Raw File
Tip revision: dbb126103e1c4f2818e0dfc7aa4a689d86565e7a authored by Larry Hastings on 06 October 2014, 02:05:50 UTC
Release bump for 3.4.2 final.
Tip revision: dbb1261
import os
import sys
import builtins
import contextlib
import difflib
import inspect
import pydoc
import keyword
import _pickle
import pkgutil
import re
import string
import time
import types
import unittest
import urllib.parse
import xml.etree
import textwrap
from io import StringIO
from collections import namedtuple
from test.script_helper import assert_python_ok
from import (
    TESTFN, rmtree,
    reap_children, reap_threads, captured_output, captured_stdout,
    captured_stderr, unlink, requires_docstrings
from test import pydoc_mod

    import threading
except ImportError:
    threading = None

    expected_data_docstrings = (
        'dictionary for instance variables (if defined)',
        'list of weak references to the object (if defined)',
        ) * 2
    expected_data_docstrings = ('', '', '', '')

expected_text_pattern = """
    test.pydoc_mod - This is a test module for test_pydoc
    class A(builtins.object)
     |  Hello and goodbye
     |  Methods defined here:
     |  __init__()
     |      Wow, I have no function!
     |  ----------------------------------------------------------------------
     |  Data descriptors defined here:
     |  __dict__%s
     |  __weakref__%s
    class B(builtins.object)
     |  Data descriptors defined here:
     |  __dict__%s
     |  __weakref__%s
     |  ----------------------------------------------------------------------
     |  Data and other attributes defined here:
     |  NO_MEANING = 'eggs'
    class C(builtins.object)
     |  Methods defined here:
     |  get_answer(self)
     |      Return say_no()
     |  is_it_true(self)
     |      Return self.get_answer()
     |  say_no(self)
     |  ----------------------------------------------------------------------
     |  Data descriptors defined here:
     |  __dict__
     |      dictionary for instance variables (if defined)
     |  __weakref__
     |      list of weak references to the object (if defined)

        This function solves all of the world's problems:
        lack of Python

    __xyz__ = 'X, Y and Z'


    Benjamin Peterson



expected_text_data_docstrings = tuple('\n     |      ' + s if s else ''
                                      for s in expected_data_docstrings)

expected_html_pattern = """
<table width="100%%" cellspacing=0 cellpadding=2 border=0 summary="heading">
<tr bgcolor="#7799ee">
<td valign=bottom>&nbsp;<br>
<font color="#ffffff" face="helvetica, arial">&nbsp;<br><big><big><strong><a href="test.html"><font color="#ffffff">test</font></a>.pydoc_mod</strong></big></big> (version</font></td
><td align=right valign=bottom
><font color="#ffffff" face="helvetica, arial"><a href=".">index</a><br><a href="file:%s">%s</a>%s</font></td></tr></table>
<table width="100%%" cellspacing=0 cellpadding=2 border=0 summary="section">
<tr bgcolor="#ee77aa">
<td colspan=3 valign=bottom>&nbsp;<br>
<font color="#ffffff" face="helvetica, arial"><big><strong>Classes</strong></big></font></td></tr>
<tr><td bgcolor="#ee77aa"><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt></td><td>&nbsp;</td>
<td width="100%%"><dl>
<dt><font face="helvetica, arial"><a href="builtins.html#object">builtins.object</a>
<dt><font face="helvetica, arial"><a href="test.pydoc_mod.html#A">A</a>
</font></dt><dt><font face="helvetica, arial"><a href="test.pydoc_mod.html#B">B</a>
</font></dt><dt><font face="helvetica, arial"><a href="test.pydoc_mod.html#C">C</a>
<table width="100%%" cellspacing=0 cellpadding=2 border=0 summary="section">
<tr bgcolor="#ffc8d8">
<td colspan=3 valign=bottom>&nbsp;<br>
<font color="#000000" face="helvetica, arial"><a name="A">class <strong>A</strong></a>(<a href="builtins.html#object">builtins.object</a>)</font></td></tr>
<tr bgcolor="#ffc8d8"><td rowspan=2><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt></td>
<td colspan=2><tt>Hello&nbsp;and&nbsp;goodbye<br>&nbsp;</tt></td></tr>
<td width="100%%">Methods defined here:<br>
<dl><dt><a name="A-__init__"><strong>__init__</strong></a>()</dt><dd><tt>Wow,&nbsp;I&nbsp;have&nbsp;no&nbsp;function!</tt></dd></dl>

Data descriptors defined here:<br>
</td></tr></table> <p>
<table width="100%%" cellspacing=0 cellpadding=2 border=0 summary="section">
<tr bgcolor="#ffc8d8">
<td colspan=3 valign=bottom>&nbsp;<br>
<font color="#000000" face="helvetica, arial"><a name="B">class <strong>B</strong></a>(<a href="builtins.html#object">builtins.object</a>)</font></td></tr>
<tr><td bgcolor="#ffc8d8"><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt></td><td>&nbsp;</td>
<td width="100%%">Data descriptors defined here:<br>
Data and other attributes defined here:<br>
<dl><dt><strong>NO_MEANING</strong> = 'eggs'</dl>

</td></tr></table> <p>
<table width="100%%" cellspacing=0 cellpadding=2 border=0 summary="section">
<tr bgcolor="#ffc8d8">
<td colspan=3 valign=bottom>&nbsp;<br>
<font color="#000000" face="helvetica, arial"><a name="C">class <strong>C</strong></a>(<a href="builtins.html#object">builtins.object</a>)</font></td></tr>
<tr><td bgcolor="#ffc8d8"><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt></td><td>&nbsp;</td>
<td width="100%%">Methods defined here:<br>
<dl><dt><a name="C-get_answer"><strong>get_answer</strong></a>(self)</dt><dd><tt>Return&nbsp;<a href="#C-say_no">say_no</a>()</tt></dd></dl>

<dl><dt><a name="C-is_it_true"><strong>is_it_true</strong></a>(self)</dt><dd><tt>Return&nbsp;self.<a href="#C-get_answer">get_answer</a>()</tt></dd></dl>

<dl><dt><a name="C-say_no"><strong>say_no</strong></a>(self)</dt></dl>

Data descriptors defined here:<br>
<table width="100%%" cellspacing=0 cellpadding=2 border=0 summary="section">
<tr bgcolor="#eeaa77">
<td colspan=3 valign=bottom>&nbsp;<br>
<font color="#ffffff" face="helvetica, arial"><big><strong>Functions</strong></big></font></td></tr>
<tr><td bgcolor="#eeaa77"><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt></td><td>&nbsp;</td>
<td width="100%%"><dl><dt><a name="-doc_func"><strong>doc_func</strong></a>()</dt><dd><tt>This&nbsp;function&nbsp;solves&nbsp;all&nbsp;of&nbsp;the&nbsp;world's&nbsp;problems:<br>
 <dl><dt><a name="-nodoc_func"><strong>nodoc_func</strong></a>()</dt></dl>
<table width="100%%" cellspacing=0 cellpadding=2 border=0 summary="section">
<tr bgcolor="#55aa55">
<td colspan=3 valign=bottom>&nbsp;<br>
<font color="#ffffff" face="helvetica, arial"><big><strong>Data</strong></big></font></td></tr>
<tr><td bgcolor="#55aa55"><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt></td><td>&nbsp;</td>
<td width="100%%"><strong>__xyz__</strong> = 'X, Y and Z'</td></tr></table><p>
<table width="100%%" cellspacing=0 cellpadding=2 border=0 summary="section">
<tr bgcolor="#7799ee">
<td colspan=3 valign=bottom>&nbsp;<br>
<font color="#ffffff" face="helvetica, arial"><big><strong>Author</strong></big></font></td></tr>
<tr><td bgcolor="#7799ee"><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt></td><td>&nbsp;</td>
<td width="100%%">Benjamin&nbsp;Peterson</td></tr></table><p>
<table width="100%%" cellspacing=0 cellpadding=2 border=0 summary="section">
<tr bgcolor="#7799ee">
<td colspan=3 valign=bottom>&nbsp;<br>
<font color="#ffffff" face="helvetica, arial"><big><strong>Credits</strong></big></font></td></tr>
<tr><td bgcolor="#7799ee"><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</tt></td><td>&nbsp;</td>
<td width="100%%">Nobody</td></tr></table>
""".strip() # ' <- emacs turd

expected_html_data_docstrings = tuple(s.replace(' ', '&nbsp;')
                                      for s in expected_data_docstrings)

# output pattern for missing module
missing_pattern = "no Python documentation found for '%s'"

# output pattern for module with bad imports
badimport_pattern = "problem in %s - ImportError: No module named %r"

expected_dynamicattribute_pattern = """
Help on class DA in module %s:

class DA(builtins.object)
 |  Data descriptors defined here:
 |  __dict__%s
 |  __weakref__%s
 |  ham
 |  ----------------------------------------------------------------------
 |  Data and other attributes inherited from Meta:
 |  ham = 'spam'

expected_virtualattribute_pattern1 = """
Help on class Class in module %s:

class Class(builtins.object)
 |  Data and other attributes inherited from Meta:
 |  LIFE = 42

expected_virtualattribute_pattern2 = """
Help on class Class1 in module %s:

class Class1(builtins.object)
 |  Data and other attributes inherited from Meta1:
 |  one = 1

expected_virtualattribute_pattern3 = """
Help on class Class2 in module %s:

class Class2(Class1)
 |  Method resolution order:
 |      Class2
 |      Class1
 |      builtins.object
 |  Data and other attributes inherited from Meta1:
 |  one = 1
 |  ----------------------------------------------------------------------
 |  Data and other attributes inherited from Meta3:
 |  three = 3
 |  ----------------------------------------------------------------------
 |  Data and other attributes inherited from Meta2:
 |  two = 2

expected_missingattribute_pattern = """
Help on class C in module %s:

class C(builtins.object)
 |  Data and other attributes defined here:
 |  here = 'present!'

def run_pydoc(module_name, *args, **env):
    Runs pydoc on the specified module. Returns the stripped
    output of pydoc.
    args = args + (module_name,)
    # do not write bytecode files to avoid caching errors
    rc, out, err = assert_python_ok('-B', pydoc.__file__, *args, **env)
    return out.strip()

def get_pydoc_html(module):
    "Returns pydoc generated output as html"
    doc = pydoc.HTMLDoc()
    output = doc.docmodule(module)
    loc = doc.getdocloc(pydoc_mod) or ""
    if loc:
        loc = "<br><a href=\"" + loc + "\">Module Docs</a>"
    return output.strip(), loc

def get_pydoc_text(module):
    "Returns pydoc generated output as text"
    doc = pydoc.TextDoc()
    loc = doc.getdocloc(pydoc_mod) or ""
    if loc:
        loc = "\nMODULE DOCS\n    " + loc + "\n"

    output = doc.docmodule(module)

    # clean up the extra text formatting that pydoc performs
    patt = re.compile('\b.')
    output = patt.sub('', output)
    return output.strip(), loc

def print_diffs(text1, text2):
    "Prints unified diffs for two texts"
    # XXX now obsolete, use unittest built-in support
    lines1 = text1.splitlines(keepends=True)
    lines2 = text2.splitlines(keepends=True)
    diffs = difflib.unified_diff(lines1, lines2, n=0, fromfile='expected',
    print('\n' + ''.join(diffs))

def get_html_title(text):
    # Bit of hack, but good enough for test purposes
    header, _, _ = text.partition("</head>")
    _, _, title = header.partition("<title>")
    title, _, _ = title.partition("</title>")
    return title

class PydocBaseTest(unittest.TestCase):

    def _restricted_walk_packages(self, walk_packages, path=None):
        A version of pkgutil.walk_packages() that will restrict itself to
        a given path.
        default_path = path or [os.path.dirname(__file__)]
        def wrapper(path=None, prefix='', onerror=None):
            return walk_packages(path or default_path, prefix, onerror)
        return wrapper

    def restrict_walk_packages(self, path=None):
        walk_packages = pkgutil.walk_packages
        pkgutil.walk_packages = self._restricted_walk_packages(walk_packages,
            pkgutil.walk_packages = walk_packages

class PydocDocTest(unittest.TestCase):

    @unittest.skipIf(sys.flags.optimize >= 2,
                     "Docstrings are omitted with -O2 and above")
    @unittest.skipIf(hasattr(sys, 'gettrace') and sys.gettrace(),
                     'trace function introduces __locals__ unexpectedly')
    def test_html_doc(self):
        result, doc_loc = get_pydoc_html(pydoc_mod)
        mod_file = inspect.getabsfile(pydoc_mod)
        mod_url = urllib.parse.quote(mod_file)
        expected_html = expected_html_pattern % (
                        (mod_url, mod_file, doc_loc) +
        if result != expected_html:
            print_diffs(expected_html, result)
  "outputs are not equal, see diff above")

    @unittest.skipIf(sys.flags.optimize >= 2,
                     "Docstrings are omitted with -O2 and above")
    @unittest.skipIf(hasattr(sys, 'gettrace') and sys.gettrace(),
                     'trace function introduces __locals__ unexpectedly')
    def test_text_doc(self):
        result, doc_loc = get_pydoc_text(pydoc_mod)
        expected_text = expected_text_pattern % (
                        (doc_loc,) +
                        expected_text_data_docstrings +
        if result != expected_text:
            print_diffs(expected_text, result)
  "outputs are not equal, see diff above")

    def test_text_enum_member_with_value_zero(self):
        # Test issue #20654 to ensure enum member with value 0 can be
        # displayed. It used to throw KeyError: 'zero'.
        import enum
        class BinaryInteger(enum.IntEnum):
            zero = 0
            one = 1
        doc = pydoc.render_doc(BinaryInteger)
        self.assertIn('< 0>', doc)

    def test_issue8225(self):
        # Test issue8225 to ensure no doc link appears for xml.etree
        result, doc_loc = get_pydoc_text(xml.etree)
        self.assertEqual(doc_loc, "", "MODULE DOCS incorrectly includes a link")

    def test_getpager_with_stdin_none(self):
        previous_stdin = sys.stdin
            sys.stdin = None
            pydoc.getpager() # Shouldn't fail.
            sys.stdin = previous_stdin

    def test_non_str_name(self):
        # issue14638
        # Treat illegal (non-str) name like no name
        class A:
            __name__ = 42
        class B:
        adoc = pydoc.render_doc(A())
        bdoc = pydoc.render_doc(B())
        self.assertEqual(adoc.replace("A", "B"), bdoc)

    def test_not_here(self):
        missing_module = "test.i_am_not_here"
        result = str(run_pydoc(missing_module), 'ascii')
        expected = missing_pattern % missing_module
        self.assertEqual(expected, result,
            "documentation for missing module found")

    def test_input_strip(self):
        missing_module = " test.i_am_not_here "
        result = str(run_pydoc(missing_module), 'ascii')
        expected = missing_pattern % missing_module.strip()
        self.assertEqual(expected, result)

    def test_stripid(self):
        # test with strings, other implementations might have different repr()
        stripid = pydoc.stripid
        # strip the id
        self.assertEqual(stripid('<function stripid at 0x88dcee4>'),
                         '<function stripid>')
        self.assertEqual(stripid('<function stripid at 0x01F65390>'),
                         '<function stripid>')
        # nothing to strip, return the same text
        self.assertEqual(stripid('42'), '42')
        self.assertEqual(stripid("<type 'exceptions.Exception'>"),
                         "<type 'exceptions.Exception'>")

    @unittest.skipIf(sys.flags.optimize >= 2,
                     'Docstrings are omitted with -O2 and above')
    @unittest.skipIf(hasattr(sys, 'gettrace') and sys.gettrace(),
                     'trace function introduces __locals__ unexpectedly')
    def test_help_output_redirect(self):
        # issue 940286, if output is set in Helper, then all output from
        # should be redirected
        old_pattern = expected_text_pattern
        getpager_old = pydoc.getpager
        getpager_new = lambda: (lambda x: x)
        self.maxDiff = None

        buf = StringIO()
        helper = pydoc.Helper(output=buf)
        unused, doc_loc = get_pydoc_text(pydoc_mod)
        module = "test.pydoc_mod"
        help_header = """
        Help on module test.pydoc_mod in test:

        help_header = textwrap.dedent(help_header)
        expected_help_pattern = help_header + expected_text_pattern

        pydoc.getpager = getpager_new
            with captured_output('stdout') as output, \
                 captured_output('stderr') as err:
                result = buf.getvalue().strip()
                expected_text = expected_help_pattern % (
                                (doc_loc,) +
                                expected_text_data_docstrings +
                self.assertEqual('', output.getvalue())
                self.assertEqual('', err.getvalue())
                self.assertEqual(expected_text, result)
            pydoc.getpager = getpager_old

    def test_namedtuple_public_underscore(self):
        NT = namedtuple('NT', ['abc', 'def'], rename=True)
        with captured_stdout() as help_io:
        helptext = help_io.getvalue()
        self.assertIn('_1', helptext)
        self.assertIn('_replace', helptext)
        self.assertIn('_asdict', helptext)

    def test_synopsis(self):
        self.addCleanup(unlink, TESTFN)
        for encoding in ('ISO-8859-1', 'UTF-8'):
            with open(TESTFN, 'w', encoding=encoding) as script:
                if encoding != 'UTF-8':
                    print('#coding: {}'.format(encoding), file=script)
                print('"""line 1: h\xe9', file=script)
                print('line 2: hi"""', file=script)
            synopsis = pydoc.synopsis(TESTFN, {})
            self.assertEqual(synopsis, 'line 1: h\xe9')

    def test_synopsis_sourceless(self):
        expected = os.__doc__.splitlines()[0]
        filename = os.__cached__
        synopsis = pydoc.synopsis(filename)

        self.assertEqual(synopsis, expected)

    def test_splitdoc_with_description(self):
        example_string = "I Am A Doc\n\n\nHere is my description"
                         ('I Am A Doc', '\nHere is my description'))

    def test_is_object_or_method(self):
        doc = pydoc.Doc()
        # Bound Method
        # Method Descriptor
        # String
        self.assertFalse(pydoc._is_some_method("I am not a method"))

    def test_is_package_when_not_package(self):
        with as test_dir:

    def test_is_package_when_is_package(self):
        with as test_dir:
            init_path = os.path.join(test_dir, '')
            open(init_path, 'w').close()

    def test_allmethods(self):
        # issue 17476: allmethods was no longer returning unbound methods.
        # This test is a bit fragile in the face of changes to object and type,
        # but I can't think of a better way to do it without duplicating the
        # logic of the function under test.

        class TestClass(object):
            def method_returning_true(self):
                return True

        # What we expect to get back: everything on object...
        expected = dict(vars(object))
        # our unbound method...
        expected['method_returning_true'] = TestClass.method_returning_true
        # ...but not the non-methods on object.
        del expected['__doc__']
        del expected['__class__']
        # inspect resolves descriptors on type into methods, but vars doesn't,
        # so we need to update __subclasshook__.
        expected['__subclasshook__'] = TestClass.__subclasshook__

        methods = pydoc.allmethods(TestClass)
        self.assertDictEqual(methods, expected)

class PydocImportTest(PydocBaseTest):

    def setUp(self):
        self.test_dir = os.mkdir(TESTFN)
        self.addCleanup(rmtree, TESTFN)

    def test_badimport(self):
        # This tests the fix for issue 5230, where if pydoc found the module
        # but the module had an internal import error pydoc would report no doc
        # found.
        modname = 'testmod_xyzzy'
        testpairs = (
            ('i_am_not_here', 'i_am_not_here'),
            ('test.i_am_not_here_either', 'test.i_am_not_here_either'),
            ('test.i_am_not_here.neither_am_i', 'test.i_am_not_here'),
            ('i_am_not_here.{}'.format(modname), 'i_am_not_here'),
            ('test.{}'.format(modname), 'test.{}'.format(modname)),

        sourcefn = os.path.join(TESTFN, modname) + os.extsep + "py"
        for importstring, expectedinmsg in testpairs:
            with open(sourcefn, 'w') as f:
                f.write("import {}\n".format(importstring))
            result = run_pydoc(modname, PYTHONPATH=TESTFN).decode("ascii")
            expected = badimport_pattern % (modname, expectedinmsg)
            self.assertEqual(expected, result)

    def test_apropos_with_bad_package(self):
        # Issue 7425 - pydoc -k failed when bad package on path
        pkgdir = os.path.join(TESTFN, "syntaxerr")
        badsyntax = os.path.join(pkgdir, "__init__") + os.extsep + "py"
        with open(badsyntax, 'w') as f:
            f.write("invalid python syntax = $1\n")
        with self.restrict_walk_packages(path=[TESTFN]):
            with captured_stdout() as out:
                with captured_stderr() as err:
            # No result, no error
            self.assertEqual(out.getvalue(), '')
            self.assertEqual(err.getvalue(), '')
            # The package name is still matched
            with captured_stdout() as out:
                with captured_stderr() as err:
            self.assertEqual(out.getvalue().strip(), 'syntaxerr')
            self.assertEqual(err.getvalue(), '')

    def test_apropos_with_unreadable_dir(self):
        # Issue 7367 - pydoc -k failed when unreadable dir on path
        self.unreadable_dir = os.path.join(TESTFN, "unreadable")
        os.mkdir(self.unreadable_dir, 0)
        self.addCleanup(os.rmdir, self.unreadable_dir)
        # Note, on Windows the directory appears to be still
        #   readable so this is not really testing the issue there
        with self.restrict_walk_packages(path=[TESTFN]):
            with captured_stdout() as out:
                with captured_stderr() as err:
        # No result, no error
        self.assertEqual(out.getvalue(), '')
        self.assertEqual(err.getvalue(), '')

    @unittest.skip('causes undesireable side-effects (#20128)')
    def test_modules(self):
        # See Helper.listmodules().
        num_header_lines = 2
        num_module_lines_min = 5  # Playing it safe.
        num_footer_lines = 3
        expected = num_header_lines + num_module_lines_min + num_footer_lines

        output = StringIO()
        helper = pydoc.Helper(output=output)
        result = output.getvalue().strip()
        num_lines = len(result.splitlines())

        self.assertGreaterEqual(num_lines, expected)

    @unittest.skip('causes undesireable side-effects (#20128)')
    def test_modules_search(self):
        # See Helper.listmodules().
        expected = 'pydoc - '

        output = StringIO()
        helper = pydoc.Helper(output=output)
        with captured_stdout() as help_io:
            helper('modules pydoc')
        result = help_io.getvalue()

        self.assertIn(expected, result)

    @unittest.skip('some buildbots are not cooperating (#20128)')
    def test_modules_search_builtin(self):
        expected = 'gc - '

        output = StringIO()
        helper = pydoc.Helper(output=output)
        with captured_stdout() as help_io:
            helper('modules garbage')
        result = help_io.getvalue()


    def test_importfile(self):
        loaded_pydoc = pydoc.importfile(pydoc.__file__)

        self.assertIsNot(loaded_pydoc, pydoc)
        self.assertEqual(loaded_pydoc.__name__, 'pydoc')
        self.assertEqual(loaded_pydoc.__file__, pydoc.__file__)
        self.assertEqual(loaded_pydoc.__spec__, pydoc.__spec__)

class TestDescriptions(unittest.TestCase):

    def test_module(self):
        # Check that pydocfodder module can be described
        from test import pydocfodder
        doc = pydoc.render_doc(pydocfodder)
        self.assertIn("pydocfodder", doc)

    def test_class(self):
        class C: "New-style class"
        c = C()

        self.assertEqual(pydoc.describe(C), 'class C')
        self.assertEqual(pydoc.describe(c), 'C')
        expected = 'C in module %s object' % __name__
        self.assertIn(expected, pydoc.render_doc(c))

    def test_builtin(self):
        for name in ('str', 'str.translate', 'builtins.str',
            # test low-level function
            # test high-level function
            except ImportError:
      'finding the doc of {!r} failed'.format(name))

        for name in ('notbuiltins', 'strrr', 'strr.translate',
                     'str.trrrranslate', 'builtins.strrr',
            self.assertRaises(ImportError, pydoc.render_doc, name)

    def _get_summary_line(o):
        text = pydoc.plain(pydoc.render_doc(o))
        lines = text.split('\n')
        assert len(lines) >= 2
        return lines[2]

    # these should include "self"
    def test_unbound_python_method(self):
            "wrap(self, text)")

    def test_unbound_builtin_method(self):
            "dump(self, obj, /)")

    # these no longer include "self"
    def test_bound_python_method(self):
        t = textwrap.TextWrapper()
            "wrap(text) method of textwrap.TextWrapper instance")

    def test_bound_builtin_method(self):
        s = StringIO()
        p = _pickle.Pickler(s)
            "dump(obj, /) method of _pickle.Pickler instance")

    # this should *never* include self!
    def test_module_level_callable(self):
            "stat(path, *, dir_fd=None, follow_symlinks=True)")

@unittest.skipUnless(threading, 'Threading required for this test.')
class PydocServerTest(unittest.TestCase):
    """Tests for pydoc._start_server"""

    def test_server(self):

        # Minimal test that starts the server, then stops it.
        def my_url_handler(url, content_type):
            text = 'the URL sent was: (%s, %s)' % (url, content_type)
            return text

        serverthread = pydoc._start_server(my_url_handler, port=0)
        self.assertIn('localhost', serverthread.docserver.address)

        starttime = time.time()
        timeout = 1  #seconds

        while serverthread.serving:
            if serverthread.serving and time.time() - starttime > timeout:

        self.assertEqual(serverthread.error, None)

class PydocUrlHandlerTest(PydocBaseTest):
    """Tests for pydoc._url_handler"""

    def test_content_type_err(self):
        f = pydoc._url_handler
        self.assertRaises(TypeError, f, 'A', '')
        self.assertRaises(TypeError, f, 'B', 'foobar')

    def test_url_requests(self):
        # Test for the correct title in the html pages returned.
        # This tests the different parts of the URL handler without
        # getting too picky about the exact html.
        requests = [
            ("", "Pydoc: Index of Modules"),
            ("get?key=", "Pydoc: Index of Modules"),
            ("index", "Pydoc: Index of Modules"),
            ("topics", "Pydoc: Topics"),
            ("keywords", "Pydoc: Keywords"),
            ("pydoc", "Pydoc: module pydoc"),
            ("get?key=pydoc", "Pydoc: module pydoc"),
            ("search?key=pydoc", "Pydoc: Search Results"),
            ("topic?key=def", "Pydoc: KEYWORD def"),
            ("topic?key=STRINGS", "Pydoc: TOPIC STRINGS"),
            ("foobar", "Pydoc: Error - foobar"),
            ("getfile?key=foobar", "Pydoc: Error - getfile?key=foobar"),

        with self.restrict_walk_packages():
            for url, title in requests:
                text = pydoc._url_handler(url, "text/html")
                result = get_html_title(text)
                self.assertEqual(result, title, text)

            path = string.__file__
            title = "Pydoc: getfile " + path
            url = "getfile?key=" + path
            text = pydoc._url_handler(url, "text/html")
            result = get_html_title(text)
            self.assertEqual(result, title)

class TestHelper(unittest.TestCase):
    def test_keywords(self):

class PydocWithMetaClasses(unittest.TestCase):
    @unittest.skipIf(sys.flags.optimize >= 2,
                     "Docstrings are omitted with -O2 and above")
    @unittest.skipIf(hasattr(sys, 'gettrace') and sys.gettrace(),
                     'trace function introduces __locals__ unexpectedly')
    def test_DynamicClassAttribute(self):
        class Meta(type):
            def __getattr__(self, name):
                if name == 'ham':
                    return 'spam'
                return super().__getattr__(name)
        class DA(metaclass=Meta):
            def ham(self):
                return 'eggs'
        expected_text_data_docstrings = tuple('\n |      ' + s if s else ''
                                      for s in expected_data_docstrings)
        output = StringIO()
        helper = pydoc.Helper(output=output)
        expected_text = expected_dynamicattribute_pattern % (
                (__name__,) + expected_text_data_docstrings[:2])
        result = output.getvalue().strip()
        if result != expected_text:
            print_diffs(expected_text, result)
  "outputs are not equal, see diff above")

    @unittest.skipIf(sys.flags.optimize >= 2,
                     "Docstrings are omitted with -O2 and above")
    @unittest.skipIf(hasattr(sys, 'gettrace') and sys.gettrace(),
                     'trace function introduces __locals__ unexpectedly')
    def test_virtualClassAttributeWithOneMeta(self):
        class Meta(type):
            def __dir__(cls):
                return ['__class__', '__module__', '__name__', 'LIFE']
            def __getattr__(self, name):
                if name =='LIFE':
                    return 42
                return super().__getattr(name)
        class Class(metaclass=Meta):
        output = StringIO()
        helper = pydoc.Helper(output=output)
        expected_text = expected_virtualattribute_pattern1 % __name__
        result = output.getvalue().strip()
        if result != expected_text:
            print_diffs(expected_text, result)
  "outputs are not equal, see diff above")

    @unittest.skipIf(sys.flags.optimize >= 2,
                     "Docstrings are omitted with -O2 and above")
    @unittest.skipIf(hasattr(sys, 'gettrace') and sys.gettrace(),
                     'trace function introduces __locals__ unexpectedly')
    def test_virtualClassAttributeWithTwoMeta(self):
        class Meta1(type):
            def __dir__(cls):
                return ['__class__', '__module__', '__name__', 'one']
            def __getattr__(self, name):
                if name =='one':
                    return 1
                return super().__getattr__(name)
        class Meta2(type):
            def __dir__(cls):
                return ['__class__', '__module__', '__name__', 'two']
            def __getattr__(self, name):
                if name =='two':
                    return 2
                return super().__getattr__(name)
        class Meta3(Meta1, Meta2):
            def __dir__(cls):
                return list(sorted(set(
                    ['__class__', '__module__', '__name__', 'three'] +
                    Meta1.__dir__(cls) + Meta2.__dir__(cls))))
            def __getattr__(self, name):
                if name =='three':
                    return 3
                return super().__getattr__(name)
        class Class1(metaclass=Meta1):
        class Class2(Class1, metaclass=Meta3):
        fail1 = fail2 = False
        output = StringIO()
        helper = pydoc.Helper(output=output)
        expected_text1 = expected_virtualattribute_pattern2 % __name__
        result1 = output.getvalue().strip()
        if result1 != expected_text1:
            print_diffs(expected_text1, result1)
            fail1 = True
        output = StringIO()
        helper = pydoc.Helper(output=output)
        expected_text2 = expected_virtualattribute_pattern3 % __name__
        result2 = output.getvalue().strip()
        if result2 != expected_text2:
            print_diffs(expected_text2, result2)
            fail2 = True
        if fail1 or fail2:
  "outputs are not equal, see diff above")

    @unittest.skipIf(sys.flags.optimize >= 2,
                     "Docstrings are omitted with -O2 and above")
    @unittest.skipIf(hasattr(sys, 'gettrace') and sys.gettrace(),
                     'trace function introduces __locals__ unexpectedly')
    def test_buggy_dir(self):
        class M(type):
            def __dir__(cls):
                return ['__class__', '__name__', 'missing', 'here']
        class C(metaclass=M):
            here = 'present!'
        output = StringIO()
        helper = pydoc.Helper(output=output)
        expected_text = expected_missingattribute_pattern % __name__
        result = output.getvalue().strip()
        if result != expected_text:
            print_diffs(expected_text, result)
  "outputs are not equal, see diff above")

def test_main():

if __name__ == "__main__":
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