"""Class based built-in exception hierarchy. New with Python 1.5, all standard built-in exceptions are now class objects by default. This gives Python's exception handling mechanism a more object-oriented feel. Traditionally they were string objects. Python will fallback to string based exceptions if the interpreter is invoked with the -X option, or if some failure occurs during class exception initialization (in this case a warning will be printed). Most existing code should continue to work with class based exceptions. Some tricky uses of IOError may break, but the most common uses should work. Here is a rundown of the class hierarchy. You can change this by editing this file, but it isn't recommended. The class names described here are expected to be found by the bltinmodule.c file. If you add classes here, you must modify bltinmodule.c or the exceptions won't be available in the __builtin__ module, nor will they be accessible from C. The classes with a `*' are new since Python 1.5. They are defined as tuples containing the derived exceptions when string-based exceptions are used. If you define your own class based exceptions, they should be derived from Exception. Exception(*) | +-- StandardError(*) | +-- SystemExit +-- KeyboardInterrupt +-- ImportError +-- EnvironmentError(*) | | | +-- IOError | +-- OSError(*) | +-- EOFError +-- RuntimeError | | | +-- NotImplementedError(*) | +-- NameError +-- AttributeError +-- SyntaxError +-- TypeError +-- AssertionError +-- LookupError(*) | | | +-- IndexError | +-- KeyError | +-- ArithmeticError(*) | | | +-- OverflowError | +-- ZeroDivisionError | +-- FloatingPointError | +-- ValueError +-- SystemError +-- MemoryError """ class Exception: def __init__(self, *args): self.args = args def __str__(self): if not self.args: return '' elif len(self.args) == 1: return str(self.args[0]) else: return str(self.args) def __getitem__(self, i): return self.args[i] class StandardError(Exception): pass class SyntaxError(StandardError): filename = lineno = offset = text = None msg = "" def __init__(self, *args): self.args = args if len(self.args) >= 1: self.msg = self.args[0] if len(self.args) == 2: info = self.args[1] try: self.filename, self.lineno, self.offset, self.text = info except: pass def __str__(self): return str(self.msg) class EnvironmentError(StandardError): """Base class for exceptions that occur outside the Python system. Primarily used as a base class for OSError and IOError.""" def __init__(self, *args): self.args = args self.errno = None self.strerror = None self.filename = None if len(args) == 3: # open() errors give third argument which is the filename. BUT, # so common in-place unpacking doesn't break, e.g.: # # except IOError, (errno, strerror): # # we hack args so that it only contains two items. This also # means we need our own __str__() which prints out the filename # when it was supplied. self.errno, self.strerror, self.filename = args self.args = args[0:2] if len(args) == 2: # common case: PyErr_SetFromErrno() self.errno, self.strerror = args def __str__(self): if self.filename is not None: return '[Errno %s] %s: %s' % (self.errno, self.strerror, repr(self.filename)) elif self.errno and self.strerror: return '[Errno %s] %s' % (self.errno, self.strerror) else: return StandardError.__str__(self) class IOError(EnvironmentError): pass class OSError(EnvironmentError): """Used by the posix module.""" pass class RuntimeError(StandardError): pass class NotImplementedError(RuntimeError): pass class SystemError(StandardError): pass class EOFError(StandardError): pass class ImportError(StandardError): pass class TypeError(StandardError): pass class ValueError(StandardError): pass class KeyboardInterrupt(StandardError): pass class AssertionError(StandardError): pass class ArithmeticError(StandardError): pass class OverflowError(ArithmeticError): pass class FloatingPointError(ArithmeticError): pass class ZeroDivisionError(ArithmeticError): pass class LookupError(StandardError): pass class IndexError(LookupError): pass class KeyError(LookupError): pass class AttributeError(StandardError): pass class NameError(StandardError): pass class MemoryError(StandardError): pass class SystemExit(Exception): def __init__(self, *args): self.args = args if len(args) == 0: self.code = None elif len(args) == 1: self.code = args[0] else: self.code = args