# -*- coding: iso-8859-1 -*- # main.py - qt4-based hg rev log browser # # Copyright (C) 2007-2010 Logilab. All rights reserved. # # This software may be used and distributed according to the terms # of the GNU General Public License, incorporated herein by reference. """ Help window for hgview """ import sys, os import re from PyQt4 import QtCore, QtGui, Qsci from hgviewlib.qt4 import icon as geticon from hgviewlib.qt4.hgdialogmixin import HgDialogMixin from hgviewlib.hgviewhelp import help_msg, get_options_helpmsg Qt = QtCore.Qt bold = QtGui.QFont.Bold try: from docutils.core import publish_string except: def publish_string(s, *args, **kwargs): return s class HelpViewer(QtGui.QDialog, HgDialogMixin): """hgview simple help viewer""" _uifile = 'helpviewer.ui' def __init__(self, repo, rest, parent=None): self.repo = repo QtGui.QDialog.__init__(self, parent) HgDialogMixin.__init__(self) self.set_text(rest) self.textBrowser.anchorClicked.connect(self.anchor_clicked) def set_text(self, rest): formated_text = publish_string(rest, writer_name='html') self.textBrowser.setText(formated_text) def anchor_clicked(self, qurl): """Callback called when a link is clicked in the text browser""" QtGui.QDesktopServices.openUrl(qurl) # must be redefined cause it's a QDialog def accept(self): QtGui.QDialog.accept(self) def reject(self): QtGui.QDialog.reject(self) class HgHelpViewer(HelpViewer): """Display a Mercurial help topic and allow to navigate in hg topics""" def __init__(self, repo, topic, parent=None): HelpViewer.__init__(self, repo, self.get_hg_helper(topic), parent) def set_text(self, rest): # handle cross hg doc references with special url for reference in re.findall(':hg:`.*?`', rest): topic = reference[5:-1] if not self.get_hg_helper(topic): rest = re.sub(reference, '*%s*' % topic, rest) else: rest = re.sub(reference, '`%s `_'%(topic,topic), rest) formated_text = publish_string(rest, writer_name='html') self.textBrowser.setText(formated_text) def anchor_clicked(self,qurl): """Callback called when a link is clicked in the text browser""" topic = qurl.toString() if topic.startswith('hg://'): self.set_text(self.get_hg_helper(topic[5:])) else: QtGui.QDesktopServices.openUrl(qurl) @staticmethod def get_hg_helper(topic): from mercurial import help, cmdutil, commands, error try: rest = cmdutil.findcmd(topic, commands.table, strict=False)[1][0]() except (error.UnknownCommand, error.SignatureError, error.AmbiguousCommand, KeyError): try: rest = (f for n,h,f in help.helptable if topic in n).next()() except StopIteration: rest = None return rest class HgviewHelpViewer(HelpViewer): def __init__(self, repo, parent=None): rest = help_msg + get_options_helpmsg(rest=True) HelpViewer.__init__(self, repo, rest, parent)