Raw File
(*  This file is part of BINSEC.                                          *)
(*                                                                        *)
(*  Copyright (C) 2016-2021                                               *)
(*    CEA (Commissariat à l'énergie atomique et aux énergies              *)
(*         alternatives)                                                  *)
(*                                                                        *)
(*  you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU   *)
(*  Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software       *)
(*  Foundation, version 2.1.                                              *)
(*                                                                        *)
(*  It is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,                 *)
(*  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of        *)
(*  GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.                   *)
(*                                                                        *)
(*  See the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1                 *)
(*  for more details (enclosed in the file licenses/LGPLv2.1).            *)
(*                                                                        *)

open Sse_options

module Query_stats = struct
  module Preprocess = struct
    let sat = ref 0

    let unsat = ref 0

    let const = ref 0

    let total () = !sat + !unsat + !const

    let reset () =
      sat := 0;
      unsat := 0;
      const := 0

    let pp ppf () =
      let open Format in
      fprintf ppf
        "@[<v 2>@[<h>Preprocessing simplifications@]@,\
         @[<h>total          %d@]@,\
         @[<h>sat            %d@]@,\
         @[<h>unsat          %d@]@,\
         @[<h>constant enum  %d@]@]" (total ()) !sat !unsat !const

  module SMT = struct
    let sat = ref 0

    let unsat = ref 0

    let err = ref 0

    let time = ref 0.0

    let add_time t = time := !time +. t

    let total () = !sat + !unsat + !err

    let avg_time () = !time /. float (total ())

    let reset () =
      sat := 0;
      unsat := 0;
      err := 0;
      time := 0.0

    let pp ppf () =
      let open Format in
      fprintf ppf
        "@[<v 2>@[<h>Satisfiability queries@]@,\
         @[<h>total          %d@]@,\
         @[<h>sat            %d@]@,\
         @[<h>unsat          %d@]@,\
         @[<h>unknown        %d@]@,\
         @[<h>time           %.2f@]@,\
         @[<h>average        %.2f@]@]" (total ()) !sat !unsat !err !time
        (avg_time ())

  let _reset () =
    Preprocess.reset ();
    SMT.reset ()

  let pp ppf () =
    let open Format in
    fprintf ppf "@[<v 0>%a@,@,%a@,@]" Preprocess.pp () SMT.pp ()

let byte_size = Natural.to_int Basic_types.Constants.bytesize

module S = Basic_types.String.Map

type t = {
  formula : Formula.formula;
  (* SMT2 formula *)
  vsymbols : Formula.bv_term S.t;
  (* collection of visible symbols *)
  vmemory : Formula.ax_term;
  (* visible memory *)
  fid : int;
  (* unique indice counter *)
  fvariables : Formula.bv_var list S.t;
  (* collection of free variables *)
  fmemory : Formula.ax_var;
  (* initial memory *)
  model : Smt_model.t; (* a model that satisfy constraints *)
(** Symbolic state *)

let empty () =
  let word_size = Kernel_options.Machine.word_size () in
  let fmemory = Formula.ax_var "__memory_0" word_size byte_size in
    formula =
      |> Formula.push_back_declare @@ Formula.mk_ax_decl fmemory [];
    vsymbols = S.empty;
    vmemory = Formula.mk_ax_var fmemory;
    fid = 1;
    fvariables = S.empty;
    model = Smt_model.empty;

let do_optimization ?(keep = Formula.VarSet.empty) fm =
  let level = 3 in
  if Formula.VarSet.is_empty keep then Logger.debug ~level "Optimize"
    Logger.debug ~level "@[<v 2>Optimize but keep intact these variables:@ %a@]"
      Formula_pp.pp_varset keep;
  Formula_transformation.optimize_from_options ?is_controlled:None ~keep fm

let fresh name size state =
  let v = Formula.bv_var (Printf.sprintf "%s_%d" name state.fid) size in
  let fid = state.fid + 1 in
  let h =
    match S.find name state.fvariables with
    | exception Not_found -> [ v ]
    | h -> v :: h
  let fvariables = S.add name h state.fvariables in
  let vsymbols = S.add name (Formula.mk_bv_var v) state.vsymbols in
  let formula =
    state.formula |> Formula.push_front_declare @@ Formula.mk_bv_decl v []
  { state with formula; vsymbols; fid; fvariables }

let rec lookup name size state =
  match S.find name state.vsymbols with
  | exception Not_found -> lookup name size (fresh name size state)
  | bv -> (bv, state)

let assign name value state =
  let value_size = Formula_utils.bv_size value in
  let var = Formula.bv_var (Printf.sprintf "%s_%d" name state.fid) value_size in
  let fid = state.fid + 1 in
  let vsymbols = S.add name (Formula.mk_bv_var var) state.vsymbols in
  let formula =
    state.formula |> Formula.push_front_define @@ Formula.mk_bv_def var [] value
  { state with formula; vsymbols; fid }

let write ~addr value state =
  let addr_size = Formula_utils.bv_size addr
  and write_size = Formula_utils.bv_size value / 8 in
  let layer =
    Formula.ax_var (Printf.sprintf "__memory_%d" state.fid) addr_size byte_size
  let fid = state.fid + 1 in
  let vmemory = Formula.mk_ax_var layer in
  let formula =
    |> Formula.push_front_define @@ Formula.mk_ax_def layer []
       @@ Formula.mk_store write_size state.vmemory addr value
  { state with formula; vmemory; fid }

let load_from ~addr size state =
  let img = Kernel_functions.get_img () in
  let at = Bitvector.to_uint addr in
  let bytes = Bytes.create size in
  for i = 0 to size - 1 do
    Bytes.set bytes i @@ Char.unsafe_chr @@ Loader.read_address img @@ (at + i)
  let chunk =
    byte_size * size
    |> Bitvector.create @@ Z.of_bits @@ Bytes.unsafe_to_string bytes
  let addr_size = Bitvector.size_of addr in
  let layer =
    Formula.ax_var (Printf.sprintf "__memory_%d" state.fid) addr_size byte_size
  let vmemory = Formula.mk_ax_var layer in
  let fid = state.fid + 1 in
  let formula =
    |> Formula.push_front_define @@ Formula.mk_ax_def layer []
       @@ Formula.mk_store size state.vmemory (Formula.mk_bv_cst addr)
            (Formula.mk_bv_cst chunk)
  { state with formula; vmemory; fid }

module Translate = struct
  open Dba

  let unary e = function
    | Unary_op.Not -> Formula.mk_bv_not
    | Unary_op.UMinus -> Formula.mk_bv_neg
    | Unary_op.Sext n -> Formula.mk_bv_sign_extend (n - Dba.Expr.size_of e)
    | Unary_op.Uext n -> Formula.mk_bv_zero_extend (n - Dba.Expr.size_of e)
    | Unary_op.Restrict interval -> Formula.mk_bv_extract interval

  let as_bv bop e1 e2 = Formula.(mk_bv_ite (bop e1 e2) mk_bv_one mk_bv_zero)

  let rotate_right_const n = Formula.mk_bv_rotate_right n

  let rotate_left_const n = Formula.mk_bv_rotate_left n

  let rotate shift_func rev_shift_func const_rot_func value shift =
    let open Formula in
    match shift.bv_term_desc with
    | BvCst x ->
        let op = Bitvector.value_of x |> Z.to_int |> const_rot_func in
        op value
    | _ ->
        let part1 = shift_func value shift
        and shift_size = Formula_utils.bv_size shift
        and value_size = Formula_utils.bv_size value |> Z.of_int in
        let value_size = Bitvector.create value_size shift_size |> mk_bv_cst in
        let offset = mk_bv_sub value_size shift in
        let part2 = rev_shift_func value offset in
        mk_bv_or part1 part2

  let rotate_right =
    rotate Formula.mk_bv_lshr Formula.mk_bv_shl rotate_right_const

  let rotate_left =
    rotate Formula.mk_bv_shl Formula.mk_bv_lshr rotate_left_const

  let binary op =
    let open Binary_op in
    match op with
    | Plus -> Formula.mk_bv_add
    | Minus -> Formula.mk_bv_sub
    | Mult -> Formula.mk_bv_mul
    | DivU -> Formula.mk_bv_udiv
    | DivS -> Formula.mk_bv_sdiv
    | ModU -> Formula.mk_bv_urem
    | ModS -> Formula.mk_bv_srem
    | Eq -> as_bv Formula.mk_bv_equal
    | Diff -> as_bv Formula.mk_bv_distinct
    | LeqU -> as_bv Formula.mk_bv_ule
    | LtU -> as_bv Formula.mk_bv_ult
    | GeqU -> as_bv Formula.mk_bv_uge
    | GtU -> as_bv Formula.mk_bv_ugt
    | LeqS -> as_bv Formula.mk_bv_sle
    | LtS -> as_bv Formula.mk_bv_slt
    | GeqS -> as_bv Formula.mk_bv_sge
    | GtS -> as_bv Formula.mk_bv_sgt
    | Xor -> Formula.mk_bv_xor
    | And -> Formula.mk_bv_and
    | Or -> Formula.mk_bv_or
    | Concat -> Formula.mk_bv_concat
    | LShift -> Formula.mk_bv_shl
    | RShiftU -> Formula.mk_bv_lshr
    | RShiftS -> Formula.mk_bv_ashr
    | LeftRotate -> rotate_left
    | RightRotate -> rotate_right

  let get_attr img attr name =
    match attr with
    | Dba.VarTag.Value ->
        @@ Loader_utils.address_of_symbol_or_section_by_name ~name img
    | Dba.VarTag.Size ->
        Option.get @@ Loader_utils.size_of_symbol_or_section_by_name ~name img
    | Dba.VarTag.Last ->
        Int.pred @@ Virtual_address.to_int @@ snd @@ Option.get
        @@ Loader_utils.interval_of_symbol_or_section_by_name ~name img

  let rec expr state e =
    let smt_unary = unary and smt_binary = binary in
    let open Expr in
    match e with
    | Var { name; size; info = Symbol attr } ->
        ( Formula.mk_bv_cst @@ Bitvector.of_int ~size
          @@ get_attr (Kernel_functions.get_img ()) attr name,
          state )
    | Var { name; size; _ } -> lookup name size state
    | Cst bv -> (Formula.mk_bv_cst bv, state)
    | Load (bytes, _endianness, e) ->
        let smt_e, state = expr state e in
        (Formula.mk_select bytes state.vmemory smt_e, state)
    | Binary (bop, lop, rop) as e ->
        Logger.debug ~level:6 "Translating binary %a"
          Dba_printer.Ascii.pp_bl_term e;
        let l_smt_e, state = expr state lop in
        let r_smt_e, state = expr state rop in
        (smt_binary bop l_smt_e r_smt_e, state)
    | Unary (uop, e) ->
        let v, state = expr state e in
        (smt_unary e uop v, state)
    | Ite (c, then_e, else_e) ->
        let cond, state = expr state c in
        let then_smt, state = expr state then_e in
        let else_smt, state = expr state else_e in
        let v =
          Formula.(mk_bv_ite (mk_bv_equal cond mk_bv_one) then_smt else_smt)
        (v, state)

module Solver = struct
  let value_of_constant cst =
    let open Smtlib in
    match cst with
    | CstHexadecimal s -> Bitvector.of_hexstring ("0x" ^ s)
    | CstBinary s -> Bitvector.of_string ("0b" ^ s)
    | CstDecimalSize (value, size) ->
        Bitvector.create (Z.of_string value) (int_of_string size)
    | CstNumeral _ | CstString _ | CstBool _ | CstDecimal _ ->
          "Model construction: unexpected constant %a as bitvector value"
          Smtlib_pp.pp_spec_constant cst;
        exit 2

  let extract_bv terms =
    let open Smtlib in
    match terms with
    | [ (_, { term_desc = TermSpecConstant cst; _ }) ] -> value_of_constant cst
    | _ -> assert false

  let extract_model session vars memory =
    let model = Smt_model.create () in
      (fun _ ->
        List.iter (fun var ->
            Smt_model.add_var model
              (Formula_utils.bv_var_name var)
                 (Solver.Session.get_value session
                    (Formula.mk_bv_term (Formula.mk_bv_var var))))))
    Smt_model.add_memory_term model
      (Solver.Session.get_value session
         (Formula.mk_ax_term (Formula.mk_ax_var memory)));

  let with_solver formula f =
    let timeout = Formula_options.Solver.Timeout.get () in
    let file =
      if Sse_options.SMT_dir.is_set () then (
        let filename = Sse_utils.temp_file () in
        Logger.debug ~level:3 "@[<h>Using SMT script file %s@]" filename;
        Some filename)
      else None
    let solver = Formula_options.Solver.get () in
    let session = Solver.Session.create ?file ~timeout solver in
    Logger.debug ~level:5 "Running %s (file %a)" (Prover.name_of solver)
      (Print_utils.pp_opt Format.pp_print_string)
      Formula.iter_forward (Solver.Session.put_entry session) formula;
      let v = Utils.time (fun () -> f session) in
      Solver.Session.destroy session;
      Some v
    | Failure msg as e ->
        Logger.warning "SMT solver failed on %s" msg;
        Solver.Session.destroy session;
        if not (Sse_options.KeepGoing.get ()) then
          Logger.fatal ~e
            "@[<v 0>@[SMT solver failed in %a@ with message:@].@ @[%s@]@ \
             @[Aborting. Use -keep-going to ignore@]@]"
            (Print_utils.pp_opt Format.pp_print_string)
            file msg;
    | e ->
        Solver.Session.destroy session;
        Logger.warning "Destroyed session (current SMT file %a)"
          (Print_utils.pp_opt Format.pp_print_string)
        raise e

  let check_satistifiability formula vars memory =
    with_solver formula (fun session ->
        Logger.debug ~level:5 "%a" Solver.Session.pp session;
        match Solver.Session.check_sat session with
        | Formula.SAT ->
            incr Query_stats.SMT.sat;
            Logger.debug ~level:4 "SMT query resulted in SAT";
            Some (extract_model session vars memory)
        | Formula.UNSAT ->
            incr Query_stats.SMT.unsat;
            Logger.debug ~level:4 "SMT query resulted in UNSAT";
        | Formula.UNKNOWN | Formula.TIMEOUT ->
            incr Query_stats.SMT.err;
            Logger.warning ~level:0 "SMT query resulted in UNKNOWN";
            failwith "unknown assertion")
    |> function
    | None -> None
    | Some (time, r) ->
        Query_stats.SMT.add_time time;

  let enumerate e ?(n = 1 lsl Formula_utils.bv_size e) formula vars memory =
    with_solver formula (fun session ->
        Logger.debug ~level:5 "%a" Solver.Session.pp session;
        let rec loop e' n enum =
          if n = 0 then enum
            match Solver.Session.check_sat session with
            | Formula.SAT ->
                incr Query_stats.SMT.sat;
                let term = Solver.Session.get_value session e' in
                let bv = extract_bv term in
                Logger.debug ~level:5
                  "Solver returned %a ; %d solutions still to be found"
                  Bitvector.pp_hex bv (n - 1);
                let model = extract_model session vars memory in
                Solver.Session.put_entry session
                @@ Formula.mk_assert
                @@ Formula.mk_bv_distinct e (Formula.mk_bv_cst bv);
                loop e' (n - 1) ((bv, model) :: enum)
            | Formula.UNSAT ->
                incr Query_stats.SMT.unsat;
                Logger.debug ~level:4 "Solver returned UNSAT";
            | Formula.UNKNOWN | Formula.TIMEOUT ->
                incr Query_stats.SMT.err;
                Logger.warning ~level:0 "SMT query resulted in UNKNOWN";
                failwith "unknown enumeration"
        loop (Formula.mk_bv_term e) n [])
    |> function
    | None -> []
    | Some (time, values) ->
        Query_stats.SMT.add_time time;

let keep state =
    (fun _ e k ->
      match e with
      | { Formula.bv_term_desc = Formula.BvFun (v, []); _ } ->
          Formula.VarSet.add (Formula.BvVar v) k
      | _ -> assert false)
  @@ S.fold
       (fun _ l k ->
         List.fold_left (fun k v -> Formula.VarSet.add (Formula.BvVar v) k) k l)
  match state.vmemory with
  | { Formula.ax_term_desc = Formula.AxFun (v, []); _ } ->
      Formula.VarSet.add (Formula.AxVar v)
      @@ Formula.VarSet.singleton (Formula.AxVar state.fmemory)
  | _ -> assert false

let assume e state =
  let var = Formula.bl_var (Printf.sprintf "__assume_%d" state.fid) in
  let fid = state.fid + 1 in
  let formula =
    state.formula |> Formula.push_front_define @@ Formula.mk_bl_def var [] e
  let keep = Formula.VarSet.add (Formula.BlVar var) @@ keep state in
  let formula = do_optimization ~keep formula in
  match Formula.peek_front formula with
  | Some
        entry_desc =
              def_desc =
                Formula.BlDef (v, _, { bl_term_desc = Formula.BlTrue; _ });
      } ->
      assert (v = var);
      incr Query_stats.Preprocess.sat;
      Some { state with formula; fid }
  | Some
        entry_desc =
              def_desc =
                Formula.BlDef (v, _, { bl_term_desc = Formula.BlFalse; _ });
      } ->
      assert (v = var);
      incr Query_stats.Preprocess.unsat;
  | _ -> (
      let formula = Formula.push_front_assert (Formula.mk_bl_var var) formula in
        Solver.check_satistifiability formula state.fvariables state.fmemory
      | Some model -> Some { state with formula; fid; model }
      | None -> None)

let split_on e ?n ?(except = []) state =
  let size = Formula_utils.bv_size e in
  let var = Formula.bv_var (Printf.sprintf "__enum_%d" state.fid) size in
  let fid = state.fid + 1 in
  let formula =
    state.formula |> Formula.push_front_define @@ Formula.mk_bv_def var [] e
  let keep = Formula.VarSet.add (Formula.BvVar var) @@ keep state in
  let formula = do_optimization ~keep formula in
  match Formula.peek_front formula with
  | Some
        entry_desc =
              def_desc =
                Formula.BvDef (v, _, { bv_term_desc = Formula.BvCst bv; _ });
      } ->
      assert (v = var);
      if Bitvector.is_one bv then incr Query_stats.Preprocess.sat
      else if Bitvector.is_zero bv then incr Query_stats.Preprocess.unsat
      else incr Query_stats.Preprocess.const;
      Logger.debug ~level:4 "Enumeration of %a resolved to constant %a"
        Formula_pp.pp_bv_term e Bitvector.pp bv;
      [ (bv, { state with formula; fid }) ]
  | _ ->
      let evar = Formula.mk_bv_var var in
      let formula =
          (fun f bv ->
              (Formula.mk_bv_distinct evar (Formula.mk_bv_cst bv))
          formula except
      in (fun (bv, model) ->
          let formula =
            |> Formula.push_front_assert
               @@ Formula.mk_bv_equal evar (Formula.mk_bv_cst bv)
          (bv, { state with formula; fid; model }))
      @@ Solver.enumerate e ?n formula state.fvariables state.fmemory

let assign name e state =
  let e, state = Translate.expr state e in
  assign name e state

let byteswap e =
  let rec loop e size e' =
    if size = 0 then e'
      loop e (size - 8)
           (Formula.mk_bv_extract { lo = size - 8; hi = size - 1 } e)
  let size = Formula_utils.bv_size e in
  loop e (size - 8) (Formula.mk_bv_extract { lo = size - 8; hi = size - 1 } e)

let write ~addr e dir state =
  let addr, state = Translate.expr state addr in
  let e, state = Translate.expr state e in
  let e =
    match dir with Machine.LittleEndian -> e | Machine.BigEndian -> byteswap e
  write ~addr e state

let assume e state =
  let e, state = Translate.expr state e in
  assume (Formula.mk_bv_equal e Formula.mk_bv_one) state

let split_on e ?n ?except state =
  let e, state = Translate.expr state e in
  split_on e ?n ?except state

let pp ppf state = Smt_model.pp ppf state.model

let pp_smt ?slice ppf state =
  match slice with
  | None -> Formula_pp.pp_formula ppf state.formula
  | Some l ->
      let keep, state =
          (fun (keep, state) (e, n) ->
            let state = assign n e state in
            match Formula.peek_front state.formula with
            | Some
                  entry_desc =
                    Formula.Define { def_desc = Formula.BvDef (v, _, _); _ };
                } ->
                (Formula.VarSet.add (Formula.BvVar v) keep, state)
            | _ -> assert false)
          (Formula.VarSet.empty, state)
      Formula_pp.pp_formula ppf (do_optimization ~keep state.formula)

let as_ascii name state =
  let buf = Buffer.create 16 in
  List.iter (fun var ->
      let name = Formula_utils.bv_var_name var in
      match Smt_model.find_variable state.model name with
      | None -> Buffer.add_char buf '.'
      | Some bv ->
          assert (Bitvector.size_of bv mod byte_size = 0);
          let rec iter bv =
            let size = Bitvector.size_of bv in
            if size = byte_size then Buffer.add_char buf (Bitvector.to_char bv)
              let byte = Bitvector.extract bv { Interval.lo = 0; hi = 7 } in
              Buffer.add_char buf (Bitvector.to_char byte);
              iter (Bitvector.extract bv { Interval.lo = 8; hi = size - 1 })
          iter bv)
  @@ List.rev
  @@ S.find name state.fvariables;
  Buffer.contents buf
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