Raw File

git-send-email - Send a collection of patches as emails

'git-send-email' [options] <file|directory> [... file|directory]

Takes the patches given on the command line and emails them out.

The header of the email is configurable by command line options.  If not
specified on the command line, the user will be prompted with a ReadLine
enabled interface to provide the necessary information.

The options available are:

	Specify the primary recipient of the emails generated.
	Generally, this will be the upstream maintainer of the
	project involved.

	Specify the sender of the emails.  This will default to
	the value GIT_COMMITTER_IDENT, as returned by "git-var -l".
	The user will still be prompted to confirm this entry.

	Use \$EDITOR to edit an introductory message for the
	patch series.

   	Specify the initial subject of the email thread.
	Only necessary if --compose is also set.  If --compose
	is not set, this will be prompted for.

	Specify the contents of the first In-Reply-To header.
	Subsequent emails will refer to the previous email 
	instead of this if --chain-reply-to is set (the default)
	Only necessary if --compose is also set.  If --compose
	is not set, this will be prompted for.

--chain-reply-to, --no-chain-reply-to::
	If this is set, each email will be sent as a reply to the previous
	email sent.  If disabled with "--no-chain-reply-to", all emails after
	the first will be sent as replies to the first email sent.  When using
	this, it is recommended that the first file given be an overview of the
	entire patch series.
	Default is --chain-reply-to

	If set, specifies the outgoing SMTP server to use.  Defaults to

Written by Ryan Anderson <>

git-send-email is originally based upon by Greg Kroah-Hartman.

Documentation by Ryan Anderson

Part of the gitlink:git[7] suite

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