused running 'python -S -m site' to
incorrectly throw an exception.


.. bpo: 17016
.. date: 9523
.. nonce: lQnMI8
.. section: Library

Get rid of possible pointer wraparounds and integer overflows in the re
module.  Patch by Nickolai Zeldovich.


.. bpo: 16658
.. date: 9522
.. nonce: 0nnlDI
.. section: Library

add missing return to HTTPConnection.send() Patch by Jeff Knupp.


.. bpo: 14971
.. date: 9521
.. nonce: cc8xNA
.. section: Library

unittest test discovery no longer gets confused when a function has a
different __name__ than its name in the TestCase class dictionary.


.. bpo: 17678
.. date: 9520
.. nonce: im-rqY
.. section: Library

Fix DeprecationWarning in the http/ by changing the usage of
get_origin_req_host() to origin_req_host.


.. bpo: 17666
.. date: 9519
.. nonce: L8Gq8u
.. section: Library

Fix reading gzip files with an extra field.


.. bpo: 17502
.. date: 9518
.. nonce: ujjkwG
.. section: Library

Process DEFAULT values in mock side_effect that returns iterator. Patch by
Michael Foord.


.. bpo: 17572
.. date: 9517
.. nonce: EadyGN
.. section: Library

Avoid chained exceptions while passing bad directives to time.strptime().
Initial patch by Claudiu Popa.


.. bpo: 17435
.. date: 9516
.. nonce: 167Uzu
.. section: Library

threading.Timer's __init__ method no longer uses mutable default values for
the args and kwargs parameters.


.. bpo: 17526
.. date: 9515
.. nonce: wiYvlk
.. section: Library

fix an IndexError raised while passing code without filename to
inspect.findsource().  Initial patch by Tyler Doyle.


.. bpo: 16550
.. date: 9514
.. nonce: HIUeZQ
.. section: Library

Update the opcode descriptions of pickletools to use unsigned integers where
appropriate.  Initial patch by Serhiy Storchaka.


.. bpo: 17838
.. date: 9513
.. nonce: -DDdhT
.. section: IDLE

Allow sys.stdin to be reassigned.


.. bpo: 13495
.. date: 9512
.. nonce: CqEc2d
.. section: IDLE

Avoid loading the color delegator twice in IDLE.


.. bpo: 17798
.. date: 9511
.. nonce: PVfMob
.. section: IDLE

Allow IDLE to edit new files when specified on command line.


.. bpo: 14735
.. date: 9510
.. nonce: lbbw49
.. section: IDLE

Update IDLE docs to omit "Control-z on Windows".


.. bpo: 17585
.. date: 9509
.. nonce: oXlcVX
.. section: IDLE

Fixed IDLE regression. Now closes when using exit() or quit().


.. bpo: 17657
.. date: 9508
.. nonce: rGfxNo
.. section: IDLE

Show full Tk version in IDLE's about dialog. Patch by Todd Rovito.


.. bpo: 17613
.. date: 9507
.. nonce: MfAJ31
.. section: IDLE

Prevent traceback when removing syntax colorizer in IDLE.


.. bpo: 1207589
.. date: 9506
.. nonce: wqzkjh
.. section: IDLE

Backwards-compatibility patch for right-click menu in IDLE.


.. bpo: 16887
.. date: 9505
.. nonce: -tb-0g
.. section: IDLE

IDLE now accepts Cancel in tabify/untabify dialog box.


.. bpo: 17625
.. date: 9504
.. nonce: SoDm9J
.. section: IDLE

In IDLE, close the replace dialog after it is used.


.. bpo: 14254
.. date: 9503
.. nonce: heeMG-
.. section: IDLE

IDLE now handles readline correctly across shell restarts.


.. bpo: 17614
.. date: 9502
.. nonce: 9pmpYW
.. section: IDLE

IDLE no longer raises exception when quickly closing a file.


.. bpo: 6698
.. date: 9501
.. nonce: fXoiv2
.. section: IDLE

IDLE now opens just an editor window when configured to do so.


.. bpo: 8900
.. date: 9500
.. nonce: jkW99r
.. section: IDLE

Using keyboard shortcuts in IDLE to open a file no longer raises an


.. bpo: 6649
.. date: 9499
.. nonce: uwGice
.. section: IDLE

Fixed missing exit status in IDLE. Patch by Guilherme Polo.


.. bpo: 17833
.. date: 9498
.. nonce: AqQAlk
.. section: Tests

Fix test_gdb failures seen on machines where debug symbols for glibc are
available (seen on PPC64 Linux).


.. bpo: 7855
.. date: 9497
.. nonce: ZbX91d
.. section: Tests

Add tests for ctypes/winreg for issues found in IronPython. Initial patch by
Dino Viehland.


.. bpo: 17712
.. date: 9496
.. nonce: RqkHUB
.. section: Tests

Fix test_gdb failures on Ubuntu 13.04.


.. bpo: 17835
.. date: 9495
.. nonce: mJdR71
.. section: Tests

Fix test_io when the default OS pipe buffer size is larger than one million


.. bpo: 17065
.. date: 9494
.. nonce: rql8lF
.. section: Tests

Use process-unique key for winreg tests to avoid failures if test is run
multiple times in parallel (eg: on a buildbot host).


.. bpo: 12820
.. date: 9493
.. nonce: HATljf
.. section: Tests

add tests for the xml.dom.minicompat module. Patch by John Chandler and Phil


.. bpo: 17790
.. date: 9492
.. nonce: JJXcrD
.. section: Tests

test_set now works with unittest test discovery. Patch by Zachary Ware.


.. bpo: 17789
.. date: 9491
.. nonce: ILUl9_
.. section: Tests

test_random now works with unittest test discovery. Patch by Zachary Ware.


.. bpo: 17779
.. date: 9490
.. nonce: f61EJr
.. section: Tests

test_osx_env now works with unittest test discovery. Patch by Zachary Ware.


.. bpo: 17766
.. date: 9489
.. nonce: fGhYwN
.. section: Tests

test_iterlen now works with unittest test discovery. Patch by Zachary Ware.


.. bpo: 17690
.. date: 9488
.. nonce: Tm3Owh
.. section: Tests

test_time now works with unittest test discovery. Patch by Zachary Ware.


.. bpo: 17692
.. date: 9487
.. nonce: 6eSLWJ
.. section: Tests

test_sqlite now works with unittest test discovery. Patch by Zachary Ware.


.. bpo: 17843
.. date: 9486
.. nonce: 3inmDr
.. section: Tests

Removed bz2 test data file that was triggering false-positive virus warnings
with certain antivirus software.


.. bpo: 15940
.. date: 9485
.. nonce: XL62xu
.. section: Documentation

Specify effect of locale on time functions.


.. bpo: 6696
.. date: 9484
.. nonce: -aRVrf
.. section: Documentation

add documentation for the Profile objects, and improve profile/cProfile
docs.  Patch by Tom Pinckney.


.. bpo: 17915
.. date: 9483
.. nonce: ugMGeG
.. section: Documentation

Fix interoperability of xml.sax with file objects returned by


.. bpo: 17547
.. date: 9482
.. nonce: yVllRd
.. section: Build

In configure, explicitly pass -Wformat for the benefit for GCC 4.8.


.. bpo: 17962
.. date: 9481
.. nonce: 1oDDhN
.. section: Build

Build with OpenSSL 1.0.1e on Windows.
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