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Tip revision: b613a3d4587bd93ea66ed0516372b0b7cd9450eb authored by Georg Brandl on 01 May 2012, 07:57:34 UTC
Disable test_13183 temporarily on Windows for 3.3a3 release.
Tip revision: b613a3d
:mod:`types` --- Names for built-in types

.. module:: types
   :synopsis: Names for built-in types.

**Source code:** :source:`Lib/`


This module defines names for some object types that are used by the standard
Python interpreter, but not exposed as builtins like :class:`int` or
:class:`str` are.  Also, it does not include some of the types that arise
transparently during processing such as the ``listiterator`` type.

Typical use is for :func:`isinstance` or :func:`issubclass` checks.

The module defines the following names:

.. data:: FunctionType

   The type of user-defined functions and functions created by :keyword:`lambda`

.. data:: GeneratorType

   The type of :term:`generator`-iterator objects, produced by calling a
   generator function.

.. data:: CodeType

   .. index:: builtin: compile

   The type for code objects such as returned by :func:`compile`.

.. data:: MethodType

   The type of methods of user-defined class instances.

.. data:: BuiltinFunctionType

   The type of built-in functions like :func:`len` or :func:`sys.exit`, and
   methods of built-in classes.  (Here, the term "built-in" means "written in

.. data:: ModuleType

   The type of modules.

.. data:: TracebackType

   The type of traceback objects such as found in ``sys.exc_info()[2]``.

.. data:: FrameType

   The type of frame objects such as found in ``tb.tb_frame`` if ``tb`` is a
   traceback object.

.. data:: GetSetDescriptorType

   The type of objects defined in extension modules with ``PyGetSetDef``, such
   as ``FrameType.f_locals`` or ``array.array.typecode``.  This type is used as
   descriptor for object attributes; it has the same purpose as the
   :class:`property` type, but for classes defined in extension modules.

.. data:: MemberDescriptorType

   The type of objects defined in extension modules with ``PyMemberDef``, such
   as ``datetime.timedelta.days``.  This type is used as descriptor for simple C
   data members which use standard conversion functions; it has the same purpose
   as the :class:`property` type, but for classes defined in extension modules.

   .. impl-detail::

      In other implementations of Python, this type may be identical to

.. class:: MappingProxyType(mapping)

   Read-only proxy of a mapping. It provides a dynamic view on the mapping's
   entries, which means that when the mapping changes, the view reflects these

   .. versionadded:: 3.3

   .. describe:: key in proxy

      Return ``True`` if the underlying mapping has a key *key*, else

   .. describe:: proxy[key]

      Return the item of the underlying mapping with key *key*.  Raises a
      :exc:`KeyError` if *key* is not in the underlying mapping.

   .. describe:: iter(proxy)

      Return an iterator over the keys of the underlying mapping.  This is a
      shortcut for ``iter(proxy.keys())``.

   .. describe:: len(proxy)

      Return the number of items in the underlying mapping.

   .. method:: copy()

      Return a shallow copy of the underlying mapping.

   .. method:: get(key[, default])

      Return the value for *key* if *key* is in the underlying mapping, else
      *default*.  If *default* is not given, it defaults to ``None``, so that
      this method never raises a :exc:`KeyError`.

   .. method:: items()

      Return a new view of the underlying mapping's items (``(key, value)``

   .. method:: keys()

      Return a new view of the underlying mapping's keys.

   .. method:: values()

      Return a new view of the underlying mapping's values.

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