package prefuse.render; import java.awt.Component; import java.awt.Image; import java.awt.MediaTracker; import java.awt.Toolkit; import; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.LinkedHashMap; import java.util.Map; import; import; /** *

Utility class that manages loading and storing images. Includes a * configurable LRU cache for managing loaded images. Also supports optional * image scaling of loaded images to cut down on memory and visualization * operation costs.

* *

By default images are loaded upon first request. Use the * {@link #preloadImages(Iterator, String)} method to load images before they * are requested for rendering.

* * @author alan newberger * @author jeffrey heer */ public class ImageFactory { private int m_imageCacheSize = 3000; private int m_maxImageWidth = 100; private int m_maxImageHeight = 100; private boolean m_asynch = true; //a nice LRU cache courtesy of java 1.4 private Map imageCache = new LinkedHashMap((int) (m_imageCacheSize + 1 / .75F), .75F, true) { public boolean removeEldestEntry(Map.Entry eldest) { return size() > m_imageCacheSize; } }; private Map loadMap = new HashMap(50); private final Component component = new Component() {}; private final MediaTracker tracker = new MediaTracker(component); private int nextTrackerID = 0; /** * Create a new ImageFactory. Assumes no scaling of loaded images. */ public ImageFactory() { this(-1,-1); } /** * Create a new ImageFactory. This instance will scale loaded images * if they exceed the threshold arguments. * @param maxImageWidth the maximum width of input images * (-1 means no limit) * @param maxImageHeight the maximum height of input images * (-1 means no limit) */ public ImageFactory(int maxImageWidth, int maxImageHeight) { setMaxImageDimensions(maxImageWidth, maxImageHeight); } /** * Sets the maximum image dimensions of loaded images, images larger than * these limits will be scaled to fit within bounds. * @param width the maximum width of input images (-1 means no limit) * @param height the maximum height of input images (-1 means no limit) */ public void setMaxImageDimensions(int width, int height) { m_maxImageWidth = width; m_maxImageHeight = height; } /** * Sets the capacity of this factory's image cache * @param size the new size of the image cache */ public void setImageCacheSize(int size) { m_imageCacheSize = size; } /** *

Get the image associated with the given location string. If the image * has already been loaded, it simply will return the image, otherwise it * will load it from the specified location.

* *

The imageLocation argument must be a valid resource string pointing * to either (a) a valid URL, (b) a file on the classpath, or (c) a file * on the local filesystem. The location will be resolved in that order. *

* * @param imageLocation the image location as a resource string. * @return the corresponding image, if available */ public Image getImage(String imageLocation) { Image image = (Image) imageCache.get(imageLocation); if (image == null && !loadMap.containsKey(imageLocation)) { URL imageURL = IOLib.urlFromString(imageLocation); if ( imageURL == null ) { System.err.println("Null image: " + imageLocation); return null; } image = Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().createImage(imageURL); // if set for synchronous mode, block for image to load. if ( !m_asynch ) { waitForImage(image); addImage(imageLocation, image); } else { int id = ++nextTrackerID; tracker.addImage(image, id); loadMap.put(imageLocation, new LoadMapEntry(id,image)); } } else if ( image == null && loadMap.containsKey(imageLocation) ) { LoadMapEntry entry = (LoadMapEntry)loadMap.get(imageLocation); if ( tracker.checkID(, true) ) { addImage(imageLocation, entry.image); loadMap.remove(imageLocation); tracker.removeImage(entry.image,; } } else { return image; } return (Image) imageCache.get(imageLocation); } /** * Adds an image associated with a location string to this factory's cache. * The image will be scaled as dictated by this current factory settings. * * @param location the location string uniquely identifying the image * @param image the actual image * @return the final image added to the cache. This may be a scaled version * of the original input image. */ public Image addImage(String location, Image image) { if ( m_maxImageWidth > -1 || m_maxImageHeight > -1 ) { image = getScaledImage(image); image.getWidth(null); // trigger image load } imageCache.put(location, image); return image; } /** * Wait for an image to load. * @param image the image to wait for */ protected void waitForImage(Image image) { int id = ++nextTrackerID; tracker.addImage(image, id); try { tracker.waitForID(id, 0); } catch (InterruptedException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } tracker.removeImage(image, id); } /** * Scales an image to fit within the current size thresholds. * @param img the image to scale * @return the scaled image */ protected Image getScaledImage(Image img) { // resize image, if necessary, to conserve memory // and reduce future scaling time int w = img.getWidth(null) - m_maxImageWidth; int h = img.getHeight(null) - m_maxImageHeight; if ( w > h && w > 0 && m_maxImageWidth > -1 ) { Image scaled = img.getScaledInstance(m_maxImageWidth, -1, Image.SCALE_SMOOTH); img.flush(); //waitForImage(scaled); return scaled; } else if ( h > 0 && m_maxImageHeight > -1 ) { Image scaled = img.getScaledInstance(-1, m_maxImageHeight, Image.SCALE_SMOOTH); img.flush(); //waitForImage(scaled); return scaled; } else { return img; } } /** *

Preloads images for use in a visualization. Images to load are * determined by taking objects from the given iterator and retrieving * the value of the specified field. The items in the iterator must * be instances of the {@link} class.

* *

Images are loaded in the order specified by the iterator until the * the iterator is empty or the maximum image cache size is met. Thus * higher priority images should appear sooner in the iteration.

* * @param iter an Iterator of {@link} instances * @param field the data field that contains the image location */ public void preloadImages(Iterator iter, String field) { boolean synch = m_asynch; m_asynch = false; String loc = null; while ( iter.hasNext() && imageCache.size() <= m_imageCacheSize ) { // get the string describing the image location Tuple t = (Tuple); loc = t.getString(field); if ( loc != null ) { getImage(loc); } } m_asynch = synch; } /** * Helper class for storing an id/image pair. */ private class LoadMapEntry { public int id; public Image image; public LoadMapEntry(int id, Image image) { = id; this.image = image; } } } // end of class ImageFactory