import os from mercurial import hg, ui, patch from mercurial.node import hex, short as short_hex, bin as short_bin from mercurial.localrepo import localrepository from mercurial.node import nullid from buildtree import RevGraph from StringIO import StringIO import textwrap import time import mercurial.commands import mercurial.cmdutil import re try: # try to use new API (hg 1.1) matchfiles = mercurial.cmdutil.matchfiles def pdiff(repo, node1, node2, match): return "\n".join(patch.diff(repo, node1=node1, node2=node2, match=match)) except AttributeError: print "Using hg 1.0" ## work with version 1.0.1 def matchfiles(repo, files): def match(filename, files=files): return filename in files return match def pdiff(repo, node1, node2, match): out = StringIO() patch.diff(repo, node1=node1, node2=node2, match=match, fp=out) return out.getvalue() class RevNode(object): __slots__ = "rev author_id desc localtime files tags branches".split() def __init__(self, rev, author_id, desc, date, files, tags, branches): self.rev = rev self.author_id = author_id self.desc = desc.strip()+"\n" #self.desc = desc self.localtime = date self.files = tuple(files) self.tags = tags self.branches = branches def get_short_log( self ): """Compute a short log from the full revision log""" offs = self.desc.find('\n') if offs>0: text = self.desc[:offs] else: text = "*** no log" return text short = property(get_short_log) def get_date( self ): date_ = time.strftime( "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M", self.localtime ) return date_ date = property(get_date) class Repository(object): """Abstract interface for a repository""" def __init__(self, path): """path : path of repository""" self.dir = self.find_repository( path ) # The list of authors names self.authors = [] # colors for the authors (need to get out of here) self.colors = [] # the list of nodes self.nodes = [] def find_repository(cls, path): """finds the root repository or raises its a class method so one can use it to find the best (closest to path) repo for a given type of repository """ raise NotImplementedError() find_repository = classmethod( find_repository ) def read_node( self, nodeid ): """Returns the node's attributes as RevNode instance""" raise NotImplementedError() def parents( self, node ): """Returns a list of parents' ids for the node""" raise NotImplementedError() def children( self, node ): """Returns a list of children's ids for the node""" raise NotImplementedError() def diff( self, node1, node2, files ): """Returns a diff between node1 and node2 for the files listed in files""" raise NotImplementedError() def count( self ): """Returns the number of nodes""" raise NotImplementedError() def graph( self, nodes ): """Returns a graph object allowing representation of the tree of revisions reduced to 'nodes' """ def add_tag( self, rev, label ): pass def get_branches(self): """ return branches """ def get_branches_heads(self): """ return branch heads """ # A default changelog_cache node EMPTY_NODE = (-1, # REV num "", # short desc -1, # author ID "", # full log "", # Date (), # file list [], # tags [], # branches ) COLORS = [ "blue", "darkgreen", "red", "green", "darkblue", "purple", "cyan", "magenta" ] class HgHLRepo(object): """high level operation on a mercurial repo """ def __init__(self, path): self.dir = self.find_repository( path ) self.ui = ui.ui() self.repo = hg.repository( self.ui, self.dir ) # cache and indexing of changelog self._cache = {} def refresh(self): self.repo = hg.repository( self.ui, self.dir ) def get_branch(self): return self.repo.branchtags() def get_branches_heads(self): return self.repo._readbranchcache() def find_repository(self, path): """returns 's mercurial repository None if is not under hg control """ path = os.path.abspath(path) while not os.path.isdir(os.path.join(path, ".hg")): oldpath = path path = os.path.dirname(path) if path == oldpath: return None return path find_repository = classmethod( find_repository ) def read_nodes(self): """Read the nodes of the changelog""" changelog = self.repo.changelog # we do not use new 1.1 API in which self.repo is iterable for # the sake of compatibility self.nodes = [changelog.node(i) for i in xrange(self.count())] self._cache = {} self.authors = [] self.branches =[] self.colors = [] self.branchcolors = [] self.authors_dict = {} self.branches_dict = {} def read_node( self, node ): """Gather revision information from mercurial""" nodeinfo = self._cache if node in nodeinfo: return nodeinfo[node] NCOLORS = len(COLORS) changelog = self.repo.changelog _, author, date, filelist, log, branches = node ) bid = len(branches['branch']) branch = branches['branch'] branch_id = self.branches_dict.setdefault( branch, bid ) if branch_id == bid: self.branches.append( branch ) self.branchcolors.append( COLORS[bid%NCOLORS] ) rev = changelog.rev( node ) aid = len(self.authors) author_id = self.authors_dict.setdefault( author, aid ) if author_id == aid: self.authors.append( author ) self.colors.append( COLORS[aid%NCOLORS] ) filelist = [ intern(f) for f in filelist ] date_ = time.localtime(date[0]) taglist = self.repo.nodetags(node) tags = ", ".join(taglist) _node = RevNode(rev, author_id, log, date_, filelist, tags, branches) nodeinfo[node] = _node return _node def graph( self, todo_nodes ): return RevGraph( self.repo, todo_nodes, self.nodes ) def parents( self, node ): parents = [ n for n in self.repo.changelog.parents(node) if n!=nullid ] if not parents: parents = [nullid] return parents def children( self, node ): return [ n for n in self.repo.changelog.children( node ) if n!=nullid ] def diff(self, parents, node2, files): fmatch = matchfiles(self.repo, files) changes = self.repo.status(parents[0], node2, match=fmatch)[:4] modified, added, removed, deleted = changes # find renamed files files = list(files[:]) diffmsg = "" ctx = self.repo.changectx(node2) for f in added: fctx = ctx.filectx(f) m = fctx.filelog().renamed(fctx.filenode()) if m: diffmsg += "%s renamed from %s:%s\n" % (f, m[0], hex(m[1])) files.remove(f) files.remove(m[0]) if len(parents)==1: return diffmsg , self.single_diff(parents[0], node2, files), changes else: #Fix: merge_diff don't work, temporary we will use single_diff in the both cases ##return self.merge_diff( parents, node2, files ) return diffmsg , self.single_diff(parents[0], node2, files), changes def single_diff( self, node1, node2, files): m = matchfiles(self.repo, files) return pdiff(self.repo, node1=node1, node2=node2, match=m) def merge_diff( self, parents, node2, files ): s = "" assert len(parents)==2 ancestor = self.repo.changelog.ancestor( parents[0], parents[1] ) for f in files: d0 = self.single_diff( parents[0], node2, [f] ) d1 = self.single_diff( parents[1], node2, [f] ) p0 = self.single_diff( ancestor, parents[0], [f] ) p1 = self.single_diff( ancestor, parents[1], [f] ) op0 = self.get_ops( p0 ) od0 = self.get_ops( d0 ) for op in od0: self.apply_ops( op0, *op ) op1 = self.get_ops( p1 ) od1 = self.get_ops( d1 ) for op in od1: self.apply_ops( op1, *op ) return s def count( self ): try: # for hg 1.1 return len(self.repo.changelog) except: # old API (hg <= 1.0) return self.repo.changelog.count() def get_ops( self, udiff ): hunk = None ops = [] for l in udiff.splitlines(): if l.startswith("diff"): hunk = None continue if l.startswith("@@"): tmp = l.split("@@")[1].split() tmp2 = tmp[0][1:].split(",") tmp3 = tmp[1][1:].split(",") hunk = [ int(x) for x in tmp2+tmp3 ] continue if not hunk: continue ob, ol, nb, nl = hunk if l.startswith("+"): ops.append( [l, ob, nb] ) hunk[2]+=1 elif l.startswith("-"): ops.append( [l, ob, nb] ) hunk[0]+=1 else: hunk[0]+=1 hunk[2]+=1 return ops def apply_ops( self, ops, line, nob, nnb ): i = 0 while i < len(ops): if nob>=ops[i][2]: i = i+1 continue break deltaorig = 0 if i==0 and nob>ops[0][2]: pass elif 0