Raw File
(*  This file is part of BINSEC.                                          *)
(*                                                                        *)
(*  Copyright (C) 2016-2021                                               *)
(*    CEA (Commissariat à l'énergie atomique et aux énergies              *)
(*         alternatives)                                                  *)
(*                                                                        *)
(*  you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU   *)
(*  Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software       *)
(*  Foundation, version 2.1.                                              *)
(*                                                                        *)
(*  It is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,                 *)
(*  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of        *)
(*  GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.                   *)
(*                                                                        *)
(*  See the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1                 *)
(*  for more details (enclosed in the file licenses/LGPLv2.1).            *)
(*                                                                        *)

open Dba

module Logger = Logger.Make (struct
  let name = "dba"

type instruction_sequence = (Dba.address * Dba.Instr.t) list

let malloc_id = ref 0

module Caddress = struct
  module X = struct
    type t = Dba.address

    let compare a1 a2 =
      let c = a1.base a2.base in
      if c = 0 then - else c

  include Basic_types.Collection_make.Default (X)

  let compare =

  let create base id =
    assert (id >= 0);
    { base; id }

  let rebase a base = create base

  let reid a id = create a.base id

  let block_start bv = create bv 0

  let base_value addr = addr.base

  let equal caddr1 caddr2 = compare caddr1 caddr2 = 0

  let pp_base ppf v = Format.fprintf ppf "%a" Virtual_address.pp v.base

  let add_int a n = rebase a (Virtual_address.add_int n a.base)

  let add_id a n = reid a (n +

  let block_start_of_int n = block_start (Virtual_address.create n)

  let default_init = ref (block_start_of_int 0)

  let to_virtual_address caddr = base_value caddr

  let of_virtual_address n = block_start n

module Call_stack = struct
  exception Not_equal_stacks of int

  type t = (Caddress.t * Caddress.t) list

  let compare stack1 stack2 =
    let len1 = List.length stack1 and len2 = List.length stack2 in
    if len1 <> len2 then len1 - len2
          (fun (a1, a2) (aa1, aa2) ->
            if a1 aa1 = 0 then
              if a2 aa2 = 0 then ()
              else raise (Not_equal_stacks ( a2 aa2))
            else raise (Not_equal_stacks ( a1 aa1)))
          stack1 stack2;
      | Not_equal_stacks c -> c
      | Invalid_argument _ -> failwith "not equal lists in compare_stacks!"

  let _equal stack1 stack2 = compare stack1 stack2 = 0

  let rec pp fmt = function
    | [] -> Format.fprintf fmt "main"
    | (_caller, callee) :: stack ->
        Format.fprintf fmt "%a %a" pp stack Dba_printer.Ascii.pp_code_address

(* Region *)
module ComparableRegion = struct
  type t = Dba.region

  let compare r1 r2 =
    match (r1, r2) with
    | `Constant, `Constant -> 0
    | `Stack, `Stack -> 0
    | `Malloc ((id1, _), _), `Malloc ((id2, _), _) -> compare id1 id2
    | `Constant, _ -> 1
    | `Stack, `Constant -> -1
    | `Stack, _ -> 1
    | `Malloc _, _ -> -1

module Region = struct
  include Basic_types.Collection_make.Default (ComparableRegion)

  let malloc _sz =
    let a = Caddress.block_start (Virtual_address.create (-1)) in
    `Malloc ((-1, a),

  let pp ppf = function
    | `Constant -> Format.fprintf ppf "constant"
    | `Malloc _ -> Format.fprintf ppf "heap"
    | `Stack -> Format.fprintf ppf "stack"

(* Rights *)
module Rights = struct
  type action = R | W | X

  include Map.Make (struct
    type t = action * Dba.region

    let compare (a1, b1) (a2, b2) =
      let i = b1 b2 in
      if i = 0 then compare a1 a2 else i

  let find_right right v m = find (right, v) m

  let find_read_right v m = find_right R v m

  let find_write_right v m = find_right W v m

  let find_exec_right v m = find_right X v m

module Expr : sig
  include Sigs.PRINTABLE with type t := Dba.Expr.t

  type t = Dba.Expr.t

  val var : string -> Size.Bit.t -> Dba.VarTag.t -> t

  val flag : ?bits:Size.Bit.t -> string -> t

  val temporary : string -> Size.Bit.t -> t

  val sext : t -> Size.Bit.t -> t

  val uext : t -> Size.Bit.t -> t

  val bool_false : t

  val bool_true : t

  val temp : Size.Bit.t -> t

  val is_symbolic : t -> bool

  val of_lvalue : Dba.LValue.t -> t

  val is_zero : t -> bool

  val is_one : t -> bool

  val is_max : t -> bool

  val variables : t -> Basic_types.String.Set.t

  val temporaries : t -> Basic_types.String.Set.t
end = struct
  type t = Dba.Expr.t

  let var name nbits tag =
    let sz = Size.Bit.to_int nbits in
    Dba.Expr.var name sz ~tag

  let flag ?(bits = Size.Bit.bits1) flagname = var flagname bits Dba.VarTag.Flag

  let temporary tempname nbits =
    let size = Size.Bit.to_int nbits in
    Dba.Expr.temporary ~size tempname

  let pp = Dba_printer.Ascii.pp_bl_term

  let sext e bitsize = Dba.Expr.sext (Size.Bit.to_int bitsize) e

  let uext e bitsize = Dba.Expr.uext (Size.Bit.to_int bitsize) e

  let temp size =
    let name = Format.asprintf "temp%a" Size.Bit.pp size in
    temporary name size

  let bool_true =

  let bool_false =

  open! Dba

  let rec is_symbolic = function
    | Expr.Var _ | Expr.Load _ -> true
    | Expr.Unary (_, e) -> is_symbolic e
    | Expr.Binary (_, e1, e2) -> is_symbolic e1 || is_symbolic e2
    | Expr.Ite (c, e1, e2) -> is_symbolic c || is_symbolic e1 || is_symbolic e2
    | _ -> false

  let of_lvalue = function
    | LValue.Var { name; size; info = tag } -> Expr.var name size ~tag
    | LValue.Restrict (v, { Interval.lo = o1; Interval.hi = o2 }) ->
        Expr.restrict o1 o2 (Expr.var v.size
    | LValue.Store (sz, endiannness, e) ->
        let bysz = Size.Byte.create sz in
        Expr.load bysz endiannness e

  let is_zero = function Expr.Cst bv -> Bitvector.is_zeros bv | _ -> false

  let is_one = function Expr.Cst bv -> Bitvector.is_ones bv | _ -> false

  let is_max = function
    | Dba.Expr.Cst bv -> Bitvector.is_max_ubv bv
    | _ -> false

  let rec variables = function
    | Dba.Expr.Cst _ -> Basic_types.String.Set.empty
    | Dba.Expr.Unary (_, e) | Dba.Expr.Load (_, _, e) -> variables e
    | Dba.Expr.Var { name; _ } -> Basic_types.String.Set.singleton name
    | Dba.Expr.Binary (_, e1, e2) | Dba.Expr.Ite (_, e1, e2) ->
        Basic_types.String.Set.union (variables e1) (variables e2)

  let rec temporaries = function
    | Dba.Expr.Cst _ -> Basic_types.String.Set.empty
    | Dba.Expr.Unary (_, e) | Dba.Expr.Load (_, _, e) -> temporaries e
    | Dba.Expr.Var { name; info = Dba.VarTag.Temp; _ } ->
        Basic_types.String.Set.singleton name
    | Dba.Expr.Var _ -> Basic_types.String.Set.empty
    | Dba.Expr.Binary (_, e1, e2) | Dba.Expr.Ite (_, e1, e2) ->
        Basic_types.String.Set.union (temporaries e1) (temporaries e2)

module LValue = struct
  type t = LValue.t

  module Map = Map.Make (struct
    type t = Dba.LValue.t

    let compare = compare

  let bitsize lval =
    let sz =
      match lval with
      | LValue.Var v -> v.size
      | LValue.Store (size, _, _) -> 8 * size
      | LValue.Restrict (_, { Interval.lo; Interval.hi }) -> hi - lo + 1
    Size.Bit.create sz

  let unsafe_bitsize lval = bitsize lval |> Size.Bit.to_int

  let _pp = Dba_printer.Ascii.pp_lhs

  let name_of = function
    | LValue.Var { name; _ } | LValue.Restrict ({ name; _ }, _) -> Some name
    | LValue.Store _ -> None

  let is_temporary = function
    | LValue.Var { info = VarTag.Temp; _ } -> true
    | LValue.Var _ | LValue.Restrict _ | LValue.Store _ -> false

  let is_flag = function
    | LValue.Var { info = VarTag.Flag; _ } -> true
    | LValue.Var _ | LValue.Restrict _ | LValue.Store _ -> false

  let variables = function
    | LValue.Var { name; _ } | LValue.Restrict ({ name; _ }, _) ->
        Basic_types.String.Set.singleton name
    | LValue.Store (_, _, e) -> Expr.variables e

  let temporaries = function
    | LValue.Var { name; info = VarTag.Temp; _ } ->
        Basic_types.String.Set.singleton name
    | LValue.Var _ | LValue.Restrict _ -> Basic_types.String.Set.empty
    (* Restrict cannot be applied to temporaries : check that! *)
    | LValue.Store (_, _, e) -> Expr.temporaries e

module ComparableAddressStack = struct
  type t = Caddress.t * Call_stack.t * int

  let compare (a1, stack1, loop1) (a2, stack2, loop2) =
    let c = stack1 stack2 in
    if c = 0 then
      let c' = a1 a2 in
      if c' = 0 then compare loop1 loop2 else c'
    else c

module AddressStack = struct
  include Basic_types.Collection_make.Default (ComparableAddressStack)

  let pp fmt (caddr, call_stack, n) =
    Format.fprintf fmt "@[<hov 2>%a@,<%a>@,(%d)@]"
      Dba_printer.Ascii.pp_code_address caddr Call_stack.pp call_stack n

type 'a dbainstrmap = (Dba.Instr.t * 'a option) Caddress.Map.t

module Declarations = struct
  type t = (Dba.size * Dba.VarTag.t) Basic_types.String.Map.t

  open Basic_types.String.Map

  let of_list declarations =
      (fun smap (id, size, opttags) -> add id (size, opttags) smap)
      empty declarations

module Jump_target = struct
  let outer_jumps = function
    | JInner _ -> Virtual_address.Set.empty
    | JOuter a -> Virtual_address.Set.singleton (Caddress.to_virtual_address a)

type ('a, 'b) defuse = { defs : 'a; uses : 'b }

module Instruction = struct
  type t = Dba.Instr.t

  let set_successor i id =
    let open Dba.Instr in
    match i with
    | Assign (lv, e, _) -> assign lv e id
    | If (c, jt, _) -> ite c jt id
    | Assert (c, _) -> _assert c id
    | Assume (c, _) -> assume c id
    | NondetAssume (lvs, c, _) -> non_deterministic_assume lvs c id
    | Nondet (lv, region, _) -> non_deterministic lv ~region id
    | Undef (lv, _) -> undefined lv id
    | Malloc (lv, e, _) -> malloc lv e id
    | Free (e, _) -> free e id
    | Print (ds, _) -> print ds id
    | Stop _ | SJump _ | DJump _ -> i

  let reloc =
    let open Dba.Instr in
    fun ?(outer = fun x -> x) ?(inner = fun x -> x) -> function
      | Assign (lv, e, id) -> assign lv e (inner id)
      | If (c, (Dba.JOuter _ as jt), id) -> ite c (outer jt) (inner id)
      | If (c, Dba.JInner goto, id) ->
          ite c (Dba.Jump_target.inner (inner goto)) (inner id)
      | Assert (c, id) -> _assert c (inner id)
      | Assume (c, id) -> assume c (inner id)
      | NondetAssume (lvs, c, id) -> non_deterministic_assume lvs c (inner id)
      | Nondet (lv, region, id) -> non_deterministic lv ~region (inner id)
      | Undef (lv, id) -> undefined lv (inner id)
      | Malloc (lv, e, id) -> malloc lv e (inner id)
      | Free (e, id) -> free e (inner id)
      | Print (ds, id) -> print ds (inner id)
      | SJump (Dba.JInner goto, tag) -> static_inner_jump ?tag (inner goto)
      | SJump ((Dba.JOuter _ as j), tag) -> static_jump ?tag (outer j)
      | (DJump _ | Stop _) as i -> i

  let generic_reset_successors ~p ~f instr =
    let new_id id = if p id then f id else id in
    let new_jt = function
      | JOuter _ as jt -> jt
      | JInner id -> Dba.Jump_target.inner (new_id id)
    let open Dba.Instr in
    match instr with
    | Assign (lv, e, id) -> assign lv e (new_id id)
    | If (c, jt, id) -> ite c (new_jt jt) (new_id id)
    | Assert (c, id) -> _assert c (new_id id)
    | Assume (c, id) -> assume c (new_id id)
    | NondetAssume (lvs, c, id) -> non_deterministic_assume lvs c (new_id id)
    | Nondet (lv, region, id) -> non_deterministic lv ~region (new_id id)
    | Undef (lv, id) -> undefined lv (new_id id)
    | Malloc (lv, e, id) -> malloc lv e (new_id id)
    | Free (e, id) -> free e (new_id id)
    | Print (ds, id) -> print ds (new_id id)
    | SJump (jt, tag) -> static_jump ?tag (new_jt jt)
    | Stop _ | DJump _ -> instr

  let reset_successor ~src_id ~dst_id instr =
    generic_reset_successors ~p:(( = ) src_id) ~f:(fun _ -> dst_id) instr

  let successors = function
    | Instr.Assign (_, _, i)
    | Instr.Assert (_, i)
    | Instr.Assume (_, i)
    | Instr.NondetAssume (_, _, i)
    | Instr.Nondet (_, _, i)
    | Instr.Undef (_, i)
    | Instr.Malloc (_, _, i)
    | Instr.Free (_, i)
    | Instr.Print (_, i) ->
        [ Dba.Jump_target.inner i ]
    | Instr.Stop _ -> []
    | Instr.SJump (jt, _) -> [ jt ]
    | Instr.If (_, jt, i) -> [ jt; Dba.Jump_target.inner i ]
    | Instr.DJump _ -> []

  let no_defs uses = { defs = Basic_types.String.Set.empty; uses }

  let variables = function
    | Instr.Malloc (lv, e, _) | Instr.Assign (lv, e, _) ->
        { defs = LValue.variables lv; uses = Expr.variables e }
    | Instr.Print _ | Instr.Stop _ | Instr.SJump _ ->
        no_defs Basic_types.String.Set.empty
    | Instr.Free (e, _) | Instr.DJump (e, _) -> no_defs (Expr.variables e)
    | Instr.If (c, _, _) | Instr.Assert (c, _) | Instr.Assume (c, _) ->
        no_defs (Expr.variables c)
    | Instr.NondetAssume (lvals, c, _) ->
          defs =
              (fun s lv -> Basic_types.String.Set.union s (LValue.variables lv))
              Basic_types.String.Set.empty lvals;
          uses = Expr.variables c;
    | Instr.Nondet (lval, _, _) | Instr.Undef (lval, _) ->
        { defs = LValue.variables lval; uses = Basic_types.String.Set.empty }

  let temporaries = function
    | Instr.Malloc (lv, e, _) | Instr.Assign (lv, e, _) ->
        { defs = LValue.temporaries lv; uses = Expr.temporaries e }
    | Instr.Print _ | Instr.Stop _ | Instr.SJump _ ->
          defs = Basic_types.String.Set.empty;
          uses = Basic_types.String.Set.empty;
    | Instr.Free (e, _) | Instr.DJump (e, _) ->
        { defs = Basic_types.String.Set.empty; uses = Expr.temporaries e }
    | Instr.If (c, _, _) | Instr.Assert (c, _) | Instr.Assume (c, _) ->
        { defs = Basic_types.String.Set.empty; uses = Expr.temporaries c }
    | Instr.NondetAssume (lvals, c, _) ->
          defs =
              (fun s lv ->
                Basic_types.String.Set.union s (LValue.temporaries lv))
              Basic_types.String.Set.empty lvals;
          uses = Expr.temporaries c;
    | Instr.Nondet (lval, _, _) | Instr.Undef (lval, _) ->
        { defs = LValue.temporaries lval; uses = Basic_types.String.Set.empty }

  let outer_jumps instr =
    match instr with
    | Instr.Assign _ | Instr.Stop _ | Instr.Assert _ | Instr.Assume _
    | Instr.NondetAssume _ | Instr.Nondet _ | Instr.Undef _ | Instr.Free _
    | Instr.Malloc _
    | Instr.DJump (_, (Some Return | None))
    | Instr.Print _ ->
    | Instr.DJump (_, Some (Call a)) ->
        Virtual_address.Set.singleton (Caddress.to_virtual_address a)
    | Instr.SJump (jt, Some (Call a)) ->
          (Caddress.to_virtual_address a)
          (Jump_target.outer_jumps jt)
    | Instr.SJump (jt, (Some Return | None)) | Instr.If (_, jt, _) ->
        Jump_target.outer_jumps jt

  let is_call = function
    | Instr.SJump (_, Some (Call _)) | Instr.DJump (_, Some (Call _)) -> true
    | _ -> false

  let is_return = function
    | Instr.SJump (_, Some Return)
    (* Returns are actually encoded mostly that way *)
    | Instr.DJump (_, Some Return) ->
    | _ -> false

module Statement = struct
  type t = { location : Caddress.t; instruction : Instr.t }

  let create a i = { location = a; instruction = i }

  let location li = li.location

  let instruction li = li.instruction

  let set_instruction li instruction = { li with instruction }

  let set_location li location = { li with location }

  let pp ppf li =
    Format.fprintf ppf "%a: %a" Dba_printer.Ascii.pp_code_address li.location
      Dba_printer.Ascii.pp_instruction li.instruction

type read_perm = Read of bool

type write_perm = Write of bool

type exec_perm = Exec of bool

type permissions = Dba.Expr.t * (read_perm * write_perm * exec_perm)

type 'a program = {
  start_address : Dba.address;
  declarations : Declarations.t;
  permissions : permissions list Region.Map.t * Dba.Expr.t Rights.t;
  initializations : Dba.Instr.t list;
  instructions : 'a dbainstrmap;
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