Raw File
# jq

`jq` is a lightweight and flexible command-line JSON processor akin to`sed`,`awk`,`grep`, and friends for JSON data. It's written in portable C and has zero runtime dependencies, allowing you to easily slice, filter, map, and transform structured data.

## Documentation

- **Official Documentation**: [](
- **Try jq Online**: [](

## Installation

### Prebuilt Binaries

Download the latest releases from the [GitHub release page](

### Docker Image

Pull the [jq image]( to start quickly with Docker.

### Building from source

#### Dependencies

- libtool
- make
- automake
- autoconf

#### Instructions

git submodule update --init # if building from git to get oniguruma
autoreconf -i               # if building from git
./configure --with-oniguruma=builtin
make -j8
make check
sudo make install

Build a statically linked version:

make LDFLAGS=-all-static

If you're not using the latest git version but instead building a released tarball (available on the release page), skip the `autoreconf` step, and flex or bison won't be needed.

##### Cross-Compilation

For details on cross-compliation, check out the [GitHub Actions file](.github/workflows/ci.yml) and the [cross-compliation wiki page](

## Community & Support

- Questions & Help: [Stack Overflow (jq tag)](
- Chat & Community: [Join us on Discord](
- Wiki & Advanced Topics: [Explore the Wiki](

## License

`jq` is released under the [MIT License](COPYING).
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