# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # Copyright (c) 2003-2011 LOGILAB S.A. (Paris, FRANCE). # http://www.logilab.fr/ -- mailto:contact@logilab.fr # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under # the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software # Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later # version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT # ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS # FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with # this program. If not, see . # # pylint: disable-msg=C0103 """ Module for managing configuration parameters of hgview using Hg's configuration system """ from functools import partial import os import re import shlex def cached(meth): """ decorator to cache config values once they are read """ name = meth.func_name def wrapper(self, *args, **kw): if name in self._cache: return self._cache[name] res = meth(self, *args, **kw) self._cache[name] = res return res wrapper.__doc__ = meth.__doc__ return wrapper class HgConfig(object): """ Class managing user configuration from hg standard configuration system (.hgrc) """ def __init__(self, ui, section="hgview"): self.ui = ui self.section = section self._cache = {} @cached def getFancyReplace(self): r""" fancyreplace: ``"patt" "repl"`` used to modify description by replacing ``patt`` by ``repl`` using regular expression (``re.sub`` for instance). Ex: "#(\d+)":"`#\\1 `_" """ data = self.ui.config(self.section, 'fancyreplace', None) if data is None: return data data = shlex.split(data) assert len(data) == 2 patt, repl = data return partial(re.compile(patt).sub, repl) @cached def getFont(self): """ font: default font used to display diffs and files. Use Qt4 format. """ return self.ui.config(self.section, 'font', 'Monospace') @cached def getFontSize(self, default=9): """ fontsize: text size in file content viewer """ return int(self.ui.config(self.section, 'fontsize', default)) @cached def getDotRadius(self, default=8): """ dotradius: radius (in pixels) of the dot in the revision graph """ r = self.ui.config(self.section, 'dotradius', default) return int(r) @cached def getUsers(self): """ users: path of the file holding users configurations """ users = {} aliases = {} usersfile = self.ui.config(self.section, 'users', os.path.join('~', ".hgusers")) cfgfile = None if usersfile: try: cfgfile = open(os.path.expanduser(usersfile)) except IOError: cfgfile = None if cfgfile: currid = None for line in cfgfile: line = line.strip() if not line or line.startswith('#'): continue cmd, val = line.split('=', 1) if cmd == 'id': currid = val if currid in users: print "W: user %s is defined several times" % currid users[currid] = {'aliases': set()} elif cmd == "alias": users[currid]['aliases'].add(val) if val in aliases: print ("W: alias %s is used in several " "user definitions" % val) aliases[val] = currid else: users[currid][cmd] = val return users, aliases @cached def getFileModifiedColor(self, default='blue'): """ filemodifiedcolor: display color of a modified file """ return self.ui.config(self.section, 'filemodifiedcolor', default) @cached def getFileRemovedColor(self, default='red'): """ fileremovedcolor: display color of a removed file """ return self.ui.config(self.section, 'fileremovededcolor', default) @cached def getFileDeletedColor(self, default='darkred'): """ filedeletedcolor: display color of a deleted file """ return self.ui.config(self.section, 'filedeletedcolor', default) @cached def getFileAddedColor(self, default='green'): """ fileaddedcolor: display color of an added file """ return self.ui.config(self.section, 'fileaddedcolor', default) @cached def getRowHeight(self, default=20): """ rowheight: height (in pixels) on a row of the revision table """ return int(self.ui.config(self.section, 'rowheight', default)) @cached def getHideFindDelay(self, default=10000): """ hidefinddelay: delay (in ms) after which the find bar will disappear """ return int(self.ui.config(self.section, 'hidefindddelay', default)) @cached def getFillingStep(self, default=300): """ fillingstep: number of nodes 'loaded' at a time when updating repo graph log """ return int(self.ui.config(self.section, 'fillingstep', default)) @cached def getChangelogColumns(self, default=None): """ changelogcolumns: ordered list of displayed columns in changelog views; defaults to ID, Branch, Log, Author, Date, Tags """ cols = self.ui.config(self.section, 'changelogcolumns', default) if cols is None: return None return [col.strip() for col in cols.split(',') if col.strip()] @cached def getFilelogColumns(self, default=None): """ filelogcolumns: ordered list of displayed columns in filelog views; defaults to ID, Log, Author, Date """ cols = self.ui.config(self.section, 'filelogcolumns', default) if cols is None: return None return [col.strip() for col in cols.split(',') if col.strip()] @cached def getDisplayDiffStats(self, default="yes"): """ displaydiffstats: flag controllong the appearance of the 'Diff' column in a revision's file list """ val = str(self.ui.config(self.section, 'displaydiffstats', default)) return val.lower() in ['true', 'yes', '1', 'on'] @cached def getMaxFileSize(self, default=100000): """ maxfilesize: max size of a file (for diff computations, display content, etc.) """ return int(self.ui.config(self.section, 'maxfilesize', default)) @cached def getDiffBGColor(self, default='black'): """ diffbgcolor: background color of diffs """ return self.ui.config(self.section, 'diffbgcolor', default) @cached def getDiffFGColor(self, default='white'): """ difffgcolor: text color of diffs """ return self.ui.config(self.section, 'difffgcolor', default) @cached def getDiffPlusColor(self, default='green'): """ diffpluscolor: text color of added lines in diffs """ return self.ui.config(self.section, 'diffpluscolor', default) @cached def getDiffMinusColor(self, default='red'): """ diffminuscolor: text color of removed lines in diffs """ return self.ui.config(self.section, 'diffminuscolor', default) @cached def getDiffSectionColor(self, default='magenta'): """ diffsectioncolor: text color of new section in diffs """ return self.ui.config(self.section, 'diffsectioncolor', default) @cached def getMQFGColor(self, default='#ff8183'): """ mqfgcolor: bg color to highlight mq patches """ return self.ui.config(self.section, 'mqfgcolor', default) @cached def getMQHideTags(self, default=False): """ mqhidetags: hide mq tags """ return self.ui.config(self.section, 'mqhidetags', default) @cached def getShowHidden(self, default=False): """ showhidden: show hidden changeset at startup """ return bool(self.ui.config(self.section, 'showhidden', default)) @cached def getInterface(self, default=None): """ interface: which GUI interface to use (among "qt", "raw" and "curses") """ return self.ui.config(self.section, 'interface', default) _HgConfig = HgConfig # HgConfig is instanciated only once (singleton) # # this 'factory' is used to manage this (not using heavy guns of # metaclass or so) _hgconfig = None def HgConfig(ui): """Factory to instanciate HgConfig class as a singleton """ # pylint: disable-msg=E0102 global _hgconfig if _hgconfig is None: _hgconfig = _HgConfig(ui) return _hgconfig def get_option_descriptions(rest=False): """ Extract options descriptions (docstrings of HgConfig methods) """ options = [] for attr in dir(_HgConfig): if attr.startswith('get'): meth = getattr(_HgConfig, attr) if callable(meth): doc = meth.__doc__ if doc and doc.strip(): doc = doc.strip() if rest: doc = re.sub(r' *(?P.*) *: *(?P.*)', r'``\1`` \2', doc.strip()) doc = ' '.join(doc.split()) # remove \n and other multiple whitespaces options.append(doc) return options