# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # Copyright (c) 2003-2012 LOGILAB S.A. (Paris, FRANCE). # http://www.logilab.fr/ -- mailto:contact@logilab.fr # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under # the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software # Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later # version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT # ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS # FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with # this program. If not, see . """ Main curses application for hgview """ try: import pygments from pygments import lexers except ImportError: # pylint: enable=C0103 pygments = None import urwid from urwid import AttrWrap, Pile, Columns, SolidFill, signals from urwid.util import is_mouse_press from mercurial.error import RepoError from hgviewlib.config import HgConfig from hgviewlib.hggraph import HgRepoListWalker from hgviewlib.util import exec_flag_changed, isbfile, tounicode from hgviewlib.curses.exceptions import CommandError from hgviewlib.curses.graphlog import RevisionsWalker from hgviewlib.curses.manifest import ManifestWalker from hgviewlib.curses import (Body, SourceText, ScrollableListBox, register_command, unregister_command, connect_command, emit_command, CommandArg as CA, hg_command_map) class GraphlogViewer(Body): """Graphlog body""" def __init__(self, walker, *args, **kwargs): self.walker = walker self.graphlog_walker = RevisionsWalker(walker=walker) body = ScrollableListBox(self.graphlog_walker) super(GraphlogViewer, self).__init__(body=body, *args, **kwargs) self.title = walker.repo.root signals.connect_signal(self.graphlog_walker, 'focus changed', self.update_title) wc = walker.repo[None] rev = None if not wc.dirty() and wc.p1().rev() >= 0: # parent of working directory is not nullrev rev = wc.p1().rev() self.graphlog_walker.rev = rev def update_title(self, ctx): """update title depending on the given context ``ctx``.""" if ctx.node() is None: hex_ = 'WORKING DIRECTORY' else: hex_ = str(ctx) self.title = '%(root)s [%(hex)s] %(phase)s' % { 'root':self.walker.repo.root, 'hex':hex_, 'phase':ctx.phasestr()} def register_commands(self): '''Register commands and connect commands for bodies''' cnvt = lambda entry: self.walker.repo[entry].rev() register_command( ('goto', 'g'), 'Set focus on a particular revision', CA('revision', cnvt, 'The revision number to focus on (default to last)')) register_command( ('toggle-hidden',), 'Show/hide hidden changesets',) connect_command('toggle-hidden', self.toggle_hidden) self.graphlog_walker.connect_commands() def unregister_commands(self): '''Unregister commands''' unregister_command('goto') unregister_command('g') def toggle_hidden(self, _current=[]): self.walker.show_hidden = not self.walker.show_hidden emit_command('refresh') def render(self, size, focus=True): '''Render the widget. Always use the focus style.''' return super(GraphlogViewer, self).render(size, True) def mouse_event(self, size, event, button, col, row, focus): """Scroll content and show context""" if urwid.util.is_mouse_press(event): if button == 1: emit_command('show-context') return super(GraphlogViewer, self).mouse_event(size, event, button, col, row, True) class ManifestViewer(Body): """Manifest viewer""" def __init__(self, walker, ctx, *args, **kwargs): self.manifest_walker = ManifestWalker(walker=walker, ctx=ctx, manage_description=True, *args, **kwargs) body = ScrollableListBox(self.manifest_walker) super(ManifestViewer, self).__init__(body=body, *args, **kwargs) signals.connect_signal(self.manifest_walker, 'focus changed', self.update_title) self.title = 'Manifest' def update_title(self, filename): '''update the body title.''' tot = len(self.manifest_walker) if self.manifest_walker.focus < 0: self.title = '%i file%s' % (tot, 's' * (tot > 1)) return cur = self.manifest_walker.focus + 1 self.title = '%i/%i [%i%%]' % (cur, tot, cur*100/tot) def render(self, size, focus=True): '''Render the manifest viewer. Always use the focus style.''' return super(ManifestViewer, self).render(size, True) class SourceViewer(Body): """Source Viewer""" signals = ['translated'] def __init__(self, text, *args, **kwargs): self.text = SourceText(text, wrap='clip') self.position = 0 body = ScrollableListBox([self.text]) super(SourceViewer, self).__init__(body=body, *args, **kwargs) def update_position(self, size, isdown): curr, fullheight = self.body.inset_fraction _, displayedheight = size stroke = fullheight - displayedheight if stroke <= 0: # fully displayed self.position = 100 if isdown else 0 else: self.position = max(min(curr * 100 / stroke, 100), 0) signals.emit_signal(self, 'translated') def keypress(self, size, key): super(SourceViewer, self).keypress(size, key) if key.endswith(('up', 'down')): self.update_position(size, key.endswith('down')) def mouse_event(self, size, event, button, col, row, focus): """Scroll content""" if is_mouse_press(event) and button in (4, 5): self.update_position(size) return super(SourceViewer, self).mouse_event(size, event, button, col, row, focus) class ContextViewer(Columns): """Context viewer (manifest and source)""" signals = ['update source title'] MANIFEST_SIZE = 0.3 def __init__(self, walker, *args, **kwargs): self._walker = walker self._filename = None self._size_cache = (0, 0) self.cfg = HgConfig(walker.repo.ui) self.manifest = ManifestViewer(walker=walker, ctx=None) self.manifest_walker = self.manifest.manifest_walker self.source = SourceViewer('') self.source_text = self.source.text self._source_title_cache = '' widget_list = [('weight', 1 - self.MANIFEST_SIZE, self.source), ('fixed', 1, AttrWrap(SolidFill(' '), 'banner')), ('weight', self.MANIFEST_SIZE, self.manifest), ] super(ContextViewer, self).__init__(widget_list=widget_list, *args, **kwargs) signals.connect_signal(self.manifest_walker, 'focus changed', self.update_source) signals.connect_signal(self, 'update source title', self.update_source_title_cache) signals.connect_signal(self.source, 'translated', self.update_source_title) def register_commands(self): """Register commands and commands of bodies""" register_command('set-max-file-size', 'max size of handled file for diff computation, and so on.', CA('size', int, 'octets (-1 means no max size)')) connect_command('set-max-file-size', self.modify_max_file_size) def unregister_commands(self): """Unregister commands and commands of bodies""" unregister_command('set-max-file-size') def modify_max_file_size(self, size): """Modify the max handled file size and update the source content.""" self._walker.graph.maxfilesize = size self.update_source(self._filename) def update_source_title_cache(self, filename, flag): """ Display information about the file in the title of the source body. """ ctx = self.manifest_walker.ctx title = [] if filename is None: title.append(' Description') elif flag == '' or flag == '-': title += [' Removed file: ', ('focus', filename)] else: filectx = ctx.filectx(filename) flag = exec_flag_changed(filectx) if flag: title += [' Exec mode: ', ('focus', flag)] if isbfile(filename): title.append('bfile tracked') renamed = filectx.renamed() if renamed: title += [' Renamed from: ', ('focus', renamed[0])] title += [' File name: ', ('focus', filename)] self._source_title_cache = title self.update_source_title() def update_source_title(self): self.source.title = ['[% 3s%%]' % self.source.position] + self._source_title_cache def update_source(self, filename): """Update the source content.""" ctx = self.manifest_walker.ctx if ctx is None: return self._filename = filename numbering = False flag = '' if filename is None: # source content is the changeset description wrap = 'space' # Do not cut description and wrap content data = tounicode(ctx.description()) if pygments: lexer = lexers.RstLexer() else: # source content is a file wrap = 'clip' # truncate lines flag, data = self.manifest_walker.filedata(filename) lexer = None # default to inspect filename and/or content if flag == '=' and pygments: # modified => display diff lexer = lexers.DiffLexer() if flag == '=' else None elif flag == '-' or flag == '': # removed => just say it if pygments: lexer = lexers.DiffLexer() data = '- Removed file' elif flag == '+': # Added => display content numbering = True lexer = None signals.delay_emit_signal(self, 'update source title', 0.05, filename, flag) self.source_text.set_wrap_mode(wrap) self.source_text.set_text(data or '') if pygments: self.source_text.lexer = lexer self.source_text.numbering = numbering self.source.body.set_focus_valign('top') # reset offset self.source.position = 0 def keypress(self, size, key): self._size_cache = size try: self._keypress(hg_command_map[key]) except CommandError: return key def _keypress(self, command): "allow subclasses to intercept keystrokes" widths = self.column_widths(self._size_cache) maxrow = self._size_cache[1] if command.startswith('source'): self._previous_source_position = self.source.position if command == 'manifest up': _size = widths[2], maxrow self.manifest.keypress(_size, 'up') elif command == 'manifest down': _size = widths[2], maxrow self.manifest.keypress(_size, 'down') if command == 'source up': _size = widths[0], maxrow self.source.keypress(_size, 'up') elif command == 'source down': _size = widths[0], maxrow self.source.keypress(_size, 'down') elif command == 'manifest page up': _size = widths[2], maxrow self.manifest.keypress(_size, 'page up') elif command == 'manifest page down': _size = widths[2], maxrow self.manifest.keypress(_size, 'page down') if command == 'source page up': _size = widths[0], maxrow self.source.keypress(_size, 'page up') elif command == 'source page down': _size = widths[0], maxrow self.source.keypress(_size, 'page down') else: CommandError('unknown command: %r' % command) def clear(self): """Clear content""" self.manifest_walker.clear() self.source_text.set_text('') class RepoViewer(Pile): """Repository viewer (graphlog and context)""" CONTEXT_SIZE = 0.5 def __init__(self, repo, *args, **kwargs): if repo.root is None: raise RepoError("There is no Mercurial repository here (.hg not found)!") self.repo = repo self.cfg = HgConfig(repo.ui) self._show_context = 0 # O:hide, 1:half, 2:maximized self.refreshing = False # flag to now if the repo is refreshing self._walker = HgRepoListWalker(repo) self.graphlog = GraphlogViewer(walker=self._walker) self.context = ContextViewer(walker=self._walker) widget_list = [('weight', 1 - self.CONTEXT_SIZE, self.graphlog),] super(RepoViewer, self).__init__(widget_list=widget_list, focus_item=0, *args, **kwargs) if self.cfg.getContentAtStartUp(): self.show_context() def update_context(self, ctx): """Change the current displayed context""" self.context.manifest_walker.set_ctx(ctx, reset_focus=(not self.refreshing)) def register_commands(self): """Register commands and commands of bodies""" register_command('hide-context', 'Hide context pane.') register_command('show-context', 'Show context pane.', CA('height', float, 'Relative height [0-1] of the context pane.')) register_command('maximize-context', 'Maximize context pane.') self.graphlog.register_commands() self.context.register_commands() connect_command('hide-context', self.hide_context) connect_command('show-context', self.show_context) connect_command('maximize-context', self.maximize_context) connect_command('refresh', self.refresh) def unregister_commands(self): """Unregister commands and commands of bodies""" self.graphlog.unregister_commands() self.context.unregister_commands() def refresh(self): graphlog_walker = self.graphlog.graphlog_walker manifest_walker = self.context.manifest_walker self.refreshing = True rev = graphlog_walker.rev filename = manifest_walker.filename self._walker.setRepo() try: graphlog_walker.set_rev(rev) # => focus changed => update_context except AttributeError: # rev stripped graphlog_walker.rev = None manifest_walker.filename = filename self.refreshing = False def hide_context(self): ''' hide the context widget''' if self._show_context == 0: # already hidden return self._deactivate_context() self.item_types[:] = [('weight', 1)] self.widget_list[:] = [self.graphlog] self._show_context = 0 def maximize_context(self): '''hide the graphlog widget''' if self._show_context == 2: # already maximized return self._activate_context() self.item_types[:] = [('weight', 1)] self.widget_list[:] = [self.context] self._show_context = 2 def show_context(self, height=None): '''show context and graphlog widgets''' if self._show_context == 1: # already half return self._activate_context() if height is None: height = self.CONTEXT_SIZE self.item_types[:] = [('weight', 1 - height), ('weight', height),] self.widget_list[:] = [self.graphlog, self.context] self._show_context = 1 def _activate_context(self): context_walker = self.context.manifest_walker graphlog_ctx = self.graphlog.graphlog_walker.get_ctx() if context_walker.ctx != graphlog_ctx: self.update_context(graphlog_ctx) signals.connect_signal(self.graphlog.graphlog_walker, 'focus changed', self.update_context) def _deactivate_context(self): signals.disconnect_signal(self.graphlog.graphlog_walker, 'focus changed', self.update_context) def keypress(self, size, key): "allow subclasses to intercept keystrokes" if self._show_context == 0 and hg_command_map[key] == 'validate': self.show_context() return if hg_command_map[key] == 'close pane' and self._show_context > 0: # allows others to catch 'close pane' self.hide_context() return if self._show_context < 2: if hg_command_map[key] == 'graphlog up': _size = self.get_item_size(size, 0, True) self.graphlog.keypress(_size, 'up') return if hg_command_map[key] == 'graphlog down': _size = self.get_item_size(size, 0, True) self.graphlog.keypress(_size, 'down') return if hg_command_map[key] == 'graphlog page up': _size = self.get_item_size(size, 0, True) self.graphlog.keypress(_size, 'page up') return if hg_command_map[key] == 'graphlog page down': _size = self.get_item_size(size, 0, True) self.graphlog.keypress(_size, 'page down') return if self._show_context > 0: idx = 1 if self._show_context == 1 else 0 _size = self.get_item_size(size, idx, True) return self.context.keypress(_size, key) return key def mouse_event(self, size, event, button, col, row, focus): """Hide context""" if urwid.util.is_mouse_press(event): if button == 3: emit_command('hide-context') return return super(RepoViewer, self).mouse_event(size, event, button, col, row, focus)