Raw File

:mod:`winsound` --- Sound-playing interface for Windows

.. module:: winsound
   :platform: Windows
   :synopsis: Access to the sound-playing machinery for Windows.
.. moduleauthor:: Toby Dickenson <>
.. sectionauthor:: Fred L. Drake, Jr. <>

.. versionadded:: 1.5.2

The :mod:`winsound` module provides access to the basic sound-playing machinery
provided by Windows platforms.  It includes functions and several constants.

.. function:: Beep(frequency, duration)

   Beep the PC's speaker. The *frequency* parameter specifies frequency, in hertz,
   of the sound, and must be in the range 37 through 32,767. The *duration*
   parameter specifies the number of milliseconds the sound should last.  If the
   system is not able to beep the speaker, :exc:`RuntimeError` is raised.

   .. note::

      Under Windows 95 and 98, the Windows :cfunc:`Beep` function exists but is
      useless (it ignores its arguments).  In that case Python simulates it via direct
      port manipulation (added in version 2.1).  It's unknown whether that will work
      on all systems.

   .. versionadded:: 1.6

.. function:: PlaySound(sound, flags)

   Call the underlying :cfunc:`PlaySound` function from the Platform API.  The
   *sound* parameter may be a filename, audio data as a string, or ``None``.  Its
   interpretation depends on the value of *flags*, which can be a bitwise ORed
   combination of the constants described below.  If the system indicates an error,
   :exc:`RuntimeError` is raised.

.. function:: MessageBeep([type=MB_OK])

   Call the underlying :cfunc:`MessageBeep` function from the Platform API.  This
   plays a sound as specified in the registry.  The *type* argument specifies which
   sound to play; possible values are ``-1``, ``MB_ICONASTERISK``,
   described below.  The value ``-1`` produces a "simple beep"; this is the final
   fallback if a sound cannot be played otherwise.

   .. versionadded:: 2.3

.. data:: SND_FILENAME

   The *sound* parameter is the name of a WAV file. Do not use with

.. data:: SND_ALIAS

   The *sound* parameter is a sound association name from the registry.  If the
   registry contains no such name, play the system default sound unless
   :const:`SND_NODEFAULT` is also specified. If no default sound is registered,
   raise :exc:`RuntimeError`. Do not use with :const:`SND_FILENAME`.

   All Win32 systems support at least the following; most systems support many

   | :func:`PlaySound` *name* | Corresponding Control Panel Sound name |
   | ``'SystemAsterisk'``     | Asterisk                               |
   | ``'SystemExclamation'``  | Exclamation                            |
   | ``'SystemExit'``         | Exit Windows                           |
   | ``'SystemHand'``         | Critical Stop                          |
   | ``'SystemQuestion'``     | Question                               |

   For example::

      import winsound
      # Play Windows exit sound.
      winsound.PlaySound("SystemExit", winsound.SND_ALIAS)

      # Probably play Windows default sound, if any is registered (because
      # "*" probably isn't the registered name of any sound).
      winsound.PlaySound("*", winsound.SND_ALIAS)

.. data:: SND_LOOP

   Play the sound repeatedly.  The :const:`SND_ASYNC` flag must also be used to
   avoid blocking.  Cannot be used with :const:`SND_MEMORY`.

.. data:: SND_MEMORY

   The *sound* parameter to :func:`PlaySound` is a memory image of a WAV file, as a

   .. note::

      This module does not support playing from a memory image asynchronously, so a
      combination of this flag and :const:`SND_ASYNC` will raise :exc:`RuntimeError`.

.. data:: SND_PURGE

   Stop playing all instances of the specified sound.

.. data:: SND_ASYNC

   Return immediately, allowing sounds to play asynchronously.


   If the specified sound cannot be found, do not play the system default sound.

.. data:: SND_NOSTOP

   Do not interrupt sounds currently playing.

.. data:: SND_NOWAIT

   Return immediately if the sound driver is busy.


   Play the ``SystemDefault`` sound.


   Play the ``SystemExclamation`` sound.

.. data:: MB_ICONHAND

   Play the ``SystemHand`` sound.


   Play the ``SystemQuestion`` sound.

.. data:: MB_OK

   Play the ``SystemDefault`` sound.

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