.. bpo: 39080 .. date: 2019-12-17-21-45-36 .. nonce: OrxEVS .. release date: 2019-12-18 .. section: Core and Builtins Fix the value of *end_col_offset* for Starred Expression AST nodes when they are among the elements in the *args* attribute of Call AST nodes. .. .. bpo: 39031 .. date: 2019-12-12-21-05-43 .. nonce: imlCYZ .. section: Core and Builtins When parsing an "elif" node, lineno and col_offset of the node now point to the "elif" keyword and not to its condition, making it consistent with the "if" node. Patch by Lysandros Nikolaou. .. .. bpo: 39008 .. date: 2019-12-09-10-38-51 .. nonce: Rrp6f1 .. section: Core and Builtins :c:func:`PySys_Audit` now requires ``Py_ssize_t`` to be used for size arguments in the format string, regardless of whethen ``PY_SSIZE_T_CLEAN`` was defined at include time. .. .. bpo: 39022 .. date: 2019-12-10-23-34-48 .. nonce: QDtIxI .. section: Library Update importliib.metadata to include improvements from importlib_metadata 1.3 including better serialization of EntryPoints and improved documentation for custom finders. .. .. bpo: 38811 .. date: 2019-11-15-18-06-04 .. nonce: AmdQ6M .. section: Library Fix an unhandled exception in :mod:`pathlib` when :meth:`os.link` is missing. Patch by Toke Høiland-Jørgensen. .. .. bpo: 36406 .. date: 2019-03-24-12-12-27 .. nonce: mCEkOl .. section: Library Handle namespace packages in :mod:`doctest`. Patch by Karthikeyan Singaravelan. .. .. bpo: 38546 .. date: 2019-12-17-15-27-07 .. nonce: 82JwN2 .. section: Tests Multiprocessing and concurrent.futures tests now stop the resource tracker process when tests complete. .. .. bpo: 39007 .. date: 2019-12-09-10-40-34 .. nonce: vtarxo .. section: Windows Add auditing events to functions in :mod:`winreg`. .. .. bpo: 38295 .. date: 2019-12-17-03-43-04 .. nonce: hgDvlB .. section: macOS Prevent failure of test_relative_path in test_py_compile on macOS Catalina. .. .. bpo: 38944 .. date: 2019-11-30-12-10-36 .. nonce: _3xjKG .. section: IDLE Excape key now closes IDLE completion windows. Patch by Johnny Najera. .. .. bpo: 38943 .. date: 2019-11-29-23-44-11 .. nonce: 8pUKKs .. section: IDLE Fix IDLE autocomplete windows not always appearing on some systems. Patch by Johnny Najera.