# module getopt -- Standard command line processing. # Function getopt.getopt() has a different interface but provides the # similar functionality to the Unix getopt() function, with the # addition of long-option support. (Long option support added by Lars # Wirzenius .) # It has two required arguments: the first should be argv[1:] (it # doesn't want the script name), the second the string of option # letters as passed to Unix getopt() (i.e., a string of allowable # option letters, with options requiring an argument followed by a # colon). # The optional third argument, if present, getopt.getopt works similar # to the GNU getopt_long function (but optional arguments are not # supported). The third argument should be a list of strings that # name the long options. If the name ends '=', the argument requires # an argument. # It raises the exception getopt.error with a string argument if it # detects an error. # It returns two values: # (1) a list of pairs (option, option_argument) giving the options in # the order in which they were specified. (I'd use a dictionary # but applications may depend on option order or multiple # occurrences.) Boolean options have '' as option_argument. # (2) the list of remaining arguments (may be empty). import string error = 'getopt.error' def getopt(args, shortopts, longopts = []): list = [] longopts = longopts[:] longopts.sort() while args and args[0][:1] == '-' and args[0] != '-': if args[0] == '--': args = args[1:] break if args[0][:2] == '--': list, args = do_longs(list, args[0][2:], longopts, args[1:]) else: list, args = do_shorts(list, args[0][1:], shortopts, args[1:]) return list, args def do_longs(list, opt, longopts, args): try: i = string.index(opt, '=') opt, optarg = opt[:i], opt[i+1:] except ValueError: optarg = None has_arg, opt = long_has_args(opt, longopts) if has_arg: if optarg is None: if not args: raise error, 'option --%s requires argument' % opt optarg, args = args[0], args[1:] elif optarg: raise error, 'option --%s must not have an argument' % opt list.append(('--' + opt, optarg or '')) return list, args # Return: # has_arg? # full option name def long_has_args(opt, longopts): optlen = len(opt) for i in range(len(longopts)): x, y = longopts[i][:optlen], longopts[i][optlen:] if opt != x: continue if y != '' and y != '=' and i+1 < len(longopts): if opt == longopts[i+1][:optlen]: raise error, 'option --%s not a unique prefix' % opt if longopts[i][-1:] in ('=', ): return 1, longopts[i][:-1] return 0, longopts[i] raise error, 'option --' + opt + ' not recognized' def do_shorts(list, optstring, shortopts, args): while optstring != '': opt, optstring = optstring[0], optstring[1:] if short_has_arg(opt, shortopts): if optstring == '': if not args: raise error, 'option -%s requires argument' % opt optstring, args = args[0], args[1:] optarg, optstring = optstring, '' else: optarg = '' list.append(('-' + opt, optarg)) return list, args def short_has_arg(opt, shortopts): for i in range(len(shortopts)): if opt == shortopts[i] != ':': return shortopts[i+1:i+2] == ':' raise error, 'option -%s not recognized' % opt if __name__ == '__main__': import sys print getopt(sys.argv[1:], "a:b", ["alpha=", "beta"])