Raw File
Tip revision: a222759312e0c8da11e4a0c5f48c5ad9d841f5ab authored by cvs2svn on 22 June 2001, 06:43:01 UTC
This commit was manufactured by cvs2svn to create tag 'r201'.
Tip revision: a222759
#! /usr/bin/env python

# Extract statistics from ftp daemon log.

# Usage:
# ftpstats [-m maxitems] [-s search] [file]
# -m maxitems: restrict number of items in "top-N" lists, default 25.
# -s string:   restrict statistics to lines containing this string.
# Default file is /usr/adm/ftpd;  a "-" means read stdandard input.

# The script must be run on the host where the ftp daemon runs.
# (At CWI this is currently buizerd.)

import os
import sys
import regex
import string
import getopt

pat = '^\([a-zA-Z0-9 :]*\)!\(.*\)!\(.*\)!\([<>].*\)!\([0-9]+\)!\([0-9]+\)$'
prog = regex.compile(pat)

def main():
	maxitems = 25
	search = None
		opts, args = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:], 'm:s:')
	except getopt.error, msg:
		print msg
		print 'usage: ftpstats [-m maxitems] [file]'
	for o, a in opts:
		if o == '-m':
			maxitems = string.atoi(a)
		if o == '-s':
			search = a
	file = '/usr/adm/ftpd'
	if args: file = args[0]
	if file == '-':
		f = sys.stdin
			f = open(file, 'r')
		except IOError, msg:
			print file, ':', msg
	bydate = {}
	bytime = {}
	byfile = {}
	bydir = {}
	byhost = {}
	byuser = {}
	bytype = {}
	lineno = 0
		while 1:
			line = f.readline()
			if not line: break
			lineno = lineno + 1
			if search and string.find(line, search) < 0:
			if prog.match(line) < 0:
				print 'Bad line', lineno, ':', `line`
			items =, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6)
			(logtime, loguser, loghost, logfile, logbytes,
			 logxxx2) = items
## 			print logtime
## 			print '-->', loguser
## 			print '--> -->', loghost
## 			print '--> --> -->', logfile
## 			print '--> --> --> -->', logbytes
## 			print '--> --> --> --> -->', logxxx2
## 			for i in logtime, loghost, logbytes, logxxx2:
## 				if '!' in i: print '???', i
			add(bydate, logtime[-4:] + ' ' + logtime[:6], items)
			add(bytime, logtime[7:9] + ':00-59', items)
			direction, logfile = logfile[0], logfile[1:]
			# The real path probably starts at the last //...
			while 1:
				i = string.find(logfile, '//')
				if i < 0: break
				logfile = logfile[i+1:]
			add(byfile, logfile + ' ' + direction, items)
			logdir = os.path.dirname(logfile)
##		logdir = os.path.normpath(logdir) + '/.'
			while 1:
				add(bydir, logdir + ' ' + direction, items)
				dirhead = os.path.dirname(logdir)
				if dirhead == logdir: break
				logdir = dirhead
			add(byhost, loghost, items)
			add(byuser, loguser, items)
			add(bytype, direction, items)
	except KeyboardInterrupt:
		print 'Interrupted at line', lineno
	show(bytype, 'by transfer direction', maxitems)
	show(bydir, 'by directory', maxitems)
	show(byfile, 'by file', maxitems)
	show(byhost, 'by host', maxitems)
	show(byuser, 'by user', maxitems)
	showbar(bydate, 'by date')
	showbar(bytime, 'by time of day')

def showbar(dict, title):
	n = len(title)
	print '='*((70-n)/2), title, '='*((71-n)/2)
	list = []
	keys = dict.keys()
	for key in keys:
		n = len(str(key))
		list.append((len(dict[key]), key))
	maxkeylength = 0
	maxcount = 0
	for count, key in list:
		maxkeylength = max(maxkeylength, len(key))
		maxcount = max(maxcount, count)
	maxbarlength = 72 - maxkeylength - 7
	for count, key in list:
		barlength = int(round(maxbarlength*float(count)/maxcount))
		bar = '*'*barlength
		print '%5d %-*s %s' % (count, maxkeylength, key, bar)

def show(dict, title, maxitems):
	if len(dict) > maxitems:
		title = title + ' (first %d)'%maxitems
	n = len(title)
	print '='*((70-n)/2), title, '='*((71-n)/2)
	list = []
	keys = dict.keys()
	for key in keys:
		list.append((-len(dict[key]), key))
	for count, key in list[:maxitems]:
		print '%5d %s' % (-count, key)

def add(dict, key, item):
	if dict.has_key(key):
		dict[key] = [item]

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