Raw File
Tip revision: c0605ad952b4dc16c89785d471adcfab5ad56e94 authored by cvs2svn on 31 March 2000, 20:16:45 UTC
This commit was manufactured by cvs2svn to create tag 'r16a1'.
Tip revision: c0605ad
# This script generates a Python interface for an Apple Macintosh Manager.
# It uses the "bgen" package to generate C code.
# The function specifications are generated by scanning the mamager's header file,
# using the "scantools" package (customized for this particular manager).

import string

# Declarations that change for each manager
MACHEADERFILE = 'Lists.h'		# The Apple header file
MODNAME = 'List'				# The name of the module
OBJECTNAME = 'List'			# The basic name of the objects used here
KIND = 'Handle'				# Usually 'Ptr' or 'Handle'

# The following is *usually* unchanged but may still require tuning
MODPREFIX = MODNAME			# The prefix for module-wide routines
OBJECTTYPE = "ListHandle"		# The C type used to represent them
OBJECTPREFIX = MODPREFIX + 'Obj'	# The prefix for object methods
INPUTFILE = string.lower(MODPREFIX) + '' # The file generated by the scanner
OUTPUTFILE = MODNAME + "module.c"	# The file generated by this program

from macsupport import *

# Create the type objects
ListHandle = OpaqueByValueType("ListHandle", "ListObj")
Cell = Point
VarOutBufferShortsize = VarHeapOutputBufferType('char', 'short', 's')	# (buf, &len)
InBufferShortsize = VarInputBufferType('char', 'short', 's')		# (buf, len)

RgnHandle = OpaqueByValueType("RgnHandle", "ResObj")
Handle = OpaqueByValueType("Handle", "ResObj")

includestuff = includestuff + """
#include <%s>""" % MACHEADERFILE + """

#define as_List(x) ((ListHandle)x)
#define as_Resource(lh) ((Handle)lh)

class ListMethodGenerator(MethodGenerator):
	"""Similar to MethodGenerator, but has self as last argument"""

	def parseArgumentList(self, args):
		args, a0 = args[:-1], args[-1]
		t0, n0, m0 = a0
		if m0 != InMode:
			raise ValueError, "method's 'self' must be 'InMode'"
		self.itself = Variable(t0, "_self->ob_itself", SelfMode)
		FunctionGenerator.parseArgumentList(self, args)

getattrHookCode = """{
	/* XXXX Should we HLock() here?? */
	if ( strcmp(name, "listFlags") == 0 )
		return Py_BuildValue("l", (long)(*self->ob_itself)->listFlags & 0xff);
	if ( strcmp(name, "selFlags") == 0 )
		return Py_BuildValue("l", (long)(*self->ob_itself)->selFlags & 0xff);

setattrCode = """
static int
ListObj_setattr(self, name, value)
	ListObject *self;
	char *name;
	PyObject *value;
	long intval;
	if ( value == NULL || !PyInt_Check(value) )
		return -1;
	intval = PyInt_AsLong(value);
	if (strcmp(name, "listFlags") == 0 ) {
		/* XXXX Should we HLock the handle here?? */
		(*self->ob_itself)->listFlags = intval;
		return 0;
	if (strcmp(name, "selFlags") == 0 ) {
		(*self->ob_itself)->selFlags = intval;
		return 0;
	return -1;

class MyObjectDefinition(GlobalObjectDefinition):

	def outputStructMembers(self):
		Output("int ob_must_be_disposed;")

	def outputCheckNewArg(self):
		Output("""if (itself == NULL) {
					PyErr_SetString(List_Error,"Cannot create null List");
					return NULL;
	def outputInitStructMembers(self):
		Output("it->ob_must_be_disposed = 1;")

	def outputFreeIt(self, itselfname):
		Output("if (self->ob_must_be_disposed && %s) LDispose(%s);", itselfname, itselfname)
	def outputGetattrHook(self):
	def outputSetattr(self):
# From here on it's basically all boiler plate...

# Create the generator groups and link them
module = MacModule(MODNAME, MODPREFIX, includestuff, finalstuff, initstuff)

# Create the generator classes used to populate the lists
Function = FunctionGenerator
Method = ListMethodGenerator

# Create and populate the lists
functions = []
methods = []

# Function to convert any handle to a list and vv.
##f = Function(ListHandle, 'as_List', (Handle, 'h', InMode))
as_List_body = """
Handle h;
ListObject *l;
if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(_args, "O&", ResObj_Convert, &h))
	return NULL;
l = (ListObject *)ListObj_New(as_List(h));
l->ob_must_be_disposed = 0;
return Py_BuildValue("O", l);
f = ManualGenerator("as_List", as_List_body)
f.docstring = lambda: "(Resource)->List.\nReturns List object (which is not auto-freed!)"

f = Method(Handle, 'as_Resource', (ListHandle, 'lh', InMode))

# add the populated lists to the generator groups
# (in a different wordl the scan program would generate this)
for f in functions: module.add(f)
for f in methods: object.add(f)

# generate output (open the output file as late as possible)

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