.. bpo: 33001 .. date: 2018-03-05-10-09-51 .. nonce: elj4Aa .. release date: 2018-07-19 .. section: Security Minimal fix to prevent buffer overrun in os.symlink on Windows .. .. bpo: 32981 .. date: 2018-03-02-10-24-52 .. nonce: O_qDyj .. section: Security Regexes in difflib and poplib were vulnerable to catastrophic backtracking. These regexes formed potential DOS vectors (REDOS). They have been refactored. This resolves CVE-2018-1060 and CVE-2018-1061. Patch by Jamie Davis. .. .. bpo: 33216 .. date: 2018-07-19-00-02-23 .. nonce: YrBgBe .. section: Documentation Clarify the documentation for CALL_FUNCTION_VAR, CALL_FUNCTION_KW, and CALL_FUNCTION_VAR_KW.