package prefuse.activity; import java.util.HashMap; /** *

Maps between Activity instances and user-defined keys. Can be used to * maintain and schedule Activity instances through a layer of indirection.

* *

* For example, an Activity could be stored in the map using the method * call put("activity", activityRef). The Activity pointed to by activityRef * could then be subsequently scheduled using the method call * run("activity"). Furthermore, the Activity referred to by the * key "activity" could be changed later by another call to put(), changing * a visualization's behavior without modifying any other application code. *

* * @author jeffrey heer */ public class ActivityMap { private HashMap m_map; private ActivityMap m_parent; /** * Creates a new ActivityMap instance. */ public ActivityMap() { this(null); } /** * Creates a new ActivityMap instance with the specified parent map. * @param parent The parent map to use. This map is referred to to resolve * keys that are not found within this, the child map. */ public ActivityMap(ActivityMap parent) { m_map = new HashMap(); m_parent = parent; } /** * Clears the contents of this ActivityMap. Does not affect the parent map. */ public void clear() { m_map.clear(); } /** * Returns the number of mappings in this ActivityMap. Does not include * mappings stored in the parent map. * @return the number of mappings in this ActivityMap */ public int size() { return m_map.size(); } /** * Returns the Activity associated with the given key. If the key is not * found in this map, the parent map is consulted. If no result is found, * null is returned. * @param key the key corresponding to a requested Activity instance * @return the requested Activity instance, or null if not found by this map * or the parent map. */ public Activity get(String key) { Activity a = (Activity)m_map.get(key); return (a==null && m_parent!=null ? m_parent.get(key) : a); } /** * Runs the Activity corresponding to the given key with the * ActivityManager to begin at the specified time. * @param key the key corresponding to the Activity to run * @param time the start time at which to begin the Activity * @return the scheduled Activity, or null if not found */ public Activity runAt(String key, long time) { Activity a = get(key); if ( a != null ) ActivityManager.scheduleAt(a,time); return a; } /** * Schedules the Activity corresponding to the given key to be run * immediately by the ActivityManager. * @param key the key corresponding to the Activity to run * @return the scheduled Activity, or null if not found */ public Activity run(String key) { Activity a = get(key); if ( a != null ) ActivityManager.scheduleNow(a); return a; } /** * Schedules the Activity corresponding to the afterKey to be run * immediately after the completion of the Activity corresponding to * the beforeKey. This method has no scheduling effect on the Activity * corresponding to the before key. * @param beforeKey the key corresponding to the first Activity * @param afterKey the key corresponding to the Activity to be scheduled * after the completion of the first. * @return the second, newly scheduled Activity, or null if either of the * keys are not found */ public Activity runAfter(String beforeKey, String afterKey) { Activity before = get(beforeKey); Activity after = get(afterKey); if ( before != null && after != null ) ActivityManager.scheduleAfter(before, after); return after; } /** * Schedules the Activity corresponding to the afterKey to always be run * immediately after the completion of the Activity corresponding to * the beforeKey. This method has no scheduling effect on the Activity * corresponding to the before key. * @param beforeKey the key corresponding to the first Activity * @param afterKey the key corresponding to the Activity to be scheduled * after the completion of the first. * @return the second, newly scheduled Activity, or null if either of the * keys are not found */ public Activity alwaysRunAfter(String beforeKey, String afterKey) { Activity before = get(beforeKey); Activity after = get(afterKey); if ( before != null && after != null ) ActivityManager.alwaysScheduleAfter(before, after); return after; } /** * Cancels the Activity corresponding to the given key. * @param key the lookup key for the Activity to cancel * @return the cancelled Activity, or null if no Activity * was found for the given key. */ public Activity cancel(String key) { Activity a = get(key); if ( a != null ) a.cancel(); return a; } /** * Associates the given key with the given Activity * @param key the key to associate with the Activity * @param activity an Activity instance * @return the Activity previously mapped to by the key, or null if none */ public Activity put(String key, Activity activity) { return (Activity)m_map.put(key, activity); } /** * Removes a mapping from this ActivityMap. The parent map, if any, * is not effected by this method. * @param key the key of the mapping to remove */ public void remove(Object key) { m_map.remove(key); } /** * Returns an array consisting of all the keys associated with this * map. This does not include any mappings in the parent map. * @return an array of all keys in this ActivityMap */ public Object[] keys() { return m_map.keySet().toArray(); } /** * Returns all keys in this ActivityMap, and in the parent map, and the * parent's parent, etc. * @return an array of all keys in this ActivityMap and its parents */ public Object[] allKeys() { Object[] a1 = m_map.keySet().toArray(); if ( m_parent != null ) { Object[] a2 = m_parent.allKeys(); if ( a2 != null && a2.length > 0 ) { Object[] o = new Object[a1.length+a2.length]; System.arraycopy(a1,0,o,0,a1.length); System.arraycopy(a2,0,o,a1.length,a2.length); return o; } } return a1; } /** * Sets this ActivityMap's parent. null values are legal, and * indicate this map has no parent. * @param parent the new parent for this map, or null for no parent */ public void setParent(ActivityMap parent) { m_parent = parent; } /** * Returns this ActivityMap's parent map. This method return null if * this map has no parent. * @return this map's parent map */ public ActivityMap getParent() { return m_parent; } } // end of class ActivityMap